True tights+panties pinching experience
This is another true experience that i can recall from a good number of years ago now when i managed to "acquire" a pair of black opaque tights and black silk panties from a female friend at the time. Her name was Kelly and she was in her early twenties and quite small and slim with long straight blonde hair and quite pretty. At the time i had recently met her and her boyfriend as they were friends of one of my relatives and his girlfriend so there used to be a group of us would hang out together a few times. Kelly lived in a multi storey block at the time and i remember her boyfriend didn't really treat her well but as with a lot of females that seem to prefer so called "bad boys" she put up with it for some reason. Anyway one night there was a group of us had a party at her flat and the toilet was upstairs and her bedroom was next to the toilet and after a few drinks i got the urge to try to see if i could get something from her underwear drawers if possible. i waited a while till we had all had a good few drinks then i said i was going up to the toilet then quickly went into her bedroom as the door was open. She had a chest of drawers and thankfully the top drawer contained some pairs of panties (not many pairs though) and underwear and as i had to be quick i couldn't have a proper look but i saw some socks and one pair of tights. Even though she only had 1 pair i decided to take them anyway. They were black opaque tights which i had seen her wear a few weeks before when we were all on a night out with a short skirt so i knew they must have been those ones and i grabbed a pair of plain black silk panties and stuffed them in my trousers with the tights. When i got home i put the tights and panties on and had a great wank thinking of her legs in them and i enjoyed wearing her tights and panties a lot more times for a good while after that. As they were the only pair of tights in that drawer i imagine she must have wondered what had happened to them the next time she went to wear them only to find they were gone! If only she knew! it was a good feeling when i saw her again after that knowing that i had her tights and panties and had been wearing them and getting turned on by her :)
4 years ago