
1. Do you like dirty talk? - - I love it and pride myself on my dirty talk.
2. What is your most favorite body type? - - I love all shapes and sizes, but slightly padded is my fav on men and women.
3. How long should the foreplay last? - - HOURS. Or none. Depends on my mood.
4. What is your dirtiest sexual fantasy? - - Well, that's too hard to say as I have so many.
5. Have you ever tried kissing another girl? - - MANY times.
6. How guilty are you of a one-night stand? - - Guilty. I've had a few, but never with people I didn't know.
7. Have you ever kissed or touched a guy just because you were horny? - - Is there any other reason?
8. Have you ever had a bedroom injury? - - Yes, a few pulled muscles, cramps, and once a bit more. Falling though a hayloft floor. Long story!
9. Can you describe your ideal dick? - - Equine!
10. What does your pussy taste like? - - Ambrosia. Ever heard of it?
11. What is your favorite sex toy? - - My Apollo from Bad-dragon.
12. What is the #1 thing you’d love to try before you die? - - I have no idea. Ive tried everything I think.
13. What are some of your bedroom secrets? - - I have no secrets. Ask me anything.
14. What is your one secret that you rather die than tell? - - See above.
15. Can I have a look at your Tinder profile? - - I don't use Tinder.
16. Have you ever thought of inviting a third party to your bedroom? - - Ive had MANY 3somes.
17. What would you love to experiment on but fear suggesting? - - I have no idea.
18. What are your thoughts on double penetration? - - LOVE it!
19. How do you think dp will feel? - - Its intense and totally orgasmic, though sometimes awkward.
20. Have you ever given thought to us trying it on the rear? - - I enjoy anal when I'm really worked up.
21. How likely are you to climax while doing it? - - 100% of the time.
22. At what age did you first have sex? 12.
23. Have you ever slept with more than one person in less than 24 hours? - - Yes.
24. What is your favorite sex style and position? I love it all, but my go to's are... Missionary, Cowgirl, Spoon, Pony-style. (Like doggie, but with a better name)
25. Have you ever sent a nude? - - Yes.
26. What sexual position satisfy you the most? - - I orgasm in just about every position.
27. Do you watch porn? - - Yes.
28. Can I have a look at one example of your best adult videos? - - See my fav's list!
29. Would you prefer to give or to receive? - - Both.
30. What is the longest you have ever stayed without sex? - - About 3 months.
31. How often would you like your sex? - - Every day.
32. Have you ever been cat-fished? - - Not that I know of.
33. When last did you purposely peeked at someone naked? - - I have no idea.
34. When last did you try giving excuses for wanting to go to a guy’s place for a night? - - Huh?
35. Have you ever been caught in the middle of the action? - - MANY times.
36. Have you ever recorded something before and watched it together after? - - As in made a video? No.
37. Do you like your man aggressive or tender? - - Yes to both. I need both.
38. What is the sexiest thing a guy has ever done to you? - - Given me a lavender babyoil full body rub.
39. Which celebrity or actor do you find irresistible? - - Chris Helmswoth, and Chris Evans.
40. What is your take on friends with benefits? - - I have plenty. I think its healthy.
41. How old is the oldest person you have ever made out with? - - 49.
42. How young is the youngest person you have ever made out with? - - 14.
43. How old is the oldest person you have ever had a crush on? - - I have no idea.
44. How young is the youngest person you have ever had a crush on? - - I have no idea.
45. What is the nastiest thing you can do to a guy you love bed-wise? - - I dont do anything I would consider nasty.
46. Do you like me in boxers or briefs? - - Boxers.
47. Have you ever found yourself in someone’s bed and wondered how you got there in the first place? - - nope.
48. What are your views on “50 Shades of Grey”? - - Its stupid, horribly written, and the movies are even worse.
49. What is the longest you have ever lasted in bed? - - Having sex? 10 hours?
50. What sex style or position do you feel is overrated? Doggie-style. Pony-style is much better.
51. What is the weirdest place you have ever had sex? - - WAY too many places to name.
52. What is the one thing every good guy should do to their girlfriends? - - Tell them they love them. Every day.
53. What is your sexiest outfit? - - Also, WAY too many to say.
54. What is the one thing that girls really want but never say? - - Understanding.
55. Have you ever purposely or accidentally peeked other people making out? - -Yes, every chance I get.
56. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while climaxing? - - I whinnied like a horse.
57. If you could develop the ability to see a specific part of a man’s body, which part would it be? - - His brain.
58. What is your secret move that always turns guys on? - - I have a killer sashay.
59. Which part of your body gets you in the mood fast? - - My neck. Kiss my neck.. and I melt.
60. How much do you like massages? - - Yes.
61. Do you get aroused while getting a massage? - - Yes.
62. How much do you enjoy orals? - - Alot.
63. What is your definition of a sexy man? - - One who is smart, funny, creative, and understanding.
64. At what age did you first kiss? - - 12.
65. Have you ever walked in on someone in the shower? - - Many times.
66. How much do you like sex in the shower? - - I love all water. Showers, tubs, hot tubs, pools.
67. What is your most favorite place to get intimate: bed or on the floor? - - Bed of those are my only choices.
68. Have you ever had a threesome experience? - - Many times.
69. How much do you like your boobz touched? - - Its nice, but they arent super arousing.
70. Does size matter to you sometimes? - - Nope. Never met one that couldn't get the job done.
71. Have you ever gotten scared given how big he was down there? - - Nope.
72. Do you pleasure yourself sometimes? - - Yes, every day.
73. Apart from masturbation, how else do you make yourself happy? - - Chocolate.
74. How do you feel when I bite your neck or ear tips? - - Electric!
75. Have you ever faked love? - - No, but I have faked friendship for sake of family.
76. Have you ever fell out of love and wondered how to tell him? - - Nope. I can break up easily if it comes to that.
77. When is the last time you attended an event hoping to find someone there? - - Never.
78. When is the last time you had a real crush on someone? - - 2016.
79. Who is your first love? Where is he now? - - A friend of my brother's. I haven't seen him since I was 17.
80. What sex position or style would you never try again in your life? - - Nothing comes to mind.
81. Do you scream, mourn, or just sob? - - I leak quietly.
82. Which adult toys have you tried? - - I have a good collection from Bad-Dragon.
83. What is the one thing you hesitated for long but ended up loving it nevertheless? - - Anal.
84. What is the dirtiest text you have ever sent someone? - - A worn pair of my panties.
85. How much do you like naked photos of yourself? - - Its about 50/50.
86. Which position do you reach a climax fast? - - VERY fast.
87. How many guys have you had in your life? Were there any good ones? - - 20? so far. All good, but some better than others.
88. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever done? - - I have no idea.
89. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever thought of doing to someone?- - I have no idea.
90. How much do you like your down there licked? - - VERY much
91. What is the compliment you have ever gotten in your life? - - “Nothing stops you women!”
92. What is the most daring thing you have ever tried bed-wise? - - I've done a lot.
93. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever asked someone to do to you in bed? - - Also, no idea.
94. How serious are you treating your sex life? - - VERY serious.
95. What are you thinking right now? - - I can come up with better questions than this list.
96. Can you guess what is on my mind right now? - - - sex?
97. Do these dirty questions to ask your girlfriend arouse you? - - Not really.
98. Do you like these dirty questions to ask your girlfriend? - - Meh, I need to find a better list.
Published by ponyfan
4 years ago
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yes this list was a bit young minded...but informative in some aspects...I enjoyed reading your answers.
humptiedumptied 3 years ago
question 12, if that`s the case then you have done many taboo things
danny1985m 3 years ago
hell of a list
to ponyfan : They look amazing i really want to try one
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ponyfan Publisher 3 years ago
to hijablover3 : I haven't yet!
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_CheshireCat_ 3 years ago
Your pussy tastes like British custard?!! Just kidding, I bet you taste better than apples and sugar lumps x
Have you ever had anyone wearing a bad dragon sheath?
Kynodesme2 3 years ago
WOW lots of questions.  I like to play and fuck.