Rant + Exposing a fake

Hello everyone! It's been forever since I have posted/uploaded anything. However, tonight I have been inspired to "expose" someone. Usually, I'm not here for that kind of stuff, but there are some things that should be addressed.

Before I start, a few disclaimers:

*** It is NOT ok to call someone out of their name. It is NOT ok to shame someone because of their sexual
activities or lack of it. I do NOT advocate for such horrid behavior. It IS disrespectful & ignorant. Also for the
sake of accuracy & inclusiveness to non native English speakers & those who aren't entirely fluent in the English
language, I will be putting the definitions to the words: slut, whore & easy. The words can have synonymous but not
entirely identical meanings (some meanings are also completely different) so I will be crossing out some of the meanings that I'm not referring to like this. All the meanings I will be referring to will be italicized like this & have a ★
right next to it.***


a woman who has many casual sexual partners. ★


1. a prostitute; a person who is willing to do anything to get a particular thing.

2. a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships. ★


1.achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties. ★

2.(of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems ; (of a person) lacking anxiety or awkwardness; relaxed.

3.(of an object of attack or criticism) having no defense; vulnerable.

4. very receptive to sexual advances (typically a woman). ★



without difficulty or effort. ★

Now let's start from the beginning.

I come across this post where this woman claims that she's not a slut, not a whore & not easy. I read some of the comments out of curiosity & that lead me to reading some of her older posts. By the end of it, I found her claim to be contradicting. She is claiming to not be every word I just defined right above this, yet google & every dictionary known to man begs to differ. It was indeed true that she has many casual, sexual partners & it was also true that in some instances it required little to no effort from whoever she was with to engage in sexual activity with her. As a matter of fact, in some of these cases it was instantaneous.

If that's not enough for you, look at the statistics. The lady's partner count exceeded the average partner count in her country. She also engaged in sexual activity instantly while most people in her country wait from two weeks to two months before engaging in coitus with a new partner.

As I said earlier, this isn't to shame her for her sexual activities, but to say you're not something you clearly fit the description & literal definition of is bogus. That is not correct. That would be like me saying I'm not short & pale when I clearly lack in the height & melanin department. It is just pure denial.

So I commented that as politely as I could. But to my luck, I ended up upsetting her. And well basically I was called a "piece of shit", told that I had no idea what its like being a woman & that I was "man-splaining". She also said that I had no idea what I was talking about. So in all, she was pretty butthurt.

No surprise there. Contrary to her belief, I wasn't like some people in the comments calling her out of her name or telling her that her future husband is going to be miserable. Nor was I telling her to stop doing what she was doing or change. In fact, I only suggested to practice safe, sexual habits for her own well being. That's not hateful, is it?

What irks me though is her expectation that everyone is going to agree with her point of view and her opinion. That is simply not true. This is the internet. Full of people from different cultures, different backgrounds & of course different beliefs/opinions. Chances are likely that you'll meet someone that does not agree with you. Is that something to get overly upset over? And because I have this contrasting belief I'm labeled as this "slut-shamer" or "hater" when that is not true whatsoever.

I don't understand the need to bash someone just because their beliefs/opinions differ from your own. I'm not saying harsh things to her since she is free to spread her legs to whoever she wants yet I get cursed at & disrespected even though it's my right to have freedom of speech? That's malarkey!

It's funny that she thinks I'm a man though. Ummm WRONG! So who's "man-splaining" now? Me and my cunt could never lol. While we're at it, man-splaining is NOT a real thing. Change my mind.

Also in that same post she argued that if we can trust strangers to make our food in restaurants & trust strangers to chauffeur us through Uber and/or Lyft, we should be able to trust strangers with our bodies. That to me is heavily flawed. Why? Because the people that are making our meals in restaurants & the people that drive us to our destination are doing their job. These strangers are being paid to provide these services. So when it comes to them, it's not about trust. If they don't do their job properly, they risk getting fired & losing their source (or one of their sources) of income. In some cases, they could also risk getting sued.

Whether people like it or not, fucking someone you just met is a risk. Point blank period!

Funnily enough, she replies to me again & says that people should be honest. Which I do agree, people should be more honest. However, that statement couldn't be more hypocritical. So enough of the ranting part, it's time to "expose" the fakeness on here.

After debating with her for a couple days I see someone comment something very interesting on her profile. Basically this guy said that some of the nudes she's posted are fake. It wasn't just an empty claim either. His comments had links attached to them. I clicked on the links. Low & behold, he was telling the truth!

But for some strange reason, all his comments were deleted. Luckily enough I still have the links as proof & will be sharing the links & photographic evidence.

Let's start with some of the galleries she's posted:






Clearly from the usage of the subject pronoun I & the possessive adjective my, she is trying to pass these nude pics as her own. So no one can say otherwise. Also take a good look at the room, the underwear, the positions & how long ago it was published. Emphasis on that last one. Now I will be showing screenshots of what I saw after I clicked that guy's links.





Links to original:


Obviously these don't have heart emojis covering anything & they were published a long time ago (with the exception of that last one w/ the multiple pics. that was also published a year ago). Same room, same panties, same positions & even a face to go with the body. And I can assure you, that's not kissme90's face.

I try being polite & compassionate towards others but I owe no respect to someone that calls me a "piece of shit" & then wants to talk about honesty when they themselves are faker than Ariana Grande's ponytail & the majority of people on IG.

I guess that's everything I have to say. I suggest people start working on their character & stop making poor choices. Anyway I'll be uploading more content soon so I hope you all will enjoy. Have a good day/night~
Published by VirtualGeisha
4 years ago
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Sirmichael0003 4 years ago
to VirtualGeisha : thats so true , i asked to be his friend and he added me , i saw her pics but he always promised to add the vid but didnt add it, some others said they saw it but noone had a copy or of it.... good work on your part 
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to Sirmichael0003 : I mean seeing how this person has lied about those pics being her body & then deleting someone's comments off her page before blocking that person..i'd say that she is more than capable of lying about other things. from her crazy stories to her ex posting her nudes. wouldn't he have already called her out for posting fake nudes? and now you're telling me that he posted her real nudes but a fake video? and by coincidence they both retire the same time because of my post? yeah..no! this is the sloppy work of one person. because maybe like a day or two days before "his" account retired..I sent him a friend request. i was curious to see what "he" would think about all this but to my surprise he just left. that makes no sense. if he was really her ex, he'd be thinking "karma's a bitch" because the main reason he posted her nudes was to get revenge since she cheated on him. why would he leave the minute i call her out?
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Sirmichael0003 4 years ago
to VirtualGeisha : thats amazing , do you think they were the same person  posing as ex bf and gf ? and was her ex bf the jay guy that supposedly made a video , because i found the park video and it wasnt her in it either its on my profile if i find that link ill send to you 
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to Sirmichael0003 : oh yeah. i guess she couldn't handle the truth & fled. apparently neither could her ex bf. both their accounts retired days after this was posted. how interesting!
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Sirmichael0003 4 years ago
very interesting 
yeoman73 4 years ago
to VirtualGeisha : totaly agree with u. it is not my way to go all the way on a first date or fuck with people i just meet. but i try not to judge People they do so. and by they way, it is super funny that u can legalley buy guns in US before u can legalley buy a drink. I will never forget the face of the exchange teacher in our school dance evening where every student over 16 can drink two beers.
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yeoman73 4 years ago
to jlad28 : myabe i dont understand your last words right, but in my opinion is it not a bad thing to enjoy giving and recieving pleasure in a sexual fashion
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jlad28 4 years ago
to yeoman73 : You are not wrong in what you say but if you call a guy a slut he embraces it while most women find it derogatory and because they look down on it most of the time and it gives it a connotation. But in reality is it a bad thing to enjoy giving and recieving pleasure in a sexual fashion
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to droopynut : Yeah apparently so is her ex bf's profile, Interesting, right? And yeah she might have been. Even now she hasn't really shown much maturity. However, there are a lot of adults that lack maturity as well. I know many people in their 40's-50's that still act like teens. I've seen it a lot in my own family. And that also goes to say that there are some young people that are mature or at least starting to mature. truth be told, i was on here way before i should have been. i was underage when i made an account. I'm 20 now and legally speaking, i can't drink or buy drinks lol. 
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to yeoman73 : I get what you're saying, but a definition is a definition. i'm not trying to use those words in a derogatory sense. I'm using it so i don't have to constantly say "a woman with many casual, sexual partners" because that's a mouthful. of course everyone has their own definition of what those words mean to them but that's something based off feelings and not facts. I like to be a factual person because it's easy to misconstrue something if it is purely based off of emotions & opinions. and yeah a lot people are hypocrites. I do believe there is a double standard & i don't agree with it. I wouldn't find a guy who just fucked someone before our first date cute. I wouldn't praise that kind of behavior. In my eyes he's not a stud or "the man". Frankly, I find that kind of behavior reckless & irresponsible. And as a person with common sense, I wouldn't want to be around people with such qualities. why? because then their shit start to seep into my life & i don't need nor want to add other complications to my life. It's also just not attractive & can get very messy in the long run. That's regardless of the gender.
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Billmurray787 4 years ago
to VirtualGeisha : They bf page and hers removed so it was probably the same person 
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droopynut 4 years ago
Looks like her profile was deleted. I wonder if your little expose had something to do with that. LOL! :smile: Another thing worth noting is I started chatting with her a few years ago... and at the time I detected that she might have also been underage. Clues like like no car, no driver license, the immature attitude, etc. My guess is she's currently not even old enough to drink.
yeoman73 4 years ago
to VirtualGeisha : : i agree full in the essenz with u.

but i dont like defined words like Slut or Whore, a special not in the meaning this have in some Countrys.

in my last relationship, in totally agreemend from her, i like to call my Girl a Slut. She was sexually open way beyond society.

but i dont like the hypocritic parts of society, special in parts of the US, on one side Bilbe true christinany and quick at hand with a flamming sword but support, only for Power, Politicans wich are so against the real christian thought / christian meaning.
If the Lead Teammember of a Football team skrew the half Cheersquad on one Weekend, he is for the most MEN in his School / College a Hero.
If one Cheerleader sucks two or three Teammates she is a Slut / Whore for the most People. in my eye Hypocrittic.

Best seen there are no so used words for a male slut or Whore, yet not so degraidung words.

If u r a Guy Saturday evening going out, and u fuck a random chick u met just a few seconds a go, for his Mate's u are a great Stud.

Sry, my think and my meaning.
Please be indulgent for my writing i am bad in english.
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to dazell46 : sure thing
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to Billmurray787 : why thank you!
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to droopynut : Well from what i have read (both her & her ex bf's page), she seems to be very impulsive & show no remorse. So i have seen several characteristics that belong under one of the dark triad personalities (psychopathy). Of course it is very possible she could also have sociopathic behavioral patterns as well. 
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to jlad28 : so she posted fake nudes even though her ex posted her real nudes & he could have called her out? what a wise decision! smh
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to Whiteflow24 : that's true
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VirtualGeisha Publisher 4 years ago
to yeoman73 : yeah and of course she's not the only person with fake pics but that doesn't mean i wasn't going to call her out. especially when she wants to be rude to me & other people.
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missingnj77 4 years ago
Great detective work though.
missingnj77 4 years ago
Yeah I was 90% sure she was fake from the "mirror" pic when her face was placed over the other head so poorly. But it's xhamster 95% of all the profiles are fake on here.
Mr-Pete 4 years ago
Good information! Her stories are so crazy... seems to be fake!!
Billmurray787 4 years ago
There is something beyond fake going on 
jobaa69 4 years ago
Thank u!
jnthn1 4 years ago
Very true. The exception is dirty talk during sex.
dazell46 4 years ago
Thanks for the information
Billmurray787 4 years ago
Spot on
droopynut 4 years ago
I've actually chatted with this girl a while back. She's a total head case. See is definitely a slut, but more important than that, she seems to exhibit sociopathic behavior as well.
jlad28 4 years ago
Thanks for the info,  this is her X's page supposedly there are real nude of her https://xhamster.com/users/eljaydog/photos
Whiteflow24 4 years ago
Another dead giveaway is when they post pics of their faces that aren't nudes, and the only nudes they post, claiming it's them, don't show their face. Like, you clearly have no problem posting regular pics showing your face. Why so bashful when posting "your" nudes?

Thanks for the information!