Mr Salmon

57 year Mr Salmon is the headmaster of St Patricks, he has been on the teaching profession for almost 3 decades now. He has been the caning master ever since he started teaching, with new regulations coming to effect such as the corporal punishment banned, these has not affect him at all. He has won the heart of parents and it only took him one parent meeting to get the approval of parents. "Keep on disciplining our c***dren sir" "Oh Grace god, what do they expect if you can't cane" "our c***dren, your c***dren. Keep on app lying the parental hand". These was the comments he got from the parents and it was settled then, he will keep on caning. For at 57 years and nearly approaching his retirement time, Salmon was now caning more than ever. And it was big bottoms he developed the love for, 17 years old and 18 years old were really for it if they come face to face with.

It was lunch time when Mr Salmon went to the parking lot, the parking lot and grounds were used for school pupils to enjoy their meal during lunch. Today of all days, the 13 years boys were playing soccer there. Boys been Boys, instead of utilising the ground they went for a parking. 18 year old Sally was having her meal with her classmate and long time friend, Sheila was the name and same age as Sally. They were 6 boys playing the ball and about four groups of pupils having their meal there, including a group of two that was Sally's. With a bad luck the boys kicked the ball to the headmaster's direction, and in an instant the headmaster trapped the ball. He sternly looked at the boys and they panicked, he confis**ted the ball and sternly ordered the three boys to go to his office straight away and to Sally and Sheila they were shocked when they too ordered to come with the boys. The canings were happening regularly at school but to these point it was the head that was only caning, pupils never got to witness the cane unless having it is considered as witnessing it. The boys went for the head office straight away and Sally and Sheila followed. Those that were around the parking lot also followed so they could see the miscreants coming out freshly after been caned. They aoon were outside the office with one boy ushered in, a stern lecture was heard and the 13 year old boy came out after three stinging blows. It was evident it was on the bottom for he came out rubbing bottom and it was "ouch he must have felt that" as the pupils were now gathered outside the office. Next!!! Came the shout and the second boy followed, the third followed and in went Sheila after the third boy. Sheila was on the thin side, nothing really appealing with her and Mr Salmon never fancied punishing such girls, but never the less, a job is a job. Inside they were stern lecture "really girl, at 18 years. You should be leading by example, reprimanding the boys. Sheila responded softly "please sir, I am sorry. Sally,..." but before she could finish head cut her "so it's Sally that said they must play there, no wonder why her younger brother was also playing there ey" as she was replacing the cane with the ruler "Oh no sir, I meant Sally,...." but it was "raise your left hand dear, you have said enough already" and she did and got two on each hand and sent outside. Next!!! Followed and the boy went in. Sheila came out rubbing both hands and whispered to Sally "it's for on hands, really wielding it" and in no time it was next and the fifth boy got in and had his three strokes.

Next!!! And Sally went in and she immediately saw the chair on the center. The boys must have bending over it, thanks god she is only getting the ruler. Caning is so painful, even on hands she thaught. "Your friend say you the one that said the boys could play at the parking lot Sally" said the head swishing his cane and Sally answered softly "no sir, no I didn't. I didn't even spoke to them sir". The head paced up and down "is it? Your friend didn't say that girl, otherwise why didn't you stop them from playing there. Why didn't you act like an elder to them?" Continued the head and Sally responded "Oh sorry sir, I just didn't think. I am..." but the head was guiding her with his hands on a shoulder "i am going to show you how much I hate girls that just don't think, I promise you going to regret never thinking for a long time". She realised she will be caned on bottom and she gasp before pleading "please sir, not on bottom. Please dont cane me on bottom sir" but she was obeying to bend over and headmaster spoke "Why Sally, why dont i cane your bottom?" He was already raising a skirt and Sally had a tear on one eye "it's hurt on a bottom sir, and and Sheila got the ruler sir. On on oh god on hands". Her Knickers had just pulled down and headmaster was smiling to see a good bare bottom, he went for the cane "I am the one handing out punishment Sally, you will understand when you a bit older. I am doing these for you girl, for your own good". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ooooooh ouch" and the head still smiling "there, how is that Sally? Sting doesn't it" and Sally now crying she responded "yes sir, yes oh it hurt. Please sir...". "Please what, please more? No problem c***d" continued the head tapping Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!! "Oh oh oh ouch" she had lost a position now and rubbing "how dare You, who gave you permission to rise?" that was the head in a volcanic reaction and everyone could hear him outside "please sir, it hurts. I am Sorry, please dont cane me no more" asked Sally in tears "what, stop caning at 2 strokes. You must be joking, we have hardly started my girl, we not even half away through. Bend over!!!". The girl did not bend but pleaded more "please sir, please no more. The boys got three over trousers, it's bare for me. Please how many, can I please have my knickers up. Please sir" and she went for her knickers and pulled them up. She got to the chair again "how many sir" as she bend over. She again felt her knickers pulled down "really girl, I am surprised at you. You will have those knickers up when you in charge, as long as i an in charge i am taking them down. Naughty girl, really naughty girl. And it really does not concern you how many, itvrealky is none of your business. Just know its enough to teach a naughty girl a good lesson" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Oh god ow ow ow" as she stay on position. "Good, that's a good girl. Bottom still my girl" and she got three more before told to stand up and pull her knickers up. She was dismissed. She came out of the office in tears and rubbing bottoms "Oh my, she got it on the bottom" "she must had been really naughty, how many did you get Sally" "I heard six if i am not mistaken, was it bare" came the comments but Sally ignored them and went to the toilet. The toilet was just nearby and in a mean time headmaster was dealing with the last boy. In few minutes the boy came out rubbing bottoms.

Headmaster put his cane on the cupboard and smile when thinking about Sally, what a bottom she had. She could've given her thwelve. He went outside to the direction of the toilets, Sally came out still rubbing bottom and with red eyes. It was still break and pupils were still outside "what is these Sally? Making a fuss with just a small punishment. Haven't those bottom sting before?" "I am sorry sir, I,...." as she was still rubbing but it was "get your hands away from there girl, infact come with me. Those knickers are going down again, C'mon" and she was driven by spanks, smack! smack!! smack!!! "Get your hands away girl" smack!!! and the hands flew back to the bottom. But she surely regretted that for the headmaster just turned her and slightly bend her, next her skirt was raised and knickers roughly pulled down. "Really, just look. Only six stripes but a girl make fuss like it was more, well these bottom is getting a further six" slap! slap!! slap!!! And for few minutes and then it was "get inside girl, dont bother raising knickers". Inside she went and got a further six, she re-appeared with the head smiling "there Sally, now you can cry girl. Bottom must be really sore" said the head. Classes resumed and school got out, Sally went home and told her mom about her ordeal. Mom felt pity for her but it was nothing she could do. They went out for dinner that evening and to her bad luck they met with Mr Salmon and his family, he greeted Sally's mom and spoke with her "did your c***dren told you about the little problem we had earlier on" and mommy replied politely "Yes, they told me you had to cane them" he smiled and look at Sally "bottom still sore girl?" And Sally looked down and nodded. "I had to cane Sally on bottom, bare bottom mam. I really wanted to get through to her" as he spoke to Sally's mom. "Oh Yes, she told me. I trust and believe in you head, you wouldn't have took the knickers down if it was not necessary. With Sally, always bare the bottom sir. I want you to set her into straight and narrow line". They all laugh as head looked at Sally "come Sally, show me your bottom". Sally gasp and looked at mommy but her mom said "c'mon dear, an elder is speaking. Show him your bottom". She just developed tears and said "not in public, I am 18 years. Please not in public as she stood up" but the head was already raising her skirt and in no time the panties where going out "nothing to hide here Sally, everyone know bottom. My, it's still red and stripes well visible. Ouch, it must be really sore dear" and Sally in tears said yes and the head said "Good, I am giving you sux again tomorrow. You will really regret telling boys to play soccer on the parking lot"
Published by Africa01
4 years ago
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Africa01 Publisher 4 years ago
to dreamerr : Yes along those way, once you have punished. Be it slipper, strap or the Cane, got to be firm and keep on punishing 
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It's always nice to read about a lass getting a good old-fashioned proper sore bottom, but it's also terrific to hear that after only a few minutes respite and thinking it is all over she gets another caning on an already very sore bare bottom. Wonderful, it would have been wonderful when out fir dinner if thdvheadmaster had handed Sally's mum accane and told her to also now cane that sore bottom hard while other's watched. Sally would have been REALLY sore and really humiliated. But, good luck to the headmaster tomorrow. Sally's bum will still be red and sore and I'm pretty sure he won't be giving her six more just the once probably 2 or 3 times, why not on such a lovely bare bum. Sally is going to find sitting impossible for a long time. Hopefully her mum is also going to get involved having a daughter so naughty needing caned so often at school, I'm sure her mum should also start caning her or strapping her when she gets back home to really drive the message home.