Do you see what I see?
What I really want to know is why people text when they can talk?. It is time I do not have to waste. Why would anyone want to wait five minutes to get an answer just to find they avoided the question.? Are people afraid they will get attacked if they give their
phone number? Also no matter what I write people seem to find the most negative interpretation of my text. It is fine for a message that needs no response, an address or picture but never a conversation. Text takes more time to get info across and with the spell check, losing your text before you send it, and clarifications, saving bandwidth was bullshit. In war you disrupt communications and insert false information. Anybody catching the resemblance here? Are facemasks another push in this direction? Reducing vocals and facial expressions. Have you seen the change? The distrust in the eyes?. Has the birth rate declined more than in the past hundred years? Have you been sedated by stimulus checks? Have they eased all your fears? Are they leading you yet. Aint no such thing as free lunches in life, and when governments give, you better run for your life. When no longer united, no trust and no will, You find you were defeated before the blood ever spilled. WOW that took a dark turn.
phone number? Also no matter what I write people seem to find the most negative interpretation of my text. It is fine for a message that needs no response, an address or picture but never a conversation. Text takes more time to get info across and with the spell check, losing your text before you send it, and clarifications, saving bandwidth was bullshit. In war you disrupt communications and insert false information. Anybody catching the resemblance here? Are facemasks another push in this direction? Reducing vocals and facial expressions. Have you seen the change? The distrust in the eyes?. Has the birth rate declined more than in the past hundred years? Have you been sedated by stimulus checks? Have they eased all your fears? Are they leading you yet. Aint no such thing as free lunches in life, and when governments give, you better run for your life. When no longer united, no trust and no will, You find you were defeated before the blood ever spilled. WOW that took a dark turn.
3 years ago