Chapter 2: The Young Slut Later Known as Kim
The following is the beginning accounts of Kim’s experiences, before she was known as Kim. These are 100% factual and nothing has been elaborated on in an attempt to make the story more exciting. This series is a collection of short stories that can be remembered in most detail and though written in the third person, is all my (Kim’s) experiences up to and including a Scouting trip that helped to push her into being the cock whore she is today. It will be made up of many stories and many chapters covering her life.
This story isn’t suitable for everyone, but it is my younger life, a huge part of me, and what made me who I am today, someone that loves to please you all with pics and vids. Someone who loves to meet strangers, older men, and make them cum.
• Kim will be used in place of my real name because that is who I am today. However, the name Kim didn’t exist until after the camping trip which concludes this series of short stories.
• The other names in the story, have not, been changed. Maybe the participants will see this one day and realize that their friend, now Kim, is still out there and willing to show them what she has learned.
—- 1: “Vacation” —
Kim and Phil had been “playing together” for over a year. They had explored each others bodies and even included one of Phil’s friends in their role play. Almost every time they were together, they would do at least something. Sometimes it was quick and other times it was for a few hours. They had played in each others rooms, in a small patch of woods by Kim’s house and a huge patch of woods near Phil’s. They had many sleepovers and even put up a tent in the backyard of Phil’s house during one which gave them a little more privacy.
That night of the camp out was one of the longest that they played. Being left almost entirely alone and without the fear of really getting caught, they acted out their roles as set by Phil. Completely naked, they climbed into the same sleeping bag, being held tight together as their body grinded back and fourth on each other. Taking turns, they sucked, licked and kissed each other before Phil spent some time getting pleasure from an assjob that Kim had learned to love being part of. For what felt like hours, they carried out this game of back and fourth before finally going to sleep. Back in separate sleeping bags, they had both dared each other to sleep naked though there was little pleasure in this for the other person, they both, for the first time, fell asleep naked together.
That was a great night and one that Kim wishes she remembered more of but that brief time of almost unadulterated alone time is shadowed by a time that was much much better.
The end of the summer was fast approaching and soon the cooler weather would be back and the outside games would have to end. They would be relegated back to their rooms where the risk of getting caught always weighed on the amount of fun they could have. There was however, a shining light at the end of this summer. Vacation.
Kim’s family was headed to the beach for a week long vacation and this year, they had allowed Kim to invite Phil. Every year they would rent a condo right near the beach. This was usually a 2 bedroom condo and though Phil had never been with them, Kim was already planning on how they would get to play all of the time while her family enjoyed the waves and sand. However, this year was even more special. When they all arrived at the resort, they found that they were in fact renting a 3 bedroom condo. What made this so special is that the 3rd bedroom was not connected by any inside door to the main condo. Instead, the 3rd bedroom, equipped with a king bed, screened porch, and en-suite bathroom, was only accessible by walking outside of the main condo and across the patio, through the screened porch, and into a sliding glass door…a door that would obviously have to stay locked at night for safety and a door that would offer a level of privacy never before had by Phil and Kim.
The boys wanted their freedom and they begged for that room. Finally, Kim’s family agreed and the boys rushed over and unpacked, for the first time, feeling like they were truly living on their own. The first day of vacation is always busy and it was full of activities that weren’t really the activities with Kim or Phil wanted to partake in but they did. They went to the grocery store with Kim’s family, then the beach, playing in the water and sand before being rushed through a shower and getting ready for dinner. This routine was normal for Kim and her family but this year, Kim wanted something else.
Finally, after dinner, Kim and Phil were able to be left alone for bed. They rushed over to their room, closing the sliding door, locking it and closing the blinds to the outside world. For the first time since knowing each other, Phil and Kim were truly alone, in a situation that they didn’t have to worry about being caught, a situation where they could do anything they wanted; a situation that would last a week and they immediately took advantage.
Their lips and tongues were the first to touch as they stood at the foot of their bed making out. They began a usual starting activity they called the “naked dance”. During this, they would pretend to be dance, dancing with each other. While dancing they would hold each other cocks, slowly stroking them as they moved back and fourth. This time, they were clothed but both boys had reached down each other shorts and started the routine, kissing, dancing, and slowly stroking each other.
Kim was the first to take it further as she helped Phil take his shirt off, then slowly pulled his pants down, kneeling in front of him as he stepped out of his pants and underwear before she put his hard cock against her tongue. For a minute or two she gently and passionately worked Phil’s cock in and out of her mouth, his naked body in front of her. Phil had started a new thing recently; he would grab the back of Kim’s head and push his cock all the way into her mouth before pulling it back out. It was effectively “face fucking” but neither of them knew of the term yet and though it was fun for both of them, it was yet to be the challenge that it would be years later. With Kim on her knees in front of him, Phil began to do this slightly harder than he had before. Kim, rested her hands on the back of his thighs and kept her mouth open, allowing Phil to do the work. Kim didn’t gag, that wouldn’t be for sometime, but she did drool and s small puddle was forming on the common tile floor found in so many beach houses.
After a few minutes of this, Phil pulled Kim up and pushed her onto the bed. She went down on all fours and Phil slid her pants and underwear down and off her, making her fall to her stomach as he pulled them under her knees. He reached under her and massaged her cock as, with his other hand, he spread her ass checks and buried his tongue between her crack. She moaned and squirmed slightly as Phil’s tongue flicked repeatedly across her tight pink hole. Unlike all the other times, they didn’t listen for the stairs creak or their names to be called. Instead, they focused completely on each other and Kim no longer muffled her moans.
After a few minutes of this, Phil stopped and lay next to Kim on his back. Kim knew that it was time for “double suck and quickly moved herself on top of him, sucking his cock and easily swallowing it down. Phil replied by putting her cock in his mouth and dancing his tongue across the tip and shaft as she lightly rotated her hips back and forth. Both boys had found that humming in this situation, made it more enjoyable for the other, and they took turns doing that and making each other moan in pleasure.
Phil was the first to start squirming harder. Kim knew he was close to stopping her but she kept going even speeding up slightly as the squirming intensified. He thrust his hips up and down before finally pushing her off of him and grabbing his cock to prevent himself from squirting.
“Oh my god” he said breathing heavy and looking at Kim who had rolled onto her back. Her face glistened in the drool around her mouth and chin as she smiled at Phil who was kneeling on the bed next to her.
“You know, I know how to do that to myself” Phil said.
“Really?” Kim had never considered it possible to do it herself and thought it was just something that was done between two people.
“Sit over there” Phil said to Kim, pointing at a wicker chair in the bedroom.
Kim walked over and sat in the chair. Phil was right behind her and he leaned forward and kissed her, removing her shirt as she sat down. He knelt in front of her, her cock still hard.
“So you have to get your hand wet” he said, grabbing her cock with his one hand and licking the palm of his other.
“Then you rub it like this”. Phil, held her cock up and moved the palm of his hand to the head of her cock and
began to swirl his palm around the top. This was almost and instant feeling of pleasure for Kim and there was very little time for her to react as she immediately started squirming and trying to pull away. Phil only continued for a second longer as Kim reached down grabbing at her cock and trying to prevent a stream of piss from coming out. She was successful and though the pinching hurt, she was able to stop everything but a few drops from dripping from her head.
“Oh my god” She said, laughing and standing up.
Both boys laughed and stood there hugging, grinding and kissing for a few more minutes before laying in the bed. They had only slept naked once before together but in separate slipping bags, tonight, they would sleep together for the first time, in the same bed, able to press their bodies against each other. Under the covers they feel asleep, hands on each others cocks. They felt free and tomorrow would bring even more.
They were no longer touching when they woke up in the morning but for the first time, they awoke naked next to each other. For a few minutes they rolled around wrestling and teasing each other as they got hard. The playing the night before had been fun but it had been short. Both boys were tired from traveling all day but today, they woke up rested and ready for fun. Unfortunately, the family had other plans that started with breakfast and the boys got dressed and headed next door for that. Shortly after, they went back to their rooms and put on bathing suits to go to the beach, still no time to play even though there was a quick teasing session while they were naked together.
For a few hours they played at the beach, in the water, in the sand. No one around them would have known anything was different about them as in this setting, they were perfectly normal friends. Even both of them seemed to forget about their other lives for a little as they took turns jumping of a floating dock and snorkeling around a stone jetty. But sex was never far from them and at the tip of the jetty they found a woman and her friend snorkeling with no top on. Though a shock to the boys, this was actually normal for where they were and the woman paid them no attention as they pretending to not look but were clearly staring and following. To the best of Kim’s knowledge, it was the first time either one of them had seen tits and especially right in front of them. Both boys were clearly hard in their bathing suits she swim off to the beach next to them and they worked their way back to shore.
Perhaps for Phil it wasn’t but for Kim, it was the first time that she was relating how she felt to what she wanted to do with Phil. Seeing tits had made her horny and she knew she wanted to play. Kim and Phil left the beach and walked back to their room. The room had recently been cleaned by housekeeping and the bed was freshly made. Walking into the room, they once again closed and locked the sliding door and pulled the curtains behind them.
“Want to take a shower together” Phil suggested, standing in the room in his bathing suit.
“Yes!” Kim excitedly replied. hey had never taken a bath or shower together but this vacation not only offered them their own room but also their own bathroom and Phil seemed determine to take advantage of that.
Phil led the way into the bathroom, Kim following closely behind. They bathroom was fairly large with a standup shower stall inside and big glass doors. Phil turned the shower on to warm up before turning to Kim and taking hold of her hips, pulling her towards him and kissing her. As their tongues danced together, Kim reached her hand down Phil’s bathing suit and began to rub his quickly hardening cock. Kim could feel her small cock pressing harder against her bathing suit.
Phil stepped back and pulled her into the shower with him. The water was hot and ran down their slim bodies, rinsing the salt from the ocean away. Under the hot spray they continued to make out, hands down each other’s bathing suits, slowly jerking and rubbing each other. Under the hot water, Phil took placed his hands on Kim’s hip bones and pushed her down. She immediately dropped down, squatting and pulling his bathing suit down and putting his cock in her mouth and swallowed it all the way to his tight balls. Phil put his hands on the back of her head and proceeded to thrust his hips forward and backward; she never gagged, just handled it well with her hands on his ass cheeks.
After a few minutes Phil pulled her up by placing his hands on her shoulders. They pressed their wet bodies against each other before Phil reached for the soap and washcloth and lathered it up. He proceeded to soap Kim down, washing her arms, her chest, her cock, before turning her around and running the wash cloth into her ass crack. Once soap dripped from her thighs, he dropped the washcloth and began using his hands to scrub her down. This felt especially good between her ass cheeks ass his hands, lubed with soap, rubbed her tight hole back and fourth. Kim pushed her ass back against his hand, arching her back before reaching back with her soapy hands and massaging his cock as he rubbed her hole.
This sensual image is seared into her mind as if she viewed it from a 3rd party perspective and her clit to this day hardens with this scene.
((This is the actual bathroom the boys played in years ago. Found online recently and for rent, this picture was included on the listing)))
Phil continued to keep her lathered up and anytime the soap got washed away on her body, he poured more on. Phil pushed Kim towards the back of the shower and out of the flow of water. Their bodies were totally covered in lather from the soap and he moved his hand from her ass and pushed the front of his body against the back of hers, sliding back and fourth. His hard cock found the crack of her lathered ass and he began to grind it in between her cheeks, up and down as he reached forward and jerked her cock. Both boys were breathing heavy and Kim felt herself coming closer to what they considered their climax. She arched her back further, pressing harder against Phil who was pressed back harder against her.
Suddenly she felt it. The feeling that led to her squirming was almost all but skipped and the immediate feeling of her having to pee was upon quickly upon her. She squirmed to push back and get Phil’s hand off of her cock, but it was all happening too fast and he kept jerking her, using the thick lather as lube. His thumb and index finger pressed against her head with each up and down motion of his hand and like the night before, where he taught her to get that feeling herself, there was almost no warning.
“Stop” She cried out almost moaning it, but it was too late. A shot of warm, clear liquid shot from her cock and against the shower wall.
It was a steady stream that was broken up only by Phil’s hand still moving up and down on her shaft. Within seconds, Phil felt the hot liquid on his hands and pulled them back as he stepped back. Kim all but collapsed on the shower floor, trembling as she continued to release an uncontrollable stream from her cock. She grabbed at her cock but it was no use, she didn’t have the energy or even desire to attempt to stop it and Kim, in a heap allowed it to subside on its own.
“Did you just pee” Phil asked, looking down on her?
“I don’t know, I think so” Kim replied, breathing heavy and laughing slightly in her response. “I couldn’t help it”
“How did it feel?” Phil asked
“Weird” Kim said. What she meant to say is that it felt incredible but she was kind of embarrassed, confused, and didn’t really have a good answer.
Phil stood there for a few seconds over top of Kim, slowly stroking his own cock. After she regained herself she squatted down in front of him and allowed him to once again put his cock in her mouth. Almost as if nothing had happened, they went back to playing, though this time, it was just Kim pleasuring Phil. He once again pushed his cock in and out of her mouth and though she stroked her thighs with her hands, she left her own cock alone. Her cock had gone soft for a few minutes after but it was quickly getting hard again.
“Lay down” Phil said, pushing her away from his cock and towards the tile floor to lay on her stomach, just slightly outside of the main stream of the shower.
Phil took the soap and rubbed it up and down her back, lathering her up again before using his hands to spread the lather around, paying special attention to her ass crack and thighs. Kim had tried to lay on her stomach but the tile hurt her cock and instead pushed her cock back so that it was pointed down towards her feet. Phil saw this and ran his lathered hands across her balls and cock in which she let out a slight moan. Then, he lay across on top of her and slid his cock between her ass cheeks which were covered in suds.
Phil pushed his cock far down between her cheeks and began sliding up and down, running his shaft as he had done before between her. This time was different. This time, instead of using spit for lube, he was using a thick coating of bubbles that were slicker then spit and providing an incredible feeling. The same feeling Kim had just experienced. He usually was slow and rhythmic but this time, he began to speed up and slid his cock faster and faster between her. She arched her ass up and let out a light moan as his breathing became heavier. The tip of his cock making contact with her hole, with that many suds, felt amazing and for a few minutes, both boys continued in this position, a position that viewed from the outside would certainly cause the 3rd party to cum.
The shower was still on and the steam was covering the glass but the water was falling next to them not washing the soap away. A light mist fell on both of them but for Kim at least, a chill went up her back from not being in the water. Suddenly, this chill was masked by a warm stream hitting Kim in the back of her raised head. Phil slowed but didn’t stop and the stream that Kim knew was coming from his cock went up and down her back.
“Hey!” she cried out but Phil didn’t respond, he just was breathing heavy.
Phil pulled his cock back low down her ass crack and stopped grinding, laying his weight on her back she could feel him trembling as she had done earlier. She could also feel the warm stream hitting her tight ass hole and running down her cheeks and across her balls and shaft. She squirmed as if she didn’t but she enjoyed the feeling. It only lasted for a few more seconds after Phil had stopped grinding but for almost a minute, he lay there.
“Wow, that did feel weird”, he said has he stood himself up and under the shower head.
“I told you” Kim said bring her legs under her and sitting her bare ass on the tile floor in front of him.
“Good thing we were in the shower” Phil said looking down at her and his hard cock.
Kim leaned forward and once again put his cock in her mouth. He twitched and pulled back. She tasted it on his cock. It was a salty taste but not bad and she leaned forward to try and put him back in her mouth.
“No no” Phil replied pushing her away “I need a break”
Kim stood up and they continued with their shower, which now that they weren’t playing only lasted a few more minutes. There was a small window above the toilet which was open for ventilation. As they were drying off Kim could hear people talking as they walked by the window. She wondered if anyone had heard them and the thought, though scary, made her cock twitch slightly.
They spent the rest of the week on vacation, playing daily and sleeping naked together nightly. That was the one and only time they ever showered together and the only time they every brought each other past the limit to where they squirted like that. Looking back, it isn’t clear why they didn’t do it more often but for whatever reason, that was it. Kim can’t speak for what Phil did when she wasn’t around, but she used what he taught her about doing it by herself and began to play when she was alone. It became almost a daily thing, either they would play or she would play alone but she became obsessed with the feeling.
Kim would lick her hand and rub the tip of her cock bringing her to the point that she would dance around the room in pleasure. On more than one occasion, she did it so much that she actually rubbed the tip almost raw and was nearly limping around the following day in pain. Kim would also do it in the shower, with the same result that happened with Phil. She also found something else that worked, aloe. For whatever reason she began using allowing to rub her cock and that brought her to that level of pleasure. The bottle of aloe became such an obsession that she can remember the look and design of it and the smell of aloe to this day causes her to get horny.
Kim, exploring her body found more and more ways to invoke pleasure by herself. One that she really began to enjoy was the use of a small chair in her room. This chair was all foam and fabric but folded out into a makeshift bed. Kim had a green velvety feeling blanket that she used to love the feeling on her body. Somehow, she figured out, if she unfolded the chair into a bed and laid the blanket across, tucking it into the one fold, of the chair, she could put her cock in it, humping it like a pussy and bringing her the same feeling that she had become addicted too.
Kim remembers nearly getting caught using that on a specific night at her house. There were guests staying and she would be staying in her parents room on the floor, using that chair as a bed. She went to bed before everyone else but instead of falling asleep, she repeatedly brought herself close to climax by fucking the velvety sheet in the crease of her bed. Completely naked, she would jump up and dance around trying to stop the feeling from going too far. The issue was the floor creaked loudly every time she jumped up. Moments before she was walked in on, she heard someone opening the bedroom door and she dove under the covers. Her mother scolded her for being awake and asking why she was walking around had her nervously shaking, naked, under the covers and looking for an answer. To this day she doesn’t know how she got away with it, but she did.
Phil had used that vacation to teach her something, that she was able to induce pleasure on herself. From that moment, she looked for new ways, all the time, and became and addict to the pleasure that she could invoke on herself. It changed her, just as all of these experiences did.
—- 2: “Caught” —
It was a nice summer day and there was no reason that the boys weren’t playing outside. No reason that is, except that the kind of playing they did was better suited for the bedroom. That is were they found themselves on this day, in Phil’s bedroom with the door closed and locked. Like normal, they weren’t home alone, but like normal, that didn’t stop them from playing.
Kim and Phil were into the normal role playing game and Kim was playing the role of the sexy girl as usual. They had vivid imaginations that helped to detail storylines and today they found themselves at a dance club where they would meet for the first time. Kim had already removed her underwear and was wearing basketball shorts that she had rolled up to make them look very short. She had also tied her shirt in a knot that made it look more like she was a girl.
The pretending to meet for the first time and then danced together. They stripped each other down naked and did, what they appropriately had named, the naked dance. The simple took hold of each other cocks and pulled each other close like that and danced around the room, kissing and stroking. Kim would turn around and push her small ass up against Phils cock and they grinded back and forth like this. Neither of them had been to a dance before but they knew the terms like “grinding” and vaguely knew what it meant.
After a few minutes of this Kim dropped to her knees and put Phil’s hard cock in her mouth. He stood above her as she licked his shaft and tight balls and worked him and out of her mouth. He still wasn’t big by any means but he was bigger than Kim. She was still easily able to deep throat him and even when he held her head and in place and thrusted himself in her mouth, she had no trouble handling it. Phil loved doing this to her and she didn’t mind in the least, especially at his house. Phil’s room had hardwood floors and when he would repeatedly do this too her it would build up a lot of spit in her mouth that she would let drip out all over the floor. It was fun to see how big of a puddle she could make and today was no exception.
“Let’s go back to my house” Phil said, still roleplaying they were at a dance club.
“Ok” Kim said taking a short break from sucking his cock to respond before standing up in front of him and holding his wet shaft, which she stroked a few times.
They didn’t bother to get dressed again, instead they seemingly skipped an entire scene of their story and ended up in Phil’s room…both in the story and still in real life. They stood at the side of his bed making out, their tongues flicking together while taking short breaks to lick the others neck or nipples. Phil held Kim’s ass cheeks in his hands, massaging them and spreading them as they kissed. Then, he pushed her on the bed on her back, where she instantly responded by bringing her feet up on the bed and raising her knees up.
Phil didn’t hesitate and he leaned in, taking hold of her small, smooth cock and rubbing it as he pressed his tongue against her tight, pink ass hole. She let out a little feminine moan and rubbed his head as he continued licking her and “tongue fucking” her ass. She loved being licked and though he played with her cock, she was finding more pleasure in his tongue and she lightly squirmed to let him know. For a few minutes the boys, completely naked, played like this, until Phil climbed up on the bed and lay next to her.
“Double suck me” he said to her; their term for 69.
She obliged and spun around, climbing on top of him, and putting his hard cock right into her mouth. Phil too put her cock in his mouth and though he couldn’t suck up and down like she could because he was on the bottom, he worked her shaft and tip with this tongue, a feeling she licked more than being sucked like normal. All the way in her mouth she would slide him and all the way back out. It was very rare for her to gag as Phil wasn’t big enough but occasionally, he would thrust into her mouth in a way that would induce a quick, light gag from her, but not today. She was on her game today and anytime he thrusted, she handled it with ease.
Phil’s tongue on the head of Kim’s cock was starting to bring her close to the feeling that she had to pee. She let it build for a little bit but finally lifted her hips up and removed her cock from his mouth. She spun back around and with both cocks wet with each other spit, she lay on Phil and grinded them together while kissing him. This is when the size difference of both boys became clear, when they were right next to each other like this. Kim felt that she should be bigger but Phil never said anything and he remained bigger than her for years. Even towards the end of them playing together, she may have been slightly longer than him, but he was much thicker than she ever was.
“Butt fuck me” she whispered in Phil’s ear.
This term was a misunderstanding of what that really meant. To the boys, “butt fucking” was what they did, the grinding of a cock in-between the wet ass crack of the other. They had called it an assjob for a while but had recently learned the term “butt-fucking”. This is what she was referencing and Phil knew it.
Kim slid off him and lay on her stomach. Phil got behind her and ran his tongue up and down her ass crack, ensuring that it was very very wet. Kim than slightly raised her hips off the bed, spreading her ass as Phil put his cock in-between cheeks and resting his weight on her. This made her rest her hips on the bed again and this is what tightened her cheeks around his cock. As soon as this was done, he began sliding himself up and down, grinding her slowly at first. Kim loved this feeling and arched her back, turning her head to kiss Phil as he continued to “butt fuck” her.
Harder Phil started too grind in Kim’s crack. They were all but forgetting the role play that had happened and now they were just doing it for their own pleasure. Kim had to stop arching her back and laid her head face down in the sheets as Phil was now really humping her hard. The tip of his cock would graze across her tight, pink, virgin ass and she would moan every time. The bed was creaking slightly and Phil was breathing hard in her ears. Every few minutes Phil would stop for just a second and spit down on her ass, “lubing” it back up for him but aside from that, both boys, hairless, young, and slim, were in heaven and nothing was stoping them.
Phil was now humping Kim so hard, so rhythmically that her own cock, rubbing on the sheets below her, was starting to get more and more pleasure and her light, feminine moans now became less theatrical and more real as she squeezed her ass cheeks together, tightening their hold on Phil’s cock. This was all it took and he gave her about 5 more hard thrust before he leapt from the bed and did the traditional dance around the room from pleasure. Kim laughed but lightly still grinded on the sheets.
There was a very unique part of their role-play that they often did. After “sex” they would pretend to sleep next to each other and then one of them, usually Kim, would get up and put a small piece of paper between the other’s ass crack. It would have a love note or a phone number on it. It was to simulate a one night stand with a stranger and that is how the stranger left in the morning, though that portion of the story wasn’t really what was running through their minds. There were a few times where Phil would leave a note for Kim, pretending she woke up without him there.
After Phil’s dance, he climbed back on the bed and lay next to Kim. Kissing her as both boys lay there, naked, he pretended to drift off to sleep so they could carry out the last part of their story, the passing of the note. After a minute, Kim slid off the bed and found red construction paper. She tore a small piece off and drew a heart with her phone number on it and folded it in half. Still naked she climbed up on the bed behind him and put her ass in the air, leaning down and running her tongue through his crack for a brief moment. She then, spread his ass and placed the note as deep in his crack as possible, right up against Phil’s tight, pink, ass hole. With Phil’s ass spread, Kim’s face right near it and her wet, recently “butt fucked” hole high in the air, there was a sudden noise behind her.
With no knock. No warning. No anything; Phil’s mom, carrying a basket of laundry opened the door that both boys thought was locked and found herself staring right at Kim’s ass and right at both boys completely naked and on Phil’s bed.
She didn’t scream but she might as well have. She dropped the laundry and threw her hands over her mouth. Neither boy moved, truly frozen in shock they made no effort to conceal what was happening. It was a mere few seconds but felt like minutes but Phil's Mom turned and ran down the hallway and into her bedroom. The boys had no idea what to do and quickly dressed and ran out of the house.
Kim can’t remember what they talked about or what they did for the next hour or so but then, her Mom called to both boys from across the street. Ashamed and scared they walked over and in the middle of Kim’s driveway her Mom proceeded to have a “talk” with them. She didn’t appear mad and though Kim can't remember everything she said, she distinctly remembers her Mom saying “you are curious and that is normal. Exploring each other is something that happens”. Kim remembers that because she didn't think they were exploring….they were playing. To her, she knew what they were doing and they weren't doing it to compare or see what the other person looked like, they were doing it because it felt good.
That explanation from Kim’s Mom was the only thing any of the parents ever said to them. Kim and Phil were both aware that their parents didn’t actually know what was going on and it seemed that Phil’s Mom just thought maybe they were looking each other over. Thankfully she hadn’t walked in a few seconds earlier.
This began a long period of time where they would only play in the woods, or at Kim’s house or places that they were less likely to get caught. It also didn’t slow them down and if anything, them not getting in trouble may have encouraged them to continue. They were now more careful but because of that, they found themselves more free. When in the woods or places that they were alone, they weren't worried about being caught and would play longer and louder than before. Kim’s Mom and Phil’s Mom are still friends and Kim sees her a few times a year. Though she doesn’t know what she remembers about that day, Kim wonders if she vividly remembers what her tight ass looked like…..that tight ass that would soon be stretched for the first time.
—- 3: “Big Dick Nick” —
Over the years Phil and Kim would go back and fourth from playing almost daily to barely playing for months. This was one of those dry spells. A few months ago, Kim and Phil had found their first porn movie in an office at Kim’s house. This 80s classic “Miami Spice” was their first taste of sex and how they thought it should be performed. They had found an old Playboy in the same office just a few months before then and that gave them their first images of the women’s body.
This introduction into porn took them on a hot streak of almost daily playing and acting out the scenes in the movie. They still weren’t doing any penetration and it never ended in actually cumming, but almost daily they would spend hours touching and sucking and rubbing. Then, one day, Phil wasn’t interested and he was all but avoiding Kim. This had happened before and Kim doesn’t remember it really bothering her, there were just times, they lost interest and this was one of those. Later, Kim would attribute to the fact that Phil was in fact straight and when he felt that he wasn’t he got scared and they would stop playing. Either way, life went on and Kim pleasured herself, in place of Phil, daily.
On this particular Summer day, Kim was going to a friends house that she knew from Soccer to sleep over. They had gone to the same school together with Phil but Kim had switched schools last year, which also pulled Kim and Phil a little further apart. Kim and Nick had known each other for years but aside from Soccer, Kim rarely hung out with him.
The details of that day are lost in time, but there are a few specific events that Kim remembers. For starters, Nick had also recently found porn magazines, though his were a lot more detailed than Kim’s old Playboy she had found. It was the first time Kim would see a Penthouse magazine and though not a video, the pictures were more detailed than that of the 80s porn movie she had found at her house. Kim remember Nick taking her behind his house, there was a small strip of woods that they played in and that is where he pulled out the magazines, sitting down on a log and handing one to her.
They flipped through the pages, laughing and joking and playing it cool but secretly Kim was hard in her shorts and the desire to pleasure herself was growing. She began to “adjust” herself, allowing her a brief moment here and there to feel the pleasure of her touch. Kim noticed Nick was doing the same. This went on for sometime, both wanting to pleasure themselves but both not sure how to bring it up, however, there were some jokes about the little bulges in the sports shorts they were each wearing.
Again, details are hazy but at some point the boys went back inside. Nick had been hiding the magazine outside under the tree log in a plastic bag to protect it but instead of doing that this time, they snuck it into his room and slid them under the mattress. For a few more hours they went back to normal activities but at least as far as Kim was concerned, she wanted to get that magazine and use it. She kept forcing activities to happen in Nick’s room to be closer to the porn that she wanted to see.
To this day, Kim doesn’t know when it happened, if it was supposed to be their bedtime of if everyone was still awake in the house, but she remembers very clearly being in Nick’s room and the door closed. He had pulled the magazine out again and they were sitting on his bed flipping through it. She couldn’t take it anymore and blurted it out to Nick.
“I have given Phil a blowjob” Kim said.
“Really” Nick said surprised.
“Yeah, we do it a lot”.
“Does he do it to you” Nick asked
“Yeah!” Kim replied
There was a few seconds of silence, Kim looking at Nick and Nick looking at the magazine.
“Do you want to try it” Kim finally said, breaking the silence
“I don’t really want to give anyone a blowjob” Nick said quietly, almost sheepishly.
The following moment is yet another defining moment in Kim’s life and one of the few crystal clear images from that sleep over.
“You don’t have to, I will just give you one” Kim said and without waiting for a reply she hopped off the bed and dropped to the floor in front of Nick.
Up until this moment right now, Kim had always given pleasure to get pleasure. Phil, though not always sucking her, would always give her some sort of recip. Even Phil’s friend had repaid her for her services. But as Kim was reaching forward to the Umbro shorts that covered Nick’s hard cock, she was acutely aware that she was doing this because she got pleasure from sucking dick. She was desperately horny now and she wanted to suck.
Nick didn’t attempt to stop her as he sat on his bed, legs hanging off and magazine opened next to him. Kim reached up, putting her fingers into the elastic waist of both his underwear and shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. Popping out and up was Nick’s hard cock and what a cock it was. It was huge compared to anything else Kim had seen in person. Longer, by what looked like double from her own and much much thicker. Nick also had a square patch of very short blonde hair above it, something neither her or Phil had. Phil was bigger than her, sure, but this was on a different level.
:::As she thinks back to this moment today, she finds herself curious on just how big he really was or if it was truly just relative and she wonders how big he is today, if he is still much larger than anyone else::::
“Wow” Kim said out-loud. “Your’s is bigger than Phil’s”
Nick didn’t respond, he just looked down at her as she knelt there between his legs. Kim took just a second of looking before taking hold of it and leaning forward, sliding his cock into her wet, warm mouth. The size difference was especially noticeable as soon as it hit her lips. Her mouth was open wider and she had to pay special attention to not drag her teeth across it. Within a few seconds, she had wet his cock enough to slide it all the way in her mouth and though she was still able to do this without gagging, she had to concentrate.
In contrast to Nick’s big cock, Kim’s little cock was pressing hard against her underwear. With one hand still supporting Nick’s cock, she took her other hand and slid it down her pants, rubbing her own as she continued to work on him. She took a second to compare the size difference of her own cock in her hand to Nick’s she found herself impressed and even more turned on. Nick too, though clearly still nervous, was enjoying himself. He had no idea what to do with his hands and they went from the bed, to his thighs, to the magazine and back again. He would look down at her and then the magazine clearly taking both in.
Kim slid her lips up his shaft and lightly squeezed his cock as she did. A small drop of salty liquid hit her tongue and she quickly pulled her head off, worried he was squirting pee like she had done before. There was nothing there. Kim, for the first time that she can remembered, had tasted precum, she just didn’t know it. With her head now off of his cock, she lifted his cock back and began to lick his balls. They too were bigger than both Phil’s and Kim’s and though the sack was close to the same, his actual balls were definitely bigger.
Nick took hold of his cock, brushing Kim from his shaft. As she licked him, he begin to jerk off. Slowly at first but the more she massaged his balls with her lips and tongue, the faster he went. Soon he was stroking his entire shaft vigorously, his hands almost hitting Kim’s face with each pump. She reached up towards hit chest, only making it as high as his stomach and lightly pushed him back onto the bed into a laying position.
He never stopped jerking off but now, Kim slid her tongue a little lower on his sack, then a little lower. He had hair there too, something she had never experienced, but it was just a little and it didn’t get in the way. Her tongue stretched out far and finally made contact with his ass hole. He quickly sat up, she pushed him back down and did it again. Kim was so horny now and her hand worked her own cock in her underwear. With both hands, she quickly slid her underwear and pants off her legs and went back to jerking herself.
Nick slowed his stroking for just a second and Kim replaced his hand with hers before once again sliding him in her mouth. He was still on his back on the bed and Kim could no longer kneel in front of him. Instead, she stood there, pants around her ankles and bent over, supporting herself with one hand on his thigh while the other paid attention to his shaft. She drooled down his cock, using her spit as lube for her hand and for the next few minutes, this is the position they found themselves.
Kim needed to stand upright for a second as this position was comfortable. When she did, she took looked down at both her cock and Nick’s and the size difference was dramatic. He was so much bigger than her and Phil. She wanted to do more with him but just then, Nick sat up moving her hand away from is drool covered shaft.
“I have to pee” he said to her. This was different than the squirming and dancing that her and Phil had brought themselves too. This seemed like he just had to pee.
He stood up and pulled his shorts up. Kim did the same, feeling slightly embarrassed for him seeing her size. When both boys were dressed again, Nick opened his bedroom door and walked out, closing the door behind him. Kim looked at the bed, there was a big wet spot in the blue sheets from her drool and the magazine remained open. She climbed up onto the bed and sat down waiting for Nick. She flipped through the magazine, sliding her hands down her pants and stroking her cock. There was a few pages that had 2 girls licking each other and she really enjoyed looking at that but there was also a very intriguing set of pictures. A man, with a big cock, was fucking a girl in the ass.
It was the first time Kim had ever seen this. It wasn’t in her Playboy and certainly wasn’t any party of what she remembered from Miami Spice. The empty pussy and expression of pleasure on the girls face really turned Kim on and she jerked harder. Up until this point, she couldn’t say she even knew that was a thing. Her and Phil had talked about what gay guys do but they had come to the conclusion that “butt-fucking” was actually just like an “assjob”, she didn’t think they actually put it in.
Nick took a long time in the bathroom. Not just a minute or two but nearly 10. Kim was still enjoying herself when she finally heard the bathroom door down the hall open and she pulled her hands out of her pants waiting for Nick to return. He walked into the room, closing the door again and sitting in a computer chair next to the bed. Kim wanted to suck on him again and made a motion towards him. Nick, however, was no longer interested.
“Let’s do something else” he said, standing up, picking up the magazine and sliding it under her mattress.
Though Kim and Phil would eventually grow bored of playing, this was much more abrupt and confused Kim.
“One more time” she said, walking towards Nick.
“No, let’s go play video games” he replied as he opened his bedroom door and walked out
Kim was left standing there, her hard cock quickly softening in her shorts, confused and still wanting more. At the time it made no sense to her and she remembers worrying that maybe Nick will tell people. Today, it is obvious; Nick went to the bathroom to jerk off, cumming and no longer being horny enough to let Kim suck on him. This, wouldn’t happen in this fashion to Kim for almost 2 more years, when Phil would similarly repeat Nick’s actions.
Kim and Nick would never again play like that. They would only hang out a few more times before going their separate ways but Kim was to nervous to bring it back up with him even though she found herself daydreaming about a cock that was much bigger than any other she had experienced. She also couldn’t get that image of the man fucking that girls ass out of her mind. She wanted to see more but none of the porn she had access to was helpful.
—- 4: “Porn, a Game Changer” —
Phil and Kim were hanging out for the first time in a few weeks. They had been on dry spell for nearly a year, a spell that included Kim sucking on Nick but that was it aside from her own playing around. Kim had built herself a private spot in her house. To this day, she doesn’t know if her parents ever knew it existed. There was an access panel in her closet that went out over the garage. There, she had found extra pieces of 2’x4’s left by the builders which she arranged in close order across the supports for the garage ceiling. Kim then dragged a floor lamp from the basement in there and eventually would drag her beloved chair/bed in as well. She hid the Playboy in there and a few other things of “porn” that were really just swimsuit editions and other things that were more sexy than sexual.
“Look” Phil said almost as soon as they got into the room. He handed her a piece of paper, printed from the computer. On it, was a naked girl.
((This is the actual picture that started it all. Kim had kept it and some others in a safe and recently scanned them for things like this. There are clear water marks on this picture that are from the Aloe Kim used.)))
“Wow! Where did you get this” Kim said excitedly.
“She sent it to me in a chat room” Phil said proudly.
AOL was popular at the time (probably AOL 3.0 for all the nostalgic people) and the chat rooms were flooded with people wanting to trade naked pictures. At the time, Kim and Phil would think that the people sending these pictures were really those people. The perverseness of older men talking to younger boys or girls in the chat hadn’t really become a popular thought.
This one, single picture, ended the dry spell between Kim and Phil. Phil laid down on the chair/bed and Kim helped him undo is pants. To Kim’s surprise, Phil was much larger than the last time she had sucked on him. Still not the size of Nick but his thickness was much more than Kim’s which still was very small compared to Phil and Nick. Kim was embarrassed about her size but Phil didn’t say anything about it.
While he looked at the picture, she sucked him, hard, missing him for so long and loving his cock. She always felt more of a connection with him and when they didn’t hook up for long periods of time, she missed it. She licked his balls sucking lightly on them before sliding her hands under his thighs and lifting them up, pressing her tongue against his ass. He moaned and reached down, jerking his wet cock as she continued to lick his balls, taint, and ass hole.
Kim slid her pants down and off, still licking Phil, taking a second break to take her shirt off. Naked, with her ass in the air, she caressed her own hard cock while moving her lips back to his. For a few minutes she continued like this before swinging her legs over his head and laying on him in the 69 position. She grabbed his legs with both her hands and slid his cock all the way in her mouth. She really liked sucking cock from this angle and though she was still able to put his whole cock in her mouth, she found it easier when she was on top, in 69, to get it in.
Phil thrust his hips up and down causing Kim to drool all over his cock and balls. He worked her cock good as well, using his tongue to tease her head and push her cock all around the inside of his mouth. Kim lifted her head up, allowing his wet cock to drop out but quickly pushing her head between his legs and licking his balls and ass again. Phil responded by doing the same with her. She loved the feeling of his tongue on her and she grinded her ass back and fourth as he licked her pink hole.
They continued this for a while, switching between licking and sucking but not taking a break while they continued to pleasure each other. Phil started squirming and though she continued for a few more seconds, he was able to push her off him. She knelt at the end of the bed and stroked her cock, Phil however jumped up and while holding his cock, he scrambled back through the access panel and back into her room. With nothing but a shirt on, he ran out of her room and into the bathroom. Kim brought herself close to squirting before laying back and waiting for Phil to return.
It was nearly 10 minutes before he scurried back into her room and into the hideout, still with nothing on but his shirt. He sat on the cushion next to Kim and started to get dressed, ignoring her naked, smooth body laying there.
“What happened” Kim asked
“I had to pee” Phil replied.
“Took a long time” Kim questioned the easy answer. It was exactly what Nick had done to her and she was really confused.
“So” Phil began as he had finished getting dressed and now was sitting there next to Kim. “I went into the bathroom and jerked off”
“Why” Kim asked.
“I do it until I cum” Phil said.
Kim didn’t cum; at best she would still just squirt the clear liquid. She didn’t know Phil cam but he did and she wasn’t going to admit she didn’t. From that moment on, anytime they would play, they would end by taking turns in bathrooms or different rooms to jerk off until they cam. Eventually Kim would and she would enjoy the way they ended, but for the next few months, she just went into the bathroom and pretended.
Kim got dressed too and picked up the naked picture that Phil had brought over.
(This picture started Kim with her piss obsession. After this she started peeing on herself in the shower and more)
“You have to show me how to get pictures” Kim said as they came out of their hide out and down the stairs to the computer room that was set up in the house.
Kim’s and Phil’s parents had started leaving them home alone often. This wasn’t concerning because of the close proximity of the others parents if anything were to happen. The ability to be alone like this for extended periods of time would be critical as the boys logged in to AOL and, together, Phil and Kim started finding people to trade naked pictures of people they pretended to be.
It was easy and it was productive. Phil told Kim they would go into a Lesbian Chat room and pretend to be a girl, securing a girl picture. Then, they would use that picture to trade with other “lesbians”, who really were just people doing what they were, but, it worked and quickly the pictures began to flood in. Kim started printing them and hiding them in her new hiding spot. It also had another effect. Not only was Kim pretending to be the girl when her and Phil played, she was pretending to be the girl online. She wasn’t just talking to girls but talking to guys pretending she was the girl in the picture and she was really enjoying the conversations with them. Everyone always things that chat rooms were just a bunch of old dudes pretending to be girls but in this case, Kim was far from an old dude and she was getting pleasure from pleasuring them.
Looking up porn like this became almost an addiction for her and she would do it almost every day. It was quickly broadening her horizons and experiences and the once taboo curiosity that surrounded anal was now easily answered by finding pics of girls doing this. That was her go to in pics, she loved anal ones and though she was yet to try it, she loved to stroke her cock with the aloe or hump her bed to the pics that she printed out. She also loved the thrill of pretending to be the girls in the pics as she traded with men who believed she was the person in the pictures. She loved roleplaying with them and loved them telling her about how they would play with themselves.
Kim had a new daily routine and though her and Phil still met and played, she was becoming obsessed with what she found online.
This story isn’t suitable for everyone, but it is my younger life, a huge part of me, and what made me who I am today, someone that loves to please you all with pics and vids. Someone who loves to meet strangers, older men, and make them cum.
• Kim will be used in place of my real name because that is who I am today. However, the name Kim didn’t exist until after the camping trip which concludes this series of short stories.
• The other names in the story, have not, been changed. Maybe the participants will see this one day and realize that their friend, now Kim, is still out there and willing to show them what she has learned.
—- 1: “Vacation” —
Kim and Phil had been “playing together” for over a year. They had explored each others bodies and even included one of Phil’s friends in their role play. Almost every time they were together, they would do at least something. Sometimes it was quick and other times it was for a few hours. They had played in each others rooms, in a small patch of woods by Kim’s house and a huge patch of woods near Phil’s. They had many sleepovers and even put up a tent in the backyard of Phil’s house during one which gave them a little more privacy.
That night of the camp out was one of the longest that they played. Being left almost entirely alone and without the fear of really getting caught, they acted out their roles as set by Phil. Completely naked, they climbed into the same sleeping bag, being held tight together as their body grinded back and fourth on each other. Taking turns, they sucked, licked and kissed each other before Phil spent some time getting pleasure from an assjob that Kim had learned to love being part of. For what felt like hours, they carried out this game of back and fourth before finally going to sleep. Back in separate sleeping bags, they had both dared each other to sleep naked though there was little pleasure in this for the other person, they both, for the first time, fell asleep naked together.
That was a great night and one that Kim wishes she remembered more of but that brief time of almost unadulterated alone time is shadowed by a time that was much much better.
The end of the summer was fast approaching and soon the cooler weather would be back and the outside games would have to end. They would be relegated back to their rooms where the risk of getting caught always weighed on the amount of fun they could have. There was however, a shining light at the end of this summer. Vacation.
Kim’s family was headed to the beach for a week long vacation and this year, they had allowed Kim to invite Phil. Every year they would rent a condo right near the beach. This was usually a 2 bedroom condo and though Phil had never been with them, Kim was already planning on how they would get to play all of the time while her family enjoyed the waves and sand. However, this year was even more special. When they all arrived at the resort, they found that they were in fact renting a 3 bedroom condo. What made this so special is that the 3rd bedroom was not connected by any inside door to the main condo. Instead, the 3rd bedroom, equipped with a king bed, screened porch, and en-suite bathroom, was only accessible by walking outside of the main condo and across the patio, through the screened porch, and into a sliding glass door…a door that would obviously have to stay locked at night for safety and a door that would offer a level of privacy never before had by Phil and Kim.
The boys wanted their freedom and they begged for that room. Finally, Kim’s family agreed and the boys rushed over and unpacked, for the first time, feeling like they were truly living on their own. The first day of vacation is always busy and it was full of activities that weren’t really the activities with Kim or Phil wanted to partake in but they did. They went to the grocery store with Kim’s family, then the beach, playing in the water and sand before being rushed through a shower and getting ready for dinner. This routine was normal for Kim and her family but this year, Kim wanted something else.
Finally, after dinner, Kim and Phil were able to be left alone for bed. They rushed over to their room, closing the sliding door, locking it and closing the blinds to the outside world. For the first time since knowing each other, Phil and Kim were truly alone, in a situation that they didn’t have to worry about being caught, a situation where they could do anything they wanted; a situation that would last a week and they immediately took advantage.
Their lips and tongues were the first to touch as they stood at the foot of their bed making out. They began a usual starting activity they called the “naked dance”. During this, they would pretend to be dance, dancing with each other. While dancing they would hold each other cocks, slowly stroking them as they moved back and fourth. This time, they were clothed but both boys had reached down each other shorts and started the routine, kissing, dancing, and slowly stroking each other.
Kim was the first to take it further as she helped Phil take his shirt off, then slowly pulled his pants down, kneeling in front of him as he stepped out of his pants and underwear before she put his hard cock against her tongue. For a minute or two she gently and passionately worked Phil’s cock in and out of her mouth, his naked body in front of her. Phil had started a new thing recently; he would grab the back of Kim’s head and push his cock all the way into her mouth before pulling it back out. It was effectively “face fucking” but neither of them knew of the term yet and though it was fun for both of them, it was yet to be the challenge that it would be years later. With Kim on her knees in front of him, Phil began to do this slightly harder than he had before. Kim, rested her hands on the back of his thighs and kept her mouth open, allowing Phil to do the work. Kim didn’t gag, that wouldn’t be for sometime, but she did drool and s small puddle was forming on the common tile floor found in so many beach houses.
After a few minutes of this, Phil pulled Kim up and pushed her onto the bed. She went down on all fours and Phil slid her pants and underwear down and off her, making her fall to her stomach as he pulled them under her knees. He reached under her and massaged her cock as, with his other hand, he spread her ass checks and buried his tongue between her crack. She moaned and squirmed slightly as Phil’s tongue flicked repeatedly across her tight pink hole. Unlike all the other times, they didn’t listen for the stairs creak or their names to be called. Instead, they focused completely on each other and Kim no longer muffled her moans.
After a few minutes of this, Phil stopped and lay next to Kim on his back. Kim knew that it was time for “double suck and quickly moved herself on top of him, sucking his cock and easily swallowing it down. Phil replied by putting her cock in his mouth and dancing his tongue across the tip and shaft as she lightly rotated her hips back and forth. Both boys had found that humming in this situation, made it more enjoyable for the other, and they took turns doing that and making each other moan in pleasure.
Phil was the first to start squirming harder. Kim knew he was close to stopping her but she kept going even speeding up slightly as the squirming intensified. He thrust his hips up and down before finally pushing her off of him and grabbing his cock to prevent himself from squirting.
“Oh my god” he said breathing heavy and looking at Kim who had rolled onto her back. Her face glistened in the drool around her mouth and chin as she smiled at Phil who was kneeling on the bed next to her.
“You know, I know how to do that to myself” Phil said.
“Really?” Kim had never considered it possible to do it herself and thought it was just something that was done between two people.
“Sit over there” Phil said to Kim, pointing at a wicker chair in the bedroom.
Kim walked over and sat in the chair. Phil was right behind her and he leaned forward and kissed her, removing her shirt as she sat down. He knelt in front of her, her cock still hard.
“So you have to get your hand wet” he said, grabbing her cock with his one hand and licking the palm of his other.
“Then you rub it like this”. Phil, held her cock up and moved the palm of his hand to the head of her cock and
began to swirl his palm around the top. This was almost and instant feeling of pleasure for Kim and there was very little time for her to react as she immediately started squirming and trying to pull away. Phil only continued for a second longer as Kim reached down grabbing at her cock and trying to prevent a stream of piss from coming out. She was successful and though the pinching hurt, she was able to stop everything but a few drops from dripping from her head.
“Oh my god” She said, laughing and standing up.
Both boys laughed and stood there hugging, grinding and kissing for a few more minutes before laying in the bed. They had only slept naked once before together but in separate slipping bags, tonight, they would sleep together for the first time, in the same bed, able to press their bodies against each other. Under the covers they feel asleep, hands on each others cocks. They felt free and tomorrow would bring even more.
They were no longer touching when they woke up in the morning but for the first time, they awoke naked next to each other. For a few minutes they rolled around wrestling and teasing each other as they got hard. The playing the night before had been fun but it had been short. Both boys were tired from traveling all day but today, they woke up rested and ready for fun. Unfortunately, the family had other plans that started with breakfast and the boys got dressed and headed next door for that. Shortly after, they went back to their rooms and put on bathing suits to go to the beach, still no time to play even though there was a quick teasing session while they were naked together.
For a few hours they played at the beach, in the water, in the sand. No one around them would have known anything was different about them as in this setting, they were perfectly normal friends. Even both of them seemed to forget about their other lives for a little as they took turns jumping of a floating dock and snorkeling around a stone jetty. But sex was never far from them and at the tip of the jetty they found a woman and her friend snorkeling with no top on. Though a shock to the boys, this was actually normal for where they were and the woman paid them no attention as they pretending to not look but were clearly staring and following. To the best of Kim’s knowledge, it was the first time either one of them had seen tits and especially right in front of them. Both boys were clearly hard in their bathing suits she swim off to the beach next to them and they worked their way back to shore.
Perhaps for Phil it wasn’t but for Kim, it was the first time that she was relating how she felt to what she wanted to do with Phil. Seeing tits had made her horny and she knew she wanted to play. Kim and Phil left the beach and walked back to their room. The room had recently been cleaned by housekeeping and the bed was freshly made. Walking into the room, they once again closed and locked the sliding door and pulled the curtains behind them.
“Want to take a shower together” Phil suggested, standing in the room in his bathing suit.
“Yes!” Kim excitedly replied. hey had never taken a bath or shower together but this vacation not only offered them their own room but also their own bathroom and Phil seemed determine to take advantage of that.
Phil led the way into the bathroom, Kim following closely behind. They bathroom was fairly large with a standup shower stall inside and big glass doors. Phil turned the shower on to warm up before turning to Kim and taking hold of her hips, pulling her towards him and kissing her. As their tongues danced together, Kim reached her hand down Phil’s bathing suit and began to rub his quickly hardening cock. Kim could feel her small cock pressing harder against her bathing suit.
Phil stepped back and pulled her into the shower with him. The water was hot and ran down their slim bodies, rinsing the salt from the ocean away. Under the hot spray they continued to make out, hands down each other’s bathing suits, slowly jerking and rubbing each other. Under the hot water, Phil took placed his hands on Kim’s hip bones and pushed her down. She immediately dropped down, squatting and pulling his bathing suit down and putting his cock in her mouth and swallowed it all the way to his tight balls. Phil put his hands on the back of her head and proceeded to thrust his hips forward and backward; she never gagged, just handled it well with her hands on his ass cheeks.
After a few minutes Phil pulled her up by placing his hands on her shoulders. They pressed their wet bodies against each other before Phil reached for the soap and washcloth and lathered it up. He proceeded to soap Kim down, washing her arms, her chest, her cock, before turning her around and running the wash cloth into her ass crack. Once soap dripped from her thighs, he dropped the washcloth and began using his hands to scrub her down. This felt especially good between her ass cheeks ass his hands, lubed with soap, rubbed her tight hole back and fourth. Kim pushed her ass back against his hand, arching her back before reaching back with her soapy hands and massaging his cock as he rubbed her hole.
This sensual image is seared into her mind as if she viewed it from a 3rd party perspective and her clit to this day hardens with this scene.
((This is the actual bathroom the boys played in years ago. Found online recently and for rent, this picture was included on the listing)))
Phil continued to keep her lathered up and anytime the soap got washed away on her body, he poured more on. Phil pushed Kim towards the back of the shower and out of the flow of water. Their bodies were totally covered in lather from the soap and he moved his hand from her ass and pushed the front of his body against the back of hers, sliding back and fourth. His hard cock found the crack of her lathered ass and he began to grind it in between her cheeks, up and down as he reached forward and jerked her cock. Both boys were breathing heavy and Kim felt herself coming closer to what they considered their climax. She arched her back further, pressing harder against Phil who was pressed back harder against her.
Suddenly she felt it. The feeling that led to her squirming was almost all but skipped and the immediate feeling of her having to pee was upon quickly upon her. She squirmed to push back and get Phil’s hand off of her cock, but it was all happening too fast and he kept jerking her, using the thick lather as lube. His thumb and index finger pressed against her head with each up and down motion of his hand and like the night before, where he taught her to get that feeling herself, there was almost no warning.
“Stop” She cried out almost moaning it, but it was too late. A shot of warm, clear liquid shot from her cock and against the shower wall.
It was a steady stream that was broken up only by Phil’s hand still moving up and down on her shaft. Within seconds, Phil felt the hot liquid on his hands and pulled them back as he stepped back. Kim all but collapsed on the shower floor, trembling as she continued to release an uncontrollable stream from her cock. She grabbed at her cock but it was no use, she didn’t have the energy or even desire to attempt to stop it and Kim, in a heap allowed it to subside on its own.
“Did you just pee” Phil asked, looking down on her?
“I don’t know, I think so” Kim replied, breathing heavy and laughing slightly in her response. “I couldn’t help it”
“How did it feel?” Phil asked
“Weird” Kim said. What she meant to say is that it felt incredible but she was kind of embarrassed, confused, and didn’t really have a good answer.
Phil stood there for a few seconds over top of Kim, slowly stroking his own cock. After she regained herself she squatted down in front of him and allowed him to once again put his cock in her mouth. Almost as if nothing had happened, they went back to playing, though this time, it was just Kim pleasuring Phil. He once again pushed his cock in and out of her mouth and though she stroked her thighs with her hands, she left her own cock alone. Her cock had gone soft for a few minutes after but it was quickly getting hard again.
“Lay down” Phil said, pushing her away from his cock and towards the tile floor to lay on her stomach, just slightly outside of the main stream of the shower.
Phil took the soap and rubbed it up and down her back, lathering her up again before using his hands to spread the lather around, paying special attention to her ass crack and thighs. Kim had tried to lay on her stomach but the tile hurt her cock and instead pushed her cock back so that it was pointed down towards her feet. Phil saw this and ran his lathered hands across her balls and cock in which she let out a slight moan. Then, he lay across on top of her and slid his cock between her ass cheeks which were covered in suds.
Phil pushed his cock far down between her cheeks and began sliding up and down, running his shaft as he had done before between her. This time was different. This time, instead of using spit for lube, he was using a thick coating of bubbles that were slicker then spit and providing an incredible feeling. The same feeling Kim had just experienced. He usually was slow and rhythmic but this time, he began to speed up and slid his cock faster and faster between her. She arched her ass up and let out a light moan as his breathing became heavier. The tip of his cock making contact with her hole, with that many suds, felt amazing and for a few minutes, both boys continued in this position, a position that viewed from the outside would certainly cause the 3rd party to cum.
The shower was still on and the steam was covering the glass but the water was falling next to them not washing the soap away. A light mist fell on both of them but for Kim at least, a chill went up her back from not being in the water. Suddenly, this chill was masked by a warm stream hitting Kim in the back of her raised head. Phil slowed but didn’t stop and the stream that Kim knew was coming from his cock went up and down her back.
“Hey!” she cried out but Phil didn’t respond, he just was breathing heavy.
Phil pulled his cock back low down her ass crack and stopped grinding, laying his weight on her back she could feel him trembling as she had done earlier. She could also feel the warm stream hitting her tight ass hole and running down her cheeks and across her balls and shaft. She squirmed as if she didn’t but she enjoyed the feeling. It only lasted for a few more seconds after Phil had stopped grinding but for almost a minute, he lay there.
“Wow, that did feel weird”, he said has he stood himself up and under the shower head.
“I told you” Kim said bring her legs under her and sitting her bare ass on the tile floor in front of him.
“Good thing we were in the shower” Phil said looking down at her and his hard cock.
Kim leaned forward and once again put his cock in her mouth. He twitched and pulled back. She tasted it on his cock. It was a salty taste but not bad and she leaned forward to try and put him back in her mouth.
“No no” Phil replied pushing her away “I need a break”
Kim stood up and they continued with their shower, which now that they weren’t playing only lasted a few more minutes. There was a small window above the toilet which was open for ventilation. As they were drying off Kim could hear people talking as they walked by the window. She wondered if anyone had heard them and the thought, though scary, made her cock twitch slightly.
They spent the rest of the week on vacation, playing daily and sleeping naked together nightly. That was the one and only time they ever showered together and the only time they every brought each other past the limit to where they squirted like that. Looking back, it isn’t clear why they didn’t do it more often but for whatever reason, that was it. Kim can’t speak for what Phil did when she wasn’t around, but she used what he taught her about doing it by herself and began to play when she was alone. It became almost a daily thing, either they would play or she would play alone but she became obsessed with the feeling.
Kim would lick her hand and rub the tip of her cock bringing her to the point that she would dance around the room in pleasure. On more than one occasion, she did it so much that she actually rubbed the tip almost raw and was nearly limping around the following day in pain. Kim would also do it in the shower, with the same result that happened with Phil. She also found something else that worked, aloe. For whatever reason she began using allowing to rub her cock and that brought her to that level of pleasure. The bottle of aloe became such an obsession that she can remember the look and design of it and the smell of aloe to this day causes her to get horny.
Kim, exploring her body found more and more ways to invoke pleasure by herself. One that she really began to enjoy was the use of a small chair in her room. This chair was all foam and fabric but folded out into a makeshift bed. Kim had a green velvety feeling blanket that she used to love the feeling on her body. Somehow, she figured out, if she unfolded the chair into a bed and laid the blanket across, tucking it into the one fold, of the chair, she could put her cock in it, humping it like a pussy and bringing her the same feeling that she had become addicted too.
Phil had used that vacation to teach her something, that she was able to induce pleasure on herself. From that moment, she looked for new ways, all the time, and became and addict to the pleasure that she could invoke on herself. It changed her, just as all of these experiences did.
—- 2: “Caught” —
It was a nice summer day and there was no reason that the boys weren’t playing outside. No reason that is, except that the kind of playing they did was better suited for the bedroom. That is were they found themselves on this day, in Phil’s bedroom with the door closed and locked. Like normal, they weren’t home alone, but like normal, that didn’t stop them from playing.
Kim and Phil were into the normal role playing game and Kim was playing the role of the sexy girl as usual. They had vivid imaginations that helped to detail storylines and today they found themselves at a dance club where they would meet for the first time. Kim had already removed her underwear and was wearing basketball shorts that she had rolled up to make them look very short. She had also tied her shirt in a knot that made it look more like she was a girl.
The pretending to meet for the first time and then danced together. They stripped each other down naked and did, what they appropriately had named, the naked dance. The simple took hold of each other cocks and pulled each other close like that and danced around the room, kissing and stroking. Kim would turn around and push her small ass up against Phils cock and they grinded back and forth like this. Neither of them had been to a dance before but they knew the terms like “grinding” and vaguely knew what it meant.
“Let’s go back to my house” Phil said, still roleplaying they were at a dance club.
“Ok” Kim said taking a short break from sucking his cock to respond before standing up in front of him and holding his wet shaft, which she stroked a few times.
They didn’t bother to get dressed again, instead they seemingly skipped an entire scene of their story and ended up in Phil’s room…both in the story and still in real life. They stood at the side of his bed making out, their tongues flicking together while taking short breaks to lick the others neck or nipples. Phil held Kim’s ass cheeks in his hands, massaging them and spreading them as they kissed. Then, he pushed her on the bed on her back, where she instantly responded by bringing her feet up on the bed and raising her knees up.
Phil didn’t hesitate and he leaned in, taking hold of her small, smooth cock and rubbing it as he pressed his tongue against her tight, pink ass hole. She let out a little feminine moan and rubbed his head as he continued licking her and “tongue fucking” her ass. She loved being licked and though he played with her cock, she was finding more pleasure in his tongue and she lightly squirmed to let him know. For a few minutes the boys, completely naked, played like this, until Phil climbed up on the bed and lay next to her.
“Double suck me” he said to her; their term for 69.
She obliged and spun around, climbing on top of him, and putting his hard cock right into her mouth. Phil too put her cock in his mouth and though he couldn’t suck up and down like she could because he was on the bottom, he worked her shaft and tip with this tongue, a feeling she licked more than being sucked like normal. All the way in her mouth she would slide him and all the way back out. It was very rare for her to gag as Phil wasn’t big enough but occasionally, he would thrust into her mouth in a way that would induce a quick, light gag from her, but not today. She was on her game today and anytime he thrusted, she handled it with ease.
Phil’s tongue on the head of Kim’s cock was starting to bring her close to the feeling that she had to pee. She let it build for a little bit but finally lifted her hips up and removed her cock from his mouth. She spun back around and with both cocks wet with each other spit, she lay on Phil and grinded them together while kissing him. This is when the size difference of both boys became clear, when they were right next to each other like this. Kim felt that she should be bigger but Phil never said anything and he remained bigger than her for years. Even towards the end of them playing together, she may have been slightly longer than him, but he was much thicker than she ever was.
“Butt fuck me” she whispered in Phil’s ear.
This term was a misunderstanding of what that really meant. To the boys, “butt fucking” was what they did, the grinding of a cock in-between the wet ass crack of the other. They had called it an assjob for a while but had recently learned the term “butt-fucking”. This is what she was referencing and Phil knew it.
Kim slid off him and lay on her stomach. Phil got behind her and ran his tongue up and down her ass crack, ensuring that it was very very wet. Kim than slightly raised her hips off the bed, spreading her ass as Phil put his cock in-between cheeks and resting his weight on her. This made her rest her hips on the bed again and this is what tightened her cheeks around his cock. As soon as this was done, he began sliding himself up and down, grinding her slowly at first. Kim loved this feeling and arched her back, turning her head to kiss Phil as he continued to “butt fuck” her.
Harder Phil started too grind in Kim’s crack. They were all but forgetting the role play that had happened and now they were just doing it for their own pleasure. Kim had to stop arching her back and laid her head face down in the sheets as Phil was now really humping her hard. The tip of his cock would graze across her tight, pink, virgin ass and she would moan every time. The bed was creaking slightly and Phil was breathing hard in her ears. Every few minutes Phil would stop for just a second and spit down on her ass, “lubing” it back up for him but aside from that, both boys, hairless, young, and slim, were in heaven and nothing was stoping them.
Phil was now humping Kim so hard, so rhythmically that her own cock, rubbing on the sheets below her, was starting to get more and more pleasure and her light, feminine moans now became less theatrical and more real as she squeezed her ass cheeks together, tightening their hold on Phil’s cock. This was all it took and he gave her about 5 more hard thrust before he leapt from the bed and did the traditional dance around the room from pleasure. Kim laughed but lightly still grinded on the sheets.
There was a very unique part of their role-play that they often did. After “sex” they would pretend to sleep next to each other and then one of them, usually Kim, would get up and put a small piece of paper between the other’s ass crack. It would have a love note or a phone number on it. It was to simulate a one night stand with a stranger and that is how the stranger left in the morning, though that portion of the story wasn’t really what was running through their minds. There were a few times where Phil would leave a note for Kim, pretending she woke up without him there.
After Phil’s dance, he climbed back on the bed and lay next to Kim. Kissing her as both boys lay there, naked, he pretended to drift off to sleep so they could carry out the last part of their story, the passing of the note. After a minute, Kim slid off the bed and found red construction paper. She tore a small piece off and drew a heart with her phone number on it and folded it in half. Still naked she climbed up on the bed behind him and put her ass in the air, leaning down and running her tongue through his crack for a brief moment. She then, spread his ass and placed the note as deep in his crack as possible, right up against Phil’s tight, pink, ass hole. With Phil’s ass spread, Kim’s face right near it and her wet, recently “butt fucked” hole high in the air, there was a sudden noise behind her.
With no knock. No warning. No anything; Phil’s mom, carrying a basket of laundry opened the door that both boys thought was locked and found herself staring right at Kim’s ass and right at both boys completely naked and on Phil’s bed.
She didn’t scream but she might as well have. She dropped the laundry and threw her hands over her mouth. Neither boy moved, truly frozen in shock they made no effort to conceal what was happening. It was a mere few seconds but felt like minutes but Phil's Mom turned and ran down the hallway and into her bedroom. The boys had no idea what to do and quickly dressed and ran out of the house.
Kim can’t remember what they talked about or what they did for the next hour or so but then, her Mom called to both boys from across the street. Ashamed and scared they walked over and in the middle of Kim’s driveway her Mom proceeded to have a “talk” with them. She didn’t appear mad and though Kim can't remember everything she said, she distinctly remembers her Mom saying “you are curious and that is normal. Exploring each other is something that happens”. Kim remembers that because she didn't think they were exploring….they were playing. To her, she knew what they were doing and they weren't doing it to compare or see what the other person looked like, they were doing it because it felt good.
That explanation from Kim’s Mom was the only thing any of the parents ever said to them. Kim and Phil were both aware that their parents didn’t actually know what was going on and it seemed that Phil’s Mom just thought maybe they were looking each other over. Thankfully she hadn’t walked in a few seconds earlier.
This began a long period of time where they would only play in the woods, or at Kim’s house or places that they were less likely to get caught. It also didn’t slow them down and if anything, them not getting in trouble may have encouraged them to continue. They were now more careful but because of that, they found themselves more free. When in the woods or places that they were alone, they weren't worried about being caught and would play longer and louder than before. Kim’s Mom and Phil’s Mom are still friends and Kim sees her a few times a year. Though she doesn’t know what she remembers about that day, Kim wonders if she vividly remembers what her tight ass looked like…..that tight ass that would soon be stretched for the first time.
—- 3: “Big Dick Nick” —
Over the years Phil and Kim would go back and fourth from playing almost daily to barely playing for months. This was one of those dry spells. A few months ago, Kim and Phil had found their first porn movie in an office at Kim’s house. This 80s classic “Miami Spice” was their first taste of sex and how they thought it should be performed. They had found an old Playboy in the same office just a few months before then and that gave them their first images of the women’s body.
This introduction into porn took them on a hot streak of almost daily playing and acting out the scenes in the movie. They still weren’t doing any penetration and it never ended in actually cumming, but almost daily they would spend hours touching and sucking and rubbing. Then, one day, Phil wasn’t interested and he was all but avoiding Kim. This had happened before and Kim doesn’t remember it really bothering her, there were just times, they lost interest and this was one of those. Later, Kim would attribute to the fact that Phil was in fact straight and when he felt that he wasn’t he got scared and they would stop playing. Either way, life went on and Kim pleasured herself, in place of Phil, daily.
On this particular Summer day, Kim was going to a friends house that she knew from Soccer to sleep over. They had gone to the same school together with Phil but Kim had switched schools last year, which also pulled Kim and Phil a little further apart. Kim and Nick had known each other for years but aside from Soccer, Kim rarely hung out with him.
The details of that day are lost in time, but there are a few specific events that Kim remembers. For starters, Nick had also recently found porn magazines, though his were a lot more detailed than Kim’s old Playboy she had found. It was the first time Kim would see a Penthouse magazine and though not a video, the pictures were more detailed than that of the 80s porn movie she had found at her house. Kim remember Nick taking her behind his house, there was a small strip of woods that they played in and that is where he pulled out the magazines, sitting down on a log and handing one to her.
They flipped through the pages, laughing and joking and playing it cool but secretly Kim was hard in her shorts and the desire to pleasure herself was growing. She began to “adjust” herself, allowing her a brief moment here and there to feel the pleasure of her touch. Kim noticed Nick was doing the same. This went on for sometime, both wanting to pleasure themselves but both not sure how to bring it up, however, there were some jokes about the little bulges in the sports shorts they were each wearing.
Again, details are hazy but at some point the boys went back inside. Nick had been hiding the magazine outside under the tree log in a plastic bag to protect it but instead of doing that this time, they snuck it into his room and slid them under the mattress. For a few more hours they went back to normal activities but at least as far as Kim was concerned, she wanted to get that magazine and use it. She kept forcing activities to happen in Nick’s room to be closer to the porn that she wanted to see.
To this day, Kim doesn’t know when it happened, if it was supposed to be their bedtime of if everyone was still awake in the house, but she remembers very clearly being in Nick’s room and the door closed. He had pulled the magazine out again and they were sitting on his bed flipping through it. She couldn’t take it anymore and blurted it out to Nick.
“I have given Phil a blowjob” Kim said.
“Really” Nick said surprised.
“Yeah, we do it a lot”.
“Does he do it to you” Nick asked
“Yeah!” Kim replied
There was a few seconds of silence, Kim looking at Nick and Nick looking at the magazine.
“Do you want to try it” Kim finally said, breaking the silence
“I don’t really want to give anyone a blowjob” Nick said quietly, almost sheepishly.
The following moment is yet another defining moment in Kim’s life and one of the few crystal clear images from that sleep over.
“You don’t have to, I will just give you one” Kim said and without waiting for a reply she hopped off the bed and dropped to the floor in front of Nick.
Up until this moment right now, Kim had always given pleasure to get pleasure. Phil, though not always sucking her, would always give her some sort of recip. Even Phil’s friend had repaid her for her services. But as Kim was reaching forward to the Umbro shorts that covered Nick’s hard cock, she was acutely aware that she was doing this because she got pleasure from sucking dick. She was desperately horny now and she wanted to suck.
Nick didn’t attempt to stop her as he sat on his bed, legs hanging off and magazine opened next to him. Kim reached up, putting her fingers into the elastic waist of both his underwear and shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. Popping out and up was Nick’s hard cock and what a cock it was. It was huge compared to anything else Kim had seen in person. Longer, by what looked like double from her own and much much thicker. Nick also had a square patch of very short blonde hair above it, something neither her or Phil had. Phil was bigger than her, sure, but this was on a different level.
:::As she thinks back to this moment today, she finds herself curious on just how big he really was or if it was truly just relative and she wonders how big he is today, if he is still much larger than anyone else::::
“Wow” Kim said out-loud. “Your’s is bigger than Phil’s”
Nick didn’t respond, he just looked down at her as she knelt there between his legs. Kim took just a second of looking before taking hold of it and leaning forward, sliding his cock into her wet, warm mouth. The size difference was especially noticeable as soon as it hit her lips. Her mouth was open wider and she had to pay special attention to not drag her teeth across it. Within a few seconds, she had wet his cock enough to slide it all the way in her mouth and though she was still able to do this without gagging, she had to concentrate.
In contrast to Nick’s big cock, Kim’s little cock was pressing hard against her underwear. With one hand still supporting Nick’s cock, she took her other hand and slid it down her pants, rubbing her own as she continued to work on him. She took a second to compare the size difference of her own cock in her hand to Nick’s she found herself impressed and even more turned on. Nick too, though clearly still nervous, was enjoying himself. He had no idea what to do with his hands and they went from the bed, to his thighs, to the magazine and back again. He would look down at her and then the magazine clearly taking both in.
Kim slid her lips up his shaft and lightly squeezed his cock as she did. A small drop of salty liquid hit her tongue and she quickly pulled her head off, worried he was squirting pee like she had done before. There was nothing there. Kim, for the first time that she can remembered, had tasted precum, she just didn’t know it. With her head now off of his cock, she lifted his cock back and began to lick his balls. They too were bigger than both Phil’s and Kim’s and though the sack was close to the same, his actual balls were definitely bigger.
Nick took hold of his cock, brushing Kim from his shaft. As she licked him, he begin to jerk off. Slowly at first but the more she massaged his balls with her lips and tongue, the faster he went. Soon he was stroking his entire shaft vigorously, his hands almost hitting Kim’s face with each pump. She reached up towards hit chest, only making it as high as his stomach and lightly pushed him back onto the bed into a laying position.
He never stopped jerking off but now, Kim slid her tongue a little lower on his sack, then a little lower. He had hair there too, something she had never experienced, but it was just a little and it didn’t get in the way. Her tongue stretched out far and finally made contact with his ass hole. He quickly sat up, she pushed him back down and did it again. Kim was so horny now and her hand worked her own cock in her underwear. With both hands, she quickly slid her underwear and pants off her legs and went back to jerking herself.
Nick slowed his stroking for just a second and Kim replaced his hand with hers before once again sliding him in her mouth. He was still on his back on the bed and Kim could no longer kneel in front of him. Instead, she stood there, pants around her ankles and bent over, supporting herself with one hand on his thigh while the other paid attention to his shaft. She drooled down his cock, using her spit as lube for her hand and for the next few minutes, this is the position they found themselves.
Kim needed to stand upright for a second as this position was comfortable. When she did, she took looked down at both her cock and Nick’s and the size difference was dramatic. He was so much bigger than her and Phil. She wanted to do more with him but just then, Nick sat up moving her hand away from is drool covered shaft.
“I have to pee” he said to her. This was different than the squirming and dancing that her and Phil had brought themselves too. This seemed like he just had to pee.
He stood up and pulled his shorts up. Kim did the same, feeling slightly embarrassed for him seeing her size. When both boys were dressed again, Nick opened his bedroom door and walked out, closing the door behind him. Kim looked at the bed, there was a big wet spot in the blue sheets from her drool and the magazine remained open. She climbed up onto the bed and sat down waiting for Nick. She flipped through the magazine, sliding her hands down her pants and stroking her cock. There was a few pages that had 2 girls licking each other and she really enjoyed looking at that but there was also a very intriguing set of pictures. A man, with a big cock, was fucking a girl in the ass.
It was the first time Kim had ever seen this. It wasn’t in her Playboy and certainly wasn’t any party of what she remembered from Miami Spice. The empty pussy and expression of pleasure on the girls face really turned Kim on and she jerked harder. Up until this point, she couldn’t say she even knew that was a thing. Her and Phil had talked about what gay guys do but they had come to the conclusion that “butt-fucking” was actually just like an “assjob”, she didn’t think they actually put it in.
Nick took a long time in the bathroom. Not just a minute or two but nearly 10. Kim was still enjoying herself when she finally heard the bathroom door down the hall open and she pulled her hands out of her pants waiting for Nick to return. He walked into the room, closing the door again and sitting in a computer chair next to the bed. Kim wanted to suck on him again and made a motion towards him. Nick, however, was no longer interested.
“Let’s do something else” he said, standing up, picking up the magazine and sliding it under her mattress.
Though Kim and Phil would eventually grow bored of playing, this was much more abrupt and confused Kim.
“One more time” she said, walking towards Nick.
“No, let’s go play video games” he replied as he opened his bedroom door and walked out
Kim was left standing there, her hard cock quickly softening in her shorts, confused and still wanting more. At the time it made no sense to her and she remembers worrying that maybe Nick will tell people. Today, it is obvious; Nick went to the bathroom to jerk off, cumming and no longer being horny enough to let Kim suck on him. This, wouldn’t happen in this fashion to Kim for almost 2 more years, when Phil would similarly repeat Nick’s actions.
Kim and Nick would never again play like that. They would only hang out a few more times before going their separate ways but Kim was to nervous to bring it back up with him even though she found herself daydreaming about a cock that was much bigger than any other she had experienced. She also couldn’t get that image of the man fucking that girls ass out of her mind. She wanted to see more but none of the porn she had access to was helpful.
—- 4: “Porn, a Game Changer” —
Phil and Kim were hanging out for the first time in a few weeks. They had been on dry spell for nearly a year, a spell that included Kim sucking on Nick but that was it aside from her own playing around. Kim had built herself a private spot in her house. To this day, she doesn’t know if her parents ever knew it existed. There was an access panel in her closet that went out over the garage. There, she had found extra pieces of 2’x4’s left by the builders which she arranged in close order across the supports for the garage ceiling. Kim then dragged a floor lamp from the basement in there and eventually would drag her beloved chair/bed in as well. She hid the Playboy in there and a few other things of “porn” that were really just swimsuit editions and other things that were more sexy than sexual.
“Look” Phil said almost as soon as they got into the room. He handed her a piece of paper, printed from the computer. On it, was a naked girl.
“Wow! Where did you get this” Kim said excitedly.
“She sent it to me in a chat room” Phil said proudly.
AOL was popular at the time (probably AOL 3.0 for all the nostalgic people) and the chat rooms were flooded with people wanting to trade naked pictures. At the time, Kim and Phil would think that the people sending these pictures were really those people. The perverseness of older men talking to younger boys or girls in the chat hadn’t really become a popular thought.
This one, single picture, ended the dry spell between Kim and Phil. Phil laid down on the chair/bed and Kim helped him undo is pants. To Kim’s surprise, Phil was much larger than the last time she had sucked on him. Still not the size of Nick but his thickness was much more than Kim’s which still was very small compared to Phil and Nick. Kim was embarrassed about her size but Phil didn’t say anything about it.
While he looked at the picture, she sucked him, hard, missing him for so long and loving his cock. She always felt more of a connection with him and when they didn’t hook up for long periods of time, she missed it. She licked his balls sucking lightly on them before sliding her hands under his thighs and lifting them up, pressing her tongue against his ass. He moaned and reached down, jerking his wet cock as she continued to lick his balls, taint, and ass hole.
Kim slid her pants down and off, still licking Phil, taking a second break to take her shirt off. Naked, with her ass in the air, she caressed her own hard cock while moving her lips back to his. For a few minutes she continued like this before swinging her legs over his head and laying on him in the 69 position. She grabbed his legs with both her hands and slid his cock all the way in her mouth. She really liked sucking cock from this angle and though she was still able to put his whole cock in her mouth, she found it easier when she was on top, in 69, to get it in.
Phil thrust his hips up and down causing Kim to drool all over his cock and balls. He worked her cock good as well, using his tongue to tease her head and push her cock all around the inside of his mouth. Kim lifted her head up, allowing his wet cock to drop out but quickly pushing her head between his legs and licking his balls and ass again. Phil responded by doing the same with her. She loved the feeling of his tongue on her and she grinded her ass back and fourth as he licked her pink hole.
They continued this for a while, switching between licking and sucking but not taking a break while they continued to pleasure each other. Phil started squirming and though she continued for a few more seconds, he was able to push her off him. She knelt at the end of the bed and stroked her cock, Phil however jumped up and while holding his cock, he scrambled back through the access panel and back into her room. With nothing but a shirt on, he ran out of her room and into the bathroom. Kim brought herself close to squirting before laying back and waiting for Phil to return.
It was nearly 10 minutes before he scurried back into her room and into the hideout, still with nothing on but his shirt. He sat on the cushion next to Kim and started to get dressed, ignoring her naked, smooth body laying there.
“What happened” Kim asked
“I had to pee” Phil replied.
“Took a long time” Kim questioned the easy answer. It was exactly what Nick had done to her and she was really confused.
“So” Phil began as he had finished getting dressed and now was sitting there next to Kim. “I went into the bathroom and jerked off”
“Why” Kim asked.
“I do it until I cum” Phil said.
Kim didn’t cum; at best she would still just squirt the clear liquid. She didn’t know Phil cam but he did and she wasn’t going to admit she didn’t. From that moment on, anytime they would play, they would end by taking turns in bathrooms or different rooms to jerk off until they cam. Eventually Kim would and she would enjoy the way they ended, but for the next few months, she just went into the bathroom and pretended.
Kim got dressed too and picked up the naked picture that Phil had brought over.
“You have to show me how to get pictures” Kim said as they came out of their hide out and down the stairs to the computer room that was set up in the house.
Kim’s and Phil’s parents had started leaving them home alone often. This wasn’t concerning because of the close proximity of the others parents if anything were to happen. The ability to be alone like this for extended periods of time would be critical as the boys logged in to AOL and, together, Phil and Kim started finding people to trade naked pictures of people they pretended to be.
It was easy and it was productive. Phil told Kim they would go into a Lesbian Chat room and pretend to be a girl, securing a girl picture. Then, they would use that picture to trade with other “lesbians”, who really were just people doing what they were, but, it worked and quickly the pictures began to flood in. Kim started printing them and hiding them in her new hiding spot. It also had another effect. Not only was Kim pretending to be the girl when her and Phil played, she was pretending to be the girl online. She wasn’t just talking to girls but talking to guys pretending she was the girl in the picture and she was really enjoying the conversations with them. Everyone always things that chat rooms were just a bunch of old dudes pretending to be girls but in this case, Kim was far from an old dude and she was getting pleasure from pleasuring them.
Looking up porn like this became almost an addiction for her and she would do it almost every day. It was quickly broadening her horizons and experiences and the once taboo curiosity that surrounded anal was now easily answered by finding pics of girls doing this. That was her go to in pics, she loved anal ones and though she was yet to try it, she loved to stroke her cock with the aloe or hump her bed to the pics that she printed out. She also loved the thrill of pretending to be the girls in the pics as she traded with men who believed she was the person in the pictures. She loved roleplaying with them and loved them telling her about how they would play with themselves.
Kim had a new daily routine and though her and Phil still met and played, she was becoming obsessed with what she found online.
4 years ago