More than enough

Mary and I were married when Mary was 18 and I was 24. Being
aggressive in business didn't allow me a lot of sexual encounters
before I met Mary and she was a virgin when we met. Mary is 5'2"
and 115 lbs. with a perfect 36C and slim hips and beautiful
blonde hair. I am 5' 9" 155 lbs and fairly trim. Our friends call
us the "beautiful couple" although most of our male friends say
that as they drool looking at my pretty wife.

After 8 years with my wife only one problem seems to plague
our relationship. I am not overly well endowed, as I have a five
inch cock. Mary say's this is plenty, as she is quite small and
tight. Our problem is that I experience pre-mature ejaculation.
Mary's pussy is lightly covered with fine blonde hair and is
really very small and tight, compounded with me being quick
triggered, we get about 3 to 5 strokes into our lovemaking and I
cum, leaving Mary very frustrated. I do get Mary off with my
fingers and tongue usually, but she still gets frustrated which
leads to some heated arguements.

I have read Penthouse's Forum for quite some time and
recently have been interested in articles about other men
watching and sharing their wives with another man. But, until a
year ago had never mentioned a thing to my wife.One night we had
made love (5 strokes) and Mary wanted more, and a fight ensued.
In the middle of all the yelling I said "All you care about is a
big hard cock", at which she said "I'd give my right arm for a
good fuck." I retorted with "If your so hot to fuck, why haven't
you gone out and found some?"

Later that night when everything had calmed down, Mary told
me that she was sorry and would never "go out" on me. She would
never let another man touch her, let alone fuck her. I assured
her that our marriage was intact and that if her needs were left
unsatisfied that I would rather see her happy than frustrated. I
told her "I love you" and she blushed thinking about what I had
said and replied "I just wish you would let me suck you more
often. you know how hot that makes me." (Mary has had a fetish
about cock sucking since we had met.)

Our discussion was dropped and it wasn't brought up again
for about another 3 months, until I saw Mary masterbating in the
shower. I didn't let her know that I saw and I waited until that
evening after a few drinks to bring it up again. I brought the
subject up after the drinks had taken effect and Mary agreed that
we could go to an out of the way bar and pretend to be strangers,
so Mary could pick up a nice looking stranger and me, telling us
that she was married and that she wanted an anonymous threesome.
She she would tell us that she wanted to suck one of us (him) and
the other one could fuck her (I was the only one she wanted to
ever enter her pussy).

A few more months passed, Mary would get too nervous
whenever we started to make plans for our rendezvous, so we ended
up with our love making being a few strokes and that was it for
the night. This particular Saturday afternoon we had had a few
drinks by the pool and I saw Mary eyeing one of our neighbors in
his swim suit and I figured that this would be the day. I
proceeded to make Mary's drinks quite strong to prepare her.

I asked Mary if she was ready and would like to try our
attempt at a pickup? I had noticed a bar that I passed on the way
to work and suggested that one. Mary agreed and we decided to
leave in separate cars so I could get us a motel room to use and
then I would meet her at the bar as though we had never met. I
had hoped that she would meet someone right away, before I

Mary went in and prepared herself. She was dressed to kill
with a short wrap-around skirt and a matching tight fitting wrap-
around top that barely covered her chest. I almost came in my
pants when I saw that she was braless, her beautiful tits jiggled
and her nipples were starting to show through the thin material.

After checking in at a motel about a mile from the bar, I
nervously drove over to our rendezvous bar, wondering if Mary had
changed her mind and had gone back home. When I drove in the
parking lot I saw her car parked, so I parked mine on the other
side of the lot and went in the bar. If I had seen the inside of
this place before, I would never have picked it for our
rendevzous. I couldn't see a thing, let alone Mary. The bartender
asked me what I'd have and left to make it. As I looked around,
my heart raced, a sailor at the end of the bar and I were the
only white men in the place. Then I saw Mary sitting at a table
with 3 black men. As our eyes met I could see that she was
confused or something. I started "nursing" my drink and as my
eyes adjusted to the dark I decided to walk by her table on the
way to the restroom. As I neared her table the man on the right
turned and kissed her full on the mouth slowly and as I passed I
saw his hand sliding inside her top, rubbing her big tits and
making her nipples stand out. Then the guy on her other side
reached out and started playing with her other breast. Once in
the restroom I couldn't move, the sight of my wife being pawed by
those two black guys was making my head swirl. I stayed in there
for about 15 minutes. When I came out I was treated to another
suprise as I walked back by the table only the man she had been
kissing was still there and they were still kissing, this time my
knees weakened as I saw her hand rubbing his crotch. After I had
been back at the bar for a few minutes Mary came up pretending to
get some drinks and I slipped her the room key. I said "I don't
think this is a good place, there's hardly anybody in here that's
not black", but Mary said "oh that doesn't matter, I think it'll
be ok" she answered. She pretended to meet me and we started a
conversation and she invited me to their table.

When we walked back to the table she introduced me to James,

who wasn't real glad to see me. Mary didn't waste any time in
suggesting that we leave as a threesome. She was pretty hot from
the looks of her nipples that were sticking out. Mary said that
she had a room and that she wanted to suck James and me off real
bad, but no one could play or fuck her pussy. That was her
husbands, but anything else was ok. Mary and I walked out to the
parking lot where we waited for James to return from the
restroom. I kissed Mary and rubbed her tits as she leaned against
a car, giving James a good show as he walked up. He looked at me
and winked, which I returned. He said "Why don't we all take my
car", but I said "No, thanks" not wanting to be without a car, so
Mary got in James' car and I in mine and we departed. A van cut
me off as we were leaving the parking lot and I lost sight of
Mary and James. I drove to the motel slowly in case they had
turned off in an attempt to loose me, but as I drove in the motel
lot there was James' car, at least she was safe. The thought of
my wife with a black man was really beginning to bother me and I
wanted to see if I could end this now before it went any farther.
When I neared the door I heard what sounded like several voices.

I knocked on the door and James answered with a grin saying
"You finally caught up - huh". As he stepped aside to let me in I
saw 6 other black guys drinking and smoking what appeared to be
pot.Mary was sitting on the bed and she was smoking a joint, this
too was a first for her. As she sat and smoked the split in her
skirt would gap open showing a nice amount of tanned white thigh
and as she passed the joint it would open more and her top would
gap showing off her pretty tit meat. Not one eye in the place
missed this either and whispers ran around the room. I stood by
the bathroom door so Mary could walk by and talk to me, which she
soon did. As she passed by she stopped and under her breathe she
said "I think his friends will leave soon." "I hope so, these
guys worry me" I replied. Mary went into the bathroom and closed
the door as James walked up to me. "Hot looking isn't she" he
said. I said "Yes, she looks real horny". "She'll get all the
cock she wants tonight" James noted as he tipped his head toward
the other guys. I almost screamed. He couldn't really mean all of
his friends. About then one of James' friends walked up and James
said "this is Max, cause he is the Max" and they chuckled.

James reached for the bathroom door knob and I quickly said
"Oh - Mary is in there" and he smiled back saying "No shit". Then
Max stepped between James and me saying "Do you have a problem?"
"No, not me" I answered quickly, wishing this had never started.
I was starting to get scared. James opened the door just as Mary
was coming out and he simply blocked her way and put his arms
around her and gave her a real slow deep kiss, while letting his
hands move down over her ass and he pressed her against himself.
Mary tried to push back a little and she mumbled about "all of
these people". Well, James didn't hear a word. He just kept on
kissing and fondling her. I saw him reach out and open her wrap
around top and reach in and cup her beautiful tit and lift it
out, then the other fell out as the top opened clear up. I heard
several guys catch there breathe and one whistled. Max said
"fuck" as he reached out to squeeze and feel her left tit as

James stared to suck on her pretty, full right breast. The pot
had really affected Mary because she slowly closed her eyes and
stood there as these two licked and squeezed her ripe breasts.
One of the guys in the room said "Hey let's not be selfish", and
then they all chimed in "yes, it's our turn", etc.

I looked back at Max and James as they scooped Mary up and
carried her to the bed, all the time James was sucking her tits
and tongue. Mary didn't seem to realize what was happening, all
of these men were still here. I look at James and saw a huge
bulge in the front of his pants about the same time Max said
"let's get this going" and he reached out and tore Mary's top
off. Her tits giggled as they sprung free and all the eyes in the
room stared. Her nipples were hard as rocks and they stuck way
out from the sucking James had given them. All of a sudden
everyone was around the bed and hands were all over my wifes
pretty chest, massaging and pulling at her tits and nipples. She
was writhing in delight with all of the attention her body was
getting. Somebody pulled her skirt open and I couldn't believe my
eyes, Mary's panties were soaking wet. Instantly two black hands
reached for her little blonde pussy. Mary clamped her thighs
together and mumbled something under the kisses that James was
raining on her.

Mary wrestled herself free from James and sat up "Please"
she said "I want to suck your big cock" as she stared at James'
crotch. She was so dazed that she didn't even know that the other
men were standing around.

Mary reached out and unzipped James' pants and reached in
and pulled out his big fat black cock. It was at least 8 inches
long and 2 inches thick with a big grey/purple head on it. Her
eyes widened and took on a sultry look as she reached out and
slowly worked the cock up and down and then she sheepishly bent
down and touched the end of her tongue to the head of his cock.
She started running her tongue around the big head and opened her
mouth and took a lot of his cock right in her mouth. James
groaned and bent his hips forward sticking his cock straight out.
She started bobbing her head up and down on his cock making his
cock stand straight up and glisten from her saliva. James took
Mary by the back of her head and thrust his hips forward trying
to bury his cock in her throat and she gagged. James was loosing
control and said "suck it bitch" as his loins started humping my
wifes pretty face. Mary was loving this and was making little
moaning sounds as she slurped on his big stiff shaft. James threw
his head back and groaned as his cock started to pump his cum
into Mary's mouth. Mary started choking on all of the cum as
James pulled his cock out of her mouth and as he did his cock
pulsed and sprayed more cum on Mary's face. I couldn't believe
seeing my wife with this big black cock shooting cum all over
her. As soon as Mary stopped choking she started licking the cum
of of the spent limp dick and then her face. Another guy unzipped
his pants and lugged out his big cock. He climbed on the bed and
rubbed his cock against Mary's cheek, she turned and took his
cock right into her mouth, licking and slurping all over it. She

did this without even looking to see who it was. I could see that
she didn't know what was happening as she squeezed and massaged
his balls while her head kept going up and down on his hard
shaft. Watching this had given me a hard on that was about to

While she leaned on her side to suck this guy better, two
other men reached out and started playing with her tits and ass.
By now everyone was hot and we all got undressed, except Max who
was over by the bathroom talking to James.

My hard on needed relief so I climbed on the side of the bed
as the last guy shot his load down Mary's throat When Mary looked
up she didn't even know me, she looked dazed as she moaned and
reached out for my cock and said "give me that cock, MMMmmm". She
hadn't started sucking on me for more than a minute and I came
like thunder, and Mary managed to swallow it all.

Mary had several hands squeezing and rubbing her tits and
pinching her hardened nipples. Two other men were rubbing her
tummy and were now starting to rub her pussy. They had managed to
work her panties up in between her pussy lips which swelled out
around the crotch of her panties, showing most of that pretty
little blonde cunt. Her pussy hairs were sparkling with dampness
as she shoved her pelvis up against the big hands.

Mary layed back on the bed as one man got on either side of
her and they started rubbing their cocks in her face. She would
lick one and then the other. I could see that Mary was out of
control, as one of the men lifted his leg over her chest so he
could "feed her his cock".

James and Max came over to the bed and Max reached out and
took a hold of Mary's panties and pulled then down aways. She
started to try to say something and the cock that she was sucking
rammed right into her mouth, smothering her words. Max reached
out and grabbed her panties and tore them off of her. Her blonde
covered bush was visible and the fine hair was sparkling with
dampness. Mary started to scream, but again was gagged. James
started to lick Mary's leg as Max reached out to her pussy and
tried to stick his finger in between the folds of her pussy lips
that she was trying to keep clamped shut with her thighs. Max
just kept probing with his big black finger. Max reached up under
his buddies ass and pinched Mary's left nipple hard, which made
Mary screech, but as she did her legs loosened for a second and I
saw his huge finger disappear up inside my wifes cunt. "Stop
that" I said, "she said only blowjobs". Max turned and said "shut
up fuck head" and he shoved me back into the chair that I had
been sitting in, knocking all of the wind out of me.

Mary had another new cock in her mouth and she was getting
hotter. I could see her slightly parted thighs were wet and her
slit was soaking and swollen and it's lips were pooching way out.
James slowly licked his way up to Mary's muff and as he got a
smell of her pussy he slid his tongue into the top of her slit,

replacing the big finger that had been probing inside. Mary
started bucking and squirming now letting her bush be seen by
all. She arched all of a sudden, going rigid and she let out a
groan as she came all over James' tongue. James licked and sucked
at her clit as it protruded out from her swollen vaginal lips. I
got real worried that Mary was letting them play and touch her
pussy way too much. She didn't seem to care what was happening,
just that she had cock after cock squirting their warm sperm in
her mouth. My fears ran wild when I saw that James had another
raging hard on and as he was on all fours down between my wifes
slightly open legs, he held her in a somewhat open and weak

To my relief, James got up and looked at a friend and said
"Hey Roy, dinners on, He-He" and Roy's tongue replaced James'.
Mary was moaning and writhing from the pussy eating she was
getting and she spread her legs so Roy could suck her clit
better. Her pussy lips parted slightly allowing him to suck her
clit in and nibble on it, as she bucked and squealed in ecstasy.

James said "Max I think she really wants you". I looked as
Max started to undress. When Max took his pants off I let out a
whoosh of air. His cock was still limp, but it was huge. It hung
down, out of the leg of his boxer shorts. His cock was as big as
this horse that we had when I was growing up. He stripped his
boxers off and walked over to the bed. Mary saw his cock
approaching and her eyes began to grow till they seemed like they
were all white. His cock was at least 9 inches long at least 2
1/2 inches through when soft and hanging. It looked like a fire
hose. His balls hung about 4 inches below his crotch and they
were the size of tennis balls. James looked at me staring at Max
and said "Impressed huh, Max says he has never had a pussy that
could hold it all, except a horse he fucked once". Max shoved his
cock up against Mary's lips and she opened her mouth wide to take
in as much as she could. When she did Max jutted his hips forward
and Mary gagged. She could hardly even get her mouth around the
growing circumference of his cock. As Mary licked up and down the
sides of Max's shaft it grew till she could only get the huge
purpleish/grey head in her mouth. His cock had grown to bigger
than my entire forearm. The head of his giant cock was as big as
my fist and the shaft was over 4 inches through and at least 13
inches long. Hell no wonder no woman could handle all of that
cock. Max was pushing his cock back and forth, as he grabbed Mary
by the hair and pushed the whole head of his cock into her mouth
and said "suck it, you white cunt". She just couldn't handle it
all and choked and pulled back. Max slapped her, knocking her
back on the bed, his cock was standing straight out ahead of him
like another leg, it was huge.

James immediately returned to the bed and thrust his rock
hard cock back into Mary's mouth. She had now sucked everyone
once and had swallowed about a pint of cum. Max climbed on the
bed between Mary's legs, replacing Roy who was tiring from
sucking that sweet little pussy. Roy said "That's the sweetest
little cunt, I sure would like to fuck it for a while". At that

Mary closed her legs as tight as she could, as Max was starting
to kneel between them and blocked them partly open. "Oh no you
don't" he said as he clamped her legs to the bed with his big
hand and shoved his other hand up between her legs, burying his
middle finger in her completely. From my chair I heard her moan
as his big finger sank into her. She started to concentrate on
the fat dick between her lips and the hands on her tits and she
relaxed her legs which allowed Max to ease them apart a little
farther. Now I could see the puddle of juices that were running
from my wifes beautiful cunt onto the bed. Max started pumping
his finger in and out of Mary's pretty pussy and soon she was
raising her ass up to meet his hand as it slid in and out. Mary
started bucking and groaning as she neared yet another climax.
James slid his cock out of Mary's mouth as she started to roll
her eyes and shake as she had a violent climax. "Oh god, i'm
cominnggg" she moaned loudly.

As Max continued to fuck Mary with his finger, James crawled
around, above Mary's head so he could tip her head back and stick
his cock in her mouth and fuck her face while he played with her
nipples which by now were beet red and hard as rocks. Max
replaced his finger with his tongue and started licking Mary's
pussy, then he would suck her clit and lick some more. She
started rotating her hips on the invading tongue. Max started to
lick a little higher, working his way up to her tummy and as he
did, everyone else except James sat down around the room. Two
guys sat on either side of me, each one was slowly squeezing and
pulling on their hardening cocks. we had a perfect view of Mary's
pussy since the chair we were in was at the end of the bed.

Our view was spoiled as Max got up on his knees from his
reclining position between Mary's legs. Now Max started licking
toward Mary's breasts. I looked and shuttered as Max crawled up
aways to lick Mary's tits, his huge cock hung down, pointing up,
right toward Mary's soaking wet slit. Max started licking her
tits and pulling her nipples with his teeth and as he did, she
started squirming, all the while sucking on James' swollen shaft.
James was sliding about 4 inches of his cock in her mouth and
then back out with a slurping sound. Max moved slightly higher up
on Mary on all fours, his cock was hard as a rock and pointed
straight up toward the head of the bed. Max tried to suck one of
Mary's tits clear in his mouth and as he did she arched up trying
to shove more of her tit into Max's mouth. Mary dug her heels
into the mattress trying to press even more of her tit into his
mouth and as she dug in she spread her legs wide, making her wet
little slit open up into a beautiful wet pink hole. I could see a
tiny opening right in her pussy. My heart sank as I saw Max's
huge cock head only inches from the now open love tunnel of my
wife. His huge cock bobbed up and down poised right at her
entrance. He wouldn't dare, He can't she has never had another
cock, she could never fit such a huge shaft in her tiny pussy, my
mind screamed. As Max continued to suck on her tits, his cock
seemed to grow bigger and grow nearer to her opening, all of a
sudden I couldn't see her open hole. Max's cock was so big and so
close, that the head completely obscured her entrance.

James was easily fucking Mary's mouth and she was loving it,
along with the workout that Max was giving her big breasts and
nipples. She was squirming and writhing all over, unaware that a
huge cock was only inches from her open pussy. Max started to nip
one of Mary's nipples, causing her to buck and twist. This was
making Mary hotter, causing her to spread her legs as wide as she
could. Her moist hole was wide open and Max eased his black
baseball sized cock head up against her entrance, just slightly
brushing that pretty pink shiny opening. I couldn't breathe, my
heart was racing, as my mind froze as I stared at my wifes open
pussy with this huge black cock touching it and rubbing up and
down her groove, stopping slightly as it found her tiny opening.
She continued to twist and squirm as his cock rubbed all around
the glistening entrance to her love and when he found the little
hole, she would stop and let him press against her.

Max nipped and bit at Mary's nipples, causing her to squirm
and buck more, and as she did her cunt lips rubbed and squirmed,
opening and closing around on the end of that black cock arm. I
started to get up but both guys at my sides held me down. "No
way" one said. I still tried, and the one on my left turned and
"bang" he hit me, sending me back into my chair. As James fucked
my wifes mouth Max chewed on her tits, all the while keeping his
cock against her opening and closing pussy. Max's cock took on a
musky sheen from the juices from Mary's pink hole, as her cunt
lips continually "mouthed" at the end of this massive black

Max looked up at James and nodded, and as he did James
lunged, shoving his cock down Mary's throat, almost to the base,
Mary's eyes bulged and she gagged and choked, she jumped and slid
downward trying to escape the cock that was suffocating her. As
Mary slid down Max grunted and lunged shoving that gigantic sized
cock in her open waiting pussy. She screamed, even with a cock
choking her she was loud. Her eyes screwed up in her head and her
body contorted from the searing pain of being torn open. James
shoved again burying his cock in her throat right up to his hairy
crotch. "Take it cunt" yelled Max as he thrust again. This time
the whole head of his cock disappeared into my wifes love tunnel.
Tears started to well in my eyes, as I saw my wife impaled on
this huge hard shaft. Max started humping, trying to force his
oversize destroyer of a cock deeper into Mary's cunt. I could see
that her opening was stretching beyond its limits with this huge
head inside her and she was trying to escape this tearing pole
that was lodged in her tiny pussy, all the while she was being
suffocated by James' cock. As she continued to twist and squirm
she only excited Max all the more and her movements were starting
to work that big cock into her even deeper. James finally pulled
his cock back so Mary could breathe.

James gave her about two breathes, and as he did she managed
to pull away from Max's cock, which made a popping sound as the
head of it came out of her cunt. I could barely see through my
tears, but good enough to see my wifes pretty blonde cunt spread

wide open. That little hole at the bottom of her tunnel that I
saw when she spread her legs wide, was now a large gaping hole,
allowing us all to see up inside her vagina. He had stretched her
cunt muscles wide open.

Max forced her legs apart farther and climbed higher on her.
He reached down and guided his arm sized cock back to her pussy.
As he rubbed her aching opening she started to relax and the she
started a slow movement with her hips. As Max pulled his cock
back I saw a big droplet of pre-cum form on the hole in his cock,
he quickly rubbed it into her pussy while trying to shove his
enormous cock head back into her. Mary was whimpering and moaning
as James positioned himself over Mary's head and said "lick my
balls and ass, white cunt". Mary started licking, James' cock
jumped when her tongue darted in and out of his ass. Soon he
moved back and slipped his cock back between her lips.

Max continued to rub his cock against her pussy opening,
trying to force its head back in her ravaged tunnel, "Shit" he
said "her cunts gone dry". Roy jumped up and said "get out of the
way Max, I'll get her ready for you", as he walked up to the bed
with his cock in his hand. Roy was stroking his cock with both
hands as Max stepped out of the way. Roy got on the bed and
crawled up between Mary's legs. She started to squirm, but Max's
big hands on her tits and stomach stopped her from moving.

Roy leaned forward, sticking just the head of his cock
inside her pussy opening, and then he started to jack and pull on
his cock. I went crazy, a gurgling sound came out of my throat
just as Roy groaned loudly, his cock started jerking, spewing his
cum into Mary's tunnel. He came a lot, and you could see it drip
out around his cock head. As he pulled out, his cocked pulsed and
a rope of cum broke free, hanging down out of Mary's pussy. My
mind was reeling seeing my wifes little pussy full of another
mans cum. You could see as he climbed off of the bed, her pussy
lips worked up and down, and as they gapped open you could see
his cum in her and all over her opening.

Max walked up to me and stuck his enormous cock in my face
and said "this is what she wants, and she'll always love it once
she has had it". I started to move and Max reached and slapped me
right back down into the chair.

Max said "Roy, Al come on, hold her legs for me, she's a
fighter". Mary looked terrified, even though she had James' cock
stuck in her mouth. Max climbed on the bed between her legs and
reached out a finger to her pussy. He reamed it around as she
squealed and whimpered trying to avoid his touch. As Max climbed
up over top of my little wife I begged that he stop. Max took his
huge cock with one hand and started rubbing it all over her cum
soaked pussy lips. She fought him by squirming and as she did,
Roy and Al pulled her legs farther apart, opening her to Max's
desires. As she squirmed, her cunt lips enveloped the end of his
big black cock head, making Max hotter. He began sucking her now
raw tits. Mary started moaning as Max started nipping at her

erect nipples. As Max continue to work on her nipples Mary began
a moaning and her hips started to rotate and buck. Mary soon
started to pant and she got hotter, James started fucking her
throat which increased her passion even more. This time Mary was
loving his cock clear in her throat. Her eyes were glazed and she
moaned continuously as she bob her her back and forth on the big
cock in her mouth. James said to her "you really like a big black
cock in you, don't you", as Mary's head continued to go up and
down. Mary's hips were rocking back and forth, allowing Max's
cock head to enter her opening very slightly, as Max continued to
rub her pussy with his cock. As Max's cock would grazed Mary's
clitoris, she would shudder and a low moan would escape her cock
filled mouth. Max continued to rub Roy's cum around with his big
cock, and now slowly with his fingers he pushed his big headed
cock into her, stretching her wide open. The skin around her
pussy was very shiny as it was stretched to its limits. Her cunt
lips had barely wrapped around its huge head. Mary was moaning
and slowly rotating her hips on the end of his big shaft. Max
reached up and pinched her nipples and as he did he added
pressure to his now slick pole and it went into her another inch.
Mary's eyes bulged as she said "ughn-Mmmm" as she pushed against
this huge invader. As she did, James thrust forward burying his
cock in her throat and his balls were laying on her face. Max
reached up and slapped her tits hard, causing her to buck up, and
as she did, he drove his huge 4 inch diameter cock into her.
Never have I heard such a sound, such as that, that came out of
her throat. Her whole body screamed as she arched trying to
escape this ravaging monster. Max's huge black cock was buried in
her at least 8 inches and her insides were being torn apart as
she was ****d by this man with a horses cock. He slapped her tits
several more times as he withdrew a few inches and then thrust
his cock into her even deeper. Her cunt lips were stretched way
out as he withdrew you could see them cling to his giant cock.
Then I realized that his huge balls would fire their load of cum
into her. What if she became pregnant by this monster, Mary was
not taking any precautions. My mind was spinning as I realized
that I had a tremendous hard on again as I watched my sweet wife
being torn apart by these a****ls.

Max started a fucking motion with his hips and when he drew
back I could see his cock shining with love juices, then he would
plunge it back in about half its length. James started to cum,
saying "suck that big cock, Honey, suck it" and then he groaned
as he pumped his load down her throat. James pulled his cock out
of Mary's throat, letting his cum run down the side of her face.
"Your next" he said to me. I couldn't believe that I got up and
climbed on the bed. Mary opened her mouth and swallowed my cock.
She was making a****l like sounds in her somewhere as Max
continued his "limited" fucking of her. I was hornier than I've
ever been before, being sucked by my wife as I sat face to face
watching this man with his gargantuan black cock pounding in and
out of my wife's pussy. As the sounds from Mary got louder, she
started sucking harder on my cock. She was getting hotter and she
started to rotate her hips and grind back on that huge cock. As
Max pressed his cock into her, you could actually see her tummy

swell as his cock filled her. Everyone sat watching and
listening, as you could hear a slurping, sloshing sound as Max's
cock went in and out of her fine blonde hair covered pussy lips.
Mary started to pant and her ass came up to meet this huge pole
that was driving into her open tunnel. Mary moaned and said "fuck
me more with that big cock, fuck my cunt" as she humped down on
his big hard shaft. Max took this as his chance of a lifetime,
she was begging for more and he had plenty left. Max pulled back
slightly and then moved up higher on her, so he could get his
crotch as close to hers as possible. He started slow, short
strokes and then a rotating, grinding in her pussy. This drove
Mary crazy, his teasing caused her only to want more of his
ravaging cock in her, as she lifted up trying to get more of him
in her, he thrusted and lowered himself down, and his huge arm
sized cock slowly slid clear in her, right up to the base. Mary
screached as she said "oh fuck me...oh god, it's soooo
biggg....please" as she now had over a foot of black cock inside
her once tiny little cunt. You could see the blonde cunt hairs
entwined with his thick curly black cock hairs. A deep roar
slowly came out of her as she started to fuck his huge cock, she
was a bitch in heat. All of a sudden I felt a draining sensation
as I came in Mary's mouth. I started to fuck her face hard. I
pulled my flacid cock from her mouth and it was replaced by
Roy's, who was saying "suck this back up, I want some of that
white pussy". Mary was making strange sounds and she was humping
down on that huge shaft that had just destroyed her cunt. She
grunted and moaned and she took every inch that he drove into
her. When I sat down I could see his huge balls banging against
her ass. Her legs were moving around and her ass and cunt lips
looked as though they were trying to devour every bit of this
horse like cock. Max started to hump faster and the bed started
to shake as he pounded harder into her hungry little pussy. I saw
his balls as they lifted in their sack and Max said "shiiitttt"
as he started to pump his thick white cream into her. Her pussy
started bubbling and a farting sound came out, as he filled her
with his hot cum. Mary moaned "I can feel it squirting, more
please, I love it, fill me with your cum" as he continued to pump
his sperm into her love tunnel. "Fuck me more, I love your cock,
I'll do anything, don't take it out" she begged, as Max continued
to drive into her, pumping even more of his fiery cream deep
inside her. As Max continued to drive into her, his cum kept
oozing out of her cunt around his big black shaft, causing me to
stare at this big black pole that was covered with his white
sticky cream.

After what seemed like eternity Max slowly pulled his cock
out of Mary's ravaged tunnel. His cock made a slurping sound and
then a plop as the still huge head came out of her. All three of
us, seated at the end of the bed could see way up inside my wife
as she lay there, her opening had been stretched so far that the
muscles would no longer close her tunnel back up. Max's cum,
mixed with Roys, was running out onto the sheet. Her pussy seemed
alive, the lips were quivering and would spasm every few seconds.
As she went through these vaginal spasms more sperm would bubble
out onto the bed, making a pretty big puddle. Roy pulled his cock

from her mouth and said "I want that pussy next". I started to
object, but Max picked me up and hit me right in the gut. I
doubled over, and then somebody knocked me back into the chair.
Max looked at me and said "what's the matter, was that cunt
yours" as he rubbed his semi limp cock, "you'll never keep it
happy now, she'll only want big black cock from now on" as he
walked away laughing.

I looked over at her, laying there spread eagle with Roy on
top of her, driving his black meat in and out of her. She was
moaning "fuck me with your black dick, oh yah, fuck me", as Roy
shuttered and shot another load of cum inside of her pleasure

Each of the other guys took their turn at fucking her open,
waiting pussy. Soon her cunt was splayed open and was covered
with cum, and obviously she was completely filled up with cum,
and as she moved, the cum inside her would continue to leak out,
in globs. Mary seemed nearly u*********s, other than the little
sounds coming from her throat. Her pussy was staying open, and
the opening was almost 2 inches in diameter, like she had an
invisible pipe in her, holding her cunt walls open.

Max said to me "get up there and stick your hand in it", I
didn't understand. He said "get up there", rather than get hit I
did as he said. "Put your hand in it" he demanded, so I stuck two
of my fingers in her dripping hole. She immediately started
bucking and grinding, trying to fuck my fingers. "All of it" Max
said, so I bunched my fingers together and as I pushed forward,
her cunt lips opened and wrapped around my hand with no problem,
I was amazed. It felt like my hand was in a warm pool. The pool
turned out to be cum, when I swirled my fingers around and then
pulled them out, they were covered with sticky white globs of

Mary's hips were humping the air after I pulled my hand out
and Max said "Now she's ready for a real fuck'in". He walked over
to me, grabbing me by the arm, forcing my face right up to Mary's
open hole. Max said "eat it clean, boy, I want to fuck it once
she's good and hot". I started to resist and Max shoved my head
down to her gapping bush. I could see and smell all of the cum
that these 7 guys had shot into her and I couldn't imagine eating
their cum. Slowly my tongue touched her pussy lips, I could taste
the salty cum and pussy juices. I started to lick her open hole a
little more and Mary immediately started to moan and her hips
started to move. As she would move her hole would open up and I
could dart my tongue right inside of her tunnel. "Suck on it" Max
demanded. Mary was bucking her hips all over and she kept moaning
"fuck me, fuck me hard". I started to suck on her cunt and a
large glob of cum came out of her and into my mouth. I thought I
was going to throw up, but I just kept on licking and sucking.
The more I sucked, the more Mary liked it, and the more she
ground her cunt down on my mouth. This caused a great amount of
their white cream to start coming out of her open hole. I tried
not to swallow it, but Max said "eat it asshole", so I swallowed.

I could not believe how much cum was in her, it just kept coming.
I stuck my tongue inside her, as far as I could and Mary started
to fuck my tongue like an insane women, this dislodged more of
their cum and I licked it all up and swallowed.

My sucking on Mary's open cunt had pretty well cleaned her
out, and she was now hotter than hell. "Fuck me, I want your
big cock" she repeated over and over. Max told me to move and he
crawled up on the bed between my wifes legs. Max lifted her legs
up over her head and with his other hand he placed the head of
his cock slightly into her shiny, soaking wet hole and with a
hard slap on her ass, he drove his cock half way into her love
tunnel, stretching her little blonde lips beyond their limits,
again. Max slowly withdrew his now patially slick pole, and then
buried himself to the hilt in her. Max started to fuck her hard
and the bed shook. Mary cried "Oh yes, fuck me with your huge
black cock, it's sooo good, fuck, fuck, fuck me". She was
thrashing back and forth on the bed "more, oh yes, I love you,
please fuck me hard, It's so big and good, oh yes, I love you"
she kept telling this man who had just destroyed her body. Mary
brought her legs down around Max's back and she locked her
ankles, holding him in her. She started to cum again as she
thrust her feet straight in the air, in an effort to get Max's
cock even deeper into her. Mary groaned and started to drool as
she shuddered with an orgasm. Max fucked her even harder making
her grunt as she kept cumming.

Max and Mary continued to fuck each other for what seemed
like eternity, but was really only 20 minutes or so, and as Mary
arched and said "I'm cumming on your big cock", Max grunted "ugh-
I'm cumming way inside you, ah, fuck me you little white cunt" as
Max's body shuddered and his balls fired their cum up my wifes
love tunnel, his cum filled her to the brim and it was bubbling
out all around his shaft. He had filled her so full of his cream
that it was running down the crack of her ass. Max slowed his
hips, but continued to slid his huge, softening cock in and out
of Mary's pussy. "No please don't take it out" she begged, as Max
slowly withdrew his now limp cock, making a slurping sound as the
head came out of her.

"Max, we gotta go" said one of the guys and four of them got
up and got dressed. As they walked by the bed they each stopped
to play with Mary's pussy for a minute. "later, Bro" they called
back as they left. Max and James dressed, as did the remaining
man. Max walked over to Mary and said "you know where I'll be if
you need some more real fuchin, honey" and he bent down and
kissed her slowly. Mary kissed him hungrily and then moaned and
layed back down. Max looked at me and said "why don't you take a
turn", as they all left laughing.

Mary layed on the bed with her legs spread wide open as I
tried to clean her up and get her dressed. Finally, she started
to come to enough to help. All she could say was "that was soo
good, when can we do this again" she asked? I wasn't going to
share her pussy anymore, or so I thought.
Published by hondo1906
5 years ago
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