Short Story Denise the vet student

As a vet school project Denise and her friends were visiting a stable near the city. She disliked big a****ls but as it was a big part of her schools grade she went. For her discomfort the stables had some studs in this day to collect sperm for their mares. The Studs were some sort of farm horses as they were higher and more muscular as the horse on the racing tracks her father had went. The farm hand called them closer to show haw the process works so they could try it later by themselves. It went faster than Denise expected as the horse filled the little receptacle within a few minutes. "Now girls it is your turn" and he led in the next horse. Denise did not want to do it so she left for the end of the line of girls hoping there would be no more left for her to "milk". The line shortened fast. It was her turn. but then the farm hand called the girls " come girls a foal is being born". All the girls run to him. As Denise hated birth more than the semen extraction she was left behind. As the farm hand did not move the next horse to the extractor, Denise had to do it herself. She did not make any notes how the stallion had to be led to the machine. She made a mistake and walked in front of it. The moment the stallion saw the machine and smelt the mares fumes he jumped on the machine but Denise was in the middle. She screamed for help but as there was such a commotion about the calf no one heard her. She regretted not waring pants but instead her black skirt as the big horse dick easily pushed her skirt away and forced its way onto her ass. It felt like hours to Denise as the big a****l rode her. She was about faint when she felt something warm fill her bowels. It is over it is finally over. When the stallion removed its member from her anus she fell on the stable floor. She turned to see if the a****l was leaving but the moment she lifted her head it shot one last big gulp of stinking horse cum into her face hair and shirt. As the cum dripped from her face it gathered on her fat tits and slowly seeped through her shirt and her fat belly. So she sat there in disgust covered in horse cum thinking " maybe the birth of the foul would not have been half bad".
Published by proovi
3 years ago
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