Sexy stories from the suburbs
Meet in the street!
My first story takes me back to when I lived and worked in Brisbane Australia. I had moved there from Perth as I had friends who were originally from Brisbane who I had met in Perth when I first arrived in Australia as a 21 year old Englishman from London.
I had found myself a job as the disc jockey in a nice little pub in the city called “Tommy's Disco” it was a great fun Job and I worked there playing records on Friday and Saturday nights.
The crowds would love my music there, as I was the sort of DJ that would always find something funny to say on the microphone between songs or over the music.
I started to meet lots of people, and I met a very pretty girl called Susan who later became my girlfriend, and what we got up to will appear in a later story. But for now I met a lot of folks who became good friends and we would hang out together outside the club hours as well as on Friday and Saturday nights.
One of those people was a young Greek lad called Bill. He and his family ran a takeaway food shop in the shopping precinct directly under the club, so I would occasionally visit him at his shop.
I remember standing outside his shop one morning chatting away about what he had in store for his working day, you know usual chit chat, when a really pretty young girl walked past us going towards the escalators.
I remember to this day Bill saying to me, what are you doing now are you going home? And I said, no I'm going to go and find out who that girl is she is beautiful.
I said goodbye to Bill and started walking in the same direction as the girl. She got on the escalator to go up and out of the shopping centre, and I followed. I know that sounds creepy, but really it isn't as I wanted to meet her, she was gorgeous.
She walked away from the shopping centre and towards the busy main road traffic light junction, where she pushed the cross button and waited until the lights changed. I caught her up at the traffic light junction and stood next to her, now was my moment!!
I turned to her and said, Excuse me, I hope you don't mind me talking to you in the street, but I think you are really gorgeous and I would love to take you out? ( I was, and still am very polite).
She looked at me and said “I'm sorry, but I don't go out with strange men”
As quick as a flash I thought of my answer ( which for me is normally very unusual) so I said, well how about I take you for a nice cup of coffee in a cafe somewhere, and we have a chat, and then I wont be strange anymore?
Surprisingly, she agreed, and we both walked off and found a cafe and sat down for a nice coffee and a chat!! We were there for about 3 quarters of an hour asking all the usual questions you need to ask to find out about each other, but believe me when I tell you, there was much more to this girl to find out, and it was all fun doing so!!
I was surprised again when she said she wanted to go out that night! So I said OK, where do you want to go? She said to me, there is a porn cinema down the road and she had always wanted to go there, so I said, fine by me, Ill pick you up at 7 tonight!! she gave me her address and we both left the cafe.
That night I had a shower, got dressed in something nice but casual, and I drove to her house and picked her up. As per normal she looked gorgeous and her name by the way was “Gail”. She jumped in the car and headed off to a cinema which up until then I didn't even know existed!!
It was one of those low grade dodgy and very seedy cinemas that showed B grade porn films. You must remember this was before I phones and the Internet, so weird people still went to these places, and visited adult book shops to buy porn concealed in brown paper bags!!
I bought two tickets and we went in. I thought to myself at the time, Why on earth does this girl know about this place, and why would she want to bring me to a sleazy porn film?
The film started, ( to this day I cannot remember what it was about, however I do remember it was crap) there was about 6 people in the cinema apart from us, and they were spread out evenly throughout the seating area, with the exception of one older gentleman in front of us.
Some sex scene started on the film ( It was bad) and the guy in front of us was masturbating!! Poor fucker he was obviously on his own) but both Gail and I looked at each other and smiled! As we did, she put her hand on my jeans and started rubbing my cock?? I couldn't believe this was all going so fast, but I loved it. I had the biggest erection I had ever had, what a situation to be in and we had only met that afternoon, this girl obviously loved sex!!
She whispered in my ear, come on lets go back to your place. I said OK and we left, jumped in the car, and drove to my house in the suburb of Kalinga, which wasn't that far from the cinema.
I put the key in the door and we both rushed into the bedroom, she was hot for a good fuck, and I was going to give it to her!! she pulled at my shirt and then my belt and jeans, she pulled them down to the floor and dropped onto her knees.
Caressing the now huge bulge in my undies, she slowly peeled the elastic down over my waist and my stiff cock sprang out of the enclosure holding it back. I looked down at her beautiful face, as she looked up at me. Her eyes were just so beautiful, she gave me a big smile, and lowered her mouth onto the end of my cock, and began to suck me hard, I was in heaven.
After a good bit of sucking and licking we jumped into bed where we fucked each other for the best part of an hour before collapsing in a hot sweaty heap. Bless her, she looked at me and said “I don't normally jump into bed on a first date” to which I replied “I'm glad you did that was fun”
This relationship was going to get even better, as when we chatted some more, she told me she was Bi sexual and had a girlfriend called “Rosie” if I wanted to play with both of them that would be OK, but I had to do her a favour first!
When I saw her the next day, she came to my house in her car and we went for coffee. I picked up a magazine in her car that was laying on the floor, and it suddenly dawned on me what the favour was that I had to do for her!! The magazine was of Gay men kissing and sucking each others cocks!! It now became apparent that my new girlfriend liked watching men together!!
At the time I had a Jacuzzi in my back garden, and as she knew this she asked me: I have met another guy called Peter, do you think we could come around to your place and have a few drinks in your Jacuzzi? Yes of course I said why not....
That night she turned up at my front door, with this young man, he was very good looking, quite slim with a nice smile. I said hi and I asked them if they wanted a drink? Yes was the reply! So, I said, do you want to get in the Hot Tub now? Ooh yes please said Gail. OK, you can both get undressed in there, as I pointed to my bedroom.
I went to the kitchen, got a couple of beers for Peter and myself and a glass of wine for Gail. I returned to the bedroom and without thinking I walked straight in, to find them both half naked already!! Oops sorry I said, gave them their drinks, and stood there looking at Peters half naked body.
Now I had never been with a man before, and wasn't too sure whether I wanted to or not, but the thought of me fucking Gail and her cute girlfriend was making me think that I would do anything for that chance.
I looked at Peter, and he looked at me. I didn't know whether Gail had pre warned him of what was about to happen or not, or he was as much in the dark as I was? Anyway I looked him up and down and I could see that he had a semi erection on under his underpants already, Gail was standing in front of him with just her knickers on and she looked great as usual, so that's no doubt the reason his cock was getting excited.
We took our drinks down to my back yard where the Jacuzzi was situated, and we all climbed into the hot water, it was a cool winters evening, but the water was lovely and warm, as I had switched it on that afternoon ready for our drinks that night.
Gail looked at Peter and said close your eyes!! which he did. She started to caress his chest, and kiss his nipples, but looked straight at me and beckoned me over to continue doing what she was doing.
I felt a bit odd doing it, as this would be my first time with a man, so as I edged closer, she said to Peter again, don't open your eyes, and as her mouth left his nipple, she pushed me towards his chest, and I began to kiss his chest and lick his nipple, so that he thought it was still her.
As I sucked his nipple I felt Gail's hand between my legs and she was playing with my cock, and stroking my balls, this was nice. So to keep in the mood I reached out and found Peters cock which was rock hard.
I stroked his balls and rubbed his cock as Gail played with mine, it was really nice. Peter opened his eyes and looked down at me, I think he knew it wasn't Gail, but he seemed pleased.
He didn’t resist, in fact she had probably told him the same, that he could play with her and her friend Rosie if he went with a guy, so realistically we were both in the same predicament, but hey ho, in for a penny as they say.
I looked up at him as I played with his cock, and smiled. I moved my mouth towards his hard cock, and slid it into my mouth, just gently caressing the tip with my lips. I had never done this before but because I felt to so fucking horny, and Gail was playing with my cock, I didn’t care, so I pushed his cock into my mouth and began to suck. He groaned in pleasure, as I caressed his cute little bum cheeks, and pulled him towards my mouth even deeper.
I could hear Gail murmuring, she was watching me suck his cock, and we both liked it. After a few minutes of licking his very erect bell end, I moved up to his face and planted a really passionate kiss on his lips, and pushed my tongue deep into his mouth, he reciprocated and did the same to me. For a moment there we had both forgotten about Gail, but it was hot and steamy in that jacuzzi, and we were loving it.
As I pulled away from his face for a second, I could see Gail sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi ( this was one of the old 6foot diameter western red cedar types with a deck around it, as I built it into the deck myself) and she was watching us intently and playing with her beautiful ( and I mean beautiful) little tight pussy!!
I turned back to Peter, kissed him again with my tongue in his mouth, then said, come on lets lick her clitoris together and see if we can make her cum!!
We both turned our attentions back to Gail, and gently lowered he onto her back on the side of the jacuzzi and both between her legs licked in turn her beautiful pussy and clitoris, kissing each others lips as we took turns to lick that clittie!!
She was squirming in heaven, and I was enjoying this 3 some soo much, I loved it, every sense in my body fully submerged in beautiful sex, my heart pounding, by balls throbbing, I really wanted to cum right then, but held back which was difficult.
We all got up dripping wet and headed back to the bedroom, all totally naked we attempted to dry off with towels, but we were all so incredibly horny that drying off bit fell by the wayside, and we all fell across the bed.
I was wonderfully surprised when Peter automatically moved his head towards my cock and began to suck me hard, we both had accepted the fact that we were going to fuck each other to please our newly found Bi sexual girlfriend. Gail was indeed in her element, and kissed me beautifully on the lips, pushing her gorgeous hot tongue into my mouth, whilst Peter sucked my rock hard cock. I felt incredibly happy right now.
Changing positions several times we all had turns in licking each others cock, balls clitoris and eventually it became clear that Gail was going to request some different positions. She said Hey Peter turn onto your front and let David slide his cock between your bum cheeks, which he did and I obliged.
Peter had a really nice back so as I payed on top of him and slid my cock up and down his ass, I kissed and licked his back. He murmured with pleasure, then I felt Gail slowly pushing her finger into my ass, my God that felt good too. As I rubbed my cock up and down Peters ass, Gail was massaging my anus, it was wonderful. How I didn’t Cum then I will never know.
This went on for another hour until we all were so fucking exhausted we simply fell on the bed together in a hot damp and very sweaty heap of sexually satisfied human bodies.
Gail suddenly realised that she was the only one who had orgasmed, and us boys haven’t cum yet. Pushing us both onto our backs, and laying parallel to each other, she started yet again to wank us both off, simultaneously, and sucked our. Beautifully hard ( again) cocks. Slowly but surely we both edged towards a climax.
I sounded as if I was going to be first…”In Peters mouth; in Peters mouth” Gail yelled so I pulled my cock towards his mouth and he opened his mouth readily and I felt my cum shoot forward, into his hot mouth, Oh God that felt so good. as soon as I’d finished ( well I thought I’d finished) I quickly spun round and kissed his moth fully, tasting my sperm, and licking it from his lips.
He was now in a state of pre cum frenzy and I once again quickly turned towards his cock, letting him push it into my mouth, and feeling his hot cum shoot into my already cum lined mouth, Oh Jesus Christ it felt hot and beautifully tasty. I lapped up his cum and turned back to his face, kissed him and let our cum mix in our mouths, as we both collapsed back onto the bed.
I looked up at Gail who had been playing with her own clitoris all this time and she had a beautiful big satisfied smile on her face, we had successfully given her one of the nights of her life, to which we were both very happy, and knew that this would lead to more fun with not only her but her girlfriend Rosie too
More was to CUM not only with her and Peter, but my girlfriend at the time “Mad Susan” now there lies another story.
Hope you enjoyed this, and by the way ……Yes it is all true.
David. [email protected]
My first story takes me back to when I lived and worked in Brisbane Australia. I had moved there from Perth as I had friends who were originally from Brisbane who I had met in Perth when I first arrived in Australia as a 21 year old Englishman from London.
I had found myself a job as the disc jockey in a nice little pub in the city called “Tommy's Disco” it was a great fun Job and I worked there playing records on Friday and Saturday nights.
The crowds would love my music there, as I was the sort of DJ that would always find something funny to say on the microphone between songs or over the music.
I started to meet lots of people, and I met a very pretty girl called Susan who later became my girlfriend, and what we got up to will appear in a later story. But for now I met a lot of folks who became good friends and we would hang out together outside the club hours as well as on Friday and Saturday nights.
One of those people was a young Greek lad called Bill. He and his family ran a takeaway food shop in the shopping precinct directly under the club, so I would occasionally visit him at his shop.
I remember standing outside his shop one morning chatting away about what he had in store for his working day, you know usual chit chat, when a really pretty young girl walked past us going towards the escalators.
I remember to this day Bill saying to me, what are you doing now are you going home? And I said, no I'm going to go and find out who that girl is she is beautiful.
I said goodbye to Bill and started walking in the same direction as the girl. She got on the escalator to go up and out of the shopping centre, and I followed. I know that sounds creepy, but really it isn't as I wanted to meet her, she was gorgeous.
She walked away from the shopping centre and towards the busy main road traffic light junction, where she pushed the cross button and waited until the lights changed. I caught her up at the traffic light junction and stood next to her, now was my moment!!
I turned to her and said, Excuse me, I hope you don't mind me talking to you in the street, but I think you are really gorgeous and I would love to take you out? ( I was, and still am very polite).
She looked at me and said “I'm sorry, but I don't go out with strange men”
As quick as a flash I thought of my answer ( which for me is normally very unusual) so I said, well how about I take you for a nice cup of coffee in a cafe somewhere, and we have a chat, and then I wont be strange anymore?
Surprisingly, she agreed, and we both walked off and found a cafe and sat down for a nice coffee and a chat!! We were there for about 3 quarters of an hour asking all the usual questions you need to ask to find out about each other, but believe me when I tell you, there was much more to this girl to find out, and it was all fun doing so!!
I was surprised again when she said she wanted to go out that night! So I said OK, where do you want to go? She said to me, there is a porn cinema down the road and she had always wanted to go there, so I said, fine by me, Ill pick you up at 7 tonight!! she gave me her address and we both left the cafe.
That night I had a shower, got dressed in something nice but casual, and I drove to her house and picked her up. As per normal she looked gorgeous and her name by the way was “Gail”. She jumped in the car and headed off to a cinema which up until then I didn't even know existed!!
It was one of those low grade dodgy and very seedy cinemas that showed B grade porn films. You must remember this was before I phones and the Internet, so weird people still went to these places, and visited adult book shops to buy porn concealed in brown paper bags!!
I bought two tickets and we went in. I thought to myself at the time, Why on earth does this girl know about this place, and why would she want to bring me to a sleazy porn film?
The film started, ( to this day I cannot remember what it was about, however I do remember it was crap) there was about 6 people in the cinema apart from us, and they were spread out evenly throughout the seating area, with the exception of one older gentleman in front of us.
Some sex scene started on the film ( It was bad) and the guy in front of us was masturbating!! Poor fucker he was obviously on his own) but both Gail and I looked at each other and smiled! As we did, she put her hand on my jeans and started rubbing my cock?? I couldn't believe this was all going so fast, but I loved it. I had the biggest erection I had ever had, what a situation to be in and we had only met that afternoon, this girl obviously loved sex!!
She whispered in my ear, come on lets go back to your place. I said OK and we left, jumped in the car, and drove to my house in the suburb of Kalinga, which wasn't that far from the cinema.
I put the key in the door and we both rushed into the bedroom, she was hot for a good fuck, and I was going to give it to her!! she pulled at my shirt and then my belt and jeans, she pulled them down to the floor and dropped onto her knees.
Caressing the now huge bulge in my undies, she slowly peeled the elastic down over my waist and my stiff cock sprang out of the enclosure holding it back. I looked down at her beautiful face, as she looked up at me. Her eyes were just so beautiful, she gave me a big smile, and lowered her mouth onto the end of my cock, and began to suck me hard, I was in heaven.
After a good bit of sucking and licking we jumped into bed where we fucked each other for the best part of an hour before collapsing in a hot sweaty heap. Bless her, she looked at me and said “I don't normally jump into bed on a first date” to which I replied “I'm glad you did that was fun”
This relationship was going to get even better, as when we chatted some more, she told me she was Bi sexual and had a girlfriend called “Rosie” if I wanted to play with both of them that would be OK, but I had to do her a favour first!
When I saw her the next day, she came to my house in her car and we went for coffee. I picked up a magazine in her car that was laying on the floor, and it suddenly dawned on me what the favour was that I had to do for her!! The magazine was of Gay men kissing and sucking each others cocks!! It now became apparent that my new girlfriend liked watching men together!!
At the time I had a Jacuzzi in my back garden, and as she knew this she asked me: I have met another guy called Peter, do you think we could come around to your place and have a few drinks in your Jacuzzi? Yes of course I said why not....
That night she turned up at my front door, with this young man, he was very good looking, quite slim with a nice smile. I said hi and I asked them if they wanted a drink? Yes was the reply! So, I said, do you want to get in the Hot Tub now? Ooh yes please said Gail. OK, you can both get undressed in there, as I pointed to my bedroom.
I went to the kitchen, got a couple of beers for Peter and myself and a glass of wine for Gail. I returned to the bedroom and without thinking I walked straight in, to find them both half naked already!! Oops sorry I said, gave them their drinks, and stood there looking at Peters half naked body.
Now I had never been with a man before, and wasn't too sure whether I wanted to or not, but the thought of me fucking Gail and her cute girlfriend was making me think that I would do anything for that chance.
I looked at Peter, and he looked at me. I didn't know whether Gail had pre warned him of what was about to happen or not, or he was as much in the dark as I was? Anyway I looked him up and down and I could see that he had a semi erection on under his underpants already, Gail was standing in front of him with just her knickers on and she looked great as usual, so that's no doubt the reason his cock was getting excited.
We took our drinks down to my back yard where the Jacuzzi was situated, and we all climbed into the hot water, it was a cool winters evening, but the water was lovely and warm, as I had switched it on that afternoon ready for our drinks that night.
Gail looked at Peter and said close your eyes!! which he did. She started to caress his chest, and kiss his nipples, but looked straight at me and beckoned me over to continue doing what she was doing.
I felt a bit odd doing it, as this would be my first time with a man, so as I edged closer, she said to Peter again, don't open your eyes, and as her mouth left his nipple, she pushed me towards his chest, and I began to kiss his chest and lick his nipple, so that he thought it was still her.
As I sucked his nipple I felt Gail's hand between my legs and she was playing with my cock, and stroking my balls, this was nice. So to keep in the mood I reached out and found Peters cock which was rock hard.
I stroked his balls and rubbed his cock as Gail played with mine, it was really nice. Peter opened his eyes and looked down at me, I think he knew it wasn't Gail, but he seemed pleased.
He didn’t resist, in fact she had probably told him the same, that he could play with her and her friend Rosie if he went with a guy, so realistically we were both in the same predicament, but hey ho, in for a penny as they say.
I looked up at him as I played with his cock, and smiled. I moved my mouth towards his hard cock, and slid it into my mouth, just gently caressing the tip with my lips. I had never done this before but because I felt to so fucking horny, and Gail was playing with my cock, I didn’t care, so I pushed his cock into my mouth and began to suck. He groaned in pleasure, as I caressed his cute little bum cheeks, and pulled him towards my mouth even deeper.
I could hear Gail murmuring, she was watching me suck his cock, and we both liked it. After a few minutes of licking his very erect bell end, I moved up to his face and planted a really passionate kiss on his lips, and pushed my tongue deep into his mouth, he reciprocated and did the same to me. For a moment there we had both forgotten about Gail, but it was hot and steamy in that jacuzzi, and we were loving it.
As I pulled away from his face for a second, I could see Gail sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi ( this was one of the old 6foot diameter western red cedar types with a deck around it, as I built it into the deck myself) and she was watching us intently and playing with her beautiful ( and I mean beautiful) little tight pussy!!
I turned back to Peter, kissed him again with my tongue in his mouth, then said, come on lets lick her clitoris together and see if we can make her cum!!
We both turned our attentions back to Gail, and gently lowered he onto her back on the side of the jacuzzi and both between her legs licked in turn her beautiful pussy and clitoris, kissing each others lips as we took turns to lick that clittie!!
She was squirming in heaven, and I was enjoying this 3 some soo much, I loved it, every sense in my body fully submerged in beautiful sex, my heart pounding, by balls throbbing, I really wanted to cum right then, but held back which was difficult.
We all got up dripping wet and headed back to the bedroom, all totally naked we attempted to dry off with towels, but we were all so incredibly horny that drying off bit fell by the wayside, and we all fell across the bed.
I was wonderfully surprised when Peter automatically moved his head towards my cock and began to suck me hard, we both had accepted the fact that we were going to fuck each other to please our newly found Bi sexual girlfriend. Gail was indeed in her element, and kissed me beautifully on the lips, pushing her gorgeous hot tongue into my mouth, whilst Peter sucked my rock hard cock. I felt incredibly happy right now.
Changing positions several times we all had turns in licking each others cock, balls clitoris and eventually it became clear that Gail was going to request some different positions. She said Hey Peter turn onto your front and let David slide his cock between your bum cheeks, which he did and I obliged.
Peter had a really nice back so as I payed on top of him and slid my cock up and down his ass, I kissed and licked his back. He murmured with pleasure, then I felt Gail slowly pushing her finger into my ass, my God that felt good too. As I rubbed my cock up and down Peters ass, Gail was massaging my anus, it was wonderful. How I didn’t Cum then I will never know.
This went on for another hour until we all were so fucking exhausted we simply fell on the bed together in a hot damp and very sweaty heap of sexually satisfied human bodies.
Gail suddenly realised that she was the only one who had orgasmed, and us boys haven’t cum yet. Pushing us both onto our backs, and laying parallel to each other, she started yet again to wank us both off, simultaneously, and sucked our. Beautifully hard ( again) cocks. Slowly but surely we both edged towards a climax.
I sounded as if I was going to be first…”In Peters mouth; in Peters mouth” Gail yelled so I pulled my cock towards his mouth and he opened his mouth readily and I felt my cum shoot forward, into his hot mouth, Oh God that felt so good. as soon as I’d finished ( well I thought I’d finished) I quickly spun round and kissed his moth fully, tasting my sperm, and licking it from his lips.
He was now in a state of pre cum frenzy and I once again quickly turned towards his cock, letting him push it into my mouth, and feeling his hot cum shoot into my already cum lined mouth, Oh Jesus Christ it felt hot and beautifully tasty. I lapped up his cum and turned back to his face, kissed him and let our cum mix in our mouths, as we both collapsed back onto the bed.
I looked up at Gail who had been playing with her own clitoris all this time and she had a beautiful big satisfied smile on her face, we had successfully given her one of the nights of her life, to which we were both very happy, and knew that this would lead to more fun with not only her but her girlfriend Rosie too
More was to CUM not only with her and Peter, but my girlfriend at the time “Mad Susan” now there lies another story.
Hope you enjoyed this, and by the way ……Yes it is all true.
David. [email protected]
3 years ago