Where I’m Cumin From…
Ok so here I go. I realize that when I put up content on these sites, when I take my pants off for someone for the first time, someone does a video chat with me for the first time or whatever the case may be… I REALIZE that my dick ain’t gonna be everybody’s cup of tea… period. You got ones that like the rare horse-like dicks, there are people who like a small ass dick, and there are people who like a more average dick (same with males, we all have different likes and not every pussy is gonna look good). My thing is it doesn't matter what you like or how you like it, if you're self esteem is so low that you have to "try" to make someone feel shame or whatever satisfaction one may be after by making the 'that's ugly' or 'that's not big enough' comments on people's contributions, then maybe you need to work on yourself a bit more before you pose as a commentator on a MATURE and ADULT website. That's right, we all adults here and if you can't be mature about things, then perhaps you need to browse the internet with the safe search feature engaged. Because before you say something you think may make me feel bad, think about these things first: A. I'm confident and very comfortable in my sexuality. B. I have made RAW my fair share of pussy with this dick :-). And finally, C. One day, one guy is gonna get lucky and for the first time I will more than likely have my night in bed with him. I will take this dick and work wonders wit him and best believe if he talk enough talk, ill let him wear me out!

3 years ago