Hair removal cream gone wrong
Well tonights playtime didnt go as planned, thoght i would get rid of some unwantedhair so threw hair removal cream over the old boy, ballbag and bum holieo, down my legs far enough so still have hair in shorts and upto waistline, destructions said 5-6 mins but no longer than 10 mins, from previous experience 10 mins for me, not hugely hairy but course where i do get hair, bum hole really sure im destined to have a fucking tail lol.
Anywhoo, 9mins into waiting i get a call from my dad, i goto answer it otherwise he will drive round assume im off my tits on coke, thats my fault for fucking up so long and so often, 6 weeks off the nasal powder i have to add, anyway this conversation seemed to go on for forever and a day my ball bag and arsehole are burning like fuck and ive kept saying dad ive had hard day at work i need a shower its been hot and i stink.
Sooooooo 10 mins on i finally get off the phone dive in the shower before its even warmed up scrubbing furiously and my poor(very red) genital area, I really think gettng buttfucked fucked with a live volcano and balls petrol bombed would be less painfull, but being a fuck head i washed i cleaned myself thouroughly and attempted to start my kinky playtime.
I started I lubed up my starter plug 6cm wide, and slid in niceley and felt great with luke warm water of shower cascading down my back, arse and legs and i affixed a steel chastity cage, nothing to small about 4 inches long so just about enough for my flacid cock, but no more, suddlenly the burning sensation arround my scrotum where the steel was rubbing soon become so unbearable i had to dive out the shower and head for the bedroom where the keys were.
I quickly removed the cage and headed back to the shower to finish getting washed, still plugged ofcouse, all this time my bumhole was timgling with a burning sensation, not painfull, a little unpleasant at best, so thought id leave it while i finished getting showered atleast, after my shower i threw a pair of shorts on bum hole tingling and balls bag on fire still and grabbed a beer and headed outside, i was still a bit uncomfotable but managed to sit down and enjoy the cooling breeze after a day working in the scorching sun. But then( i guess the lube dried up and deep burning from inside my arse) insued fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk, did i not wash the cream off properly, did i stupidly by accident jam this burny shit up my arse with a plug.
Ssoooo no new pics tonight, i might stick a few ice cubed up my arse to releave the burning sensation, note to self get fucking waxed next time
Anywhoo, 9mins into waiting i get a call from my dad, i goto answer it otherwise he will drive round assume im off my tits on coke, thats my fault for fucking up so long and so often, 6 weeks off the nasal powder i have to add, anyway this conversation seemed to go on for forever and a day my ball bag and arsehole are burning like fuck and ive kept saying dad ive had hard day at work i need a shower its been hot and i stink.
Sooooooo 10 mins on i finally get off the phone dive in the shower before its even warmed up scrubbing furiously and my poor(very red) genital area, I really think gettng buttfucked fucked with a live volcano and balls petrol bombed would be less painfull, but being a fuck head i washed i cleaned myself thouroughly and attempted to start my kinky playtime.
I started I lubed up my starter plug 6cm wide, and slid in niceley and felt great with luke warm water of shower cascading down my back, arse and legs and i affixed a steel chastity cage, nothing to small about 4 inches long so just about enough for my flacid cock, but no more, suddlenly the burning sensation arround my scrotum where the steel was rubbing soon become so unbearable i had to dive out the shower and head for the bedroom where the keys were.
I quickly removed the cage and headed back to the shower to finish getting washed, still plugged ofcouse, all this time my bumhole was timgling with a burning sensation, not painfull, a little unpleasant at best, so thought id leave it while i finished getting showered atleast, after my shower i threw a pair of shorts on bum hole tingling and balls bag on fire still and grabbed a beer and headed outside, i was still a bit uncomfotable but managed to sit down and enjoy the cooling breeze after a day working in the scorching sun. But then( i guess the lube dried up and deep burning from inside my arse) insued fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk, did i not wash the cream off properly, did i stupidly by accident jam this burny shit up my arse with a plug.
Ssoooo no new pics tonight, i might stick a few ice cubed up my arse to releave the burning sensation, note to self get fucking waxed next time
4 years ago