The Unmasking of KatBoodah Part I

How ironic that I want to speak about masks when this whole year has been shrouded in one. Think about it. When COVID 19 hit....the world's mask turned to concern. Worry. Dispair. Heartbreak. Suffering. You have to admit, you put on your own mask. For your family and friends. You may have revealed the "real" you to someone you trusted explicitly, but for the most part, we change masks daily. Sometimes, more then once a day depending on the events and circumstances. I bring this up because, here, on Xhamster, you can wear your TRUE mask. Be your TRUE self. Get it? Katboodah is the Goddess of All Freaks. She fits in right here, among all the other dirty, nasty, deviant, true to themselves freaks. The feeling is amazing, I might add. I've never felt so accepted. Oh sure, my friends accept me. But, they have no inkling that I have all kinds of kinky hang ups and fetishes. No clue that I am the Goddess of All Freaks in the online world. I like it. I like that I can be someone else (my TRUE self) here. It's kinda like a naughty secret you want to tell people about, but know that they couldn't handle it if they knew the truth. I'm going to take you on a journey of unmasking Katboodah. You'll get to know her in the most intimate of ways. You've seen her naked body and the erotic it's time to go deeper. Are you ready for this? It's gonna be a wild, freaky ride!

See ya for The Unmasking of Katboodah part II soon....

XOXO- Katboodah
Published by XexyAzzJ
4 years ago
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ron7246 2 years ago
Vagsub2 2 years ago
You are amazing..a true Goddess
TripleThreat999 2 years ago
Indeed. I posted on Twitter in 2020, how most people have been wearing masks their whole life. Now, they've put on another kind of mask. This time it's mandated. Imagine wearing 2 masks for the rest of your life. I know I couldn't because 1 is more than enough. Which is why I'm not into wearing a mask as a disguise. However, I find masks and disguises sexy in the bedroom. I'm into role play much! I encourage people to discover their true self and get rid of the masks. It's a relief! Be you no matter what or who. 
1badboy3 4 years ago
We love masking and being kinky and wearing them when we play is uber erotic. 
antony500 4 years ago
sei molto intrigante e trasgressiva con la maschera, ma secondo me lo saresti lo stesso senza, non mi perderei un solo centimetro del corpo anche con il tuo volto scoperto, che ho già intravisto, sei molto bella ed eccitante e questo tu lo sai
Viki_Viki_Gorazde 4 years ago
to XexyAzzJ : Hello, now you are a little bit wrong. For me the face is important. If you look at my favorite pictures, you will see almost only photos of nice faces.
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to Viki_Viki_Gorazde : I appreciate the comment, but you couldn't be more wrong.  I don't wear a mask to protect my identity. I wear a mask as a CHARACTER.   Do I have to show my face to be sexy? The last place you look is at someone's face.  If you're online, on a porn website, you aren't looking for a beautiful face. You're looking for naked, hot bodies, doing God knows what so you can get off on it.  No privacy issue for me. As for my "partner", anyone who is with me, knows who the real me is.  XOXO
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john1969john 4 years ago
to XexyAzzJ : Delighted to know!
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Viki_Viki_Gorazde 4 years ago
to XexyAzzJ : You argue very well.
You do not show your face to protect your privacy. That's ok, I do it the same way or show it only to really good friends.
But you should tell your partner about your inclinations. Right from the beginning of the relationship. Maybe then you will discover some nice new things together.
In any case, children must be kept away from these inclinations and it can also be problematic at work. But there are also bosses who tolerate such things.
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to Viki_Viki_Gorazde : that's true and a good point...but you have to think....many people live a secret life persay with their personal lives because they don't want to LOSE their kids, money, marriage, etc.  Some things you can't just SAY to anyone. You know?
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to robertc951 : back at ya!
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to ozwald01 : lol!  I'm gonna keep you on your toes waiting....
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to healTHCare : thank you, hun
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to BlackAndKinky : thank you!
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XexyAzzJ Publisher 4 years ago
to john1969john : that's what I like to hear! 
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john1969john 4 years ago
Ready to the bone !
BlackAndKinky 4 years ago
Very well said!
healTHCare 4 years ago
I can relate to an good bunch of this, but very well written
ozwald01 4 years ago
robertc951 4 years ago
Lov you 
Viki_Viki_Gorazde 4 years ago
Every woman and every man should always be herself / himself.
It is okay to show and live out your preferences. The others have to live with it - otherwise they are not real friends.
rockhopper49 4 years ago
I can’t wait. Riding the freaky train!