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MissDeMeanour 5 years ago
"Ah to be sure,  to be sure, Patrick, oi tink dat dis here blonde girl must be der arms dealer dat we is supposed to be meeting, what do yer tink, Patrick ? Oi tink dat she is working umdercover"...."Be Jaysus, Moichael, oi tink dat you is right, although I'd have to be saying dat she is being a wee bit economical wit der cover if you knows what oi mean. Maybe we better be telling her der secret password so we can buy us some of dem very fine intercontinental ballistic thingies dat she's cunningly disguised. She must have had a heck of a job smuggling through der airport security being on account of der size of dem"....."Sure, and oi tink dat she must have very big pockets in her trousers, Michael"...."Hello der, Miss secret arms dealer, we're from der IRA and we'd loik to be buying some of dem der weapons you have der...oh, I forgot...Oi better be telling you der secret code word first though, just so dat you know it's us from der IRA, ...It's ' Dere's no froth on me Guiness'...and you is supposed to be telling me der other secret code answer"...."Ich bin nicht untercover und these are nicht missiles, sie sind garten-maschinerie. Dumkopf Irish"...."Sure and dat's der correct answer, Miss secret arms dealer"..."Vot is der korrect answer du bis bull-schiessing about, you silly Irisch manner?"...."To be sure and it's not so secret , but you got it right"..."Vot did ich get right, Irisch?"......."Der bit about Dumkopf. We's not as thick as der world believes we are, you know. So, before we hand over our hard earned cash, maybe we should make an introduction. Oi'm Patrick, and dis feller here is Michael. Does yer have a name too, Miss as secret arms dealer?"...."Ich bin Helena Moeller und I am nicht pleased to meet you. Ach so....vot of these ...errr.... you wish to buy?"...."Well we'd like to be buying der big one, please, wit der black paint on it so dat we can launch it in der daytime and nobody will see it. Dat's a clever idea, eh?"...."Oh, ja, very clever, und pardon me while I giggle, well its not really giggling, I have a bad chest infection you see"..."Sure and Oi thought dat it was looking a wee bit swollen, it must be awful. Now, about der money, Helena Moeller, how much ? Oi was tinking dat we'd be giving you maybe 50 pounds, is dat ok?"...."Errr... you do know that its a criminal offence to buy dangerous weapons, dont you, Patrick?....Cus ich bin nicht der secret arms dealer... und mein name is nicht Helena Moeller...ich bin Fritz under these are nicht real tits, und ich work for der're bust, Irisch !!"...."Sure, and oi don't have a bust but oi do got three nipples...."...."Mein Gott !! ich give up ! It's true what they say about der Irisch...sehr schwer, indeed!"   :smile:  xxx
bashfulboy 5 years ago
thats something else :open_mouth:
Kann sich bei uns melden, genau was wir suchen für unsere Projekte.
jessymorena 6 years ago
..Aaouts ! 
robxxxxcock 6 years ago
you have more toys than batman!
steven1199 6 years ago
dein fickmaul wäre jetzt geil :wink:
marek85 6 years ago
I want play whit you
ChristopherD 7 years ago
Are your legs strong enough to hold that toy as StrapOn ? :wink:)
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