Party Goes South Part 2
Becca quickly finished what she was doing, flushed the toilet, and put the empty box back in the sack. She had never douched, before. She had always been scared of perforating her own hymen. When she lost her virginity, she wanted it to be an occasion to stay with her for the rest of her life. Today had surpassed her wildest expectations. It had been wonderful.
Chris had always been her hero, and her true love. When he had gone out with girls, in High School, she had been upset, to the point of being jealous. She would try to find out everything they had done. She had watched for signs that he had had sex with any of them, but she wasn't quite sure what she should look for. His answers to her questions, were always non committal, too. She had thought, a few times, about just coming out and asking him if he and his date had had sex, but she knew good and well, that Mom and Dad would hear her, and they would punish her, in the worst ways. She even went so far, as to go into his room, and gather his laundry, sniffing at it for the hint of a feminine scent. She had found lipstick on his collar a few times, but nothing that she could really be upset over.
She gathered the things in the plastic bag, and, for lack of any better idea, right "off the bat," placed them under her pillow. She always made her bed, and changed her own linens, so she SHOULD be safe, at least, for a little while. THEN, she spied her trash can. IT was nearly FULL. She took the bag from under her pillow, and stuffed it into the liner, filling the basket, and tied the flaps. She twirled it around the tip of her finger, secure in the knowledge that it would NEVER be found, and started down the stairs to greet her Mother.
As the poet once said, "The best laid plans of mice, and men, oft do go astray." Her toe hooked into the carpet on the second step from the bottom, and spilled her on her elbows, breaking the bag open, and spilling all her trash, right at her Mom's feet. Right on top was the bag she wanted, so desperately, to keep out of sight. He Mom reached down, and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay, Sweetie? Are you hurt?"
More concerned with keeping the bag from her Mother, she told her, "I'm okay, Mom. Nothing hurt, but my dignity. Falling like that makes me feel like a klutz." Her Mom looked at the mess in the floor. "We need to get this up. We're having a guest for dinner. It's a guy from Secret Service. He wants to talk with Christopher."
Rebecca picked up all the trash, stuffing it back into the, now torn, plastic bag. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll get it cleaned up. Let me put this in the trash can, and I'll get the vacuum cleaner. Just go and do what YOU need to do." Mom smiled at her. "If you're SURE you're not hurt. You took a good spill, just then. I'll take a look at you, later, just to make sure, though."
Becca went out in the garage, and took out another bag, and put the old sack, and its contents in it, and tied it with the strings at the top, then deposited it in the trash can. NOW, SHE WAS SAFE!!! She came back in the house, fetched the vacuum cleaner, and made short work of cleaning where her trash had fallen. She put the vacuum back in the closet, and yelled up to her Mom. "Hey, Mom. Do I need to be here? I want to go and see Ashley for a little bit. I'll probably eat supper with them, too. Mrs Collins has been after me to come over and see them, more often." Her Mom stuck her head out of the door. "I don't see why not. Just be sure and take a sweater. It STILL gets a little cool in the evenings. It's mid April, and it STILL hasn't warmed up like it should. Tell them all I said "Hello" and we'll get together in a few days and do a little girl stuff."
Rebecca grabbed her sweater from the entryway closet, and went out the door. It was only three blocks to the Collins's house. She could take that on her hands. Her and Ashley, used to do cartwheels from one house, to the other, when they were just k**s.
The Collins house was a little bigger than theirs, and had a screened balcony on the back of it. Her and Ashley could sit and talk in private. She was aching to tell someone of her latest development. She just wouldn't tell Ashley WHO had taken her virginity. He would remain a mystery. It wasn't something she wanted to get out, that she had made love, for the first time, to her own BROTHER! All her friends thought he was something else, and vowed, if they EVER had a chance, to let him make love to them. Ashley and her had masturbated a few times, while talking about Chris. They were always careful, NOT to put a finger inside themselves, though. THEY wanted somebody SPECIAL to take their virginity.
Mrs. Collins answered the door, and invited her in, exchanging the usual small talk. She called out, "ASHLEY? YOU'VE GOT COMPANY!!!" A few seconds later, Ashley came to the head of the stairs. "Grab us some Cokes, and come on up. I need to talk to you." Mr.s Collins, hearing her daughter, took two bottles out of the fridge,and a bag of potato chips from the cupboard, and told Rebecca, "I don't know how, but you girls can eat enough to founder a good sized horse, and stay so slender. I wish I could still do that. Supper will be ready in about an hour. I'll call you when it's ready to eat." She hugged and kissed Mrs. Collins, and told her. "You don't need to worry. You still look good enough to eat. I heard some guys, who shall remain nameless, say you were the foxiest mom in the school." Mrs. Collins looked at her, lifting an eyebrow. "I don't know if that's a compliment, or NOT. I should, but I won't, ask who said it. I should have a talk with their Mothers." Becky went up the stairs, deciding that retreat was the better part of valor.
She went straight into Ashley's room, without knocking, first. Ashley looked up from her prizes, laying on her bed, and pulled a blanket over them. "WOW!!! You could have let me know that it was YOU. If Mom had seen what I have, she would have asked where I got them. THEN, there would be hell to pay. Becca only got a quick glimpse of her treasures. "WHAT were they?" she asked. Ashley told her, Go and lock the door,and I'll show ya." Becca went over and turned the latch, and reached over and slid the hook of the screen door latch into its eye. "Now show me." she demanded. Ashley blushed a little bit. "Pinky swear you won't tell anybody, else." They hooked their pinky fingers together, and shook, and Ashley reached down and pulled the blanket away.
There were three objects that looked like an erect male penis. One was white, tinged with pink, and about six inches long, and bright pink one that was about eight inches long, and another that was almost black, and was, at least, 10 inches long. "Where did you get those at?" asked Becca. "I found them in Mom's room. Since Dad went overseas, I have heard her moaning at night. I peeked through her door, and she was using it, on herself. She had her legs open, and her butt on a pillow, and was giving herself hell with the BLACK one. SHE WAS FUCKING HERSELF WITH IT!!! I was downtown one afternoon, a few weeks ago, and she told me to meet her at the mechanics shop. She was going to have the oil changed in the car, and I got out of school, early. That was the day we had the fire drill, and they let us go home early."
"I went in, and saw our car on the lift, but there was no one around. I went to use the bathroom, and heard a funny noise. In the room where they keep all the stuff for the cars, Mom was on a blanket, on the floor, and her dress was pulled up under her chin. Her bra was off, and laying beside her, with her panties, and the mechanic, the black guy, named Wilson, was on top of her. She was shakin' her ass, and HE was FUCKING HER!!! Her arms and legs were both around him like she was afraid he would try to run away, but he was fucking her HARD. I watched them for a long time, and saw him pull his dick out of her, and some white stuff was running out of her pussy. He bent over and started licking it all up. That's when I left. I found these this morning, when I was making the beds. They were under her pillow. I don't know what to think..MY MOM, fucking a black guy, and letting him cum inside of her. She could get pregnant! Then I'd have a little black brother or sister. I'd just die!"
Becca studied the three strange objects. "They DO look real enough. Have YOU tried them, yet?" Ashley looked at her like she was going to slap her. "ARE YOU CRAZY? I'M STILL A VIRGIN!!! I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE MY CHERRY TO A TOY!!! Rebecca smiled inwardly, and asked. "Would you let ME try one of them, then?" Ashley paled. "YOU'RE STILL A VIRGIN, TOO!!! Are you going to pop yourself with a piece of rubber?
Rebecca had been here enough that she knew that Ashley kept a jar of petroleum jelly in her top drawer. She calmly reached over, and took it out, rubbing some on the pink one. She stood up, and took off her shorts and panties, and applied some to herself, then took the dildo, and slid it inside of her. It was cool, but otherwise...
She worked it in and out of herself, and was soon breathing faster. She increased the speed, and she felt almost the same as she had while Chris had been fucking her, this morning. She took her free hand and held it over her mouth, and groaned. GOD!!! IT FELT LIKE CHRIS WAS INSIDE OF HER, AGAIN!!! Now that she was inside the house, without the breeze to cool her, sweat was beading on her forehead, and across her upper lip. "Turn on the Radio! LOUD!!!' she ordered her friend. Thankfully, a song was on and the music drowned out her gasps, and her cries. "OH, FUCK ME!!!" she cried out. They heard a knock at the door. "Are you girls okay in there. Turn that confounded radio down a few dozen notches. You'll bust out the windows. Wash up. It's almost time to eat."
Both the girls had a shocked look on their faces. "HOW, WHEN?" WHO POPPED YOUR CHERRY? DID HE CUM INSIDE OF YOU? HOW MANY TIMES DID HE FUCK YOU?" Rebecca smiled and told her friend, "I'll tell you everything, but his name. AFTER SUPPER!!! WE BETTER GET DOWNSTAIRS OR YOUR MOM WILL COME LOOKING FOR US." Her breathing was coming back to normal, and she reached over and pulled her panties and her shorts back on. "I WILL TELL YOU, IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!"
They washed their hands and went down the stairs, taking the now warm Cokes with them, so they could get some cold ones to replace them.
They went and ate, and gave Mrs. Collins a hand with the clean up, and sat and talked with her for a little bit. Rebecca wanted to find out some things from her, that she didn't dare ask her own mother, but held her questions, until Mrs. Collins started asking about THEIR sex lives. She started out by asking them about what they did on dates, and who they went out with, and where they went. She was leading up to something.
Finally she asked Rebecca, "Are you still a virgin?" Becca felt like she was caught in a spotlight. She wiggled under the scrutinizing look of her best friend's Mom. Mrs. Collins smiled at her. "You don't need to answer. I can tell that you're NOT. I have my doubts about Ashley, but I don't know for certain. I haven't seen anything different about her, but I did, when you came over a while ago. A girl walks differently when she's lost her virginity. Her butt moves a little more, and she moves different, all over. You lost your virginity, and not too long, ago, I'll bet. Probably in the last day or so. Don't worry. I won't say anything to your parents. I'm not a snitch. I know how things happen. I almost know for certain who got it, too. I'll just say that I don't blame you. He IS very handsome."
Now it was Ashley's turn to be in the dark. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Her Mom fixed her with a withering gaze. "You don't have to use that kind of language, young lady!!! There are better words you can use, and still get your meanings across. Instead of the word, FUCK, you can say relations, or making love, or having sex. When you talk about the boys, you can say that he';s "well fixed." or "hung." When you talk about your, or another girl's body, she has a "vagina", or a "female organ." Instead of a pussy. She also has "mammary glands," or breasts, or even boobs is acceptable."
"As far as you go, Ashley, My Darling, I know that you found my toys, this morning. I also know that you watched Mr. Wilson and I, a few days ago. You saw everything we did, except at the very first. He ate my vagina before he made love to me. He and I have made love many times,and he is quite good at it. In fact he is almost as good as your father. You father enjoys watching us when we make love, and he is at home to see it. Your father also enjoys keeping company with Mrs.Wilson, but she isn't as careful as I am. He has fathered two c***dren for her. His seven year old son, and his five year old daughter, are your half brother and sister. We have many movies of us, together. In fact, I have a date with them tomorrow night, and I am taking our movie camera with me, so she can take movies of him making love to me. I'll send it to your dad, and it'll make him happy to know I'm being well taken care of, in his absence. If you like, you can go with me. "Their sixteen year old son, I think you know him, is very handsome, and is well fixed, both. He would love the chance to take your virginity, for you."
"Another thing. I don't know which of you is using it, but I expect you to clean the Vaseline off of it, before you return it to where I had it. Vaseline makes me feel icky inside. I always use baby oil."
"Now I'll give you some helpful, I hope, hints about your personal hygiene. You should always shave yourself between your legs, so a lover doesn't get a hair in his mouth, or throat, when her performs oral sex with you. He will probably call it "eating your pussy." Another, better, I think, name is cunnilingus, or kissing the baby. He may ask you to perform oral sex on him. He'll ask for a "blow Job." or to suck his dick. Tell him it's called fellatio, or chewing the root. When he has sex with you, he'll probably say he's cumming. He is ejaculating. Those terms are MUCH nicer, even though ladies don't talk about such things in public. After, as soon as you can, go and douche yourself, and wash around the outside. Nothing is worse than a smelly vagina. NOW!!! I know you have both done it, so I want to watch you both masturbate. I will show you how to make yourself have an orgasm that is much better feeling. THAT is how a lady should express herself. Dirty talk, and words, aren't necessary to get a point across." We'll go to my bedroom to do our thing, though. If you like, it's nice, so we could even go out on the balcony. I enjoy the point of us maybe being seen, by other people. It makes it so much more interesting to think someone might be watching you.
Mrs. Collins turned out the lights, and they went up the stairs. Nearly all of the questions Rebecca had had, were answered. How did she know who could have taken her virginity. That, too, was about to be answered. They had gone to Mrs. Collins's bedroom and undressed. Then they took a blanket for each of them, and went out on the balcony. Mrs. Collins drew the shades until they were almost, but not quite, closed. "That leaves enough room for someone to look at our vaginas, if we are standing up. Mr. Adams, next door, says mine is absolutely beautiful. He also said that you, Ashley, are also very pretty, but he likes them trimmed. I'll teach both of you how to do that. Now, come over here on the settee, and we'll get started."
"First you have all your clothes off. It isn't necessary, but it is helpful. Then you sit where you are comfortable, with your butt, out a bit, and your knees as wide as you want, and your feet drawn up. There are other ways, but this one is best for me. Try as many as you can think of, and you'll find the way you like the best. It's a great way to calm yourself down, when you've had a trying day." Mrs. Collins had gone down on the floor, and was facing the two girls. She told them to wet two fingers in their mouths, and put one finger on each side of their clitoris. That little bump at the top of their vaginas, and stroke it, gently. When it began to tickle, they should rub barely inside of them, so as NOT to break their hymens. Even though only ONE of them still had one. Rub inside, and when you felt the liquid coming out, rub a little harder, and soon it would feel warm inside your body, and like something was getting big inside of it. "Soon it will feel like something is exploding inside of you, and it will be an orgasm."
Just as both of the girls had reached their orgasms, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Collins told them to relax, and that she would be right back. The girls sat looking at each other, smiling. Rebecca told Ashley, "i didn't know your Mom was so COOL!!! Ashley looked back at her. "I didn't EITHER! I wonder, NOW, WHAT ELSE she is going to say, BUT, I don't think I'll have to worry about her knowing, when I DO get screwed."
The door opened, and Mrs. Collins came back in, leading Christopher by the hand. Rebecca did a "double take" at the sight of her big brother. "I saw Chris when he was dropping his car off to get it fixed, and asked him to come over, this evening, but to keep it between the two of us."
"HEY, SQUIRT!!! HI, ASH!!! You're sure growing up nice. Come and give me a kiss, like you used to. It'll be nicer with your clothes off, already. Your boobs are getting bigger, and, I'll bet, getting real soft" She stepped over, and put her arms around Christopher's neck, and kissed him, like she had seen in the movies. She felt his tongue pushing between her lips, and relaxed, enough, for him to put his tongue all the way in her mouth. The feel of his searching tongue made her knees weak, and she felt funny low in her gut. His hand wandered down, and cupped the cheek of her butt, squeezing it, and she felt one of his fingers, going between her legs, and barely touching her vagina. "HEY, SWEETIE!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE WET DOWN THERE? He raised his finger to his mouth, and stuck it in, tasting her moisture. "MERCY!!! You taste just as good as your Mama. Was she teaching you two to diddle yourselves? I see all of you are buck naked. Don't think anything of it. Her and the Colonel taught ME to choke the chicken, too. Then she gave me my first sex. Colonel Collins watched me to make sure I did everything the right way."
Both of the girls had shocked looks on their faces. Chris laughed at them. "If you two had paid any attention to what we were doing, you would have seen us. We were out on the balcony, and you were both in plain sight of us. You were watching something on the TV that was more interesting, though. By the way, Mrs. Collins, he's a full bird, now. His orders came just today. He'll probably call you, on MARS, as soon as he can get a line. They been having trouble making a connection, lately. Probably a storm in the Pacific. The guy came over, but didn't stay long enough to eat with us. They rescinded my orders for Germany, and are sending me back to Vietnam. I'll be in the same battalion, as before, but in another company. The Colonel is my Battalion Commander, now, instead of my Company Commander.
"I'm going to be his Adjutant. Just like before. We love being together in that place. He gets to take care of his own girl, AND mine. They took him off Flight Status, when he got his leg broke. Now he'll just be flying enough to draw his Flight Pay. Mostly the Mail run. He also gave me my orders for Captain, and asked if I knew Colonel Collins. I told him, "Only all my life." He thought that was funny. He was bringing me some stuff to read, and sign non-disclosure forms for."
"Now that I've presented the news to you, can we get down to some good old dirty fun?" Mrs. Collins, came over and kissed him, hard. "I'm so glad he got his promotion, and YOU, TOO!!! I can't wait to see you both in uniform, with your new jewelry on them. Now take those dirty old blue jeans off, and let me take a look at the thing that deflowered your sister." Rebecca had a shocked look on her face. Mrs. Collins laughed at the shocked look on her face. "Don't be such an old fuddy duddy! I knew, within reason, that it was Chris that took your virginity. YOU made a GOOD CHOICE. He's an excellent lover. After all, I DID TRAIN HIM!!! He was a very good student. I just hope he gave you cunnilingus, first."
Becky felt her face turning red, and Ashley was staring at her, her mouth open. Rebecca wanted to cry, but Mrs. Collins pulled her to her, and hugged her to her breasts. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. You've been in love with Chris, all your life, so it was almost a given thing. I hope that Ashley will give him HER virginity, too. I would enjoy seeing her and him dancing together." How about YOUR fiance'? You never told me her name." "Her name is Lang. You say it with a silent "g." Like the lawn in your yard. Now that I'm going back, I'll be able to get her passport and visas. The Colonel said he would do everything he could, to run interference for me. He's on good terms with the Group Commander. I still will call him, "The Colonel" though. It wouldn't be right to get more informal with him. HE can call ME by my first name, but I still have to put a front on our relationship."
Ashley was thinking, and she had felt the electricity when he had touched her, so intimately. She had also listened to what her Mom had said about him. "Becca? Can I borrow your big brother for a little while? I watched how you've acted, tonight, and seen how Mom acts. I love him, just like YOU do. ALWAYS HAVE!!! I want him to take care of me, the same way. I want him to be my first lover, too. Is it okay with you?" Becca went over, and kissed her friend, on the cheek. "You have my permission. If he wanted to, Chris would just go ahead, and do you, with or without my say so, but, thank you for asking, first. He can be YOUR first, too. It'll make us just that much closer."
Mrs. Collins went and got a thick towel for them. "Put this under you, and it'll catch the blood, if you have any. Some girls don't bleed but a tiny bit when they lose their virginity, some bleed a lot. If Chris does as I THINK he will, it'll be fun. I think Becca enjoyed it, didn't you Dear?" Becca smiled. VERY MUCH!!! I've wanted him more than a sister should, for years, now. I want him in me even more, now, than I did, before. He made me feel so good. I love him with everything in me."
Ashley came over and kissed him, again and again. He picked her up, and carried her into her room, and, as Mrs Collins laid the towel on the bed, he laid her on top of it, and knelt down beside the bed, and began to fondle her breasts with his hands, and suck on her nipples. Her breathing caught, time and time, again, and her body shook from the feelings he was causing in her. She looked up at her Mother. MOMMY!!! I see what you were telling us. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. OH MY GOD!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!" She shrieked as she had her first REAL orgasm. It shook her whole body. Chris was removing his undershirt, and was just as naked, now as any of them. He also had a beautiful erection. Ashley couldn't see it, but Alice, (Mrs. Collins) and Rebecca could. It was pointed upward, and was visibly throbbing with his heartbeats.
He then raised her near leg, and began to kiss the tender, inner part of her thighs. His touch made her suck in a large gulp of air, and it hissed as she exhaled, with a long, moaning sound. She sighed, as he kissed her nearer to her womanhood. He finally reached it, and rolled her slightly. She took the hint, and turned to hang her legs over the edge of the bed, with one on each side of him. He gently lifted her legs, exposing her fully, and touching her with the tip of his tongue. She jumped, and dropped her hands to grasp the back of his head. She pulled him in, and raised herself, to give him more access to her parts. She had seen a few "blue movies" and saw how the girls cooperated with the guys. They were so relaxed, but, mechanical, that she knew they were actors, and actresses, but she had watched them, so she could figure out, on her own, how she should react.
He finally touched her labia with his tongue, licking across the outer, labia Her outer lips, and she jumped as he crept upwards, going up to tease the tiny, fine hairs between her legs, and, ultimately, using his lips to move the guard over her clitoris, to tease with his tongue. She was bouncing under his face, as she squealed and gasped at the feelings he was giving her. The insides of her thighs were wet with her juices, and it was going down the crack in her butt, as well. It WASN'T lost on Chris, though. He lapped them all up, like a kitten with a bowl of cream, and savored the taste of a woman in heat. He remembered that she was just a touch older than Rebecca. SHE was already 17.
He had been so intent on making the girl's first time as good as he could, he hadn't noticed that the lights were more intense. Alice had gone and brought back the movie camera, and had it on its tripod, aimed at a place that would show EVERYTHING he was doing to her. Her husband, Vernon, would enjoy seeing his daughter deflowered. He had, before he shipped out, told her to try to get it in film, so he could see it, too. He had, also, expressed that he hoped it would be Christopher, that did it. Christopher was the son he had never had. Ashley was their only c***d. He had been in the Army, now, for 24 years, and had been deployed much of the time. Alice flatly refused to let any but him to make her pregnant. She enjoyed him sharing her, discreetly, with other men, but refused to have another man's c***d.
He had shared her, the first time, with a friend, at Ft Sill, in Oklahoma. He had been a truck driver he had grown up with, and they spent the night in his truck, with Vernon sitting in the passenger's seat, watching his friend tear her a new ass. She had been a little "tipsy," and Vernon had brought up the subject, numerous times, and told her how she would enjoy the thrill of having a new man to possess her. She had agreed, and had been hooked on the naughty thrill it gave her. He had taken her four times, that night. Later, she had asked Vernon who he was going to get for her, the NEXT time. His friend had been in an accident, and was severely injured, and was now retired. He had taken her to a nudist camp, during their first trip to Germany, and had enjoyed watching her get passed around during an Octoberfest Party. THEY had nearly worn her out. She had lost count of the times she had been made love to, during the three day event. She HAD had to douche with alum, to make her vagina get tight, again, afterwards. Another lady at the party had told her that it was the way she "recovered."
She was always careful to clean herself, thoroughly, and used a solution to make sure she didn't get pregnant. Then they had come out with birth control pills, and she took them. Now she would get them for her daughter. She would, also, try to get them for Rebecca. Poor Louise and Andrew, were so uptight, and wouldn't even consider anything like that, for Rebecca. If Andrew only knew that she would give him some of her time, in the bed, he would faint. As far as she knew, they had been faithful to each other all their lives.
Chris raised up and took Ashley's hand and turned her on the bed, keeping the towel under her. Ashley was almost catatonic. She was limp as a wet dishrag, but she was smiling. Alice had enjoyed hearing her outcries when she was having her orgasms. She really hoped that her hymen would be nearly painless, when it tore. Hers had hurt so much. She had been 15, though. Now she was a little past 40, and it was something she looked forward to. Thankfully, she could STILL pass for late 20's or early 30's, though. She loved to do her exercises, and keep herself fit.
Chris slipped his hands under her hips, and lifted her, leaning down to nibble at her, some more, and making her whimper, and beg for him to "PLEASE FUCK ME!!!" SOME GIRLS NEVER LEARNED TO USE THE PROPER LANGUAGE, she thought. Especially when they are turned on.
He brought himself up to the right place, putting his hands on each side of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, and shoulders, pulling him down to kiss. He was positioned correctly, and she watched as Chris went in a tiny bit, in her daughter, and then push gently, and go inside of her, very slowly. Ashley grunted a tiny bit, and she spotted a very small spot of blood on the end of Chris's penis. It was done. Her baby was no longer a virgin. The only sign SHE gave, was when he went all the way inside of her, she had kissed him VERY, VERY, hard. Her hips began to move, and he had started thrusting inside of her. NOW they were making LOVE! Chris must have been excited, as she watched him push deeply inside of her, and it was apparent that he was ejaculating inside of her. He paused and kissed her, and began to keep on pushing inside of her.
Becca was watching just as closely as Alice was. She was watching with the eyes of someone who had had the same experience, just a few hours ago. She saw the way Alice was watching. "He did the same with me, this morning. He came inside my mouth, twice, and then, when he took me, he came, twice, again. ALL of it went inside of me. He stopped and we went in and bought a douche kit, and I went home and used it. Then I came over here." Alice's eyes searched her face. "He came in your mouth TWICE? Did you spit it out?" Rebecca shook her head, smiling. "I swallowed it. It tasted so good to me, that i just had to. It would have been a terrible waste, to spit it out."
As she said the last words, Ashley screamed out, and went limp. Becca smiled. "I did the same way. I passed out when her shot me the second time. She's going to be as full of his sperm, as I was."
They rolled him from on top of the girl, and took the towel and wiped the insides of her thighs, and around his penis. Becca went and got a warm, wet rag, and cleaned both of them, and took his cock in hr mouth to suck his cum out. Alice looked at the alarm clock, on the dresser. It was only 9:00. Perhaps, if she helped him, just a little bit, he might be able to do her, too.
Chris had always been her hero, and her true love. When he had gone out with girls, in High School, she had been upset, to the point of being jealous. She would try to find out everything they had done. She had watched for signs that he had had sex with any of them, but she wasn't quite sure what she should look for. His answers to her questions, were always non committal, too. She had thought, a few times, about just coming out and asking him if he and his date had had sex, but she knew good and well, that Mom and Dad would hear her, and they would punish her, in the worst ways. She even went so far, as to go into his room, and gather his laundry, sniffing at it for the hint of a feminine scent. She had found lipstick on his collar a few times, but nothing that she could really be upset over.
She gathered the things in the plastic bag, and, for lack of any better idea, right "off the bat," placed them under her pillow. She always made her bed, and changed her own linens, so she SHOULD be safe, at least, for a little while. THEN, she spied her trash can. IT was nearly FULL. She took the bag from under her pillow, and stuffed it into the liner, filling the basket, and tied the flaps. She twirled it around the tip of her finger, secure in the knowledge that it would NEVER be found, and started down the stairs to greet her Mother.
As the poet once said, "The best laid plans of mice, and men, oft do go astray." Her toe hooked into the carpet on the second step from the bottom, and spilled her on her elbows, breaking the bag open, and spilling all her trash, right at her Mom's feet. Right on top was the bag she wanted, so desperately, to keep out of sight. He Mom reached down, and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay, Sweetie? Are you hurt?"
More concerned with keeping the bag from her Mother, she told her, "I'm okay, Mom. Nothing hurt, but my dignity. Falling like that makes me feel like a klutz." Her Mom looked at the mess in the floor. "We need to get this up. We're having a guest for dinner. It's a guy from Secret Service. He wants to talk with Christopher."
Rebecca picked up all the trash, stuffing it back into the, now torn, plastic bag. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll get it cleaned up. Let me put this in the trash can, and I'll get the vacuum cleaner. Just go and do what YOU need to do." Mom smiled at her. "If you're SURE you're not hurt. You took a good spill, just then. I'll take a look at you, later, just to make sure, though."
Becca went out in the garage, and took out another bag, and put the old sack, and its contents in it, and tied it with the strings at the top, then deposited it in the trash can. NOW, SHE WAS SAFE!!! She came back in the house, fetched the vacuum cleaner, and made short work of cleaning where her trash had fallen. She put the vacuum back in the closet, and yelled up to her Mom. "Hey, Mom. Do I need to be here? I want to go and see Ashley for a little bit. I'll probably eat supper with them, too. Mrs Collins has been after me to come over and see them, more often." Her Mom stuck her head out of the door. "I don't see why not. Just be sure and take a sweater. It STILL gets a little cool in the evenings. It's mid April, and it STILL hasn't warmed up like it should. Tell them all I said "Hello" and we'll get together in a few days and do a little girl stuff."
Rebecca grabbed her sweater from the entryway closet, and went out the door. It was only three blocks to the Collins's house. She could take that on her hands. Her and Ashley, used to do cartwheels from one house, to the other, when they were just k**s.
The Collins house was a little bigger than theirs, and had a screened balcony on the back of it. Her and Ashley could sit and talk in private. She was aching to tell someone of her latest development. She just wouldn't tell Ashley WHO had taken her virginity. He would remain a mystery. It wasn't something she wanted to get out, that she had made love, for the first time, to her own BROTHER! All her friends thought he was something else, and vowed, if they EVER had a chance, to let him make love to them. Ashley and her had masturbated a few times, while talking about Chris. They were always careful, NOT to put a finger inside themselves, though. THEY wanted somebody SPECIAL to take their virginity.
Mrs. Collins answered the door, and invited her in, exchanging the usual small talk. She called out, "ASHLEY? YOU'VE GOT COMPANY!!!" A few seconds later, Ashley came to the head of the stairs. "Grab us some Cokes, and come on up. I need to talk to you." Mr.s Collins, hearing her daughter, took two bottles out of the fridge,and a bag of potato chips from the cupboard, and told Rebecca, "I don't know how, but you girls can eat enough to founder a good sized horse, and stay so slender. I wish I could still do that. Supper will be ready in about an hour. I'll call you when it's ready to eat." She hugged and kissed Mrs. Collins, and told her. "You don't need to worry. You still look good enough to eat. I heard some guys, who shall remain nameless, say you were the foxiest mom in the school." Mrs. Collins looked at her, lifting an eyebrow. "I don't know if that's a compliment, or NOT. I should, but I won't, ask who said it. I should have a talk with their Mothers." Becky went up the stairs, deciding that retreat was the better part of valor.
She went straight into Ashley's room, without knocking, first. Ashley looked up from her prizes, laying on her bed, and pulled a blanket over them. "WOW!!! You could have let me know that it was YOU. If Mom had seen what I have, she would have asked where I got them. THEN, there would be hell to pay. Becca only got a quick glimpse of her treasures. "WHAT were they?" she asked. Ashley told her, Go and lock the door,and I'll show ya." Becca went over and turned the latch, and reached over and slid the hook of the screen door latch into its eye. "Now show me." she demanded. Ashley blushed a little bit. "Pinky swear you won't tell anybody, else." They hooked their pinky fingers together, and shook, and Ashley reached down and pulled the blanket away.
There were three objects that looked like an erect male penis. One was white, tinged with pink, and about six inches long, and bright pink one that was about eight inches long, and another that was almost black, and was, at least, 10 inches long. "Where did you get those at?" asked Becca. "I found them in Mom's room. Since Dad went overseas, I have heard her moaning at night. I peeked through her door, and she was using it, on herself. She had her legs open, and her butt on a pillow, and was giving herself hell with the BLACK one. SHE WAS FUCKING HERSELF WITH IT!!! I was downtown one afternoon, a few weeks ago, and she told me to meet her at the mechanics shop. She was going to have the oil changed in the car, and I got out of school, early. That was the day we had the fire drill, and they let us go home early."
"I went in, and saw our car on the lift, but there was no one around. I went to use the bathroom, and heard a funny noise. In the room where they keep all the stuff for the cars, Mom was on a blanket, on the floor, and her dress was pulled up under her chin. Her bra was off, and laying beside her, with her panties, and the mechanic, the black guy, named Wilson, was on top of her. She was shakin' her ass, and HE was FUCKING HER!!! Her arms and legs were both around him like she was afraid he would try to run away, but he was fucking her HARD. I watched them for a long time, and saw him pull his dick out of her, and some white stuff was running out of her pussy. He bent over and started licking it all up. That's when I left. I found these this morning, when I was making the beds. They were under her pillow. I don't know what to think..MY MOM, fucking a black guy, and letting him cum inside of her. She could get pregnant! Then I'd have a little black brother or sister. I'd just die!"
Becca studied the three strange objects. "They DO look real enough. Have YOU tried them, yet?" Ashley looked at her like she was going to slap her. "ARE YOU CRAZY? I'M STILL A VIRGIN!!! I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE MY CHERRY TO A TOY!!! Rebecca smiled inwardly, and asked. "Would you let ME try one of them, then?" Ashley paled. "YOU'RE STILL A VIRGIN, TOO!!! Are you going to pop yourself with a piece of rubber?
Rebecca had been here enough that she knew that Ashley kept a jar of petroleum jelly in her top drawer. She calmly reached over, and took it out, rubbing some on the pink one. She stood up, and took off her shorts and panties, and applied some to herself, then took the dildo, and slid it inside of her. It was cool, but otherwise...
She worked it in and out of herself, and was soon breathing faster. She increased the speed, and she felt almost the same as she had while Chris had been fucking her, this morning. She took her free hand and held it over her mouth, and groaned. GOD!!! IT FELT LIKE CHRIS WAS INSIDE OF HER, AGAIN!!! Now that she was inside the house, without the breeze to cool her, sweat was beading on her forehead, and across her upper lip. "Turn on the Radio! LOUD!!!' she ordered her friend. Thankfully, a song was on and the music drowned out her gasps, and her cries. "OH, FUCK ME!!!" she cried out. They heard a knock at the door. "Are you girls okay in there. Turn that confounded radio down a few dozen notches. You'll bust out the windows. Wash up. It's almost time to eat."
Both the girls had a shocked look on their faces. "HOW, WHEN?" WHO POPPED YOUR CHERRY? DID HE CUM INSIDE OF YOU? HOW MANY TIMES DID HE FUCK YOU?" Rebecca smiled and told her friend, "I'll tell you everything, but his name. AFTER SUPPER!!! WE BETTER GET DOWNSTAIRS OR YOUR MOM WILL COME LOOKING FOR US." Her breathing was coming back to normal, and she reached over and pulled her panties and her shorts back on. "I WILL TELL YOU, IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!"
They washed their hands and went down the stairs, taking the now warm Cokes with them, so they could get some cold ones to replace them.
They went and ate, and gave Mrs. Collins a hand with the clean up, and sat and talked with her for a little bit. Rebecca wanted to find out some things from her, that she didn't dare ask her own mother, but held her questions, until Mrs. Collins started asking about THEIR sex lives. She started out by asking them about what they did on dates, and who they went out with, and where they went. She was leading up to something.
Finally she asked Rebecca, "Are you still a virgin?" Becca felt like she was caught in a spotlight. She wiggled under the scrutinizing look of her best friend's Mom. Mrs. Collins smiled at her. "You don't need to answer. I can tell that you're NOT. I have my doubts about Ashley, but I don't know for certain. I haven't seen anything different about her, but I did, when you came over a while ago. A girl walks differently when she's lost her virginity. Her butt moves a little more, and she moves different, all over. You lost your virginity, and not too long, ago, I'll bet. Probably in the last day or so. Don't worry. I won't say anything to your parents. I'm not a snitch. I know how things happen. I almost know for certain who got it, too. I'll just say that I don't blame you. He IS very handsome."
Now it was Ashley's turn to be in the dark. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Her Mom fixed her with a withering gaze. "You don't have to use that kind of language, young lady!!! There are better words you can use, and still get your meanings across. Instead of the word, FUCK, you can say relations, or making love, or having sex. When you talk about the boys, you can say that he';s "well fixed." or "hung." When you talk about your, or another girl's body, she has a "vagina", or a "female organ." Instead of a pussy. She also has "mammary glands," or breasts, or even boobs is acceptable."
"As far as you go, Ashley, My Darling, I know that you found my toys, this morning. I also know that you watched Mr. Wilson and I, a few days ago. You saw everything we did, except at the very first. He ate my vagina before he made love to me. He and I have made love many times,and he is quite good at it. In fact he is almost as good as your father. You father enjoys watching us when we make love, and he is at home to see it. Your father also enjoys keeping company with Mrs.Wilson, but she isn't as careful as I am. He has fathered two c***dren for her. His seven year old son, and his five year old daughter, are your half brother and sister. We have many movies of us, together. In fact, I have a date with them tomorrow night, and I am taking our movie camera with me, so she can take movies of him making love to me. I'll send it to your dad, and it'll make him happy to know I'm being well taken care of, in his absence. If you like, you can go with me. "Their sixteen year old son, I think you know him, is very handsome, and is well fixed, both. He would love the chance to take your virginity, for you."
"Another thing. I don't know which of you is using it, but I expect you to clean the Vaseline off of it, before you return it to where I had it. Vaseline makes me feel icky inside. I always use baby oil."
"Now I'll give you some helpful, I hope, hints about your personal hygiene. You should always shave yourself between your legs, so a lover doesn't get a hair in his mouth, or throat, when her performs oral sex with you. He will probably call it "eating your pussy." Another, better, I think, name is cunnilingus, or kissing the baby. He may ask you to perform oral sex on him. He'll ask for a "blow Job." or to suck his dick. Tell him it's called fellatio, or chewing the root. When he has sex with you, he'll probably say he's cumming. He is ejaculating. Those terms are MUCH nicer, even though ladies don't talk about such things in public. After, as soon as you can, go and douche yourself, and wash around the outside. Nothing is worse than a smelly vagina. NOW!!! I know you have both done it, so I want to watch you both masturbate. I will show you how to make yourself have an orgasm that is much better feeling. THAT is how a lady should express herself. Dirty talk, and words, aren't necessary to get a point across." We'll go to my bedroom to do our thing, though. If you like, it's nice, so we could even go out on the balcony. I enjoy the point of us maybe being seen, by other people. It makes it so much more interesting to think someone might be watching you.
Mrs. Collins turned out the lights, and they went up the stairs. Nearly all of the questions Rebecca had had, were answered. How did she know who could have taken her virginity. That, too, was about to be answered. They had gone to Mrs. Collins's bedroom and undressed. Then they took a blanket for each of them, and went out on the balcony. Mrs. Collins drew the shades until they were almost, but not quite, closed. "That leaves enough room for someone to look at our vaginas, if we are standing up. Mr. Adams, next door, says mine is absolutely beautiful. He also said that you, Ashley, are also very pretty, but he likes them trimmed. I'll teach both of you how to do that. Now, come over here on the settee, and we'll get started."
"First you have all your clothes off. It isn't necessary, but it is helpful. Then you sit where you are comfortable, with your butt, out a bit, and your knees as wide as you want, and your feet drawn up. There are other ways, but this one is best for me. Try as many as you can think of, and you'll find the way you like the best. It's a great way to calm yourself down, when you've had a trying day." Mrs. Collins had gone down on the floor, and was facing the two girls. She told them to wet two fingers in their mouths, and put one finger on each side of their clitoris. That little bump at the top of their vaginas, and stroke it, gently. When it began to tickle, they should rub barely inside of them, so as NOT to break their hymens. Even though only ONE of them still had one. Rub inside, and when you felt the liquid coming out, rub a little harder, and soon it would feel warm inside your body, and like something was getting big inside of it. "Soon it will feel like something is exploding inside of you, and it will be an orgasm."
Just as both of the girls had reached their orgasms, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Collins told them to relax, and that she would be right back. The girls sat looking at each other, smiling. Rebecca told Ashley, "i didn't know your Mom was so COOL!!! Ashley looked back at her. "I didn't EITHER! I wonder, NOW, WHAT ELSE she is going to say, BUT, I don't think I'll have to worry about her knowing, when I DO get screwed."
The door opened, and Mrs. Collins came back in, leading Christopher by the hand. Rebecca did a "double take" at the sight of her big brother. "I saw Chris when he was dropping his car off to get it fixed, and asked him to come over, this evening, but to keep it between the two of us."
"HEY, SQUIRT!!! HI, ASH!!! You're sure growing up nice. Come and give me a kiss, like you used to. It'll be nicer with your clothes off, already. Your boobs are getting bigger, and, I'll bet, getting real soft" She stepped over, and put her arms around Christopher's neck, and kissed him, like she had seen in the movies. She felt his tongue pushing between her lips, and relaxed, enough, for him to put his tongue all the way in her mouth. The feel of his searching tongue made her knees weak, and she felt funny low in her gut. His hand wandered down, and cupped the cheek of her butt, squeezing it, and she felt one of his fingers, going between her legs, and barely touching her vagina. "HEY, SWEETIE!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE WET DOWN THERE? He raised his finger to his mouth, and stuck it in, tasting her moisture. "MERCY!!! You taste just as good as your Mama. Was she teaching you two to diddle yourselves? I see all of you are buck naked. Don't think anything of it. Her and the Colonel taught ME to choke the chicken, too. Then she gave me my first sex. Colonel Collins watched me to make sure I did everything the right way."
Both of the girls had shocked looks on their faces. Chris laughed at them. "If you two had paid any attention to what we were doing, you would have seen us. We were out on the balcony, and you were both in plain sight of us. You were watching something on the TV that was more interesting, though. By the way, Mrs. Collins, he's a full bird, now. His orders came just today. He'll probably call you, on MARS, as soon as he can get a line. They been having trouble making a connection, lately. Probably a storm in the Pacific. The guy came over, but didn't stay long enough to eat with us. They rescinded my orders for Germany, and are sending me back to Vietnam. I'll be in the same battalion, as before, but in another company. The Colonel is my Battalion Commander, now, instead of my Company Commander.
"I'm going to be his Adjutant. Just like before. We love being together in that place. He gets to take care of his own girl, AND mine. They took him off Flight Status, when he got his leg broke. Now he'll just be flying enough to draw his Flight Pay. Mostly the Mail run. He also gave me my orders for Captain, and asked if I knew Colonel Collins. I told him, "Only all my life." He thought that was funny. He was bringing me some stuff to read, and sign non-disclosure forms for."
"Now that I've presented the news to you, can we get down to some good old dirty fun?" Mrs. Collins, came over and kissed him, hard. "I'm so glad he got his promotion, and YOU, TOO!!! I can't wait to see you both in uniform, with your new jewelry on them. Now take those dirty old blue jeans off, and let me take a look at the thing that deflowered your sister." Rebecca had a shocked look on her face. Mrs. Collins laughed at the shocked look on her face. "Don't be such an old fuddy duddy! I knew, within reason, that it was Chris that took your virginity. YOU made a GOOD CHOICE. He's an excellent lover. After all, I DID TRAIN HIM!!! He was a very good student. I just hope he gave you cunnilingus, first."
Becky felt her face turning red, and Ashley was staring at her, her mouth open. Rebecca wanted to cry, but Mrs. Collins pulled her to her, and hugged her to her breasts. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. You've been in love with Chris, all your life, so it was almost a given thing. I hope that Ashley will give him HER virginity, too. I would enjoy seeing her and him dancing together." How about YOUR fiance'? You never told me her name." "Her name is Lang. You say it with a silent "g." Like the lawn in your yard. Now that I'm going back, I'll be able to get her passport and visas. The Colonel said he would do everything he could, to run interference for me. He's on good terms with the Group Commander. I still will call him, "The Colonel" though. It wouldn't be right to get more informal with him. HE can call ME by my first name, but I still have to put a front on our relationship."
Ashley was thinking, and she had felt the electricity when he had touched her, so intimately. She had also listened to what her Mom had said about him. "Becca? Can I borrow your big brother for a little while? I watched how you've acted, tonight, and seen how Mom acts. I love him, just like YOU do. ALWAYS HAVE!!! I want him to take care of me, the same way. I want him to be my first lover, too. Is it okay with you?" Becca went over, and kissed her friend, on the cheek. "You have my permission. If he wanted to, Chris would just go ahead, and do you, with or without my say so, but, thank you for asking, first. He can be YOUR first, too. It'll make us just that much closer."
Mrs. Collins went and got a thick towel for them. "Put this under you, and it'll catch the blood, if you have any. Some girls don't bleed but a tiny bit when they lose their virginity, some bleed a lot. If Chris does as I THINK he will, it'll be fun. I think Becca enjoyed it, didn't you Dear?" Becca smiled. VERY MUCH!!! I've wanted him more than a sister should, for years, now. I want him in me even more, now, than I did, before. He made me feel so good. I love him with everything in me."
Ashley came over and kissed him, again and again. He picked her up, and carried her into her room, and, as Mrs Collins laid the towel on the bed, he laid her on top of it, and knelt down beside the bed, and began to fondle her breasts with his hands, and suck on her nipples. Her breathing caught, time and time, again, and her body shook from the feelings he was causing in her. She looked up at her Mother. MOMMY!!! I see what you were telling us. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. OH MY GOD!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!" She shrieked as she had her first REAL orgasm. It shook her whole body. Chris was removing his undershirt, and was just as naked, now as any of them. He also had a beautiful erection. Ashley couldn't see it, but Alice, (Mrs. Collins) and Rebecca could. It was pointed upward, and was visibly throbbing with his heartbeats.
He then raised her near leg, and began to kiss the tender, inner part of her thighs. His touch made her suck in a large gulp of air, and it hissed as she exhaled, with a long, moaning sound. She sighed, as he kissed her nearer to her womanhood. He finally reached it, and rolled her slightly. She took the hint, and turned to hang her legs over the edge of the bed, with one on each side of him. He gently lifted her legs, exposing her fully, and touching her with the tip of his tongue. She jumped, and dropped her hands to grasp the back of his head. She pulled him in, and raised herself, to give him more access to her parts. She had seen a few "blue movies" and saw how the girls cooperated with the guys. They were so relaxed, but, mechanical, that she knew they were actors, and actresses, but she had watched them, so she could figure out, on her own, how she should react.
He finally touched her labia with his tongue, licking across the outer, labia Her outer lips, and she jumped as he crept upwards, going up to tease the tiny, fine hairs between her legs, and, ultimately, using his lips to move the guard over her clitoris, to tease with his tongue. She was bouncing under his face, as she squealed and gasped at the feelings he was giving her. The insides of her thighs were wet with her juices, and it was going down the crack in her butt, as well. It WASN'T lost on Chris, though. He lapped them all up, like a kitten with a bowl of cream, and savored the taste of a woman in heat. He remembered that she was just a touch older than Rebecca. SHE was already 17.
He had been so intent on making the girl's first time as good as he could, he hadn't noticed that the lights were more intense. Alice had gone and brought back the movie camera, and had it on its tripod, aimed at a place that would show EVERYTHING he was doing to her. Her husband, Vernon, would enjoy seeing his daughter deflowered. He had, before he shipped out, told her to try to get it in film, so he could see it, too. He had, also, expressed that he hoped it would be Christopher, that did it. Christopher was the son he had never had. Ashley was their only c***d. He had been in the Army, now, for 24 years, and had been deployed much of the time. Alice flatly refused to let any but him to make her pregnant. She enjoyed him sharing her, discreetly, with other men, but refused to have another man's c***d.
He had shared her, the first time, with a friend, at Ft Sill, in Oklahoma. He had been a truck driver he had grown up with, and they spent the night in his truck, with Vernon sitting in the passenger's seat, watching his friend tear her a new ass. She had been a little "tipsy," and Vernon had brought up the subject, numerous times, and told her how she would enjoy the thrill of having a new man to possess her. She had agreed, and had been hooked on the naughty thrill it gave her. He had taken her four times, that night. Later, she had asked Vernon who he was going to get for her, the NEXT time. His friend had been in an accident, and was severely injured, and was now retired. He had taken her to a nudist camp, during their first trip to Germany, and had enjoyed watching her get passed around during an Octoberfest Party. THEY had nearly worn her out. She had lost count of the times she had been made love to, during the three day event. She HAD had to douche with alum, to make her vagina get tight, again, afterwards. Another lady at the party had told her that it was the way she "recovered."
She was always careful to clean herself, thoroughly, and used a solution to make sure she didn't get pregnant. Then they had come out with birth control pills, and she took them. Now she would get them for her daughter. She would, also, try to get them for Rebecca. Poor Louise and Andrew, were so uptight, and wouldn't even consider anything like that, for Rebecca. If Andrew only knew that she would give him some of her time, in the bed, he would faint. As far as she knew, they had been faithful to each other all their lives.
Chris raised up and took Ashley's hand and turned her on the bed, keeping the towel under her. Ashley was almost catatonic. She was limp as a wet dishrag, but she was smiling. Alice had enjoyed hearing her outcries when she was having her orgasms. She really hoped that her hymen would be nearly painless, when it tore. Hers had hurt so much. She had been 15, though. Now she was a little past 40, and it was something she looked forward to. Thankfully, she could STILL pass for late 20's or early 30's, though. She loved to do her exercises, and keep herself fit.
Chris slipped his hands under her hips, and lifted her, leaning down to nibble at her, some more, and making her whimper, and beg for him to "PLEASE FUCK ME!!!" SOME GIRLS NEVER LEARNED TO USE THE PROPER LANGUAGE, she thought. Especially when they are turned on.
He brought himself up to the right place, putting his hands on each side of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, and shoulders, pulling him down to kiss. He was positioned correctly, and she watched as Chris went in a tiny bit, in her daughter, and then push gently, and go inside of her, very slowly. Ashley grunted a tiny bit, and she spotted a very small spot of blood on the end of Chris's penis. It was done. Her baby was no longer a virgin. The only sign SHE gave, was when he went all the way inside of her, she had kissed him VERY, VERY, hard. Her hips began to move, and he had started thrusting inside of her. NOW they were making LOVE! Chris must have been excited, as she watched him push deeply inside of her, and it was apparent that he was ejaculating inside of her. He paused and kissed her, and began to keep on pushing inside of her.
Becca was watching just as closely as Alice was. She was watching with the eyes of someone who had had the same experience, just a few hours ago. She saw the way Alice was watching. "He did the same with me, this morning. He came inside my mouth, twice, and then, when he took me, he came, twice, again. ALL of it went inside of me. He stopped and we went in and bought a douche kit, and I went home and used it. Then I came over here." Alice's eyes searched her face. "He came in your mouth TWICE? Did you spit it out?" Rebecca shook her head, smiling. "I swallowed it. It tasted so good to me, that i just had to. It would have been a terrible waste, to spit it out."
As she said the last words, Ashley screamed out, and went limp. Becca smiled. "I did the same way. I passed out when her shot me the second time. She's going to be as full of his sperm, as I was."
They rolled him from on top of the girl, and took the towel and wiped the insides of her thighs, and around his penis. Becca went and got a warm, wet rag, and cleaned both of them, and took his cock in hr mouth to suck his cum out. Alice looked at the alarm clock, on the dresser. It was only 9:00. Perhaps, if she helped him, just a little bit, he might be able to do her, too.
4 years ago