17.24 Waterloo to Hampton court
It was the end of another day at work, now for the journey home, rush hour the normal packed train to look forward to.
I get to Waterloo, the platform is packed waiting for the train to arrive, as soon as it does it is a mad scramble to get on even before the people have finished getting off, no chance of a seat they have all been taken, I stand next to the door and pole so at least I can lean against something. By the time the doors close the carriage is packed solid, we move off with a jolt,
we stop at the first station a few try to get on, off we move again, people looking anywhere but at there fellow passengers, then I feel it, someone pressing against my bum, it might be an accident but I know from experience it probably isn’t.
I can’t turn or move as there just is not the space to, and to be honest I don’t really mind, it is nice to know someone is still intrested in me,
I feel a hand on the side of my thigh just below my hip, it moves slowly lower, he is still pressing against my bum and with the movement of the train I have to admit it feels rather please take. The hand stops on the clasp of my suspenders, I feel his fingers ( I assume it is a he) circle the clasp, then trace the outline of my suspender strap.
his hand continues lower down my thigh, the pressure firm but please try, I find myself pressing back against him.
the train pulls into Wimbledon station, a lot of people get off here but a similar number get on, I think he may leave but his hand stays firmly on my thigh.
as the the train pulls into the stations on the journey to Hampton court more and more people get off, not enough cover now for whoever it is to carry on, I am not sure if he is still on the train or has left, I turn, as I look around I see several people all trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone else, I sigh, he most have gone “oh well it was nice while it lasted.
we all leave the train at Hampton court, there is a mad dash for the exit, I hang back to avoid the crush, then I feel the hand on my hip, I know it is him, I want to see who but I keep looking forward, his hand guiding me, once outside the station, I would walk to the crossing, but he guides me firmly towards the carpark. Cars are already leaving, the carpark is well lit at the entrance but towards the back it becomes darker, I let him lead me, I wonder if he has a car here,
we stop,I feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispers “ do not turn around”
I get to Waterloo, the platform is packed waiting for the train to arrive, as soon as it does it is a mad scramble to get on even before the people have finished getting off, no chance of a seat they have all been taken, I stand next to the door and pole so at least I can lean against something. By the time the doors close the carriage is packed solid, we move off with a jolt,
we stop at the first station a few try to get on, off we move again, people looking anywhere but at there fellow passengers, then I feel it, someone pressing against my bum, it might be an accident but I know from experience it probably isn’t.
I can’t turn or move as there just is not the space to, and to be honest I don’t really mind, it is nice to know someone is still intrested in me,
I feel a hand on the side of my thigh just below my hip, it moves slowly lower, he is still pressing against my bum and with the movement of the train I have to admit it feels rather please take. The hand stops on the clasp of my suspenders, I feel his fingers ( I assume it is a he) circle the clasp, then trace the outline of my suspender strap.
his hand continues lower down my thigh, the pressure firm but please try, I find myself pressing back against him.
the train pulls into Wimbledon station, a lot of people get off here but a similar number get on, I think he may leave but his hand stays firmly on my thigh.
as the the train pulls into the stations on the journey to Hampton court more and more people get off, not enough cover now for whoever it is to carry on, I am not sure if he is still on the train or has left, I turn, as I look around I see several people all trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone else, I sigh, he most have gone “oh well it was nice while it lasted.
we all leave the train at Hampton court, there is a mad dash for the exit, I hang back to avoid the crush, then I feel the hand on my hip, I know it is him, I want to see who but I keep looking forward, his hand guiding me, once outside the station, I would walk to the crossing, but he guides me firmly towards the carpark. Cars are already leaving, the carpark is well lit at the entrance but towards the back it becomes darker, I let him lead me, I wonder if he has a car here,
we stop,I feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispers “ do not turn around”
4 years ago