Question for WoW players
I first started playing WoW all the way back in 2007 during TBC. The game felt magical to me and I became more and more immersed whenever I came across a new zone. I basically nolifed the game from WOTLK to MoP. Obviously I had been a long time fan of the lewdness and my main was on AD, but I actually enjoyed playing the game too.
About 3 months into WoD I just stopped subscribing because the game was hot garbage, to the extent where I was bored even playing fresh content. I'm sure some of you have tried to quit before and ended up getting sucked back in some way or another, but I haven't refreshed that sub for several years now. I do miss the lewdness, however I can't justify paying monthly for a game that I just don't enjoy.
To those of you that played WoW or still play, I'd like to ask when you first started the game and if you think it's gotten better or worse. Or if you've stopped playing, when and why? Despite not playing anymore I still keep up with the story, which has been centered around Sylvanas for faaaar too long now. I don't know, I'm convinced that Blizzard make good games but inevitably ruin them all later down the line. It's happened to every single one of their franchises.
Do you sub purely for the lewds or do you actually enjoy the content? I'm interested to find out if there's any veterans still playing and if they think the game is better or worse than back in the day.
I've seen TBC classic, but microtransactions and boosts? Give me a fucking break.
Anyway that's my little rant over, it's just been sad watching Blizzard get worse and worse over the years (no thanks to Activision)
I'd be interested to hear all of your thoughts on the direction wow has been going.
About 3 months into WoD I just stopped subscribing because the game was hot garbage, to the extent where I was bored even playing fresh content. I'm sure some of you have tried to quit before and ended up getting sucked back in some way or another, but I haven't refreshed that sub for several years now. I do miss the lewdness, however I can't justify paying monthly for a game that I just don't enjoy.
To those of you that played WoW or still play, I'd like to ask when you first started the game and if you think it's gotten better or worse. Or if you've stopped playing, when and why? Despite not playing anymore I still keep up with the story, which has been centered around Sylvanas for faaaar too long now. I don't know, I'm convinced that Blizzard make good games but inevitably ruin them all later down the line. It's happened to every single one of their franchises.
Do you sub purely for the lewds or do you actually enjoy the content? I'm interested to find out if there's any veterans still playing and if they think the game is better or worse than back in the day.
I've seen TBC classic, but microtransactions and boosts? Give me a fucking break.
Anyway that's my little rant over, it's just been sad watching Blizzard get worse and worse over the years (no thanks to Activision)
I'd be interested to hear all of your thoughts on the direction wow has been going.
3 years ago
I've played on multiple private servers, I really enjoyed a lot of them, but of course there are some total garbo pay to win ones (I'm looking at you wow-freakz..) I played on sunwell, elysium, tauri, feenix, atlantiss, project ascenscion and a bunch of others that I can't quite recall. Overall, I had a really good time on most of them, but I do feel like once you've played all that same content x amount of times the enjoyment quickly fades away. I mean, I love Wrath, but restarting over and over again on every fresh Wrath server that launched (and there's a lot of them) just got really tiring to me.
I appreciate that Project Ascension actually tried to do something completely new with randomizing what spells you get every level, even though it was bound to cause some balancing issues, it was nice to see something new and was fun to play for a little it. There was one private server that was a WIP I remember seeing, can't remember the name of it now, but they are basically hardcore fans that are looking to make their own quests, zones and so on. Looked really ambitious and I hope that they're still working on it, would be really cool to see some custom zones and storylines from the fans themselves, plenty of other games have had similar fan-made projects and I hope we get to see more unique servers launch in the future.