Solely Out to Prove a Point

Whether you continue to enjoy, not enjoy, feel anger, or just plain aren’t into me - you should all know that at this point fucking and fighting are all the same to me. I stand above and alone in most everything I do. I no longer do me for my own pleasure - it ceased being any fun for me (a) when being this fucking beautiful became an everyday thing and (b) when I realized that I’m more intelligent than anyone I encounter and that it all presents a tactical problem to me.

So, I’m gonna post the raw content I have and that which will continue to come. It’s all major US metropolitan city based, public, and real, as opposed to staged with heavy production. I trust about nobody so you’ll continue to see a lot of me holding the camera but here and there someone might make it in that can get a better perspective. I do and film what the fuck I feel like seeing me do - it’s my visual and my art - so you may really love it (such as with those into seeing me in that fur) or you might not like it (such as me pissing). Zero fucks. I’m gonna be and do what I want and as always - if you don’t like it, fucking don’t look at it. Wanna make shitty comments and vote down? Sure, be an asshole. Karma is a bitch.

So that’s where I’m at - it’s all about me, my fucking show and my rules. If you’re lucky enough to be along for the ride, fucking hang on. xoxx Shawna
Published by tgshawna
4 years ago
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marysissySUB 3 years ago
More than anything, i admire your courage, and i wish that i could be what you are.
bails1010 4 years ago
that makes two of us, never been to Az. she hated the cold and winter, so she moved !!  Shawna I would ensure that if I laid eyes on i'd say Hello in a provocative manner but with total respect !!
tgshawna Publisher 4 years ago
to bails1010 : Thank you ? The clerks in front know me and I always find it interesting how easily they and I can engage in simple conversation and, yet, as soon as I step in back it’s as if everyone forgot how to say “hello” ? Arizona... never been there but heard it’s a “dry heat” 
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bails1010 4 years ago
Way I see it, more Bodacious you are, the more your noticed, I just think your the courage of a Lioness, plus if I ever saw you walking in a Adult book store, immediate attraction would occur, met a trans Woman same way, we were a #  ,till she moved to Az. !!
tgshawna Publisher 4 years ago
to dickletlover : Thanks. You’ve got it just about “blue-book” correct. I make it pretty clear I’m doing this for me. If everyone liked it - if everyone liked everything - the world would be a boring ass place. Anyway, First Amendment jurisprudence is clear that it is exactly that speech and expression on the very fringe of what is acceptable and which offends that is the most important to protect, lest the government take us all down the slippery slope into telling what we can do and say. Again - thanks for honest and insightful comment. Shawna 
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dickletlover 4 years ago
I don't always like all your content but I ALWAYS like and respect you.  I figure if it's not to my taste I can just click on something else.  I can't understand people being negative about someone's content,  I figure they are just sad people.  You have a great attitude and a fabulous page.  Thanks for sharing!!
YuliyaW 4 years ago
you are a very beautiful and determined lady. I have similar problems. I will act like you !!!
YuliyaW 4 years ago
you are a very beautiful and determined lady. I have similar problems. I will act like you !!!
carolinestacy 4 years ago
love your attitude Shawna go girl and do your thing your one seriously erotic sexy individual x
drag_on 4 years ago
lovely human....
willt22 4 years ago
I’m just trying to get in a video ?
69shooter 4 years ago
The name of the game is to enjoy yourself. If others enjoy it too, bonus!!  If not, they have the option to move on. Simple as that!!
Horsetails55 4 years ago
I have been a long time admirer and have always enjoyed watching you do what you do...Much respect to you Shawana
UnaUnique 4 years ago