Hallo ist jemand da real! mit Hund? Wir, ein sehr geiles Paar suchen Kontakte zu Hundebesitzern, Mann, Männer, Männer Gruppen, oder Paare, gerne auch ein Bauer, Landwirt mit Tieren, die Männer werden dabei sicherlich nicht zu kurz kommen! Komplett Österreich, Süden Deutschland, auch Ungarn, CZ, SK. Bitte keine Spinner, Tastenwichser o. ä.! Ist noch böse gemeint, es gibt zu viele Fake! Das Alter spielt keine Rolle, wir meinen Männer und Frauen jeden Alters, jung und alt! Sie mag auch gerne mehrere Männer, und/oder gemischte Gangbang, Hund, Pony, Pferd und Männer dabei.
Hello is someone there real! with dog? We, a very horny couple, are looking for contacts with dog owners, men, men, groups of men, or couples, also a farmer, farmer with a****ls, the men will certainly not be neglected! Complete Austria, south Germany, also Hungary, CZ, SK. Please no spinners, button wankers or the like! Is meant bad, there are too many fakes! Age doesn't matter, we mean men and women of all ages, young and old! She also likes several men, and / or mixed gangbang, dog, pony, horse and men.
Hello is someone there real! with dog? We, a very horny couple, are looking for contacts with dog owners, men, men, groups of men, or couples, also a farmer, farmer with a****ls, the men will certainly not be neglected! Complete Austria, south Germany, also Hungary, CZ, SK. Please no spinners, button wankers or the like! Is meant bad, there are too many fakes! Age doesn't matter, we mean men and women of all ages, young and old! She also likes several men, and / or mixed gangbang, dog, pony, horse and men.
3 years ago