I love the taste of cum too, but kissing another male really gets me going. It’s the most intimate, passionate feeling you will ever feel. Guys just know what to do with other guys. It’s completely natural. It’s sometimes hard to watch all that cum go to waste in porn. In person, I don’t miss a drop.
When a straight boy first gets his cock sucked by another boy he is often shocked at how much he cums, how big and strong his orgasm is. He realises he will never have been able to cum so strongly fucking a girl... obviously this is because heterosexual intercourse is purely for procreation and serves no other purpose. But same gender sex is so deep and natural it causes him to cum harder than he ever has before, and before long he will stop identifying as straight, and turn purely to homosexuality
"Feeling the same need to share it" ... this is absolutely correct. Did you know when boys experience cumming together it deepens their friendship? This is why whole groups of boys are turning gay... they are having natural gay sex parties, and sucking and penetrating each other, in order to share as much cum with as many of their friends. I think it is proven now that a boy's orgasm is so much bigger, and he produces so much more cum, when he is having sex with other boys, than with girls. Is it any surprise homosexuality is spreading so much? The intense please a boy feels with his friend anally penetrates and fucks him, and finally cums in him ... heterosexuality just cannot compete....
You are so right, gay sex really is the deepest and most natural form of pleasure there is... and more and more boys are realising this, turning away from the disgusting world of girls and heterosexuality to the beautiful world of gay cock sucking and fucking and cumming. Cum is meant to be shared with other boys... once a boy tastes another boy's cock in his mouth and feels him cum he will quickly forget about girls! Soon boys will be having gay sex with all their friends to experience the deepest homosexual pleasure, and heterosexuality will just wither away...