Party goes South

Rebecca was one of the "cool girls" in her High School. She was a starter on the Girl's Basketball team, was a cheerleader, for the second year, and was one of the most popular girls in her class. This year she was a Junior. She had dated almost all of the football team, at one time or another, and was invited to ALL the parties that REALLY mattered. She could dance with the best of them, and was up on all the latest music.

She was most glad that her older brother was going to be home. He had been a year in Vietnam, and was coming back to see her, before he went to Germany. He had hinted that he had something special for her. He had sent her several things while he was away. Her Mom had plead innocent when a pair of her slacks, and a blouse had come up missing, but it turned out that Mom had mailed them to her brother, and he had taken them to a tailor shop, and made her a Vietnamese dress, HE called it an OA DAI,(OW YAI) It was silk slacks that fit her nicely, but not TOO snugly, and a top that fit her like a glove. It had two long pieces that fell to just above her ankles, in long flaps, in front and rear. He had also sent her a picture of his girlfriend, wearing one. She had tried it on, and it was just as the girl in the picture was wearing. She sent him a picture of her wearing it, and he had called by something he called "MARS" and told her that it looked just the way it was supposed to. He also said she was beautiful. That had made her feel even closer to her brother. HE was her hero. He was five years older than she was, and she looked up to him all the time.

She was walking home from school, and wasn't paying attention to anything around her. She had walked the same way for the last 4 years. The Junior High, and the High School were right next to each other. It was only bad when there was a storm or something. Then it was 12 blocks of pure miserable.

She looked when she heard her name being called. It was Will. The Captain of the basketball team. He was okay, but no dreamboat. He DID have a car, though. It was an older car, but it was still nice to go to the drive-in, in it. She had gone once with him, and he had what the k**s called "Roman Hands." He kept trying to put his hand under her dress, but she stopped him. She HAD let him get to "second base" though. He had almost bruised her breasts, with the clumsy way he had mauled her. Then he had held her and tried to get to "third base", again. She had slapped him, and demanded that he take her home. If ANYBODY was going to hit a "home run" with her, it WASN'T going to be WILL! One of her friends had let HIM get into her pants. He didn't even put on a rubber, and then had the nerve to cum inside of her. She had been scared to death, until she had her second period. THEN she knew that he hadn't "knocked her up." The girl had taken her used napkin, and had thrown it into his face, and told him that if he ever said a word, she would have him arrested, and sent to Reform School. It was too late, though. He had told all the boys about getting some from her, and that he had creamed her jeans for her. By the end of third period, that morning, everybody in the school knew what had happened.

"YEAH, NUTLESS? WHAT DO YOU WANT? She stopped and listened to him tell her that he was sorry, and that he would NEVER do something like that, again. She had flipped him off, and spat at him, "Like you did, with Debbie? You put your hands on me, again, and I'll tell my brother. He'll beat your ass to a bloody pulp." Will drove away. She went the remaining three blocks in peace.

She went in through the kitchen door, her Dad greeting her from inside the garage. He was always tinkering with something. He had a big pegboard full of assorted tools, to work on the car, or do things with wood. More tools were in the locker next to it, and there was a big table he used for a workbench. They had two cars. The station wagon her Mom drove, and the pickup HE drove. He kept it outside, and put the station wagon inside so it wouldn't be necessary for Mom to go out in the weather, for her to go someplace. It was old, but he loved it. It smelled of stale gasoline, oil, and sweat, but, to her, it smelled wonderful. It made her think of her Dad, and the way he would STILL take her in his lap, and hold her to his chest, and kiss her. He called her his "baby doll." He smelled like sweat, even after he took a shower, and shaved. He put on powder, and after shave, and she could still smell him. Her and Mom thought it made him smell like a "real man."

She went inside, and Her Mom was busy cooking dinner for them. She hugged her Mom, from the rear, and asked, "Whatcha cookin' Mommy?' Her Mom turned to return her hug, and told her take a look. She opened the oven door and saw a big lasagna cooking. She smiled at her Mom. "What's the occasion?" He Mom smiled and told her, "Go up and take a shower, and put the dress on that Chris sent you. He wants to see it, when he comes in the door. He'll be here around five. He came home early, and stopped to pick up the car he bought through the PX. He's driving home from the airport in it."

They hugged each other dancing up and down with the joy of having Chris home. Becky as she was known ran up the stairs, and was naked in just a second. She went into the 3/4 bath she had for herself, and used the toilet, and turned on the shower. She remembered that she had thrown her towel in the laundry that morning, and stepped out in the hall to get a couple from the linen closet.

Her Dad was standing on the landing, and cleared his throat. "Is that any way to come out of your room? I realize you're just as glad to have Christopher home, as Mom and I are, but YOU have to be a little more modest. What would Chris think if he saw his little sister running around the house, naked. Mom and I have been looking at you, since we brought you home from the hospital. We both changed your diapers, and gave you baths, but you're nearly a woman, now. Guys think different than parents do. Make sure you're dressed when you come out, from now on. NOW! From a male point of view, you sure are growing up nice. Your sand shifted in all the right places. Now go do what you need to do, and get ready for Chris to come in. He wants to see you wearing the dress he sent you."

She went over and kissed her Dad. "I don't know how I got such good parents, but, I' glad I did. I love you, Daddy."

She went back, closing her door, and laid out her clothes, then got into the shower. She scrubbed herself until her skin was nearly raw, then powdered herself. She stood in front of the full length mirror, and looked at herself, then turned and went to her dresser, and used the mirror to look at herself from the back. She was satisfied with her inspection. Her only blemish was the tiny scar where the doctor had had to remove her appendix when she was eight. He had cut so it blended in with the crease, where her leg and her abdomen came together, and was only visible to someone who knew it was there. It was so well hidden that she could wear the briefest bikinis, and not reveal it.

She got out her bra and slipped it on, wishing that she was a little bigger THERE, but feeling that she still had time to grow. She was a respectable 34C, now. She wanted to be around 36. Her waist was nice, at 21 inches, and her butt was 34, so she was still having a good shape. Her hair was a light brown, with red highlights in it, and her eyes were green. Kelly Green, her Grandfather had called them. MOM said her hair was more of an auburn. She had fair skin that took a tan nice in the summer, and had a smattering of light freckles over the bridge of her nose. Chris liked them, so she wouldn't put powder on her face, just for him. She would put on the barest hint of rouge, and her pink lipstick, though. That and her eye shadow would do her just fine.

She brushed out her hair, which was just lower than her shoulders, and pulled out a pair of panties. They were almost the same color as her skin, and wouldn't show under the slacks of her dress. She sat down and did her makeup, and pulled on the slacks making sure that the zipper tab on the side was down and covered. She put on the top, her mom had called it a tunic, and wound it around her body, snapping the small snaps to close it. and looking at the completed picture. She reached into another drawer, and pulled out a pair of sheer mid calf stockings, and rolled them on, and got the pair of high heeled shoes that Chris had sent her, with the dress. She slipped them on, and fastened the tiny buckles, and walked over and stood in front of the mirror, again. VIOLA!!! She was ready. The smell of the lasagna was creeping throughout the house. She sniffed again. MOM WAS MAKING GARLIC BREAD TO GO WITH IT!!!

She descended the stairs, slowly. She didn't want to take a chance of turning her ankle. She had only wore high heels a few times, and still had a little trouble in them. She had looked at her alarm clock, before she left her room, and it was a little past 4:30, so she had time to go down and get ready for Chris. She THOUGHT!!! As she stepped down the last step, she felt someone grabbing her from the back. Mom and Dad were standing in the door between the living room, and the dining room, so WHO? She felt a familiar kiss, on the back of her neck. ONLY ONE PERSON KISSED HER LIKE THAT!!!

She wheeled around, and was looking into the eyes of her brother. The tears sprang from her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips went to his in the way anybody BUT a sister would kiss, and she almost bruised them both. She was sobbing. He held her close, her head on his chest, "How's it going Squirt? Did ya miss me? She was sobbing. She did manage to nod her head, and whisper, "Yes. I missed you every second of every day. I even have the short times calendar you sent Daddy. I took his to the library, and made a copy for myself. I even colored it in."

This news was a surprise to him AND his Dad. The picture was of a naked girl, divided up into 365 sections. Her nipples and her bush were days 1 through 5. Her Dad had hid his, where it wouldn't be seen. Chris blushed. "You weren't supposed to see that. Dad could show Mom, even if I knew he wouldn't, but, it wasn't meant for you to see." She kissed him, again. "I know, but it made me feel like you were closer to me."

Mom told them to come in and eat, supper was on the table, and Rebecca's penance was that SHE was going to do the dishes, after supper. Becky didn't mind. Mom would help her, like she always did. She looked past Chris and saw two suitcases, and his duffel bag. He went to one of the suitcases, and took out a big camera. He wanted to take pictures of ALL of them. He took several group pictures, and individual pictures, too. Mom had on a nice dress she wore for some things, and Dad was wearing slacks, and a button down shirt.

They went in and Chris told them the car was at the dealership, and he had taken a taxi from there to here, and he was to go get it in the morning. One door latch wasn't working as it should, and it kept opening when he made a left turn. He had locked it, and the Service Manager had told him that they opened at 8 in the morning, and it should be ready by 10.

Chris dived into the lasagna, telling his mom that it was the best thing he had had since he left the world. He then explained that the name was what they called the United States. It was short for The New World, as opposed to the Old World.

They sat talking, and Chris showed them pictures from three different albums, but kept another two from them, telling them that they were not for the family to see. VERY private. They had Chris's bed fixed and told him good night, at around 12 midnight. During the night, Becky heard two sets of footsteps, and light knocks on his door. Mom and Dad had come in to tell him good night, for the second times. Dad hadn't done it before, but she knew that he was wanting to hug his son, to welcome him home. Mom would probably kiss him silly. She lay there after she heard the door open and close for the second time, and knew that he would be by himself, again.

She slipped on her robe, over her panties, which was all she slept in, and went barefooted to his door. Instead of knocking, she scratched his door with her fingernail. She heard a grunt, and opened the door. It wasn't her scratch that had caused the grunt. Her brother was on the bed, a picture beside him, and his erection in his hand. SHE HAD CAUGHT HIM MASTURBATING HIMSELF!!! He grabbed for the sheet, to cover himself, and looked like he was going to faint. She smiled, and looked at the picture. It was the same girl in the picture, as he had sent with the dress. Only in this one, she was completely naked, and laying on her back, with her legs open.

Rebecca had to smile, and pick up the picture, to look at it, closer. "She's VERY pretty, Chris. Who is she." There was enough light from the window that she could see that he was blushing. "She was my Hootch Maid," he explained. "I had a private room, and she took care of it, and five or six others. We got to be very close." Becky looked at it, again. "I'll bet you were. Probably closer than you want Mom and Dad to know about. RIGHT?" He smiled and looked at her. "You're right. She was thinking she might be pregnant when I left. She's going to write me and tell me if she is. All the others let her be, so she and me got VERY close. In fact, close enough that she gave me her virginity." "OH, YEAH?" responded Rebecca. "Did you get "very close" many times with her?" Chris nodded. "Almost every day. Except when she had her periods." Becca smiled again at him. "So you saw her naked many times, then." He nodded to her. Did you enjoy you seeing her?" He smiled at her. "Almost as much as she enjoyed seeing me. At least that's what she said."

Becca was thinking about this new development. "You know, what I saw a minute ago, wasn't so bad. How about giving me a better look. Don't worry. I've seen boys naked before. I want to see what YOU look like. I'll even show you mine, if you show me yours." She had locked his door when she entered, so she knew that their parents wouldn't be barging in on them. She stood near the head of his bed, and dropped her robe. All she had under them were the panties she had worn tonight, and they were shear. She stood there and let him look at her, then reached down and pulled the sheet away. He had gone down, but he was still hard enough to show he was well fixed. She sat on the edge of his bed, and reached over and took his semi-flaccid penis in her hand. With her touch it was soon as hard as it had been, before.

"I was wondering what one would feel like. It feels GOOD, in my hand. I wonder what it would feel like in some other places. Like this one." She leaned over and took it in her mouth. It was smooth and hard as she sucked on it for a few seconds. She raised up and kissed it, again. "I'll find out the rest, as soon as I can get you away from the grown ups. You're going to get MY cherry, too. There are only four of us that are still virgins. Soon there will be only three."

She peeled down her panties. "I saw a guy kissing his girlfriend between her legs, and she was having a fit over it. Show me what he was doing to her. She straddled him, and he resigned himself to the fact that his little sister was all grown up, and was as curious as any guy. He pulled her up until she was across his face and reached out with his tongue. She barely had time to put her fist in her mouth, to muffle the gasps. It was like an electric shock. Her whole body shook as he continued to lick her. She pulled away from him, and fell beside him on the bed.

"I'll go with you to get your car, in the morning. I don't have any classes, so we can tell Mom I'm going to show you a few things. We can take a blanket with us, and tell her we're going swimming, too. We'll swim, AFTER you show me what I've been missing." She kissed him, only this time she kissed him as a lover, her tongue probing the inside of his mouth. He returned her kiss in the same way. She pulled her panties and robe on, again, just in case, and slipped out the door. She fell into s deep sleep, and dreamed of what she had seen

The next morning, they got up to see their Dad off to work, and Mom said she had some errands she had to take care of. She gave Chris and Rebecca a ride to the dealership, and kissed both of them as she left. It was almost 10, so they went around to the garage, and the Service Manager told them that they had just finished with his car. They went back to the house, and he got out the two albums he hadn't shown, last night, while she was getting her Dad's ground sheet. His car was a 1968 GTX. It was orange, with red striping on it. He went to the city limits and took a blacktop road to another smaller gravel road. It took them to a cattle guard. They both knew the man that owned it, and went to the watershed lake he had there. It was far enough out of town, that they knew that they wouldn't be seen. The guy that owned it was living in another city, and only came here on weekends and holidays.

They found the place they wanted, and went to sit on the picnic bench. Chris took out the albums. Becky had asked to see them. He figured, since last night, what would be the harm. He almost knew, already what SHE had planned. He took out the cooler he had just bought, and carried it with them to the table, and sat the books in front of her. She looked through them, whistling softly at some of them. One in particular caught her eye. It was a picture he had taken of Richards. He was throwing the meat to one of the mess hall girls. He had been exceptional. One girl had claimed that he had 13 inches. She had cried when he rotated

She looked at the image, closely, and for a long time. It didn't get past Chris, either. "We had a party, and she was a little on the tipsy side. She did her version of a strip tease, and when she was naked, she was messing with Rich. He told her that if she didn't leave him alone, he was going to get her. She just laughed, and dared him. Rich laid her on a table, and pulled his dick out. She saw how big he was, and tried to fight. Two other guys held her down, and Rich put the meat to her. She hollered a bit, at first, but then, it hit her, and she was begging for more. He busted a nut inside of her, twice, and she went in his room the next day, and begged for more. She would sneak out, and go to his room two or three times a day, and tell him to, "PLEASE fuck me." If he tried to put on a rubber, she would pitch a fit. She wanted him raw. He got shot down, and had to be medevaced, and was in the hospital for almost two months. She found out she was pregnant, and greeted HIM with the news. He admitted that he had fallen in love with her, too, so he started the paperwork for them to get married. HE was the one that was helping US. I'm waiting for word as to whether we can get permission to get married, and her join me in Germany. It's harder for Officers, than it is for Enlisted, though. WE are supposed to be GENTLEMEN."

She was puzzled. I thought Officers got some kind of special treatment. He smiled at her. "In some things we do, but we are also held to a higher standard than the enlisted men are. I tried to extend, so I could marry her over there, and bring her home with me, but the extension was turned down. My SP5 Crew Chief got his back, APPROVED, in less than 2 weeks. When, or, IF I get permission, I'll have to go back, on leave, and pay for our tickets to Germany. Enlisted get their tickets for free. I'll have to stand in line for quarters, for us to live in, and she'll have to wait until we're back stateside, for her to get her citizenship. I got some good news, though, just before I left country. I'll be getting my Captain bars next month. No more EL TEE, for me."

"I need to ask you for help, though. She's going to need help to adjust to being here. Mom and Dad will do what THEY can, but she'll REALLY need help from a sweet, and beautiful, younger, SISTER. PLEASE!!! Will YOU help her?" Becca hugged him, and kissed him. "I will, BUT, I'm also going to charge YOU." Your fee is to pop my cherry, and show me what sex is supposed to be like. Last night just made me want you, all the more. PLEASE CHRIS!!! Fuck me. Just like you did her."

Chris realized that he had stepped into a trap. He was trying to stall for time. "Do you have any rubbers with you?" She opened her purse, and took out several. He shook his head. "I bought these, with the help of Carol's older sister. She's 18. The d**gstore will sell them to her. If I tried to buy 'em, they'd refuse, and call Mom and Dad, and tell on me. You KNOW what they'd do and say." I'd be lucky if I wasn't grounded 'till my 21st birthday. and that's AFTER Dad used a belt on my ass. Mom would even go to school with me, to make sure I stayed pure. My life would be OVER!!!"

He gave up. "OKAY, SQUIRT!!! Drop your knickers, lay back, and get ready. I'll give you what you THINK you want. I think you're making a big mistake. You only have one cherry in your life. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. I'll go over and take a whiz, while you think about it. Then, if you still want me to, I'll do the deed for you. I'll tell you, though. Most girls hurt when it busts. AND BLEED!!!"

He went on the other side of the car, and she watched him pull it out, and start urinating. She put all but three of the condoms back into her purse, and unzipped her jeans. She pulled off her sneakers, and her sweat socks, and put them on the bench, with her folded pants on top of them. Next, she took off the T shirt she had put on, this morning, AFTER rolling it with her bra, and panties. inside. Chris was still on the other side of the car, and she absently looked at some more of the pictures he had inside. There were many of him, and his fiance', but there were more of him, and OTHERS, with many OTHER girls. She took a quick count, and found pictures of him with, at least, a dozen other girls.

She closed the book, when she saw him coming back, and sat on the top part of the table, with the groundcloth, and a towel, under her. He came and stood over her. She looked up at him, smiling. "I looked at your book a little more. You did more than fly over there, didn't you? How did you ever have time to do anything else?" He smiled at her. "Only the one ever took me any time. The others were "SLAM, BAM, THANK YOU, MA'AM." A quick shot of ass, pull up my pants, and get away, as fast as I could. Many times, I didn't even know their names. I just called 'em "Co Loam. Miss pussy."

She reached up and pulled his hand to her breast. " In that case, what would you call me?" He thought for a second, and told her, "I'd call you, "Chi Loam." SISTER pussy." She took one finger, and put it in her mouth, licking it as she had done his dick, last night. "Okay Dai Wee. (Captain) Lai day, choi ong chi loam." (okay Captain, come fuck your sister pussy) He had written her, and told her some of the words they used so much. She had a good memory.

He saw that there was going to be no other way to stop it from happening, so he resigned himself to what he was about to do. She surprised him, yet, again, though. She turned until her head was where her butt had been a second ago. She unzipped HIS pants, and pulled his dick out, and began to remind him of what she had done last night. She took his dick in her mouth, and began to suck on it, like a babe nursing it's Mother. Soon she had given him a raging erection. She pulled back, kissed the head if it a few times, and told him, "It's even more beautiful, and stronger, than it was last night. Would you do the same for me, as you did last night? Kiss me between my legs."

She scooted over to make room for him, and they were soon feasting on each other's bodies. She felt a warm sensation in the pit of her stomach, that swelled until it, like a balloon, burst, and she cried out in her first orgasm. It had felt good when she played with herself, or had had other girls do her, but it had been NOTHING like THIS!!! Soon, though the feeling started building inside of her, and she screamed out, this time. She pulled Chris's head closer to her, and pushed her pelvis into his face. She was so busy gulping for air, that she almost choked, when he shot his cum into her mouth. After the first surprise, she swallowed it, greedily, trying to get more. She soon had him just as hard as he ever had been, and swallowed the second load just as fast. She had squirted her own fluids at the same time. Chris had licked them up, and swallowed her fluids, as well.

He raised up after ejaculating in her mouth, the second time. "Honey? If you want me to fuck you, you better stop, now. One more is my limit." She reluctantly let his penis slip from her lips, and smiled at him. "Why didn't anybody tell me that it tasted so good? I could pull a train like that." He turned to bring their faces together. "You have to do it with your pussy, to say you pulled a train. At least, part of them have to fuck you. You don't want to start that, though. That much fucking will make your pussy big and sloppy. No one will want to fuck you, then. You want to keep your pussy nice, and tight. Boys talk about a girl with a tight pussy. They LAUGH at the girls with big pussies."

She was glad that her big brother was teaching her all these things. Other boys would just fuck her, and tell their friends, how they had screwed her silly, whether she liked it, or not. She had heard them talking about the other girls, several times. Will was one of the worst to "kiss and tell." He had told everyone that he had fucked HER that night. She had called him a liar in front of his friends, and even offered to go to the doctor, and get proof that she was a virgin. He had been trying to get her to go out with him, ever since. And she WOULDN'T either. She would let WALTER, the class Geek, fuck her, before she would let WILL have any.

Chris was kissing her, now, and she returned his kisses, as she felt him rubbing her ass, and feeling her pussy. He was careful NOT to put his finger inside of it, though. He was saving THAT for something else he had. He rolled her to her back, and was sucking her nipples, and the heat started building, again. "Please, Chris. Please fuck me. I want it so much. Do me like you did your girlfriend. And DON'T use a rubber. I want to feel it going inside me, for my first time. It felt so good, and tasted even better, going into my mouth. This time, put it inside my pussy. I don't care if I DO get pregnant. Just fuck me as many times as you can. I can go and stay with Uncle James, and Aunt Bessie, if I get pregnant. I'll tell Mom and Dad that some boy I never saw, before, held me down, and took me. Over and Over. I'd lie to anybody who asked me, so YOU wouldn't get in trouble."

Caught up in her passion, he went all the way on top of her, and she reached down and felt to make sure of what was going inside of her. He pushed, and felt the tiny membrane stopping him, and pulled back, and pushed even harder. He felt the slight tug and he slid in a little further. He met resistance the second, and the third times he pushed. She gasped when her hymen gave, and broke, but the feeling was soon replaced by another feeling. She felt like she was over full, and wanted to burp, but lower down. As he withdrew, it tickled. Then he started in faster, and had soon set an even pace. She felt him going in and out of her, and it was wonderful. Nothing had prepared her for what was happening. She wanted to feel him filling her with his cum, but she also wanted it to never stop.

Suddenly both of them were surprised. He was surprised when he felt the twinges of himself cumming in her, and was just as hard as he had been while she was sucking his dick. She felt the same rigidity, as his seed flowed into her, and realized that he was still able to keep going. He humped and thrust inside of her, until he had cum inside of her, the second time. He hadn't done THAT with Lang, his fiance'. He had cum inside of her mouth once, and inside of her pussy twice, at best. SHE had always spit it into a bowl when he had cum in her mouth, too. SHE NEVER SWALLOWED!!!

He humped into her, to give her the last of the seed he had left, and relaxed, with her kissing him, and telling him how good he had made her feel. She had told him that she wanted him to do her as many times as he could, and he could take her to a doctor in another town, and tell him that THEY were married, so he would give her the pill. Then they could fuck all they wanted. He MUST have somebody in McCreary, or Dunston, that he knew. She would go with him, and get birth control pills. He didn't answer her.

They dressed, and stopped on the way home, and she went in and bought a kit to clean herself with. As soon as they got home, she went up and used it, and threw the bottle away. She heard the garage door coming open, and knew that her Mom had come home.

IF you like this, tell me, and I'll write the rest of the story.
Published by sandlicker
4 years ago
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