Social Function and Consequences
Have to first state this is a work of fiction dreamed up in an idol mind. That said I guess there is a possibility something like this could happen. Other than that these are not real people.
Bill here I'm 6' tall about 220 pounds fairly good shape for a 29-year old that works in an office. Have to mention that my dick size is a bit over seven inches. Of course like a porn star once explained it's not how big it is but how it's used. Way too many stories always have the husband on the short side.
For the last six years I've been blessed with a great woman, now wife, that has not only been my companion but life partner. Jill is now 27, about 5'2" has great legs ending in a nicely rounded butt and she sports small C size breasts. What more could a man ask for.
It's been a great relationship and marriage but you know after several years together some things become ordinary. Even a good sex life can lose some of its luster over time. Like I'm sure other couples have been doing we've been trying to spice things up a bit. Yep watching porn, the latest craze is interracial where a white wife is being fucked by a black guy, or guys and they get to leave loads of baby batter in her pussy and sometimes up her ass.
Yes it is get exciting to watch and I can tell by her squirming that Jill gets turned on by all that. Thankfully this usually leads to a great session later where I can fuck her brains out as she has several orgasms. In fact sometimes even I'm able to keep going and climax more than once every now and then. Sounds odd I know but it is very possible.
Watching interracial porn also lights a fire in my imagination. While I don't share this with her I often wonder what it would be like to see a black guy on top of Jill fucking her brains out, especially if he leaves a large load of baby batter in her pussy. But it's a fantasy so I just put it away for later when I'm daydreaming.
Anyway the demands of my job have been taking more and more time. I usually come home very tired so she's been left to her own devices and has let me know it's not been fun. However in my defense I always try and have a night for us so many times we'll go out on a date for dinner and dancing. Those really hit the spot as both of us needed to unwind from our jobs.
This coming weekend we planned a mini vacation but my work tossed a spanner in the works. Late in the week I was informed that us up-and-coming types needed to be at a special party, a social get together planned for Saturday. And we were told wives and significant others should also attend. Jill wasn't real happy with that last minute news but resigned herself to a possible social event with people we really didn't know. Got to admit she's a good sport about a lot of things especially when my career could be helped.
This also comes at a strange time as lately she's been having problems taking birth control. Her doctor suggested she stop and they'd look at a couple of alternatives after it's all out of her system. I agreed as the pill kind of scrambles the hormonal stew inside a woman and I always worry about the long-term effects. So in the meantime, since we want to put any k**s off for at least another year or two, its condoms unless we know she's in a safe period of her cycle. Well occasional I do get a treat when she offers her ass to me. This party comes during her most risky time of the month.
Well the evening came and I got ready. Of course Jill was in the bedroom getting into an outfit she specially bought for the social. Man when she came out my eyes about bugged out of my head.
"Down boy, you can sample the goods later."
She had a nice cocktail dress that stopped about four inches above her knees. The way it was built she wasn't wearing a bra as the straps would have shown and to keep any lines from showing Jill was wearing a very small thong. She even pulled up the dress a bit to show me it was pink.
"Okay dear put your eyes back in your head and keep your hands to yourself until we get back. It's time so let's get this over with. The things I do for you, it must be love or insanity."
So off we went. It took about 40 minutes to get to the posh neighborhood where the senior vice president lives. Once was got parked we walked arm-in-arm to the front door. There was a doorman that checked our names off a list and had someone usher us to where we hung up our coats. Then it was time for introductions.
My immediate boss saw me and came over to greet us. He mentioned how lovely Jill looked and started introducing us to various people as well as getting us drinks. Jill was a bit taken back by all the people most of whom we had never met. However one could tell it was a very important gathering for all concerned.
Then my boss, George, introduced us to two black gentlemen. He explained before we met them they were the two that decided on any promotions above my level. So it was hinted we needed to be on our best behavior with them.
Jill kind of gulped when we were introduced. Each of them was at least 6'5" and well over 200 pounds. Even in heels they were a good foot taller than she was. I could tell they made quite an impression on her. I also should add she's never been with a black guy before.
After introductions and some brief questions we started to mingle. There was a DJ present and soon after the senior VP greeted us the music and dancing began. Yes it was going to be a very social event, just the kind Jill never really feels comfortable at.
She and I did the first couple of dances. Then one of the two black VIPs came over and while one started talking with me the other asked Jill to dance. The conversation was a bit intense but we had a good exchange of views and what we'd like to see happen in the future. I guess it actually was kind of an interview.
Then the guys switched and I was talking with the second one. This conversation was more about the nuts and bolts of how our company operated. Looking around I could see Jill, who by now had at least three drinks slow dancing with the other guy. She had her arms on his shoulders while he had his hands on her butt. Both seemed to be having a good time. Soon I found a dance partner and left the two guys to alternate dances with Jill. After a while I sat down and she came over and joined me.
"Wow, those guys are really good dancers. They sure like being close as well. I'm trying to be as social as possible just hope things don't get out of hand. But I have to admit this is getting me a bit turned on."
I gave her arm a squeeze and said she could be as social as she wanted and remember those two are very important. I mentioned I wasn't worried but glad she was having a good time with her two admirers. This got a giggle from her as she worked through another drink.
In the far back recesses of my mind I was wondering just how far this might go. Maybe my fantasy might come true tonight. Only time would tell but even though there could be a big risk for her I did have some slight hope.
Anyway the evening went on Jill was getting more lit but was enjoying being the center of attention for those two guys. They were also getting more intimate on the dance floor as she was getting more and more under their influence.
Speaking of influence I noticed that occasionally a couple would go down a hallway and sometimes I noticed a woman would be with someone other than her husband or significant other. About 20 or so minutes later they'd come back with the guy smiling and the woman looking a bit dazed and her slightly out of place. I guess some were getting very social and the thought crossed my mind as I wondered if any surprise babies got their start at this social.
Around 10 people began to leave. My boss came by to say good-by. He noted both guys really seem to have Jill in their focus and said this could only be a good thing for my career. I thanked him and we said our good nights.
The DJ took a short break and Jill came over to where I was sitting. She had that look women get when the foreplay is really making an impact with them. It's a combination of being dazed and the deer in the headlights look.
"Boy this is more fun than I imagined it would ever be. I'm glad we're staying. Hope you don't mind me being monopolized by those two. So far it's been quite a night."
I said how happy I was she was having such a good time. And I encouraged her to just enjoy herself. In the back of my mind I'm wondering just how far she would go with it. At that moment I decided I would not get in the way no matter what as I really wanted to see what was going to transpire.
Once the DJ returned the lights were lowered and he began a long set of soft, kind of romantic music. Out on the floor I could see both guys dancing with Jill. She was kind the meat in a sandwich as they rubbed against her while the guy in back reached around so he could fondle her breasts as the guy in front began to French kiss her. Boy I could tell she was getting hot. Soon both guys were on either side of her and she'd first have a passionate kiss with one then switch to the other guy. I also noticed as they danced and turned both guys were moving closer to that hallway. Finally one of the guys whispered something to her, she shook her head no then he gave her another French kiss. Then each guy took hold of a hand with their outside arm while the other went around her back just above her butt.
Now they started leading her into the hallway. At first I think she thought it was another dance step then she started to resist but after so many drinks her it wasn't too effective. She looked around, saw me and I noted the look of fear on her face. Well by then my fantasy had dominated my thinking. So I gave her a smile, thumbs up, nodded yes and mouthed 'have fun'.
At first she looked stunned then finally resignation to her fate. After that the guys headed her down the hallway. Seeing the grip they had her in Jill wasn't going anywhere except where they wanted to take her no matter what she wanted.
That's when another thought emerged. Girls and later women soon realize they come with a special place, a target if you will, that guys want access to. Many times its just part of a growing relationship or pure lust at the moment, hell even wars have started over that. Then there are those times, no matter what the woman or girl wants, the target is going to be claimed. I thought this is one of those times where Jill didn't really have a choice. For me to interfere would have killed a career and saved her but my own lust got the better of me so I wanted to see what was going to happen.
I waited for about 20 minutes then got up and started heading down the hall. As I passed doors I could hear couples that were locked in sex not to mention the moans and gasps. Finally there was one door left. I gently turned the knob, thankfully it wasn't locked, and cracked the door. What a sight I was seeing.
By then the guys had her stripped naked and while one had his cock in her mouth the other as giving her pussy some tongue action. It was good enough that Jill had a strong orgasm, the type where she goes as stiff as a board. Then the guy started sliding up her body as he brought his dick closer to her vagina. While she might have wanted to move the second guy had his hand on the top of her head and holding one shoulder so any effort was to no avail.
Soon the guy on top got his dick started and she gave out a series of grunts and an occasional "ouch," as he worked his full length into her pussy. Her head only came up to his shoulders while her legs were splayed out and arms wrapped around his chest. Soon I saw the sight I never thought I would witness as his black ass began to go up and down between her white legs while her pussy was being pumped. For her part Jill was gasping and moaning as he pounded her into the mattress. Finally he sped up then pushed as far as he could into her while flooding her now unprotected pussy with baby batter.
After a few minutes of hugging, while she was gasping for air, he pulled out. Yes he was a bit bigger than me and much thicker. Looking at her pussy I saw a stream of his cum starting to leak out of her.
Once he was up the other guy rolled her over to a prone bone position and spread her legs as he moved in. Once again it appeared she might have tried to get up but soon he was on top of her and she wasn't going anywhere. Then he began to insert his dick into her pussy and with some effort he was fully into her pussy. Now the horizontal bop began and this was met by moans, groans and gaps from Jill.
Then she saw me and looked shocked when I gave her an approving smile.
Once the second guy was done his partner had recharged and got back on top of her. Any effort to escape was beyond her now as she would almost disappear under them. Then I kind of wondered if they had enough to have her a third time but I decided to head back to the large room. Judging by the sounds Jill was making even though she might not be exactly willing there was some in enjoyment for her.
Back in the main room I got a drink and sat down. About 20 minutes later one of the two guys came out and spoke to the executive VP then he was joined by the other guy and with a wave they departed.
The VP came over with a huge smile. He said both were impressed with me and the promotion was a sure bet. I thanked him and said I needed to collect my wife and take her home.
I found Jill looking dazed and exhausted with cum leaking out of her pussy. And I noticed they kind of left her with some signs of ownership as she had hickies on her breasts and neck. I got her up, wiped some of the cum off her and put her dress back on. One thing I never found was her thong so I suspect one of the guys took it as a memento of the evening.
"Damn it, where were you. I thought you were going to rescue me. Those two fucked the hell out me."
I kind of fibbed when I said it appeared she was having so much fun I didn't want to spoil it. She did admit to enjoying the fucking they were giving her but said it wasn't the way she envisioned the evening going. Once home she headed for the shower and I could see cum running down the inside of one of her legs.
Once cleaned up she crashed for a very long night's sleep. The next day she was a bit sore so I just gave her a good rub down and let her relax. After another nap she joined me in the kitchen. I explained what the VP told me and thanked her for the effort.
"Well glad I could help but this is the most risky time of my cycle. What am I going to do if they got me pregnant, I could be starting to build a black baby inside myself.".
I mentioned that wasn't certain so we'd wait and see what transpires.
"So if I'm pregnant what are we going to do?. I mean we're white and the baby will be dark skinned or black. What are we going to tell our parents?"
I explained that abortion was out of the question although we could go out for a Plan B pill and that would take care of the problem. This got her thinking about the options.
“No I don't want to do that. You could have rescued me although once I saw your smile in the doorway I knew I had to go along with what was happening. I didn't want to kill your career so a sacrificed myself. If I'm pregnant we're going to raise the baby as our own. We'll come up with a believable story. I'm sure if that happens those two guys will make certain you're well taken care of as they won't want any trouble.”
I had to agree so we waited. Three weeks later no period and she started feeling funny. Then I handed her an EPT and she headed off to the bathroom. A little later I heard an ‘Oh My God No!’ So now I know we're on our way to becoming surprise parents. Eight months later she pushed the cutest brown skinned daughter and we just love that k**.
And Jill was right as in the years to come both of those guys were very nice to me and when they meet Jill they were especially nice to her. And they never danced with her again. I often wonder if I offered her again would they take me up on it. Now that would be exciting to watch especially if she wasn't on birth control. Hmmm, I’d better not share that thought with her.
Bill here I'm 6' tall about 220 pounds fairly good shape for a 29-year old that works in an office. Have to mention that my dick size is a bit over seven inches. Of course like a porn star once explained it's not how big it is but how it's used. Way too many stories always have the husband on the short side.
For the last six years I've been blessed with a great woman, now wife, that has not only been my companion but life partner. Jill is now 27, about 5'2" has great legs ending in a nicely rounded butt and she sports small C size breasts. What more could a man ask for.
It's been a great relationship and marriage but you know after several years together some things become ordinary. Even a good sex life can lose some of its luster over time. Like I'm sure other couples have been doing we've been trying to spice things up a bit. Yep watching porn, the latest craze is interracial where a white wife is being fucked by a black guy, or guys and they get to leave loads of baby batter in her pussy and sometimes up her ass.
Yes it is get exciting to watch and I can tell by her squirming that Jill gets turned on by all that. Thankfully this usually leads to a great session later where I can fuck her brains out as she has several orgasms. In fact sometimes even I'm able to keep going and climax more than once every now and then. Sounds odd I know but it is very possible.
Watching interracial porn also lights a fire in my imagination. While I don't share this with her I often wonder what it would be like to see a black guy on top of Jill fucking her brains out, especially if he leaves a large load of baby batter in her pussy. But it's a fantasy so I just put it away for later when I'm daydreaming.
Anyway the demands of my job have been taking more and more time. I usually come home very tired so she's been left to her own devices and has let me know it's not been fun. However in my defense I always try and have a night for us so many times we'll go out on a date for dinner and dancing. Those really hit the spot as both of us needed to unwind from our jobs.
This coming weekend we planned a mini vacation but my work tossed a spanner in the works. Late in the week I was informed that us up-and-coming types needed to be at a special party, a social get together planned for Saturday. And we were told wives and significant others should also attend. Jill wasn't real happy with that last minute news but resigned herself to a possible social event with people we really didn't know. Got to admit she's a good sport about a lot of things especially when my career could be helped.
This also comes at a strange time as lately she's been having problems taking birth control. Her doctor suggested she stop and they'd look at a couple of alternatives after it's all out of her system. I agreed as the pill kind of scrambles the hormonal stew inside a woman and I always worry about the long-term effects. So in the meantime, since we want to put any k**s off for at least another year or two, its condoms unless we know she's in a safe period of her cycle. Well occasional I do get a treat when she offers her ass to me. This party comes during her most risky time of the month.
Well the evening came and I got ready. Of course Jill was in the bedroom getting into an outfit she specially bought for the social. Man when she came out my eyes about bugged out of my head.
"Down boy, you can sample the goods later."
She had a nice cocktail dress that stopped about four inches above her knees. The way it was built she wasn't wearing a bra as the straps would have shown and to keep any lines from showing Jill was wearing a very small thong. She even pulled up the dress a bit to show me it was pink.
"Okay dear put your eyes back in your head and keep your hands to yourself until we get back. It's time so let's get this over with. The things I do for you, it must be love or insanity."
So off we went. It took about 40 minutes to get to the posh neighborhood where the senior vice president lives. Once was got parked we walked arm-in-arm to the front door. There was a doorman that checked our names off a list and had someone usher us to where we hung up our coats. Then it was time for introductions.
My immediate boss saw me and came over to greet us. He mentioned how lovely Jill looked and started introducing us to various people as well as getting us drinks. Jill was a bit taken back by all the people most of whom we had never met. However one could tell it was a very important gathering for all concerned.
Then my boss, George, introduced us to two black gentlemen. He explained before we met them they were the two that decided on any promotions above my level. So it was hinted we needed to be on our best behavior with them.
Jill kind of gulped when we were introduced. Each of them was at least 6'5" and well over 200 pounds. Even in heels they were a good foot taller than she was. I could tell they made quite an impression on her. I also should add she's never been with a black guy before.
After introductions and some brief questions we started to mingle. There was a DJ present and soon after the senior VP greeted us the music and dancing began. Yes it was going to be a very social event, just the kind Jill never really feels comfortable at.
She and I did the first couple of dances. Then one of the two black VIPs came over and while one started talking with me the other asked Jill to dance. The conversation was a bit intense but we had a good exchange of views and what we'd like to see happen in the future. I guess it actually was kind of an interview.
Then the guys switched and I was talking with the second one. This conversation was more about the nuts and bolts of how our company operated. Looking around I could see Jill, who by now had at least three drinks slow dancing with the other guy. She had her arms on his shoulders while he had his hands on her butt. Both seemed to be having a good time. Soon I found a dance partner and left the two guys to alternate dances with Jill. After a while I sat down and she came over and joined me.
"Wow, those guys are really good dancers. They sure like being close as well. I'm trying to be as social as possible just hope things don't get out of hand. But I have to admit this is getting me a bit turned on."
I gave her arm a squeeze and said she could be as social as she wanted and remember those two are very important. I mentioned I wasn't worried but glad she was having a good time with her two admirers. This got a giggle from her as she worked through another drink.
In the far back recesses of my mind I was wondering just how far this might go. Maybe my fantasy might come true tonight. Only time would tell but even though there could be a big risk for her I did have some slight hope.
Anyway the evening went on Jill was getting more lit but was enjoying being the center of attention for those two guys. They were also getting more intimate on the dance floor as she was getting more and more under their influence.
Speaking of influence I noticed that occasionally a couple would go down a hallway and sometimes I noticed a woman would be with someone other than her husband or significant other. About 20 or so minutes later they'd come back with the guy smiling and the woman looking a bit dazed and her slightly out of place. I guess some were getting very social and the thought crossed my mind as I wondered if any surprise babies got their start at this social.
Around 10 people began to leave. My boss came by to say good-by. He noted both guys really seem to have Jill in their focus and said this could only be a good thing for my career. I thanked him and we said our good nights.
The DJ took a short break and Jill came over to where I was sitting. She had that look women get when the foreplay is really making an impact with them. It's a combination of being dazed and the deer in the headlights look.
"Boy this is more fun than I imagined it would ever be. I'm glad we're staying. Hope you don't mind me being monopolized by those two. So far it's been quite a night."
I said how happy I was she was having such a good time. And I encouraged her to just enjoy herself. In the back of my mind I'm wondering just how far she would go with it. At that moment I decided I would not get in the way no matter what as I really wanted to see what was going to transpire.
Once the DJ returned the lights were lowered and he began a long set of soft, kind of romantic music. Out on the floor I could see both guys dancing with Jill. She was kind the meat in a sandwich as they rubbed against her while the guy in back reached around so he could fondle her breasts as the guy in front began to French kiss her. Boy I could tell she was getting hot. Soon both guys were on either side of her and she'd first have a passionate kiss with one then switch to the other guy. I also noticed as they danced and turned both guys were moving closer to that hallway. Finally one of the guys whispered something to her, she shook her head no then he gave her another French kiss. Then each guy took hold of a hand with their outside arm while the other went around her back just above her butt.
Now they started leading her into the hallway. At first I think she thought it was another dance step then she started to resist but after so many drinks her it wasn't too effective. She looked around, saw me and I noted the look of fear on her face. Well by then my fantasy had dominated my thinking. So I gave her a smile, thumbs up, nodded yes and mouthed 'have fun'.
At first she looked stunned then finally resignation to her fate. After that the guys headed her down the hallway. Seeing the grip they had her in Jill wasn't going anywhere except where they wanted to take her no matter what she wanted.
That's when another thought emerged. Girls and later women soon realize they come with a special place, a target if you will, that guys want access to. Many times its just part of a growing relationship or pure lust at the moment, hell even wars have started over that. Then there are those times, no matter what the woman or girl wants, the target is going to be claimed. I thought this is one of those times where Jill didn't really have a choice. For me to interfere would have killed a career and saved her but my own lust got the better of me so I wanted to see what was going to happen.
I waited for about 20 minutes then got up and started heading down the hall. As I passed doors I could hear couples that were locked in sex not to mention the moans and gasps. Finally there was one door left. I gently turned the knob, thankfully it wasn't locked, and cracked the door. What a sight I was seeing.
By then the guys had her stripped naked and while one had his cock in her mouth the other as giving her pussy some tongue action. It was good enough that Jill had a strong orgasm, the type where she goes as stiff as a board. Then the guy started sliding up her body as he brought his dick closer to her vagina. While she might have wanted to move the second guy had his hand on the top of her head and holding one shoulder so any effort was to no avail.
Soon the guy on top got his dick started and she gave out a series of grunts and an occasional "ouch," as he worked his full length into her pussy. Her head only came up to his shoulders while her legs were splayed out and arms wrapped around his chest. Soon I saw the sight I never thought I would witness as his black ass began to go up and down between her white legs while her pussy was being pumped. For her part Jill was gasping and moaning as he pounded her into the mattress. Finally he sped up then pushed as far as he could into her while flooding her now unprotected pussy with baby batter.
After a few minutes of hugging, while she was gasping for air, he pulled out. Yes he was a bit bigger than me and much thicker. Looking at her pussy I saw a stream of his cum starting to leak out of her.
Once he was up the other guy rolled her over to a prone bone position and spread her legs as he moved in. Once again it appeared she might have tried to get up but soon he was on top of her and she wasn't going anywhere. Then he began to insert his dick into her pussy and with some effort he was fully into her pussy. Now the horizontal bop began and this was met by moans, groans and gaps from Jill.
Then she saw me and looked shocked when I gave her an approving smile.
Once the second guy was done his partner had recharged and got back on top of her. Any effort to escape was beyond her now as she would almost disappear under them. Then I kind of wondered if they had enough to have her a third time but I decided to head back to the large room. Judging by the sounds Jill was making even though she might not be exactly willing there was some in enjoyment for her.
Back in the main room I got a drink and sat down. About 20 minutes later one of the two guys came out and spoke to the executive VP then he was joined by the other guy and with a wave they departed.
The VP came over with a huge smile. He said both were impressed with me and the promotion was a sure bet. I thanked him and said I needed to collect my wife and take her home.
I found Jill looking dazed and exhausted with cum leaking out of her pussy. And I noticed they kind of left her with some signs of ownership as she had hickies on her breasts and neck. I got her up, wiped some of the cum off her and put her dress back on. One thing I never found was her thong so I suspect one of the guys took it as a memento of the evening.
"Damn it, where were you. I thought you were going to rescue me. Those two fucked the hell out me."
I kind of fibbed when I said it appeared she was having so much fun I didn't want to spoil it. She did admit to enjoying the fucking they were giving her but said it wasn't the way she envisioned the evening going. Once home she headed for the shower and I could see cum running down the inside of one of her legs.
Once cleaned up she crashed for a very long night's sleep. The next day she was a bit sore so I just gave her a good rub down and let her relax. After another nap she joined me in the kitchen. I explained what the VP told me and thanked her for the effort.
"Well glad I could help but this is the most risky time of my cycle. What am I going to do if they got me pregnant, I could be starting to build a black baby inside myself.".
I mentioned that wasn't certain so we'd wait and see what transpires.
"So if I'm pregnant what are we going to do?. I mean we're white and the baby will be dark skinned or black. What are we going to tell our parents?"
I explained that abortion was out of the question although we could go out for a Plan B pill and that would take care of the problem. This got her thinking about the options.
“No I don't want to do that. You could have rescued me although once I saw your smile in the doorway I knew I had to go along with what was happening. I didn't want to kill your career so a sacrificed myself. If I'm pregnant we're going to raise the baby as our own. We'll come up with a believable story. I'm sure if that happens those two guys will make certain you're well taken care of as they won't want any trouble.”
I had to agree so we waited. Three weeks later no period and she started feeling funny. Then I handed her an EPT and she headed off to the bathroom. A little later I heard an ‘Oh My God No!’ So now I know we're on our way to becoming surprise parents. Eight months later she pushed the cutest brown skinned daughter and we just love that k**.
And Jill was right as in the years to come both of those guys were very nice to me and when they meet Jill they were especially nice to her. And they never danced with her again. I often wonder if I offered her again would they take me up on it. Now that would be exciting to watch especially if she wasn't on birth control. Hmmm, I’d better not share that thought with her.
4 years ago