Why a Bi male?

I am curious....I see a lot of CDs who say in their profile that they are looking for a bisexual male and it sort of confuses me. Are straight guys not your thing? Are they too rough? Not respecting? Not open-minded? Are you afraid that straight men won't accept your gender?

I personally don't see a straight man being with a trans or CD as either gay or bi. Some straights (like me) are simply into androgynous people and they don't want to be with either genetic males or females. Although my personal preference is a MTF trans woman living as a woman full-time, I have been with CDs and accept you gurls as you are.
Published by AllenB12
3 years ago
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daddyslittleslut1 2 years ago
I prefer straight men. Even though I'm really not, I really like traditional gender roles. I love the strong alpha male type, someone who is comfortable being a man and is looking for femininity. I think with bi guys the lines get blurred too much.
Kshie28 1 year ago
to daddyslittleslut1 : I like to be your alpha male 
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gracejones20 1 year ago
I have sex with women eany way see is comfortable me as man or whatever she wants me to be..
gracejones20 1 year ago
For me i only have sex with men as a bottom dress female roll only
AllenB12 Publisher 2 years ago
to Kiera72 : Thanks for expressing your views Kiera, I appreciate and respect your thoughts and I myself see a mtf trans woman is simply a woman, albeit a slightly different type of woman. Peace to you.
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Kiera72 2 years ago
I personally identify as a Mtf transwoman, which in my mind at least makes me female. As a woman I have bisexual tendancies - I enjoy sex with both men and women. It doesn't really bother me whether any of my partners would identify as straight/bi (men) or bi/lesbian (women) in themselves although I would hope that they would all view me as all woman. Kiera xxx 
AllenB12 Publisher 3 years ago
to Slave4str8twinks : Great - this is nice to see and I appreciate you placing it here:smile:
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Slave4str8twinks 3 years ago
to AllenB12 : Your welcome:) Here i quote a part from the study ''The small amount of research in this area shows most of the men interested in this kind of category don’t identify as gay/bi - some studies put it at more than 90 per cent who identify as straight. The particular type of trans-body which usually appeals to heterosexual men is a transwoman. To be more precise, it's a very feminine-looking transwoman with full breasts and a penis - “the hermaphroditic ideal” as described by New Zealand-French psychoanalyst Joyce McDougall. McDougall traces the desire to a kind of impossible maternal longing; a kind of wholeness she links to a pre-separation experience of the mother before a male knew she had different genitals to them. Dr Ogi Ogas is an American computational neuroscientist and author of the pop-psychology book, A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us about Sexual Relationships. Dr Ogas and his colleague Dr Sai Gaddam analysed a huge amount porn statistics, porn history and data from dating sites in their book, the authors estimate their research reflects the online behaviour – and therefore probably the sexual fantasies - of approximately 100 million people. Orgas described the attraction to transwomen in porn as kind of "optimal illusion". "There really isn’t anything gay about liking [transwoman and shemale porn]. Gay men are not interested in it at all,” he said.
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AllenB12 Publisher 3 years ago
to Slave4str8twinks : Thank you and your comments and citing that study are helpful really. Yes, at least from my perspective, it confirms what I feel and think. I consider you as a woman born in the wrong body. My relationships with trans women were the very same as what you conveyed in your feelings. Thank you for bringing this to light really:) 
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Slave4str8twinks 3 years ago
I am not a CD, but as a MTF transwoman, i always dated straight men, actually it'd take offense if he self-identified anything other than heterosexual, because i am a REAL woman  (i look/sound like one aside from feeling one) and that's how i'd like to be perceived. It'd make me really uncomfortable if a guy thinks himself as bi, because he's dating me! A team of neuroscientists from US & New Zealand confirmed that trans-attraction is a straight male interest, within the hetero spectrum of male sexuality and only straight male brains respond to visual MTF stimuli
AllenB12 Publisher 3 years ago
Thank you for this perspective and I really value it...I understand everyone has their own thoughts, desires, and perspective and the more I am exposed to, the more I understand. I can relate on some level maybe with those men you have been with. I recall the first time, I let a girl put her clit in my mouth...and the conflicting voices in my mind. One saying don't do it and the other more powerful one saying just go with the flow and don't fight it. Glad I listened to the second voice.
AllenB12 Publisher 3 years ago
I understand and thanks for chiming in...:smile:
MyTinyDickClit 3 years ago
for me when i say Bi, i just mean not gay, Bi or straight is preferred. i dont think to say "straight man" because i never thought a straight man would be interested. im finding out my thoughts and opinions were not correct and i was judging men based off of well a word. i know know no one word fits, and the word that feel right to us is right. no matter what others think