My First Shoot - Part 2
I have to tell you that, at this stage of my life I was a single man, divorced with two almost grown up sons. I was in my late thirties, quite easy on the eye as I’d been told, and keep myself in shape (for reasons both of good health and of vanity).
It was during this period of self imposed batchelorhood that I began, from time to time, to view internet pornography. When you have no inhibitions about your desires, when no one is watching or judging, you learn a great deal about what really excites or doesn’t, sexually.
I found that, when I had absolute freedom of choice, I would usually choose to watch images and videos of mature women, preferably with curves (not necessarily with large breasts but I do like an ample posterior on a lady). I also discovered that I am not a big fan of the recent trend towards the devastation or even complete removal of genital pubic hair (or “deforestation” as I call it. Even Greenpeace are with me on this one). That narrowed down my viewing pleasure a lot. Another observation is that I am not really into hard core porn (I think now I’m in a minority group of less than one percent of porn “observers”).
Claire’s car pulled up outside a modern block of apartments close to the centre of town, I parked my car behind hers, took my bag from the car and obediently followed her up the single flight of stairs to her apartment. Her skirt was short enough that I could see she was wearing black stockings under her skirt …. She walked slowly .. oh .. and black panties.
As I entered the small but bright and pleasant apartment, she offered me a coffee which I gladly accepted.
“I’ve looked out a few outfits and laid then on the bed if you’d like to take a look, I’ve plenty more if they’re not what you want”.
When I first came up with this crazy idea of having a porn website built, and of shooting the material myself, every aspect of the project was new to me. My ideas in summary were this:
I would not do hardcore (I have nothing against hardcore, each to his or her own as long as no one’s getting hurt …. That’s what I say. However, as I said, I prefer this solo niche and it’s much less complicated and less expensive to shoot only one person at a time).
My chosen niche would, therefore, be “Solo Mature”.
I would, at all times, treat all models with the utmost respect, that includes after the shoot as well as during. How many times had I read descriptions of female models being described as “whores”, sluts”, “ugly”, fat bitch” .. and much, much worse. I can tell you now, that the more adult female models I work with, the more respect I have for them. I know one shouldn’t generalise but there is a high level of intelligence and humour amongst those who are instinctively exhibitionist, and they are usually non judgmental by nature. A breath of fresh air.
I was surprisingly calm. This being my first shoot, which I had planned and imagined for many months.
I was in her bedroom …. Running my eye over the outfits which she had obligingly spread out over the large double bed. There were short skirts, long dresses .. underwear, stockings, heels … “what’s not to like?” I thought as she entered the bedroom.
“They all look great” .. I pointed to a long red dress “this looks quite low at the front … is it a tight fit?” whilst my questions were perfectly professional for the occasion, I deliberately decided to at least take flirtatious pleasure from the situation.
“Very, she replied .. I think you will like”.
“Can we start with that one then? Maybe stockings and some nice underwear too? I’ll go and set up my cameras”…. Game on !
5 years ago