Visiting an adult store :-)
Hi! I promised to write about a little shopping trip I took to an adult store, so in case anyone’s cruel enough to enjoy my embarrassment, here you are! LOL
It’s so much easier shopping online isn’t it but I went to a shop in Manchester (England) .... it wasn’t as horrid as I expected and wow what a thrill being surrounded by all those amazing sexy things they sell. All was fine until a rather 'sleazy' shop assistant asked me if I needed any help. I remember I was standing in front of a display cabinet simply full of the most amazing sex toys at the time, there were dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes and without warning he opened the cabinet and handed me this outrageous huge vibrating penis thing and asked if it was “the sort of thing I was looking for”. I’m SURE he was having a bit of fun at my expense and I can laugh about it now but at the time I nearly died, the thing was absolutely incredible, I went bright red, some men were in the shop and were looking at me ..... I’m sure enjoying my obvious embarrassment.
However I managed to escape with my dignity intact, almost intact anyway, lol.
But I plucked up courage and went again at least I knew what to expect and I had a super time there, I was trying to look as confident and nonchalant as I could when the same man, (why it is always men in those places??!) asked me what I was looking for. I didn’t know really so just said I was ‘browsing’, there were some clothes on a rail and he said if I could try anything on and left me to it. Some of them were nice, but some, omg I couldn’t exactly see myself in them, like a plastic ‘maids’ dress,, or a pretend flight attendants uniform made of what seemed to be pvc, (don’t say anything, LOL) but there were a couple of things that did look quite nice so I thought I’d try them on just to see, the man had said I could after all.
I was shown into a sort of storeroom which was full of things for sale in the shop, not a normal changing cubicle for some reason, I can’t remember why exactly. In the storeroom I was left alone to try a number of different things on ..... some of them, omg they were so funny and when I saw myself in the mirror I couldn’t dream of a situation where I could possibly ever wear them, even in front of a boyfriend! In fact especially in front of a boyfriend, LOL.
The strangest thing was being literally surrounded by shelves and shelves of sextoys, as well as other things too some of which I couldn’t even tell what they were! Some looked more suitable for a torture chamber than the bedroom, Lol.
But anyway I loved trying on the outfits and I really enjoyed myself ..... I couldn’t imagine ever getting the chance again so I made the most of it.
And after a little while the assistant asked if I ‘needed any help’ ..... I had to smile because I couldn’t believe his cheek, what did he think I’d say? I wasn’t exactly going to ask for ‘help’ from anyone to squeeze myself into a plastic nurses’ outfit in the storeroom of an adult shop, which was one of the things I admit I’d tried . And believe me it looked as ridiculous as you can probably imagine.
Sorry to disappoint you but I said I was ok, I can’t pretend I opened the door to have sex with him in an adult store like it was some sort of adult movie because I didn’t!
Anyway I tried on all sorts of outfits, some from the shop and others that I found in the storeroom itself, some were nice, some were outrageous, some I found really funny. But seeing myself in them was making me feel quite aroused and I’m sure it was also being surrounded by all those toys, I couldn’t believe how many there were or what some of them looked like!
Ooops I’m going on a bit sorry, but the thing was when I left the storeroom I saw for the first time a small camera partly hidden above the door, one of those little cctv things shops sometimes have. And of course I wondered whether someone had been watching me the whole time, and all that about using the storeroom rather than the normal changing cubicles might have been a big trick. I think it was!
Of course I couldn’t accuse anyone without causing a big scene but as I was leaving I saw some little tv screens behind the counter so I knew it was quite possible he’d been watching me. But what could I do? Hopefully it wasn’t recorded (no one would admit to doing that would they without getting into trouble?) but I’m sure he watched.
So I left the store, I didn’t buy any of the outfits I’d tried on although some of them had been very sexy and I liked them, but I did buy a vibrator (not one of those huge ones, just a nice simple one).
I guess the assistant got a cheap thrill from seeing me in my undies but I hadn’t done anything bad (thankfully!) although slightly embarrassingly I’d picked up some of the dildos on the shelves just to feel them, it was impossible to resist, I only held them to imagine what they’d be like. But I’d also tried on one outfit that was a little more naughty than the others, a sort of leather and chain thing (called a “harness” I think?) and to try it on I’d had to take off everything ..... I’m sure you know the sort of thing I mean, it didn’t leave much to the imagination! I’d seen them online but never before in real life. Despite how outrageous it looked I must admit I rather liked it :-) although I couldn’t imagine a situation where I’d ever dare wear something like that so although I was a little bit tempted I didn’t buy it and instead bought myself a vibrator, I should say another vibrator, which was not only cheaper but MUCH more likely to be used. LOL
When I think now of how I was wandering round a adult stop storeroom in a leather harness picking up dildos and vibrators I can’t believe someone had been watching the whole ‘spectacle’ the whole time without me knowing!! But there’s nothing I can do about it now, I just hope he wasn’t able to record it so no-one else saw.
So that was my little adventure – sorry it’s not really naughty or exciting enough for ‘XH’ really.
When I visited the store again I stayed out of the storeroom but he seemed to take it as an invitation to flirt and again offered to ‘help me’ into some of the clothes .... but I knew about the camera by then. It turned out he was the store owner and surprisingly asked me if I was interested in ‘posing’ in some of the outfits, (he claimed it’d be for a ‘catalogue’, but rather I doubted it!). I didn’t dare even if it was true, which it probably wasn’t.
Actually some years ago I do some sort of ‘proper’ modelling, just a little, it was a ‘one-off’ for a lingerie collection that was being launched for let’s say ‘busty girls’, :-) Of course I mean normal lingerie not the type sold in an adult store! Only some photos with 3 other girls (a similar size to me, lol), and fantastic fun but in the end it all came to nothing unfortunately. And apart from that an ex boyfriend once sent some photos of me to an adult magazine, but that came to nothing also :-(
Perhaps that’s a story for another time although there isn’t much to tell really, one test ‘photoshoot’ in London, rather a lot of embarrassment before I got ‘cold feet’ and didn’t dare do it again!
Sorry again this isn’t more naughty but I hope someone enjoys reading, please leave a nice message because I love reading them all I really do.
I won’t give the adult stores’ name now just in case it’s still there but I’m sure guys reading this probably know perfectly well what those places are like .... although for a woman I promise it’s a bit different, I don’t consider myself easily embarrassed but I was the first time I went to one!
But it was fun, no harm done despite the camera thing and it’s nice to be able to tell you now. And if you’re wondering I still have that same vibrator yes I do and it’s still as nice as the day I bought it, :-) It's one of these ones on my bedside table
Oops I’ve gone on much too long about almost nothing ....... Sorry!!
P xx
It’s so much easier shopping online isn’t it but I went to a shop in Manchester (England) .... it wasn’t as horrid as I expected and wow what a thrill being surrounded by all those amazing sexy things they sell. All was fine until a rather 'sleazy' shop assistant asked me if I needed any help. I remember I was standing in front of a display cabinet simply full of the most amazing sex toys at the time, there were dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes and without warning he opened the cabinet and handed me this outrageous huge vibrating penis thing and asked if it was “the sort of thing I was looking for”. I’m SURE he was having a bit of fun at my expense and I can laugh about it now but at the time I nearly died, the thing was absolutely incredible, I went bright red, some men were in the shop and were looking at me ..... I’m sure enjoying my obvious embarrassment.
However I managed to escape with my dignity intact, almost intact anyway, lol.
But I plucked up courage and went again at least I knew what to expect and I had a super time there, I was trying to look as confident and nonchalant as I could when the same man, (why it is always men in those places??!) asked me what I was looking for. I didn’t know really so just said I was ‘browsing’, there were some clothes on a rail and he said if I could try anything on and left me to it. Some of them were nice, but some, omg I couldn’t exactly see myself in them, like a plastic ‘maids’ dress,, or a pretend flight attendants uniform made of what seemed to be pvc, (don’t say anything, LOL) but there were a couple of things that did look quite nice so I thought I’d try them on just to see, the man had said I could after all.
I was shown into a sort of storeroom which was full of things for sale in the shop, not a normal changing cubicle for some reason, I can’t remember why exactly. In the storeroom I was left alone to try a number of different things on ..... some of them, omg they were so funny and when I saw myself in the mirror I couldn’t dream of a situation where I could possibly ever wear them, even in front of a boyfriend! In fact especially in front of a boyfriend, LOL.
The strangest thing was being literally surrounded by shelves and shelves of sextoys, as well as other things too some of which I couldn’t even tell what they were! Some looked more suitable for a torture chamber than the bedroom, Lol.
But anyway I loved trying on the outfits and I really enjoyed myself ..... I couldn’t imagine ever getting the chance again so I made the most of it.
And after a little while the assistant asked if I ‘needed any help’ ..... I had to smile because I couldn’t believe his cheek, what did he think I’d say? I wasn’t exactly going to ask for ‘help’ from anyone to squeeze myself into a plastic nurses’ outfit in the storeroom of an adult shop, which was one of the things I admit I’d tried . And believe me it looked as ridiculous as you can probably imagine.
Sorry to disappoint you but I said I was ok, I can’t pretend I opened the door to have sex with him in an adult store like it was some sort of adult movie because I didn’t!
Anyway I tried on all sorts of outfits, some from the shop and others that I found in the storeroom itself, some were nice, some were outrageous, some I found really funny. But seeing myself in them was making me feel quite aroused and I’m sure it was also being surrounded by all those toys, I couldn’t believe how many there were or what some of them looked like!
Ooops I’m going on a bit sorry, but the thing was when I left the storeroom I saw for the first time a small camera partly hidden above the door, one of those little cctv things shops sometimes have. And of course I wondered whether someone had been watching me the whole time, and all that about using the storeroom rather than the normal changing cubicles might have been a big trick. I think it was!
Of course I couldn’t accuse anyone without causing a big scene but as I was leaving I saw some little tv screens behind the counter so I knew it was quite possible he’d been watching me. But what could I do? Hopefully it wasn’t recorded (no one would admit to doing that would they without getting into trouble?) but I’m sure he watched.
So I left the store, I didn’t buy any of the outfits I’d tried on although some of them had been very sexy and I liked them, but I did buy a vibrator (not one of those huge ones, just a nice simple one).
I guess the assistant got a cheap thrill from seeing me in my undies but I hadn’t done anything bad (thankfully!) although slightly embarrassingly I’d picked up some of the dildos on the shelves just to feel them, it was impossible to resist, I only held them to imagine what they’d be like. But I’d also tried on one outfit that was a little more naughty than the others, a sort of leather and chain thing (called a “harness” I think?) and to try it on I’d had to take off everything ..... I’m sure you know the sort of thing I mean, it didn’t leave much to the imagination! I’d seen them online but never before in real life. Despite how outrageous it looked I must admit I rather liked it :-) although I couldn’t imagine a situation where I’d ever dare wear something like that so although I was a little bit tempted I didn’t buy it and instead bought myself a vibrator, I should say another vibrator, which was not only cheaper but MUCH more likely to be used. LOL
When I think now of how I was wandering round a adult stop storeroom in a leather harness picking up dildos and vibrators I can’t believe someone had been watching the whole ‘spectacle’ the whole time without me knowing!! But there’s nothing I can do about it now, I just hope he wasn’t able to record it so no-one else saw.
So that was my little adventure – sorry it’s not really naughty or exciting enough for ‘XH’ really.
When I visited the store again I stayed out of the storeroom but he seemed to take it as an invitation to flirt and again offered to ‘help me’ into some of the clothes .... but I knew about the camera by then. It turned out he was the store owner and surprisingly asked me if I was interested in ‘posing’ in some of the outfits, (he claimed it’d be for a ‘catalogue’, but rather I doubted it!). I didn’t dare even if it was true, which it probably wasn’t.
Actually some years ago I do some sort of ‘proper’ modelling, just a little, it was a ‘one-off’ for a lingerie collection that was being launched for let’s say ‘busty girls’, :-) Of course I mean normal lingerie not the type sold in an adult store! Only some photos with 3 other girls (a similar size to me, lol), and fantastic fun but in the end it all came to nothing unfortunately. And apart from that an ex boyfriend once sent some photos of me to an adult magazine, but that came to nothing also :-(
Perhaps that’s a story for another time although there isn’t much to tell really, one test ‘photoshoot’ in London, rather a lot of embarrassment before I got ‘cold feet’ and didn’t dare do it again!
Sorry again this isn’t more naughty but I hope someone enjoys reading, please leave a nice message because I love reading them all I really do.
I won’t give the adult stores’ name now just in case it’s still there but I’m sure guys reading this probably know perfectly well what those places are like .... although for a woman I promise it’s a bit different, I don’t consider myself easily embarrassed but I was the first time I went to one!
But it was fun, no harm done despite the camera thing and it’s nice to be able to tell you now. And if you’re wondering I still have that same vibrator yes I do and it’s still as nice as the day I bought it, :-) It's one of these ones on my bedside table
Oops I’ve gone on much too long about almost nothing ....... Sorry!!
P xx
5 years ago