Jerking off in front of neighbor first time
I’m going to be posting some real experiences I had, if your looking for correctness in my writing then fuck off, I’m going to write it as it comes to me. I’m not a novelist you can find them elsewhere!!
I’m a contractor by profession and on days off or weekends I do side job, my neighbor, she’ll be “k”.. asked me to come over and discuss some work she wanted done, now we’re a close neighborhood, and we’d always joke and throw comments back and forth. She asked me what I was doing later and I told her straight up was going home to jerk off, she laughed and said I was not. I assured her I was and if she didn’t believe me I’d do it right here.
she said I wouldn’t have the balls! So I undid my jeans lowered my underwear and started jerking, to say her jaw hit the floor is an understatement. I continued to jerk off and she was watching and asking if I was close, I’m not putting a time in because it could have been 5 minutes or 10 who knows, but as I got close I told her and she ran to kitchen for a paper towel. She held paper towel under my cock as I came, the whole time she’s saying oh my god.
needless to say she believed me every time I told her that’s what I was going to do. I’ve had a few other experiences with “k” that I’ll be writing about and other neighbors also.
yeah I know it’s not a stroke story but a real life experience
I’m a contractor by profession and on days off or weekends I do side job, my neighbor, she’ll be “k”.. asked me to come over and discuss some work she wanted done, now we’re a close neighborhood, and we’d always joke and throw comments back and forth. She asked me what I was doing later and I told her straight up was going home to jerk off, she laughed and said I was not. I assured her I was and if she didn’t believe me I’d do it right here.
she said I wouldn’t have the balls! So I undid my jeans lowered my underwear and started jerking, to say her jaw hit the floor is an understatement. I continued to jerk off and she was watching and asking if I was close, I’m not putting a time in because it could have been 5 minutes or 10 who knows, but as I got close I told her and she ran to kitchen for a paper towel. She held paper towel under my cock as I came, the whole time she’s saying oh my god.
needless to say she believed me every time I told her that’s what I was going to do. I’ve had a few other experiences with “k” that I’ll be writing about and other neighbors also.
yeah I know it’s not a stroke story but a real life experience
4 years ago