Sad realization

The lack of tact and crude behavior exhibited by so many others I have spoken with bodes poorly for our society. It feels as though the population as a whole has declined continually for the last 60 or so years. The quasi-anonymity provided by social introduction websites and apps has really propagated the devolution. I would hate to meet someone in a bar, only to have them say 'Hey' immediately followed by them whipping their pecker out and waving it.
Published by swmifun4all
3 years ago
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Six_gun 2 months ago
to Henry_Rinoceronte : I agree, and love your positive attitude despite what all is and might be true regarding said subject. Nice! 👍🏻
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KinkyBoiAndMore 1 year ago
An unfortunate price that comes with the freedom of connection, communication with ever expanding internet society, quasi-anonymity giving rise to 'keyboard warriors'....and does portray a sad picture of society and where it is heading. I would never consider whipping out my pecker after just a 'Hey'....if after a 'Hey' and some conversation if you wanted to explore that would be for you to ask, and well as a male answer would be 'Ok' (I'm only human and male lol) 
silverwlf-39 2 years ago
 It's not the site it's the people asking things because they can't be courteous enough to just read the statements you took time typing out so they would KNOW LOL
Henry_Rinoceronte 2 years ago
While things have certainly gotten worse over the years, there are still good, solid, fun people out there to meet and cultivate lasting relationships with, IMHO.  I recommend starting off by finding a few local and online "wank buddies" and let things evolve from there.  It's worked for me and now that my wife is getting more and more interested, retirement is looking more and more attractive.  Play smart and safe, Brothers.
gcfchh 3 years ago
to swmifun4all : not bright enough to think anything else
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swmifun4all Publisher 3 years ago
to gcfchh : The fact that they think it will lead to anything is astounding. 
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gcfchh 3 years ago
doesn't matter what you do or say, there will always be assholes about with no respect
divedog1960 3 years ago
Things have changed over the years.. MMMM
562cple 3 years ago true?
swmifun4all Publisher 3 years ago
People aren't honest with the answers they use on their profiles for this or most websites.   Men especially have difficulty admitting what they derive pleasure from.  Why would anyone fear having fun?
Likes_Bbw 3 years ago
The people in a whole are ignorant,self untitled and just mean as a whole means more people than not 
Six_gun 3 years ago
Agreed 100%. I don’t like it, but need to remain anonymous on here because of my involvement and visibility in our community. 
Chi_Man 3 years ago
Good point
I get that 'hey' or worse, a photo of someone's cock as their way of introducing themselves.
swmifun4all Publisher 3 years ago
to ch7912008 : Yes, people do act differently, but I would argue that the ignorance many people display on Facebook is less dignified that any adult sites.  The fact that they do act differently is the basic premise of the blog.  
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ch7912008 3 years ago
Are you talking about behavior here?  Some people are going to have a very different set of behavior on a porn site.  Or are these other sites?  I don't know, I just lurk, so I haven't seen this.
Paulkegs 3 years ago
Could almost actually happen. X