Freeze Your Under Arrest

John Parker was a Sargent and 20-year veteran of the Gomer police department. His wife of 22 years Betty was a nurse at a small hospital in a well to do area of town. They have a daugther Alice that was in her second year of college.

John had thought he had a good no great marrage until three years ago. Even in her mid-fortyā€™s Betty was a still a very beautiful woman but about three years ago she felt she needed a ā€œtune upā€. Working in an upscale hospital there was no shortage of plastic surgeons willing to ā€œtune upā€ Betty pro-bono!

Shortly after her ā€œtune upā€ Betty changed, she started working differ hours, they both worked swing shifts, but were able to co-ordinate their shifts so they worked the same hours. Over the past three years it seamed like Betty was actually trying to work different shifts, so they were like ships passing in the night. Their sex life went from healthy and happy to zero! The few times they were off together Betty went out with the girls from work, dressed ready to party.

One night John took off and was able to finally coroner Betty to talk to her he asked her if she still loved him, she said of course, John asked then why had they not made love in three years. She said she was reluctant to tell him that she was going thru early menopause. John said bullshit Betty youā€™re a health professional you know that can be controlled by hormone treatments that you have ready access. So whats really going on. Betty says well itā€™s just been busy at work and there is a lot going on. John aske her point blank how long do you expect me to continue living this way I am in a marrage with no love, I donā€™t even know you anymore. Betty says your overreacting why donā€™t we try and plan a get away soon just you and me, John says that would be wonderful. Betty says ok Iā€™ll check my schedule at the hospital and let you know.

As John was on patrol several nights later he remembered how when they were first married, he would stop at their favorite sub shop pick up and large sub and go to the hospital and split the sub with Betty for dinner, so he swung by the sub shop picked up a sub and went to the hospital. When he walked into her department all the nurses at the desk recognized him immediately, John asks where Betty was. All the nurses got a worried look on their faces, then Joan an old friend that had worked with Betty for years said she is out back on a break, right thru the door at the end of the hall, all the other nurses gasps and look at Joan, she says what he is a great guy and deserves to know the truth.

John walked rapidly towards the door, after hearing what Joan had said he turned on his body cam. As he opened the door he herd the sounds of two people making love, when he turned the corner there she was nude laying on her back on the hood of the little sports car, getting pounded by a black doctor with a huge cock, he had his top on with his paints pulled down. She was telling yes baby fuck me harder. John pulled his stun gun and yelled FREEZE YOUR UNDER ARREST! The black doctor spun around and was on John so fast it caught John off guard, then he felt the pain as the doctor buried a scalpel in his sholder. John lowered the stun fun and pulled the trigger; the doctor immediately fell to the ground out cold. Blood was pouring out of his sholder, Betty suddenly relized what had happened and how she had disrespected her husband started to come towards him to help the man she loved when John pulled out his gun pointed it at her and said freeze get on the ground face down hands over the back your head, she says but John you need help. He repeats his order, and she obeys. John calls in on his radio officer down in the back-parking lot of Memorial Hospital two suspects, he started feeling faint, thirty seconds later Joan and two hospital security guards came busting out the back door, John just barely conscious says cuff them both and thatā€™s the last he remembered before waking up a day later.

He hears his daugther yell NURSE HEā€™S AWAKE! John says hey Cup Cake why arenā€™t you in college. She said I am so sorry Daddy I should have told you about Mom cheating. Joan walks in and says how are you doing John. He said my sholder hurts like hell and I feel weak.

Joan asks Alice to please leave the room while she changes her Dads bandages. When she left the room, Joan said John you almost blead to death. That asshole doctor Malcom Johnson stabbed you in an artery, but you got him in the balls with the stun gun. John and you need to know Betty has been fucking all the black doctors in this hospital from the Administrator, to the head of her department and all the black doctors under him, they were all in on it. You can sue them and own this place for what they were doing.

An hour later a detective and the District Attorney came in and John relayed to them what happened. The District Attorney says ok Iā€™m going to throw the book at them, Indecent Exposure, Public Fornication, Adultery, Assault with a deadly weapon, Assault on a Police Officer and Attempted Murder. Nether one of them will see daylight for years. John says I donā€™t want Betty charged. The DA sits down and asks John are you going to divorce her, John says yes of course. The DA says John if we donā€™t charge her, she will get half maybe more of everything you own, plus monthly support and half of your retirement. But with the divorce caused by a felony she wonā€™t get dick, and John she really doesnā€™t deserve it. From the back of the room Alice says put her slut ass in jail Dad. Iā€™m sorry but she almost killed you. John said charge her!

Joan says ok everyone out John need some rest, Alice bent down and kissed her Dadā€™s cheek and whispers in his ear I think Joan has the hots for you, donā€™t screw it up! Everyone left the room Joan bent down to tuck him in and said Aliceā€™s whispers a bit loud, but sheā€™s right smiles and gives him a kiss on the lips.


In the trials that followed Doctor Malcom Johnson was found guilty on all charges and received twenty-five years to life. Betty Parker got eight years with time off for good behavior she should be out in four. After the trials John filed and received a divorce, and Betty got nothing. John sued the hospital and they settled for an undisclosed amount of money, but Dan did retire as did his new wife Joan.
Published by ohmyyes64
4 years ago
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ohmyyes64 Publisher 3 years ago
to tromboneski : Tha k you the last one One and Done is very goodĀ 
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tromboneski 3 years ago
Great Story..
Oldcranky 4 years ago
to ohmyyes64 : I've heard that they are discontinuing all stories on this site. If the do I'm leaving the site too. I'ld like to keep reading your stories if you find some place else to post them.Ā 
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ohmyyes64 Publisher 4 years ago
to Oldcranky : The Bad news as you know they wiped all my stories the good news I can still post them to my profile underĀ  post, it will take a lot of time but I will repost them as time permits, thank you for your support.
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Oldcranky 4 years ago
Still as good as the first time I read it. Glad to see something back in here again. Did you ever find out what happened to all your stories you had in here?
dmf399 4 years ago
Happy Happy Ending!Ā  Good on him!