The following week

Well the week was going fine, had gym on Wednesday, John was taking the class as normal as we finished and made our way to the changing room's on passing John he said I was to stay behind. so after showering last and changing slowly making sure i was the last, i went to the door to the teachers changing room and knocked. John said to come in which i did closing the door behind me. As i stood there, there was another knock on the door and John said come in, the door opened and it was the caretaker he saw me and asked John how long we would be, to which John said not much more than 3/4 of an hour, ok he said i will lock the front door's and left closing the door part way.

John looked at me and said he had found Today's lesson difficult as he was having to keep his hard on hidden! I looked down and sure enough his shorts were tented very well. Well he said i was going to wait till Saturday but with you here now i want you to get on your knees so i did knelt down and John pulled his cock out of his shorts and pushed it to my lip's which i opened to recieve his hard cock and proceeded to suck it, it was not to long when he started to tense up and cum in my mouth. I just about swollowed it all with only a small amount escaping to run down my chin.

As John put his cock away he said thank you fore that David, now about Saturday, you still ok for that, yes i said all arranged. Ok i will meet you same place same time, but not going to my house we will be visiting another friend and there will be some other's there as well. Not just my friends but a couple of others your age, for the show. And i will dress the same as last week ok. Yes ok i said i cant wait. Ok off you go and i'll see you soon. as i left the room again i saw the caretaker near the room with his hand down his trouser's as i walked passed i rubbed my cock through my trousers for him and blew him a kiss, and then left the school to go home.
Published by dave54491
12 years ago
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dongerdoug 12 years ago
Looking forward to reading more of Your adventure!