The Beautician & the Barber
-Still need me to look at that sink?
-Please. What time is good for you?
-Bout an hour. Cool?
Kel Clark hopped out of bed. It was a Monday which was a standard off day that he took from his beauty shop and the thirty-four year old had just planned to be lazy. He’d forgotten that he mentioned to one of the barbers, who rented a chair in the barbershop next door to his salon, that his guest bathroom sink wouldn’t stop leaking. But, he was grateful that D’Andre Murray had remembered.
The chunky guy with the strong brown-red, terra cotta, complexion rushed into the master bedroom and turned on the shower. He took care to rinse off his generously padded body before lathering up with fruit scented body wash. He carefully massaged his corpulent rear-end and fleshy, all-natural, mammoth moobs. Afterwards, he did not towel off. Instead he applied mineral oil to his wet skin which left it glistening.
At the sink, he admired himself in the mirror. Then, he began gyrating. “You’re a bad bitch,” he said aloud. He moisturized his short, neon orange dyed hair and completed his morning hygiene ritual, before applying fake lashes and full glam make up. Finally, he selected a pink lace bra and boyshort panty set to wear. He wrapped a short black satin robe around the juiciness that was his body and sashayed into the kitchen. There, he poured a glass of rosé.
Kel, whose female persona was called Kira, waited.
A little over an hour after the initial text, Kira heard the engine of D’Andre’s black 2014 Chevy Suburban SUV. She went to the front door and motioned him inside.
The taller, shaved head, medium-brown, husky dude carried a tool box and wore a wife beater and cargo shorts.
“Come on in,” Kira smiled.
“Sup,” he tilted his head back quickly.
“Thanks for coming over!”
“No problem, K!”
“Let me show you to the bathroom.”
Kira pointed out the offending fixture.
“Alright, K! I got you!”
“You want something to drink?”
“What you sippin’ on?”
“Just some wine.”
“It’s five o’clock somewhere, right,” he chuckled.
“Damn skippy,” the cosmetologist lisped.
“I’m just fuckin’ witcha!”
“Hmmmm,” she twisted her lips.
“Don’t be mad.”
“Can I get some water?”
“Yeah! Sure you don’t want a beer or nothing. I hate drinking alone.”
“Let me finish up with this. Then, I might join you.”
Kira went to fetch a bottle and returned a few moments later. D’Andre was stretched out on his back.
“Here’s your water, D.”
“Thanks,” he called out from under the sink.
“I’ll be out here if you need me.”
“Oh! You ain’t gon’ talk to me while I do this work?”
“I didn’t know you needed me by your side.”
“Shit! Maybe I got abandonment issues. You know my daddy wasn’t shit,” he laughed.
“You a mess!”
“You like it, gurl!”
“I do!”
“Oh you do,” he grunted, tightening a slip joint nut.
“You couldn’t handle all this,” Kira flirted.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
“Better not let your mouth write a check your little dick can’t cash.”
“Wait till I get out from under here! I’ma have to teach you to quit playing.”
“Sure,” she said, then blew a raspberry.
“You lucky I’m under here.”
“You talking a lotta smack, boo!”
“You gon’ see. Get that beer ready for me. You got anything to smoke?”
“I do! Why?”
“You thought I was doing this for free?”
“Okay. Let me go get it ready. You almost done?”
“Bout three more minutes, K!”
Kira twisted her big booty out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. She waited until she heard the water running where the barber was. He appeared and asked for a paper towel. Then he took a seat on a bar stool.
“Seriously, D! Thanks for doing that!” She handed him a tall boy.
“You good, gurl! I don’t mind helping out a great boss.”
“I’m not your boss.”
“But you do own the shop where I cut hair.”
“And you rent your chair like everyone else.”
“True.” He cracked open the beer.
The entrepreneur slid a blunt and lighter towards him.
“You go ahead and blaze up,” he offered.
She inhaled. “What do you usually do on your off day?”
“Shit...Whatever Selena says I need to do,” he chortled.
“Ain’t that a bitch,” winked Kira.
“Who you tellin’?”
“So no honey-do list today?”
“Not exactly!”
“So what do you wanna do?”
After a long pull on the joint, D’Andre exhaled. “I was thinkin’ bout you,” he grinned, licking his lips.
“You know I’m not trying to blur the lines between personal and business.”
“You said you wasn’t my boss,” he countered.
“I’m not. But…”
“But what? You don’t want to find out if my ‘little dick’ can back up what I was saying.”
“Why else you wear that li’l ass get up when you knew I was coming over? And you got your makeup did too?”
“You don’t gotta lie, K! You know we both been flirtin’ for over a year.”
“Yeah,” she gasped.
“And I know you been wonderin’ if I fucked bussy when I was locked up.”
“Oh I just assumed you had.”
“Oh for real?”
“Am I wrong?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Nawl!”
“I know them queens was loving you.”
“I did aight.”
“Any big gurls take you for a ride?”
“I like my bitches with meat on they bones.”
“But Selena…”
“I know. She a skinny bitch, right!”
“I didn’t wanna say nothing.”
“You good! So we just gonna keep talkin’ or…”
“Follow me, daddy!”
“Hell yeah,” he stood up.
D’Andre walked behind Kira. As he studied the silhouette of the ample derriere in front of him, she dropped the robe. It slinked to the floor. Now, her elephantine ass was only covered by a thin layer of pink lace. “Ooh wee,” he boomed, slapping the right check for good measure.
“Tee hee,” snickered the vixen. “You ready for all this booty, nigga?”
“Hell yeah!”
Within moments, the pair were on Kira’s king size bed making out. Their hands exploring one another.
Kira navigated his broad chest and burliness.
D’Andre roamed her voluptuous curves and cushy softness.
“Damn, gurl,” he marvelled.
“Fuck, daddy,” she raved.
Kira took D’Andre’s engorged manhood in her manicured hands.
“It ain’t so little is it,” he asserted.
“It sho ain’t,” she mused.
“Suck it, baby!”
She kissed the mushroom head and wrapped her painted lips around it. She eased along the shaft.
“Goddamn! Oooh shit! Fuck, gurl,” he cawed.
“Eat that dick up, bitch!”
D’Andre spanked her massive butt cheeks as she expertly slobbed on his love tool. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. This was the first time that his phone went off with his old lady’s ringtone. He ignored it in favor of the blowjob. He grabbed the back of Kira’s head pushing her all the way down until she gagged and nearly vomited on his member.
“Arrrghhhhh,” she gurgled, fighting back.
“My bad, baby! Get up!”
Kira climbed on her knees while D’Andre got behind her. He pulled off the pink boyshorts with his teeth. He spotted a bottle of baby oil next to the bed and grabbed it. He squirted on the heavy cakes and massaged it in. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna tear this big ol’ ass up!”
“You better, nigga!”
“I am, bitch!”
Kira shook her ginormous badonkadonk as he squeezed and rubbed on it.
He spanked the rotund cheeks with his heavy meat. Then, he dove in to eat the bussy.
Kira howled with pleasure. “Eat that pussy! Get it wet, nigga!”
“Oh shit! That tongue feels so good, daddy!”
All the while eating, D’Andre kept kneading the doughy fanny.
Next, the excon stood and smacked his phallus on Kira’s crack. “You ready for this?”
“Hell yes, baby!”
“Get ready!”
He angled it towards her rectum and pushed in gently.
“Oooh,” she winced.
“Breathe, baby gurl!”
“Uh huh!”
Once snugly inside, D’Andre began stroking slowly. Methodically. He picked up the pace as he felt her relax her secret garden.
Soon, Kira was encouraging him. “Get that pussy!”
“Yeah, baby!”
“You know that pussy yours!”
“Fuck yeah, bitch! Give it to me!”
“that big ass fucking dick!”
The sound of her ass slapping against his much harder body could be heard throughout the house. The smell and sound of their sex sent them both into sensory overload.
“Oh fuck,” he announced. “I’m finna nut!”
“Gimme them babies, D! Get my punk ass pregnant!”
“Yeah, faggit! Take it!”
“Fuck me!”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” he belted, pulling out and cumming on her cheeks.
“Yes, daddy,” she beamed.
D’Andre stayed hard and went right back in her booty hole. “Twerk on this dick, faggit!”
“Ooh yeah,” she cooed, gyrating her rear end.
“That shit look so good, gurl!”
He leaned forward and met her as she looked over her shoulder. They shared a passionate kiss.
“Shit work that dick, gurl!”
“Yes, daddy!”
“Fight back! Get that dick!”
“Fuck me like I’m your cellmate!”
“Cream on that dick, bitch!”
Take that long Black dick!”
“Yeah, nigga! Fuck this pussy!”
“Wet ass pussy!”
D’Andre pumped and pumped. Until.
He shot another load. But this time he went straight up Kira’s rectum.
“Ooh I got all your babies, daddy!”
“Hell yeah,” he huffed.
Selena’s ringtone pierced the air as they lay there panting. D’Andre ignored it again.
Meanwhile, Kira had maneuvered her hefty body around to suck him some more.
“Shit, gurl,” bleated the spent man.
“You don’t want it?”
“Suck that shit, baby!”
Once it was good and hard again, D’Andre put Kira on her back. He tore off the pink lace bra and suckled her velvety, tasty mammaries as he slammed his girthy cock in and out of her.
“Yes, daddy,” she purred. “Fuck me like a bitch!”
“You’re my bitch, K!”
“Oh yeah!”
“You got some good pussy!”
He pushed her legs back as he hammered away.
She whined with pleasure. “Damn, daddy!”
He planted his third load back inside her as his phone went off yet again.
“She must really have something for you to do,” giggled Kira.
“Maybe, but I got one more round for your big pretty ass!”
“Really, daddy?”
“Yeah! Get on all fours,” he demanded.
From the back, he mounted her. He thrust inside with reckless abandon.
“Oh shit,” she squawked. “Beat this boipussy up!”
“You got the best pussy! Faggit or woman!”
“You think so, nigga!”
“Hell yeah,” he professed. “I love fucking you!”
“You do?”
“Fuck yeah! This my pussy from here on out!”
“Oh, nigga,” she screamed.
D’Andre grabbed her waist and thundered away.
“Ooh baby,” she panted.
“Cream on this dick, bitch!”
Almost instantly, she released a flood of juices on his thick, veiny shaft.
“Yeah, faggit bitch,” he celebrated. “You ready for this last load?”
“Give it to me, D!”
D’Andre fell on top of her and nearly blacked out.
Selena called again.
“You better see what she wants,” Kira nudged him.
“Uh...Yeah,” he lay there damn near lifeless.
-Please. What time is good for you?
-Bout an hour. Cool?
Kel Clark hopped out of bed. It was a Monday which was a standard off day that he took from his beauty shop and the thirty-four year old had just planned to be lazy. He’d forgotten that he mentioned to one of the barbers, who rented a chair in the barbershop next door to his salon, that his guest bathroom sink wouldn’t stop leaking. But, he was grateful that D’Andre Murray had remembered.
The chunky guy with the strong brown-red, terra cotta, complexion rushed into the master bedroom and turned on the shower. He took care to rinse off his generously padded body before lathering up with fruit scented body wash. He carefully massaged his corpulent rear-end and fleshy, all-natural, mammoth moobs. Afterwards, he did not towel off. Instead he applied mineral oil to his wet skin which left it glistening.
At the sink, he admired himself in the mirror. Then, he began gyrating. “You’re a bad bitch,” he said aloud. He moisturized his short, neon orange dyed hair and completed his morning hygiene ritual, before applying fake lashes and full glam make up. Finally, he selected a pink lace bra and boyshort panty set to wear. He wrapped a short black satin robe around the juiciness that was his body and sashayed into the kitchen. There, he poured a glass of rosé.
Kel, whose female persona was called Kira, waited.
A little over an hour after the initial text, Kira heard the engine of D’Andre’s black 2014 Chevy Suburban SUV. She went to the front door and motioned him inside.
The taller, shaved head, medium-brown, husky dude carried a tool box and wore a wife beater and cargo shorts.
“Come on in,” Kira smiled.
“Sup,” he tilted his head back quickly.
“Thanks for coming over!”
“No problem, K!”
“Let me show you to the bathroom.”
Kira pointed out the offending fixture.
“Alright, K! I got you!”
“You want something to drink?”
“What you sippin’ on?”
“Just some wine.”
“It’s five o’clock somewhere, right,” he chuckled.
“Damn skippy,” the cosmetologist lisped.
“I’m just fuckin’ witcha!”
“Hmmmm,” she twisted her lips.
“Don’t be mad.”
“Can I get some water?”
“Yeah! Sure you don’t want a beer or nothing. I hate drinking alone.”
“Let me finish up with this. Then, I might join you.”
Kira went to fetch a bottle and returned a few moments later. D’Andre was stretched out on his back.
“Here’s your water, D.”
“Thanks,” he called out from under the sink.
“I’ll be out here if you need me.”
“Oh! You ain’t gon’ talk to me while I do this work?”
“I didn’t know you needed me by your side.”
“Shit! Maybe I got abandonment issues. You know my daddy wasn’t shit,” he laughed.
“You a mess!”
“You like it, gurl!”
“I do!”
“Oh you do,” he grunted, tightening a slip joint nut.
“You couldn’t handle all this,” Kira flirted.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
“Better not let your mouth write a check your little dick can’t cash.”
“Wait till I get out from under here! I’ma have to teach you to quit playing.”
“Sure,” she said, then blew a raspberry.
“You lucky I’m under here.”
“You talking a lotta smack, boo!”
“You gon’ see. Get that beer ready for me. You got anything to smoke?”
“I do! Why?”
“You thought I was doing this for free?”
“Okay. Let me go get it ready. You almost done?”
“Bout three more minutes, K!”
Kira twisted her big booty out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. She waited until she heard the water running where the barber was. He appeared and asked for a paper towel. Then he took a seat on a bar stool.
“Seriously, D! Thanks for doing that!” She handed him a tall boy.
“You good, gurl! I don’t mind helping out a great boss.”
“I’m not your boss.”
“But you do own the shop where I cut hair.”
“And you rent your chair like everyone else.”
“True.” He cracked open the beer.
The entrepreneur slid a blunt and lighter towards him.
“You go ahead and blaze up,” he offered.
She inhaled. “What do you usually do on your off day?”
“Shit...Whatever Selena says I need to do,” he chortled.
“Ain’t that a bitch,” winked Kira.
“Who you tellin’?”
“So no honey-do list today?”
“Not exactly!”
“So what do you wanna do?”
After a long pull on the joint, D’Andre exhaled. “I was thinkin’ bout you,” he grinned, licking his lips.
“You know I’m not trying to blur the lines between personal and business.”
“You said you wasn’t my boss,” he countered.
“I’m not. But…”
“But what? You don’t want to find out if my ‘little dick’ can back up what I was saying.”
“Why else you wear that li’l ass get up when you knew I was coming over? And you got your makeup did too?”
“You don’t gotta lie, K! You know we both been flirtin’ for over a year.”
“Yeah,” she gasped.
“And I know you been wonderin’ if I fucked bussy when I was locked up.”
“Oh I just assumed you had.”
“Oh for real?”
“Am I wrong?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Nawl!”
“I know them queens was loving you.”
“I did aight.”
“Any big gurls take you for a ride?”
“I like my bitches with meat on they bones.”
“But Selena…”
“I know. She a skinny bitch, right!”
“I didn’t wanna say nothing.”
“You good! So we just gonna keep talkin’ or…”
“Follow me, daddy!”
“Hell yeah,” he stood up.
D’Andre walked behind Kira. As he studied the silhouette of the ample derriere in front of him, she dropped the robe. It slinked to the floor. Now, her elephantine ass was only covered by a thin layer of pink lace. “Ooh wee,” he boomed, slapping the right check for good measure.
“Tee hee,” snickered the vixen. “You ready for all this booty, nigga?”
“Hell yeah!”
Within moments, the pair were on Kira’s king size bed making out. Their hands exploring one another.
Kira navigated his broad chest and burliness.
D’Andre roamed her voluptuous curves and cushy softness.
“Damn, gurl,” he marvelled.
“Fuck, daddy,” she raved.
Kira took D’Andre’s engorged manhood in her manicured hands.
“It ain’t so little is it,” he asserted.
“It sho ain’t,” she mused.
“Suck it, baby!”
She kissed the mushroom head and wrapped her painted lips around it. She eased along the shaft.
“Goddamn! Oooh shit! Fuck, gurl,” he cawed.
“Eat that dick up, bitch!”
D’Andre spanked her massive butt cheeks as she expertly slobbed on his love tool. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. This was the first time that his phone went off with his old lady’s ringtone. He ignored it in favor of the blowjob. He grabbed the back of Kira’s head pushing her all the way down until she gagged and nearly vomited on his member.
“Arrrghhhhh,” she gurgled, fighting back.
“My bad, baby! Get up!”
Kira climbed on her knees while D’Andre got behind her. He pulled off the pink boyshorts with his teeth. He spotted a bottle of baby oil next to the bed and grabbed it. He squirted on the heavy cakes and massaged it in. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna tear this big ol’ ass up!”
“You better, nigga!”
“I am, bitch!”
Kira shook her ginormous badonkadonk as he squeezed and rubbed on it.
He spanked the rotund cheeks with his heavy meat. Then, he dove in to eat the bussy.
Kira howled with pleasure. “Eat that pussy! Get it wet, nigga!”
“Oh shit! That tongue feels so good, daddy!”
All the while eating, D’Andre kept kneading the doughy fanny.
Next, the excon stood and smacked his phallus on Kira’s crack. “You ready for this?”
“Hell yes, baby!”
“Get ready!”
He angled it towards her rectum and pushed in gently.
“Oooh,” she winced.
“Breathe, baby gurl!”
“Uh huh!”
Once snugly inside, D’Andre began stroking slowly. Methodically. He picked up the pace as he felt her relax her secret garden.
Soon, Kira was encouraging him. “Get that pussy!”
“Yeah, baby!”
“You know that pussy yours!”
“Fuck yeah, bitch! Give it to me!”
“that big ass fucking dick!”
The sound of her ass slapping against his much harder body could be heard throughout the house. The smell and sound of their sex sent them both into sensory overload.
“Oh fuck,” he announced. “I’m finna nut!”
“Gimme them babies, D! Get my punk ass pregnant!”
“Yeah, faggit! Take it!”
“Fuck me!”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” he belted, pulling out and cumming on her cheeks.
“Yes, daddy,” she beamed.
D’Andre stayed hard and went right back in her booty hole. “Twerk on this dick, faggit!”
“Ooh yeah,” she cooed, gyrating her rear end.
“That shit look so good, gurl!”
He leaned forward and met her as she looked over her shoulder. They shared a passionate kiss.
“Shit work that dick, gurl!”
“Yes, daddy!”
“Fight back! Get that dick!”
“Fuck me like I’m your cellmate!”
“Cream on that dick, bitch!”
Take that long Black dick!”
“Yeah, nigga! Fuck this pussy!”
“Wet ass pussy!”
D’Andre pumped and pumped. Until.
He shot another load. But this time he went straight up Kira’s rectum.
“Ooh I got all your babies, daddy!”
“Hell yeah,” he huffed.
Selena’s ringtone pierced the air as they lay there panting. D’Andre ignored it again.
Meanwhile, Kira had maneuvered her hefty body around to suck him some more.
“Shit, gurl,” bleated the spent man.
“You don’t want it?”
“Suck that shit, baby!”
Once it was good and hard again, D’Andre put Kira on her back. He tore off the pink lace bra and suckled her velvety, tasty mammaries as he slammed his girthy cock in and out of her.
“Yes, daddy,” she purred. “Fuck me like a bitch!”
“You’re my bitch, K!”
“Oh yeah!”
“You got some good pussy!”
He pushed her legs back as he hammered away.
She whined with pleasure. “Damn, daddy!”
He planted his third load back inside her as his phone went off yet again.
“She must really have something for you to do,” giggled Kira.
“Maybe, but I got one more round for your big pretty ass!”
“Really, daddy?”
“Yeah! Get on all fours,” he demanded.
From the back, he mounted her. He thrust inside with reckless abandon.
“Oh shit,” she squawked. “Beat this boipussy up!”
“You got the best pussy! Faggit or woman!”
“You think so, nigga!”
“Hell yeah,” he professed. “I love fucking you!”
“You do?”
“Fuck yeah! This my pussy from here on out!”
“Oh, nigga,” she screamed.
D’Andre grabbed her waist and thundered away.
“Ooh baby,” she panted.
“Cream on this dick, bitch!”
Almost instantly, she released a flood of juices on his thick, veiny shaft.
“Yeah, faggit bitch,” he celebrated. “You ready for this last load?”
“Give it to me, D!”
D’Andre fell on top of her and nearly blacked out.
Selena called again.
“You better see what she wants,” Kira nudged him.
“Uh...Yeah,” he lay there damn near lifeless.
3 years ago