Agency Slave
I was in a boring office job supervising the stock for a large company. This was less than I was qualified for and I was not using my brain very much. I had tried teaching but as I was gay it had been difficult and I was hounded out of one post.
Then I saw an ad in a straight fetish magazine asking for serious submissives looking for a change of life and willing to serve abroad.
I wrote off for more information and rather quickly a man called me by phone and asked me a bit about myself. He explained that he worked for an agency that supplied slaves to rich people around the world. The rules were very strict and I would have to comply with their specifications if I was to be considered. If I was interested he would send me some more information. When he had rung off I realized that I had given him my address but did not know how to get hold of him. I shrugged and put it down to experience not expecting to hear any more.
A week later I got a set of papers in the post that gave me more information about the agency, each with a different part of the information on it in different types so that unless you had all of them they did not make sense. The postmark was London but there was no reply address. I read it all very carefully and it was exciting stuff but I still thought it was all fantasy. They arranged for slaves to be sent to the Middle East - they were mostly men who were given domestic work to do. Some were given clerical work and some were used for sexual service. The agency arranged all the contracts and once the slave had signed it was for real - he had to go through with it. Contracts could be for a minimum of three years but some were longer. The agency would arrange it all and the slave would have no say in who the buyers were. All slaves would be required to be specially prepared for their service.
The last piece of paper gave the details of this preparation - it involved castration. All slaves sold by this agency had to be eunuchs - the balls and sac would be removed surgically and the penis would be rendered so that it could not get erect.
Two days later in the evening the man rang again and asked if I had received the information and was I interested. I was very curious and I had just had a hard day at work and was very frustrated and bored. I said: “Yes I am and what happens next?”
“You have read all of the papers very carefully?” he said “and you realize that you must have the surgery if you are to be accepted.”
He told me that I had to get all my affairs in order and sell most of my stuff and put everything into a bank account. When I was ready I was to ring him - he gave me a mobile telephone number - and wait for further instructions - I would be told to meet a man at a train station and go with him. From then on there would be no turning back.
I thought about it for a bit but I knew it was what I wanted. So I began to sort out my few belongings and sell them. I gave some away to local charity shops and arranged the sale of my car. I handed in my notice at work - which was scary moment but I then knew that there was no going back. I arranged a new savings account at the bank and told them that it would be sitting there for a while and that there might be deposits occasionally but that i would not be making any withdrawals for a while.
Then I phoned the the number I had been given. I was naked in my almost empty room as the phone rang. he was surprised to hear form me but I could tell that he was pleased too. he had a condescending sneer to his voice - i noticed it and realized that he was already thinking of me as a slave. "Are you ready for the chop then?" he laughed a bit. "Yes Sir" i replied. We discussed final dates and he told me to be at a certain point at a certain time at Victoria station. i was to have my passport ready. he took my details and said that i would be flying straight to Morocco to the clinic that they used for the alterations. i made a note of it all. When he hung up i jacked off furiously and had the biggest orgasm of my life. i was nervous about losing the ability to keep doing this again but the thought of being finally a total slave for real was just too powerful for me and i knew i had to go through with it.
A week later i packed up everything, having arranged for all that was left to be sold and the money pout in my account. i gave the keys in to my landlord and set off to the station in a taxi with my small bag which contained just few items and my toothbrush. i had a little money, my train ticket to London and my passport.
At Victoria i waited as instructed and after ten minutes two big burly guys came up. they looked like serious east end heavies. Both had very short hair and many tattoos and one had a broken nose. They were business like: "Are you the guy for the agency?" the blond one said. I nodded. "Come on then lets get you to the airport, we haven't much time." The dark one smiled at the other and said to me: "And don't think of giving us any trouble mate. There is no going back now - we have been instructed to "persuade" you if there are any second thoughts."
Once settled on the Gatwick express in an almost empty train they began to talk a bit. They were curious about why i was going with the agency. "Are you really going to be nutted?" the blond one asked. I blushed and nodded. "Are you gay?" he continued. i nodded again. He smiled and looked at his companion. "Well, well." he said slowly, "We have here a poor little faggot who wants to go off and have his balls cut off and then become a sex slave to an Arab! You had much practice at sucking a real man's cock?" He leant over to me and breathed in my face while stroking his cock through his jeans. The other guy grinned broadly. "You want it, eunuch?" he said. The dark one laughed "You don't have to ask mate - this guy's gonna just be a piece of property - he wont have any say - he will just do as he is told, won't you, queer-boy?"
i was escorted to the toilet and there i was brutally face fucked one by one while the other waited outside. Then they changed places and i got to swallow another load. My own penis got no attention - except that the blond one wanted to look at my balls before they came off. He squeezed them hard and i thought that at least after the surgery they would never hurt me again that way!
At the airport i was handed over to an Arab looking man who told me to call him Sir. He had arranged all the flight details and i was soon on the airplane with him and heading to Morocco to the hospital where my balls would be removed. It was hot in Fez when we arrived and i was taken straight to the small hotel. It was explained to me that i would be waiting there until i was to be taken to the clinic and that some lawyers would be round later with all the various contracts that i was to sign. Once these papers were all completed i would be the property of the agency until they arranged my first sale. He asked me whether i was considering limited time contracts or whether i wanted full time.
"The full-time contracts raise much more money because not many slaves agree to them and they are in demand. The men who buy eunuchs are very competitive and having a permanent eunuch slave is a big status symbol - besides they can then have you altered in any other way that they want. There are no limits on the permanent contracts - though the agency will keep in touch with your owners to see that you are still alive. " The man smiled at me as he sat in the chair in the hotel room, while i knelt naked on the floor a few paces from him.
"Sir i have been considering this" my voice faltered and my mouth was dry. He looked at my rock hard cock which was dripping onto the carpet and a look of satisfaction passed over his face. "Sir i would like to sign a permanent contract Sir" i hung my head and watched my penis twitching - i dared not touch it now - it was not mine and anyway soon it would no longer be able to get hard and my balls would be gone.
" Good slave. Now crawl over here and lick my hole while i call the agency lawyers." He removed his trousers and hoisted his legs up on the arms of the chairs while he used the telephone. I knelt between his legs and concentrated on licking and tonguing his hole. i tried everything i knew to give him pleasure - i really wanted to please this man. When he had finished talking to the lawyers there was knock on the door and the he called out to enter. A young Arab boy came in. He was about f******n and was very beautiful with a slender body and sleek complexion. He was wearing a thin band of metal around his neck that looked like it was welded in place.
"Come here Kip." He pushed me away from my licking and said: "Slave this is one of my properties that i have already had neutered to keep him looking young. He was done three months ago and he is now ready for sale after an intensive period of training." The boy had quietly removed all of his cloths and was kneeling obediently to one side with his head bowed. i was fascinated by the sight between his legs - there was only a small penis which hung shriveled and no sign of any sac or balls. The skin just under his penis where his sac should be was pierced with a large ring. The Master leant over and clipped a thin chain to this ring and pulled it gently. The boy winced and looked at the Master with fear as he said something to the boy in a language i did not understand. The boy tensed and slowly rose. He went over to the table and picked up the whip that was there - it was about three feet long and had an ornate ivory handle. He put it in his mouth and then slowly, reluctantly crawled on his knees to the Master. The man took it and caressed the boy on the side of his shaved head. He pushed the boy sideways and again the boy tensed but obediently turned around and held up his ass - which was already welted and bruised from previous punishment. i could see that there was a plug in place in his asshole. The Master struck hard with the whip on the boys buttock. He hissed but stayed where he was. The Master hit again and the boy squealed a little. The Master kicked him with his boot and muttered. The boy nodded his head and put his ass up higher. The Master began to beat the boy steadily - not too hard but enough to make a pattern of welts appear and to have the boy moaning. Eventually the boy shuddered and spasms jittered all over his body. The Master stopped and the boy sank onto the carpet moaning. The Master looked at me kneeling there with a drooling cock standing out. He grabbed my balls and struck the head of my penis with the whip.
"You have just witnessed the nearest that a eunuch slave can get to an orgasm. Once these have been taken off you and your worthless member has shrunk out of sight so that it is no longer an offense to your owners then the only way you will experience any sexual release will be when you are beaten like that - you will learn to beg for it and fear it at the same time." The boy had recovered and was kneeling looking up at his Master adoringly. "I will be sorry to see him go but he will fetch a good price - he is a natural slave. i will try to make sure that the buyer is not too cruel - however business is business and i usually sell to the highest bidder. i wonder how much you will sell for when you have been properly prepared?"
He smiled down at me and i looked up hopefully. "The agency lawyers will soon be here with all the papers to sign. These are only really necessary if you are sold to a European or an American. If you end up in a Muslim country you will not have any rights as a eunuch anyway. However the agency likes to be very serious about the legal aspects and make sure that there is no chance of any slaves having second thoughts."
"Are there many guys who go through with this voluntarily?" i asked as i began to stroke my rock hard penis which was dripping precum.
"Stop that!" He slashed across my hand with the whip which felt like an electric shock. "Slaves are never allowed to touch themselves there and you will learn the hard way if i see it again. And lick up that mess on the carpet, Kip." The boy leant over and licked up the drools of shiny liquid that trailed from my penis to the floor. The man gave his ass a few more swats with the whip but not hard.
Later after Kip and i had given the salesman a thorough tongue massage and Kip had been fucked twice we were lying quietly on the floor while the man dozed. The phone rang to announce that the lawyers were here and on their way up to our room. There were five men who entered, though one of them had a shaved head and was very quiet - he was fair skinned and looked north European or possibly American. He was wearing only a white shift that was tied at the waist and leather collar round his neck - he looked about 35 but was very sleek with little visible body hair. He knelt submissively and the largest of the Moroccans stroked the back of his neck. This man was big, muscular and with a large belly - he was about fifty and had a big moustache and a booming voice. He came over to me to inspect me - i had been made to stand with my hands behind my back, completely naked - and he looked inside my mouth and cupped my genitals. He smiled at my hard penis and then looked at my balls curiously and spoke to the second of the lawyers who laughed at his comments - he was probably an assistant to the man. This second guy was tall and thin and quite young - possibly early twenties. He had a long face that looked cruel but attractive - he was just the sort i had always liked.
The other two officials were ordinary and in their forties - i guessed that they were not directly involved but were here to see the proceedings - i was surer of this when they both got out their fat cocks and Kip was told to suck one and let the other fuck him - this was probably part of some bribe. Meanwhile the first two sat at the table and produced papers from a case and talked to the dealer while i waited patiently to one side. He was explaining that i was going to be signing a permanent contract of sale and also the contracts for the surgery to remove balls and sac and also to cut the nerves to the cock. The younger lawyer looked over at me with a searching expression - he looked hungry and slightly amazed that i was doing this voluntarily - but he also looked interested and before i hung my head submissively i looked hopefully into his eyes.
When they were ready the dealer called me over and i went and stood, naked, by the table with my hands held behind my back and my head bowed. i looked at all the paperwork on the table and took the pen when it was handed to me i quickly signed where the dealer pointed. There seemed to be many places to sign but i just blanked my mind and tried not to think what the consequences of all this would be. Then it was done and i had completed all the paperwork. They all laughed and called over the two guys fucking with Kip to see the contracts. they both looked at me and smiled and shook their heads in amazement, i could not understand what was being said but i guessed that the big lawyer was explaining the nature of the contracts that i was a volunteer. The dealer grabbed my balls and made a snipping motion in the air next to them and they all laughed again. He pulled down hard and i moaned but stayed where i was with my hands behind my back and my eyes looking down. i was an agency slave now and i belonged to them until i was sold on a contract - total obedience was expected. The big lawyer called over his slave who had been kneeling obediently by the door. He crawled over and at a quick command he shrugged off the clothing he wore. It was then very obvious that this was another eunuch slave and i could see what i was soon to become. He knelt and the lawyer opened his flies and the slave swallowed a huge fat cock - he looked greedy and pleased with it and sucked hard trying to please his Owner. "You see" said the lawyer to me "he is just two holes all ready for my pleasure and his only enjoyment comes form my cock. He was castrated two years ago and i have owned him for six months now. His previous Owner who sold him to me had grown tired of him and had found a sixteen year old blond boy who had been k**napped and castrated in Jordan. He was expensive and this poor slave became surplus to requirements so he was sold to raise funds. i will keep him for a while and them sell him through the agency - now that he is so well trained he should fetch a good price still." Through all this the slave was sucking on the cock that was deep in his throat. The lawyer shuddered and i saw a brief look of pleasure on the slaves face as his gut was filled with fluid from the lawyers balls. He pulled out and the slave licked more cum off the sides and the balls underneath. When he had finished the big man slapped his head and kicked him out of the way and he moved silently and submissively back to the door.
"Your appointment with the doctor is tomorrow morning and the surgery will follow immediately. You will stay there at the clinic for two days and then your Dealer here will collect you and take you with him. Meanwhile arrangements will be made for your details to be sent to our customers all over the world and we will see who is interested in you. The big man grabbed his slave by the collar and called to the others and they all gathered up and left except the younger lawyer who had asked to fuck me. He had a long and thin cock which he used quickly. He shouted and slapped me while i leant over the bed and let him use me. It did not hurt and i patiently waited for him to finish. The Dealer watched with an appraising eye - i suppose he was measuring my training for which he would be responsible after i was cut. He let Kip nuzzle at his cock like a calf at his mother's tit. The lawyer finished and pulled out triumphantly with his glistening cock jutting from his waist. The dealer grabbed my collar and pushed my head down and told me to clean him. i licked his cock and tasted my ass juices and sucked the long cock deep into my throat.
Finally i slid off its shiny length leaving it clean and but still hard. The lawyer smiled at me and said something to the dealer who laughed - i could not understand the language but i just stayed on my knees and started to get used to being no more than something to be used. He grabbed his clothes and when he was dressed he left after talking again to the dealer - i hoped that he might have been asking about buying me.
Later i curled up at the dealers feet with Kip who was exhausted and fell asleep quickly. The dealer drank beer and watched the television and later crawled in to the bed leaving Kip and me entwined on the floor. i could not sleep as i was thinking about what would soon be happening to me tomorrow. Carefully and quietly i stroked my penis which was still hard. Just the thought of what was to happen to me had me spurting out onto the carpet of the hotel room and Kip’s thigh which was next to mine. i look at my penis and balls and felt a twinge of regret at losing them but i knew that i was here through my own choice and that it was my deepest desire to go through with this.
Tomorrow i would become a eunuch slave for ever.
Then I saw an ad in a straight fetish magazine asking for serious submissives looking for a change of life and willing to serve abroad.
I wrote off for more information and rather quickly a man called me by phone and asked me a bit about myself. He explained that he worked for an agency that supplied slaves to rich people around the world. The rules were very strict and I would have to comply with their specifications if I was to be considered. If I was interested he would send me some more information. When he had rung off I realized that I had given him my address but did not know how to get hold of him. I shrugged and put it down to experience not expecting to hear any more.
A week later I got a set of papers in the post that gave me more information about the agency, each with a different part of the information on it in different types so that unless you had all of them they did not make sense. The postmark was London but there was no reply address. I read it all very carefully and it was exciting stuff but I still thought it was all fantasy. They arranged for slaves to be sent to the Middle East - they were mostly men who were given domestic work to do. Some were given clerical work and some were used for sexual service. The agency arranged all the contracts and once the slave had signed it was for real - he had to go through with it. Contracts could be for a minimum of three years but some were longer. The agency would arrange it all and the slave would have no say in who the buyers were. All slaves would be required to be specially prepared for their service.
The last piece of paper gave the details of this preparation - it involved castration. All slaves sold by this agency had to be eunuchs - the balls and sac would be removed surgically and the penis would be rendered so that it could not get erect.
Two days later in the evening the man rang again and asked if I had received the information and was I interested. I was very curious and I had just had a hard day at work and was very frustrated and bored. I said: “Yes I am and what happens next?”
“You have read all of the papers very carefully?” he said “and you realize that you must have the surgery if you are to be accepted.”
He told me that I had to get all my affairs in order and sell most of my stuff and put everything into a bank account. When I was ready I was to ring him - he gave me a mobile telephone number - and wait for further instructions - I would be told to meet a man at a train station and go with him. From then on there would be no turning back.
I thought about it for a bit but I knew it was what I wanted. So I began to sort out my few belongings and sell them. I gave some away to local charity shops and arranged the sale of my car. I handed in my notice at work - which was scary moment but I then knew that there was no going back. I arranged a new savings account at the bank and told them that it would be sitting there for a while and that there might be deposits occasionally but that i would not be making any withdrawals for a while.
Then I phoned the the number I had been given. I was naked in my almost empty room as the phone rang. he was surprised to hear form me but I could tell that he was pleased too. he had a condescending sneer to his voice - i noticed it and realized that he was already thinking of me as a slave. "Are you ready for the chop then?" he laughed a bit. "Yes Sir" i replied. We discussed final dates and he told me to be at a certain point at a certain time at Victoria station. i was to have my passport ready. he took my details and said that i would be flying straight to Morocco to the clinic that they used for the alterations. i made a note of it all. When he hung up i jacked off furiously and had the biggest orgasm of my life. i was nervous about losing the ability to keep doing this again but the thought of being finally a total slave for real was just too powerful for me and i knew i had to go through with it.
A week later i packed up everything, having arranged for all that was left to be sold and the money pout in my account. i gave the keys in to my landlord and set off to the station in a taxi with my small bag which contained just few items and my toothbrush. i had a little money, my train ticket to London and my passport.
At Victoria i waited as instructed and after ten minutes two big burly guys came up. they looked like serious east end heavies. Both had very short hair and many tattoos and one had a broken nose. They were business like: "Are you the guy for the agency?" the blond one said. I nodded. "Come on then lets get you to the airport, we haven't much time." The dark one smiled at the other and said to me: "And don't think of giving us any trouble mate. There is no going back now - we have been instructed to "persuade" you if there are any second thoughts."
Once settled on the Gatwick express in an almost empty train they began to talk a bit. They were curious about why i was going with the agency. "Are you really going to be nutted?" the blond one asked. I blushed and nodded. "Are you gay?" he continued. i nodded again. He smiled and looked at his companion. "Well, well." he said slowly, "We have here a poor little faggot who wants to go off and have his balls cut off and then become a sex slave to an Arab! You had much practice at sucking a real man's cock?" He leant over to me and breathed in my face while stroking his cock through his jeans. The other guy grinned broadly. "You want it, eunuch?" he said. The dark one laughed "You don't have to ask mate - this guy's gonna just be a piece of property - he wont have any say - he will just do as he is told, won't you, queer-boy?"
i was escorted to the toilet and there i was brutally face fucked one by one while the other waited outside. Then they changed places and i got to swallow another load. My own penis got no attention - except that the blond one wanted to look at my balls before they came off. He squeezed them hard and i thought that at least after the surgery they would never hurt me again that way!
At the airport i was handed over to an Arab looking man who told me to call him Sir. He had arranged all the flight details and i was soon on the airplane with him and heading to Morocco to the hospital where my balls would be removed. It was hot in Fez when we arrived and i was taken straight to the small hotel. It was explained to me that i would be waiting there until i was to be taken to the clinic and that some lawyers would be round later with all the various contracts that i was to sign. Once these papers were all completed i would be the property of the agency until they arranged my first sale. He asked me whether i was considering limited time contracts or whether i wanted full time.
"The full-time contracts raise much more money because not many slaves agree to them and they are in demand. The men who buy eunuchs are very competitive and having a permanent eunuch slave is a big status symbol - besides they can then have you altered in any other way that they want. There are no limits on the permanent contracts - though the agency will keep in touch with your owners to see that you are still alive. " The man smiled at me as he sat in the chair in the hotel room, while i knelt naked on the floor a few paces from him.
"Sir i have been considering this" my voice faltered and my mouth was dry. He looked at my rock hard cock which was dripping onto the carpet and a look of satisfaction passed over his face. "Sir i would like to sign a permanent contract Sir" i hung my head and watched my penis twitching - i dared not touch it now - it was not mine and anyway soon it would no longer be able to get hard and my balls would be gone.
" Good slave. Now crawl over here and lick my hole while i call the agency lawyers." He removed his trousers and hoisted his legs up on the arms of the chairs while he used the telephone. I knelt between his legs and concentrated on licking and tonguing his hole. i tried everything i knew to give him pleasure - i really wanted to please this man. When he had finished talking to the lawyers there was knock on the door and the he called out to enter. A young Arab boy came in. He was about f******n and was very beautiful with a slender body and sleek complexion. He was wearing a thin band of metal around his neck that looked like it was welded in place.
"Come here Kip." He pushed me away from my licking and said: "Slave this is one of my properties that i have already had neutered to keep him looking young. He was done three months ago and he is now ready for sale after an intensive period of training." The boy had quietly removed all of his cloths and was kneeling obediently to one side with his head bowed. i was fascinated by the sight between his legs - there was only a small penis which hung shriveled and no sign of any sac or balls. The skin just under his penis where his sac should be was pierced with a large ring. The Master leant over and clipped a thin chain to this ring and pulled it gently. The boy winced and looked at the Master with fear as he said something to the boy in a language i did not understand. The boy tensed and slowly rose. He went over to the table and picked up the whip that was there - it was about three feet long and had an ornate ivory handle. He put it in his mouth and then slowly, reluctantly crawled on his knees to the Master. The man took it and caressed the boy on the side of his shaved head. He pushed the boy sideways and again the boy tensed but obediently turned around and held up his ass - which was already welted and bruised from previous punishment. i could see that there was a plug in place in his asshole. The Master struck hard with the whip on the boys buttock. He hissed but stayed where he was. The Master hit again and the boy squealed a little. The Master kicked him with his boot and muttered. The boy nodded his head and put his ass up higher. The Master began to beat the boy steadily - not too hard but enough to make a pattern of welts appear and to have the boy moaning. Eventually the boy shuddered and spasms jittered all over his body. The Master stopped and the boy sank onto the carpet moaning. The Master looked at me kneeling there with a drooling cock standing out. He grabbed my balls and struck the head of my penis with the whip.
"You have just witnessed the nearest that a eunuch slave can get to an orgasm. Once these have been taken off you and your worthless member has shrunk out of sight so that it is no longer an offense to your owners then the only way you will experience any sexual release will be when you are beaten like that - you will learn to beg for it and fear it at the same time." The boy had recovered and was kneeling looking up at his Master adoringly. "I will be sorry to see him go but he will fetch a good price - he is a natural slave. i will try to make sure that the buyer is not too cruel - however business is business and i usually sell to the highest bidder. i wonder how much you will sell for when you have been properly prepared?"
He smiled down at me and i looked up hopefully. "The agency lawyers will soon be here with all the papers to sign. These are only really necessary if you are sold to a European or an American. If you end up in a Muslim country you will not have any rights as a eunuch anyway. However the agency likes to be very serious about the legal aspects and make sure that there is no chance of any slaves having second thoughts."
"Are there many guys who go through with this voluntarily?" i asked as i began to stroke my rock hard penis which was dripping precum.
"Stop that!" He slashed across my hand with the whip which felt like an electric shock. "Slaves are never allowed to touch themselves there and you will learn the hard way if i see it again. And lick up that mess on the carpet, Kip." The boy leant over and licked up the drools of shiny liquid that trailed from my penis to the floor. The man gave his ass a few more swats with the whip but not hard.
Later after Kip and i had given the salesman a thorough tongue massage and Kip had been fucked twice we were lying quietly on the floor while the man dozed. The phone rang to announce that the lawyers were here and on their way up to our room. There were five men who entered, though one of them had a shaved head and was very quiet - he was fair skinned and looked north European or possibly American. He was wearing only a white shift that was tied at the waist and leather collar round his neck - he looked about 35 but was very sleek with little visible body hair. He knelt submissively and the largest of the Moroccans stroked the back of his neck. This man was big, muscular and with a large belly - he was about fifty and had a big moustache and a booming voice. He came over to me to inspect me - i had been made to stand with my hands behind my back, completely naked - and he looked inside my mouth and cupped my genitals. He smiled at my hard penis and then looked at my balls curiously and spoke to the second of the lawyers who laughed at his comments - he was probably an assistant to the man. This second guy was tall and thin and quite young - possibly early twenties. He had a long face that looked cruel but attractive - he was just the sort i had always liked.
The other two officials were ordinary and in their forties - i guessed that they were not directly involved but were here to see the proceedings - i was surer of this when they both got out their fat cocks and Kip was told to suck one and let the other fuck him - this was probably part of some bribe. Meanwhile the first two sat at the table and produced papers from a case and talked to the dealer while i waited patiently to one side. He was explaining that i was going to be signing a permanent contract of sale and also the contracts for the surgery to remove balls and sac and also to cut the nerves to the cock. The younger lawyer looked over at me with a searching expression - he looked hungry and slightly amazed that i was doing this voluntarily - but he also looked interested and before i hung my head submissively i looked hopefully into his eyes.
When they were ready the dealer called me over and i went and stood, naked, by the table with my hands held behind my back and my head bowed. i looked at all the paperwork on the table and took the pen when it was handed to me i quickly signed where the dealer pointed. There seemed to be many places to sign but i just blanked my mind and tried not to think what the consequences of all this would be. Then it was done and i had completed all the paperwork. They all laughed and called over the two guys fucking with Kip to see the contracts. they both looked at me and smiled and shook their heads in amazement, i could not understand what was being said but i guessed that the big lawyer was explaining the nature of the contracts that i was a volunteer. The dealer grabbed my balls and made a snipping motion in the air next to them and they all laughed again. He pulled down hard and i moaned but stayed where i was with my hands behind my back and my eyes looking down. i was an agency slave now and i belonged to them until i was sold on a contract - total obedience was expected. The big lawyer called over his slave who had been kneeling obediently by the door. He crawled over and at a quick command he shrugged off the clothing he wore. It was then very obvious that this was another eunuch slave and i could see what i was soon to become. He knelt and the lawyer opened his flies and the slave swallowed a huge fat cock - he looked greedy and pleased with it and sucked hard trying to please his Owner. "You see" said the lawyer to me "he is just two holes all ready for my pleasure and his only enjoyment comes form my cock. He was castrated two years ago and i have owned him for six months now. His previous Owner who sold him to me had grown tired of him and had found a sixteen year old blond boy who had been k**napped and castrated in Jordan. He was expensive and this poor slave became surplus to requirements so he was sold to raise funds. i will keep him for a while and them sell him through the agency - now that he is so well trained he should fetch a good price still." Through all this the slave was sucking on the cock that was deep in his throat. The lawyer shuddered and i saw a brief look of pleasure on the slaves face as his gut was filled with fluid from the lawyers balls. He pulled out and the slave licked more cum off the sides and the balls underneath. When he had finished the big man slapped his head and kicked him out of the way and he moved silently and submissively back to the door.
"Your appointment with the doctor is tomorrow morning and the surgery will follow immediately. You will stay there at the clinic for two days and then your Dealer here will collect you and take you with him. Meanwhile arrangements will be made for your details to be sent to our customers all over the world and we will see who is interested in you. The big man grabbed his slave by the collar and called to the others and they all gathered up and left except the younger lawyer who had asked to fuck me. He had a long and thin cock which he used quickly. He shouted and slapped me while i leant over the bed and let him use me. It did not hurt and i patiently waited for him to finish. The Dealer watched with an appraising eye - i suppose he was measuring my training for which he would be responsible after i was cut. He let Kip nuzzle at his cock like a calf at his mother's tit. The lawyer finished and pulled out triumphantly with his glistening cock jutting from his waist. The dealer grabbed my collar and pushed my head down and told me to clean him. i licked his cock and tasted my ass juices and sucked the long cock deep into my throat.
Finally i slid off its shiny length leaving it clean and but still hard. The lawyer smiled at me and said something to the dealer who laughed - i could not understand the language but i just stayed on my knees and started to get used to being no more than something to be used. He grabbed his clothes and when he was dressed he left after talking again to the dealer - i hoped that he might have been asking about buying me.
Later i curled up at the dealers feet with Kip who was exhausted and fell asleep quickly. The dealer drank beer and watched the television and later crawled in to the bed leaving Kip and me entwined on the floor. i could not sleep as i was thinking about what would soon be happening to me tomorrow. Carefully and quietly i stroked my penis which was still hard. Just the thought of what was to happen to me had me spurting out onto the carpet of the hotel room and Kip’s thigh which was next to mine. i look at my penis and balls and felt a twinge of regret at losing them but i knew that i was here through my own choice and that it was my deepest desire to go through with this.
Tomorrow i would become a eunuch slave for ever.
4 years ago