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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumWe are a VERY happily married husband and wife couple. We are a Dad and Mom first and foremost. We are very sexual, and have tried about anything, other than pain, and human waste stuff..... not our thing. We both have the average dad and mom bods, with some extra padding. If you don't like it, move along, we're not here for your opinions. We are here to have fun, share some pics, and maybe some vids, as we get more comfortable. We love to play with each other, and please each other. He's more dominant but loves to have her dominate every once in a while, she's very submissive and loves it! We play alot, and have alot of fantasies that we've lived, and some that excite each of us, but to shy to act on right now. We are here to have fun, but due to our professions, we're will be discreet. Feel free to request, feel free to comment. We'd love to meet/chat with other couples with similar interests!
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