Starting a church of porn

Imagine a house of worship where men and women could gather to worship pornography and share their love of gooning and masturbation. Imagine a church will walls plastered in pornographic posters and foldouts, deep stained glass windows to shield from outside world, and large megascreens of big tit porn playing all the time. Some pews have dildos on them so that women or men can plan themselves firmly on them while they worship, Prayers calling people to worship porn and masturbate more can be heard echoing through church along with the grunting of gooners. Offerings are of porn dvds, thumbdrives, and magazines for other porn worshippers to share. communion would be passing around lubricant as we all stroked or filled ourselves with holy spirit of masturbation. There would be prayers to porn and each wee we would call those who have embraced pornosexuality to testify to thier love if they feel it.
Sometimes porn stars or just average slut women will come and let men worship them as objects for sacred bukkake. The church will encourage regular worship of porn, but will just meet every so often at first.
dm me if interested, already have small version ready, just need midwest congregation
Published by pornwankr
4 years ago
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madjack1 1 month ago
Count me in
GimmeHead1 3 months ago
That sounds hot
Spieler4pt 8 months ago
I would love to join You!also  there had to be lessons and an adjoining sex academie!
jax2107 9 months ago
to SleazyG : Hail Pan and the church of porn 🙏🙏🙏
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SleazyG 11 months ago
to pornwankr : Hey - could you please tell me more about Pan ?
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Gary574rsa 1 year ago
Ready to be baptized into this faith, msg me if you are ready or interested in starting a New Jersey temple.
hrdguy01 3 years ago
Were do i sigh up for this i want tobe a part of this flock
xjanis 3 years ago
Love idea. 
guynky12 3 years ago
How is this something that has not happened yet.  We need a church of porn.  I would love to help organize it, but couldn't do it alone!
pornwankr Publisher 3 years ago
to open-mouth-club : I would love it if you opened a chapter of the church of porn.  we need as many as possible.  i really do think once we open one or two porn churches they will take off and become so so so popular. sex dolls, fleshlights, slut priestess, etc.  it will be a great place to worship and goon
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open-mouth-club 3 years ago
to pornwankr : It would be great. I would offer my help and my time to organize Church of Porn division in my country.
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guynky12 3 years ago
It would be wonderful... I have longed for such a church for so long.
pornwankr Publisher 3 years ago
wouldn't it be wonderful it the church of porn had branches and divisions in all countries of the world! porn worship could be the biggest religion worldwide by far.
open-mouth-club 3 years ago
Church of Porn is a great idea and I also fantasize about such a place. Even had an idea of a Porn caption story. This would be the poster for the episode:
maze141 3 years ago
every day I worship porn :heart:
wasnt aware of prior disagreements..........glad w agree on this
I lovely idea
I have had a lot of time to myself recently to worship pornography. When I love the ability to explore personally I must say the attraction of a gathering of like-minded individuals seems very attractive to me. The wonderful aspect of pornography, most of the time, is the lack of judgement. I understand that much of what I like, does not turn other enthusiasts on, however 99% of the time I just get a polite, not for me thanks, rather than anything worse.
 s someone who grew up in the Catholic Church I am highly aware of the extreme hypocrisy of organised religion. Do you need to follow a very specific set of rules, and the denigration of anyone outside that particular church. Pornography is the opposite, encourages you to keep exploring, finding more and more out about yourself and your sexuality. So yes I would love together with like-minded, open minded individuals, with whom I could be completely open, just as they could be with me
pornwankr Publisher 3 years ago
I think once the first church of porn opened, there would be many many more and they would quickly become the leading world religion.
pornwankr Publisher 3 years ago
mmm that's a very beautiful vision.  i see that you too can imagine the type of porn haven we would want to create.  maybe someday there really will be churches of porn.
Kum4me2ff 3 years ago
Sign me up
pornwankr Publisher 4 years ago
to Cock2CockFun : there should be a place for everyone to worship porn and goon together
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Cock2CockFun 4 years ago
mmmmm  God this sounds so hot
nusarera 4 years ago
Great idea!
pornwankr Publisher 4 years ago
to craftytouch : These are amazing suggestions.  You would make a great bishop in our church of porn.  I would also love furry rp balls, bukkake events, gangbangs, wifeswaps, solosexual and pornosexual nights, etc.  Maybe not as creative as you have gotten, i love your ideas.
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craftytouch 4 years ago
to pornwankr : All kinds of Fleshlights mounted in different positions. Cock hero competitions. Masturbation marathons. Masturbation marathons where we would have sponsors who donate to prostate cancer on the church's behalf, So much money per minute of the person stroking without cumming. This could get the church good press and make it main stream.
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pornwankr Publisher 4 years ago
to brisjkr : i would love to have you in the church of porn. any suggestions for activities?
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brisjkr 4 years ago
Count me in. A congregation of porn addicts  - I'd fit right in
pornwankr Publisher 4 years ago
you understand perfectly the type of church that i want to create.  i want it to be a simple temple, virtually at first, where people of any gender or orientation can masturbate and lust over porn together.  Shared viewscreens and images would be lusted over by many people all enjoying masturbation together.  Eventually, I think it would be great to have  real life church where people could bate and goon together in person.  I personally worship Pan, who is a lustful god, but wouldn't push it on others.  But maybe we could allow mixed spirituality in worship of porn too.  Shrines to porn goddess and toys would be wonderful.
pornwankr Publisher 4 years ago
thats a great idea.  i would not want it to cost anything, just allow gooners to find one another if they wanted