Something Different
I did something different today. I sat on my balls. WHAT?!! Yep, sat on them, and it felt good.
Let me explain. I recently saw a video where a guy put his balls under the toilet seat then sat down. OUCH! Who in their right mind would want to do that? Someone asked him if it hurt. 'Fuck yeah it hurt, but I liked it' was his response. WOW It got me thinking. There is sometimes a fine line between pleasure and pain. I'm not into pain, BUT a little discomfort and finding that line can be fun. For instance I like slapping my balls. Yep, you read that right, slapping my balls. In my younger days my balls were super sensitive. I couldn't hardly stand to touch them, let alone play with them.
Over the years something changed. Now I LOVE ball play. What's that mean? Well, I like to fondle and squeeze them. I like my wife to fondle and squeeze them, and even suck on them. I like to slap them. Not TOO hard, I'm not into real pain. Gently but firmly - finding that fine line. It's uncomfortable, and sends little jolts of electricity through my balls and my whole body. mmmm, I love it. You should try it.
So what's with sitting on them? hmmm, intriguing. I don't want to damage them, or cause too much pain, but the idea was planted in my brain. I took a shower this morning and was sitting bare-ass naked on the bed getting ready to get dressed - and I started thinking about it again. And suddenly I had a brilliant idea. So I tucked my limp dick and balls back between my legs and sat down - carefully. Oh that hurt so nice - that fine line! OK, so I cheated a little. It wasn't a flat hard toilet seat smashing them, and technically it wasn't my full body weight on them. After all, they were kind of tucked up my butt crack. And I was on a soft mattress that absorbed some of the weight.
But I sat on them, and it was painfully pleasant! And I enjoyed it, and I'll do it again!
Let me explain. I recently saw a video where a guy put his balls under the toilet seat then sat down. OUCH! Who in their right mind would want to do that? Someone asked him if it hurt. 'Fuck yeah it hurt, but I liked it' was his response. WOW It got me thinking. There is sometimes a fine line between pleasure and pain. I'm not into pain, BUT a little discomfort and finding that line can be fun. For instance I like slapping my balls. Yep, you read that right, slapping my balls. In my younger days my balls were super sensitive. I couldn't hardly stand to touch them, let alone play with them.
Over the years something changed. Now I LOVE ball play. What's that mean? Well, I like to fondle and squeeze them. I like my wife to fondle and squeeze them, and even suck on them. I like to slap them. Not TOO hard, I'm not into real pain. Gently but firmly - finding that fine line. It's uncomfortable, and sends little jolts of electricity through my balls and my whole body. mmmm, I love it. You should try it.
So what's with sitting on them? hmmm, intriguing. I don't want to damage them, or cause too much pain, but the idea was planted in my brain. I took a shower this morning and was sitting bare-ass naked on the bed getting ready to get dressed - and I started thinking about it again. And suddenly I had a brilliant idea. So I tucked my limp dick and balls back between my legs and sat down - carefully. Oh that hurt so nice - that fine line! OK, so I cheated a little. It wasn't a flat hard toilet seat smashing them, and technically it wasn't my full body weight on them. After all, they were kind of tucked up my butt crack. And I was on a soft mattress that absorbed some of the weight.
But I sat on them, and it was painfully pleasant! And I enjoyed it, and I'll do it again!
3 years ago