Almost got caught!!
It was very early morning and sunrise was hours away. I was doing my driving naked thing and just minding my own business cruising around town, when I saw flashing lights behind me in my mirror. Their I sit in my car, naked as a jaybird and all I could think of was i'm going to jail. I didn't even have a towel to cover myself. Well at that time I truly thought the worst. I saw the cop get out of the police car and to my surprise it was a women police officer. Well then I knew , that's it!! She came to the window and ask for my license and registration and then noticed I was completely naked. She took out her flashlight and checked out the inside of my car and then back to me. She asked me if I was in trouble or under the influence and I said no i'm not. I think she wanted give me a breath test but I would have had to get out of the car in all my glory. She just kind of chuckled a little, took my information back to the squad and said I'll be back. Well I didn't really know what was going to happen at that point, so of course I just sat there waiting for her to return to my vehicle.
A few minutes went by and to my surprise another squad car pulls up behind the first one with it's lights on. I see that officer get out and I couldn't believe it was another female cop. I was just thinking for sure that this is it! The first officer gets out of her car and the two of them start talking about something and a few moments later the the both of then proceed to my vehicle. I noticed that both of them had smiles on there face as they got to my car and the first one said to the second one "see I told you so"! At that time I was very confused and really didn't get what was going on or what was going to happen to me but after the second cop looked into my car she just smiled and laughed and walked back to her squad! The first cop told me it was really close to the end of her shift and she was tired and didn't want to write up a ton of paper work on this very unordinary circumstance. She gave me back my info and told me to get right home and if I see you again I won't be so lenient next time.
I said to her yes ma'am and thanked her and smiled then just pulled away slowly.. As I left I noticed as she sat in her squad car she was grinning and just shaking her head probably in disbelief of what she just witnessed. I have to admit I was totally freaking out and wondering how i'm going to explain how and why on earth I got busted driving around town naked!! Well I might have to put my passion on hold for a while of just find another outlet, but I do have say that a lot of the things I hear and see about the police not being supportive or concerned of others in certain situations might be a bit harsh on them. Just my opinion and I don't want to get political or jump on my soap box but two cops gave me a break and I am so very glad they did !! I guess life is good!!
A few minutes went by and to my surprise another squad car pulls up behind the first one with it's lights on. I see that officer get out and I couldn't believe it was another female cop. I was just thinking for sure that this is it! The first officer gets out of her car and the two of them start talking about something and a few moments later the the both of then proceed to my vehicle. I noticed that both of them had smiles on there face as they got to my car and the first one said to the second one "see I told you so"! At that time I was very confused and really didn't get what was going on or what was going to happen to me but after the second cop looked into my car she just smiled and laughed and walked back to her squad! The first cop told me it was really close to the end of her shift and she was tired and didn't want to write up a ton of paper work on this very unordinary circumstance. She gave me back my info and told me to get right home and if I see you again I won't be so lenient next time.
I said to her yes ma'am and thanked her and smiled then just pulled away slowly.. As I left I noticed as she sat in her squad car she was grinning and just shaking her head probably in disbelief of what she just witnessed. I have to admit I was totally freaking out and wondering how i'm going to explain how and why on earth I got busted driving around town naked!! Well I might have to put my passion on hold for a while of just find another outlet, but I do have say that a lot of the things I hear and see about the police not being supportive or concerned of others in certain situations might be a bit harsh on them. Just my opinion and I don't want to get political or jump on my soap box but two cops gave me a break and I am so very glad they did !! I guess life is good!!
4 years ago