My first sexual experience

A few years back I was working at my job site. One evening an elderly lady visited the business I worked at. Needing assistance, as her balance was bad, I assisted her accordingly. But seeing how much assistance she needed I asked if she required more when she got home. She accepted my help and gave me her address. After work, I sought out her home in my neighborhood. I got the address wrong though and found myself going 2 streets past where I needed to be. But I eventually found the lady's home. Once I arrived, I apologized to the lady and told her I'd be back to assist her again when she needed assistance as a makeup for my first mistake. And so began my weekly visits to the lady.
The lady went by Jan. She lived at home by herself and was a very caring person. Always offering to help others any way she could. Her husband had Alzheimer's and lived in a nursing home while she kept they're house in order. Week after week I'd go visit her, doing some chores and then just talking. She would share how her husband couldn't remember her...and then she'd start telling me of her younger years when she had a sexual encounter with a man who didn't stick around. She continued to tell me stories of her sexual experiences, as I began to get the feeling she was inviting me over for some pleasure. But I remained composed in my chair. Another time, we were in her living room and I helped her program her TV. Afterwards we turned to a program where a lady was undressing on screen. As she was undressing, Jan asked me if watching the strip show turned me on. To which I replied "yes, it does". Then came the next encounter where our normal conversation took it's detour to a sexual one. In which I told her I was a virgin. She could hardly believe her ears. She encouraged having sex with me as a way to learn how to perform for a younger girl. But my upbringing told me not to because of her husband, being alive still it'd be cheating on her marriage. She didn't mind. To her, she was a coach willing to help me in an area totally foreign to me. I brought myself over to her armchair where I then grabbed her breasts. "Does this bother you?" I asked, not wanting to overstep my boundaries and to test my theory that she wanted me. She looked straight into my eyes and told me "No". Then resting back into her chair and closing her eyes as she enjoyed me caressing her breasts for several minutes. After enjoying the feel of her breasts she unbuttoned her shirt exposing her breasts, inviting me to actually touch them (she never wore a bra). I would continue to caress, enjoying ever minute while I felt my cock get hard. Then I would get up, pull my cock out, and she would start stroking it. I tried to get her to suck it, but she didn't like to suck. :( After a few strokes she took me to her bedroom to get down to "coaching" me on sex. She stripped everything off. Then laid down and started rubbing her pussy. I became terrified. I sat on the edge of her bed, wanting her, but not wanting to cheat on her husband. Eventually she stopped playing with herself and got dressed again. That was the end of that.
I kept thinking about that encounter. She was really alright with having sex with me and cheating on her husband who couldn't remember her. The more I thought about it, the more I reasoned, if she was ok with it I could be ok with it and nobody had to get hurt. I returned the following week for my visit. She greeted me with a gift. A book, encyclopedia, on sex. She went back to her room to do some more cleaning, and as I sat there looking at this sex encyclopedia I thought (this is her final pitch to get me to join her for sex. It's very alright. She wants me and I want her.). I went to her back room, leaving the book out front with my stuff. I told her I was ready to fuck if she was. She then got up from her work, went to the bathroom, and with the door open started to pull her pants down to clean out her pussy. After she was done she proceeded into the bedroom where she started taking off her clothes again. This time, I took my pants off, and underwear but left my shirt on in case someone were to come in and catch us. She grabbed some vegetable oil and started rubbing it on her clit to get it nice and lubricated. Then getting into position, she guided my hard cock into her pussy. For my first time ever having sex, the experience was everything and nothing. I'd watched enough sex to think this ought to feel good, but hardly putting any work into it as she lay there waiting to be fucked, I had to do all the work which tired me. I lost the urge to be hard and after 10 minutes pulled out. She then had me feel her pussy and rub it so I could get a feel for her. But I quickly grew tired and quit. After putting our clothes back on she then asked for a kiss before I left. That's when we started making out. Feeling her old wet lips on mine turned me on. I didn't want to stop. I started grabbing her and pulling her closer to me. Then let go and left before her daughter showed up.
The next time I dropped by Jan said it was nice to see her lover again. Feeling weird about being called lover, especially since she wasn't married or supposed to be sexually into me, I kindly asked her not to call me that anymore. But I couldn't help myself. I had committed my body to her and now fucking her was all I could think about. We'd start off having a normal conversation, but then I'd inch closer to her and subtlety hope she understood what I wanted. She let me do as I pleased and she wanted me to lover her. I'd caress her breasts and she'd stroke my cock, then after awhile we'd go back to her bedroom and fuck again. This time being more into it and actually cumming. I kiss her while fucking her, suck her breasts while fucking her, and she never moaned. She lied there quietly in ecstasy and from time to time asked me to do things to further the experience. Nobody ever knew about our fling.
The final time fucking her she had a cold. She had the belief that if you masturbate with a headache, the pleasure from your groin eases the pain in your head. So I tried to help her by pounding her pussy. She asked me to kiss her but I refused as she was sick and I didn't want to get sick. She understood. 10 minutes later I came again inside of her. As she cleaned her pussy up she told me to be careful when fucking a young woman as I could get her pregnant. I told her I wouldn't be fucking anybody because I had her. After I left that day, a week later one of her daughters messaged me. She told me Jan died in her sleep. Jan was 85 when I met her, and 86 when I fucked her for the last time. We had sex about 5 times throughout the summer following our meeting. Her husband died about 4 months afterward.
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