Section 18: The Law - Mandatory Referrals

Section 18.2

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Mandatory Referrals

(Mandatory Referrals are part of the BBC’s editorial management system and there are a number of them to Programme Legal Advice in the previous sections. The ones listed below are those which arise from this section alone. All Mandatory Referrals are an essential part of the process to ensure compliance and must be observed.)

18.2.1 If during the course of making programmes or content, it is believed laws may be broken by someone working for the BBC, it must be referred to a senior editorial figure, or for independent production companies to the commissioning editor, who should normally consult Programme Legal Advice and, if necessary, Director Editorial Policy and Standards.

(See 18.3.1)

18.2.2 Where there may have been a data breach, a data breach form on Gateway must be completed or the matter must be referred to Information Rights, who will assess if the breach meets the legal threshold for reporting to the Information Commissioner.

(See 18.4.8)

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