Adi becomes a sub.

Darkness had fallen when Adita’s taxi stopped outside driveway of the converted carriage house. Her palms were sweating, and her heart was pounding. There was still time to back out. But too much was at stake, and had been from the moment she'd accepted the offering to fulfil her little-shared fantasy from the secret lady on Facebook. She opened the car door and stepped out.

A gust of cold, December air caressed Adi's stocking clad legs and crept under her very-short navy skirt and chilled her naked pussy. Another gust brought her thick nipples to full attention, causing them to press almost painfully against her white silk blouse. she hurried across the cobblestones to the dimly lit front door. Her breasts bounced and her stiletto heels threw an extra shimmy to her walk. She stepped onto the porch and reached for the door bell. Unexpectedly, the door swung open.

"Adita?" The woman who answered looked to be around thirty.

"Yes. Mistress Wendy?" Adi replied. Wendy smiled, and raised an eyebrow. "Open your blouse." she said.

"Pardon?!", "Don't make me tell you twice."

Wendy's tone was soft and soothing, yet threatening. Not wishing to anger, Adi hurriedly undid the buttons and allowed he small perfect breasts to exposed.

"Now remove it."

As if her free will had suddenly been taken from her, Adi did as instructed. She then stood perfectly still, naked from the waist up, as Mistress Wendy gave her a visual inspection.

"Turn around."

The cold, wintery air stung Adi's breasts and her belly. Slowly, she turned, until she was facing the street. "Stop!" Wendy commanded.

A minute. Two. Three, passed. Adi shivered in the icy cold air, Another minute. Two. A car drove slowly down the street. Adi's heart pounded with fear.

"You may put your blouse back on, little one." Wendy said, "And come inside."

Adi watched the car disappear around the corner, then slowly put her blouse back on and fastened the buttons. Her fingers and nipples were freezing. A sense of embarrassment washed over her. Had she actually taken her blouse off at the behest of a total stranger? While standing outside? In the wintertime? Where anyone could see?

"Hurry up, little one!"

Another gust of cold air snuck under Adi's skirt and cooled her extremely hot pussy. She quickly tucked in her blouse, and turned. Wendy was nowhere in sight.

"Mistress?" she said almost at a whisper.
"Don't keep me waiting, little one."

Adi stepped inside and closed the heavy oak door behind her.
"In here little one."

Adi turned to her left and entered the dimly lit room. At the far end, Wendy stood near the fireplace warming her hands. For the first time, Adi was able to study her Mistress, she was a lot taller than Adi, with dark, piercing eyes, and long blonde hair, her breasts appeared to be somewhat smallish. A deception, perhaps, as the white man's shirt she wore did little to emphasize them. Her waist and hips were trim, and set off nicely by her short, though not too short, black, leather skirt. Her legs were long, and accentuated by her navy pumps.

"Little one." Wendy began, "Your mere presence here tells me you are accepting of the terms I set down. Your eagerness to flaunt your breasts as you did tells me the straight-laced persona you present is a lie."

"Mistress, I was not eager to flaunt my . . . breasts. I . . ."
"Silence little one! I did not ask you to speak!"

"I'm sorry Mistress, but I . . ."
"Take off your skirt”.

Adi panicked, stunned by the command.

"Do it! Now! Do it, or get a taxi and leave! You told me that you wanted to see what it would be like to submit to the whims of another woman, so do it!"

Adi slowly reached for the zipper and began to ease it down.

"A true slave would never speak without permission," Wendy lectured, "nor would she attempt to contradict her mistress for fear of the punishment to come. Since tonight is but a game you wanted to play, I will not exact what you would otherwise have coming; but if you fail to 'follow the rules' one more time, the game is over. Understand; little one?"

"Yes Mistress."
"Very good little one. Now cum here."

Her head swimming, Adi walked over to Wendy. She stood as demurely as she could with her legs together. Wendy reached down and caressed Adi's newly-shaved pubes. The touch gave Adi a start. "Widen your stance. I want to see how wet you are in there."

A moment's hesitation by Adi. "Little one?" Adi's face, then shoulders, breasts and so forth flushed with embarrassment. She looked away, then shifted her weight from side to side until her feet were about eighteen inches apart. Wendy's touch entered and explored, then departed.

The exaggerated sound of Wendy licking the sweet taste from her fingers caught Adi's attention. She wanted to focus on her Mistress and relish the sight, but couldn't find the courage to do so.

"Unbutton your blouse." Wendy whispered.

Without hesitation, Adi did as instructed. When the last button came undone, Wendy's feminine touch drifted over Adi's breasts, exposing them fully, and sending their silk cover to the floor. Wendy smiled, then moved to the near corner of the room and pulled a satin bed sheet from a cheval mirror.

"Cum here, little one."

Naked, save her stockings and heels, Adi walked over to her Mistress and stood in front of the mirror.
"Tell me what you see." Wendy said softly.

Adi stared at her nude self: unsure how to reply. She thought for a long while, then decided to convey her true feelings about herself. "Mistress," she began, "I see a woman that is nearing 23 years of age. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall. Her hair is black and just reaches her shoulders. her weight . . . is eight stone ten pounds."

"Go on."

"Her; boobs are small and firm, Her areolas are a nice shade of pale brown, somewhat over-sized, and her nipples . . ." Adi stared at her very stiff buds, ". . . are obscenely long and thick."

"Do you know what I see?" Wendy asked.
"No Mistress."

"I see a woman whose body is mine to command. A woman whose need for orgasm is great. A woman, who will do anything I ask to achieve it. Do you agree?"
"Yes Mistress."

Wendy left Adi to contemplate the reflection before her, walked over to an overstuffed chair that was near the fire and sat down,.

"Have you ever worn weighted nipple clamps, little one?"
"No Mistress, I haven't."

"Well, you are about to."

Wendy opened a small white box that had been next to her chair and took out the clamps: devilish contraptions, linked together by a fine silver chain, with an innocent-looking pendant centred between, and dangling. Carefully, she squeezed open the padded jaws of the first and put it in place around Adi's right nipple. A few turns of the setscrew applied the desired pressure.

"Too tight, little one?", "No Mistress."

The process repeated, entrapping Adi's left nipple. Playfully, Wendy poked Adi's breasts, causing them to sway slightly, setting the little six-ounce pendulum in motion. The sensation was like none Adi had experienced before. The seemingly random pulls on her nipples was . . . erotic.

"Ever used a clit clip, little one?", "No Mistress. Never."

Wendy picked up the box once more and took out a silver waist chain with clit-clip attached, and d****d it around Adi's hips. She squatted so that she was eye-level with Adi's pussy.

"Hold your labia open for me."

Awash in embarrassment, humiliation and excitement, Adi reached down and held herself open, as Wendy skilfully positioned the clip in place. "Go look in the mirror, little one."

Adi did as instructed. As she walked the pendulum pulled her nipples with every step. "Do you like what you see, little one?"

"Yes Mistress, I do."

"Would you be willing to wear your new jewellery on a regular basis, little one?"
Adi stared at her reflection. "Well, little one?"

"Yes Mistress; I would."
"On a daily basis?"

"I . . . I . . ." Adi's voice quivered, "No Mistress. I wouldn't."

Wendy stepped behind Adi, reached around and cupped Adi's breasts, moving them side to side, causing the weight to move in small circles. "Why not?" she asked, with unmistakable amusement in her voice, "Are you afraid someone might discover your dark desires?"

Adi stared at the reflection of her swelling breasts: at the female touch guiding them ever so gently. "Yes Mistress." she said softly.

Wendy laughed, then raked her beautifully manicured fingernails across Adi's breasts. she delivered a stinging slap to Adi's little bum.

Wendy sat down in the overstuffed chair, seductively crossed, then re-crossed her legs, helping her skirt to ride up, exposing the tops of her stockings.
"Yes Mistress. I did."

"Stand in front of the mirror with your feet shoulder width lace your fingers and put your hands behind your head."

Once more she complied. Wendy moved behind, reached around, and lightly raked Adi's bum. "In a moment, I will deliver five licks to each of your bum cheeks, little one. For every sound you make, I will add another lick. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress."

Wendy stepped back and delivered the first stinging blow to Adi's right cheek. The "smack" resounded. Adi raised on her toes, but somehow managed to quell her desire to cry out.

"Smack! Smack!"

The next two swats came in rapid succession. Each lifted Adi onto her toes. Each sent the torturous pendulum swinging. Tears of pain stained Adi's cheeks, but clenched teeth held back all sounds of distress.

"Smack! "Smack!"
"Very good little one! You took that well! Are you ready for the rest?"

Adi drew a long, deep breath. "Yes Mistress."
"Smack! Smack!"

The first two slaps to her unsuspecting left cheek came in rapid succession, and caught Adi completely off guard. She yelped as each was delivered.

"Little one. Were those cries of pain I heard?"
"Yes Mistress." Adi said at a whisper.

"Smack! "Smack!"

The next two slaps, like the rest, lifted Adi onto her toes and sent the pendulum swaying in wide circles.

Somehow, Adi managed to stifle her desire to cry out.
"Now bend over, little one."

Slowly, Adi did as instructed, and Wendy delivered the last two blows squarely on her unprotected bum hole. They stung unmercifully, setting Adi's entire rear on fire. She had not felt so vulnerable in, she couldn't remember how long. For the first time that evening, she feared what might cum next.

"You may straighten, little one. Then, if you wish, admire the lovely shades of red I imparted."

Adi straightened, then twisted to gain a view of her savaged backside. As the warmth told her, both cheeks were a brilliant shade of red. Almost fearfully, she reached back and touched the hot flesh.

"Cum with me, little one."

Like a curious c***d, Adi reached back for another, tentative touch. "Little one?" She snapped back to the moment, and quickly followed Wendy into a spacious bedroom that showcased a large canopy bed. At the foot: a blanket chest, with a large butt plug laying upon it.
"On the bed ."

Like the obedient 'little one' she'd become Adi did as instructed, then crawled onto the bed and laid back.

"Spread your legs little one. As wide as they'll go."

Adi brought her shaking legs up, then out and down. Wendy smiled a wicked smile, sat next to her and began to stroke Adi's very moist pussy lips. "Our time together is running short, little one. So far, you've done a good job of keeping me amused."

Wendy could sense Adi's growing uneasiness at the forbidden touch, but continued to stroke her exposed pussy anyway "Now roll on your side, little one."

Without question or fuss, Adi did as instructed. Wendy picked up the large, soft rubber, purple butt plug. As she pressed it onto her bum, the faint texture teased Adi's hole she elicited a soft whimper as her bum was slowly fucked, when the widest point slipped inside she gasped and closed her eyes and a softer moan as the flared base nestled in place.

A not so gentle slap to Adi's filled behind. "Masturbate for me, little one!"

Wendy moved from the bed and leaned against the wall: arms folded; right foot crossed over left in a somewhat authoritative pose.

"Don't keep me waiting, little one. Masturbate for me!"

"Mistress? May I remove the nipple clamps first? And the clit clip? Please?"

"Why, little one?"

"Mistress, when I masturbate, I like to play with my nipples and clit. If I may remove the clamps and clip, I would be better able to please you."

"Permission granted. But as soon as you've finished, they go back on."

"Yes Mistress."

Wendy watched with an odd delight as Adi removed the clamps and clip. From her ginger movements, it was obvious how sore her tender clit flesh had become. "Now masturbate for me, little one."

Adi stacked two pillows and laid back. "Take off your heels. Stockings too." Wendy said as the scene unfolded, "I want you completely naked."

Adi sat up and slipped her left shoe from her foot and let it tumble onto the bed. Her gaze locked on her Mistress, she used the heels of her hands to seductively roll her stocking down to her ankle, then off.

"Nicely done, little one."

Adi smiled a nervous smile, then, with the same sexy movement, extended her right leg high in the air and rotated her ankle until her shoe dangled on her toes, teetered, and fell to the bed.

A raised eyebrow and sly smile conveyed Wendy's interest and appreciation.

Struggling to hold her leg at the awkward angle, Adi once more used the heels of her hands to roll her stocking toward her ankle, then off. Though she could not reason why, she needed to know that her every move met her Mistress' approval, and that her performance was building some degree of warmth beneath Wendy's skirt.

"Masturbate for me." Wendy said, "Show me how you make love to yourself. How you make yourself cum."

As she had done so many times in private, Adi closed her eyes and let her hands drift over her breasts. A light, feathery touch, starting near her shoulders, then moving over to her cleavage, then down: urging her breasts apart. Onward. Her palms glancing her nipples. Underneath, so that she could cup and squeeze each of her breasts. Repeated. Again, and again.

Her legs moved together. Her left leg over her right. She drew it up. Slowly. Seductively, until her heel touched her knee. Back down. Just as slowly. Just as seductively.

More attention to her nipples: her left hand acting alone, while her right drifted down to her pussy.

Soft sounds escaped her. Moans. Adi slipped her fingers passed her swollen labia and deep inside her womb. she played with her pussy and breasts. Her motions were slow; exotic.
"Yes, little one. Make love to that pussy. Stroke it. Tease it. Make it cum."

Wendy's words fell softly, almost at a whisper. Approving. Encouraging.

Adi kept up the show. She could feel her orgasm building. Her senses were keenly focused. She concentrated on her clit. Became more aggressive. More intense. She stroked, rolled, pinched her aching button. Her body began to writhe.
"Yes, little one. Oh yes."

Adi's orgasm neared. She slipped another finger inside her pussy. A fearsome finger-fuck ensued. Her desire to please Wendy had given way to her own desire for release. Her expert, long-practiced technique sent her over the edge.

"Oh god!" she screamed, "I'm cumming! Mistress! I'm cumming . . . I'm cumming . . .ohhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck"

As the haze of her long orgasm began to fade, Adi was stirred by Wendy's touch as the nipple clamps were fastened back in place, and the clit clip embraced her throbbing little pearl.

"Our time together is over." Wendy recited, "The stroke of midnight has arrived. My final commands are these. Put your stockings, heels, blouse and skirt back on. Leave the plug and your jewellery in place until your boyfriend removes them for you
Adi started to speak, but didn't. Wendy smiled, then winked, and left Adi alone to come down from her experience.

Alone, Adi sat on the edge of the bed and put on her blouse. Her breasts were still swelled with arousal, and her nipples still ached with desire: a truth that was being exasperated by the gripping nature of the 'jewellery' she wore, and heightened by the casual sway of the weighty tear drop that dangled between; and not helped by the close-fitting silk.

She stood to put on her skirt. Cum seeped from her pussy and lightly coated her thighs. The butt plug that stretched her so nicely pressed against her still tender cheeks. She eased the skirt over her hips, tucked in her blouse, hooked the clasp and pulled up the zipper. Sat back down and put on her stockings and heels.

Wendy was seated next to the fireplace masturbating when Adi entered the living room. "Mistress? I've finished dressing." she said.

"Very good, little one."

Wendy rose from her chair and escorted Adi to the door.

Adi opened the door and stepped out into the night. She turned. A frigid gust of air swirled over her stocking clad legs and shot under her skirt to sting her naked pussy. Another attacked her thick nipples, causing the clamps to bite-in even more.

"Wendy." she said, "I want to thank you. For everything."

"You're quite welcome . . . little one, message me in our secret Facebook group when you want to see me again"

Adi turned once more and hurried to her taxi. Wendy closed the door and let out a cruel laugh.
Published by adita69
4 years ago
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