A very nice trip of commission 4 :-P

Continuing the story of the period that I'm telling from my previous posts in which I was the voyeur (a lot :-P) on my sister... here's another great story :-P. It was about late-winter/early-spring, April I remember :-P, when i and my sister we maked another commission-trip, this time the trip (the outward one) it was by bus unlike the previous commission-trips (told in the my previous posts to this :-P) that i and my sister we did always on the train and my sister had always of a nices dress i.e. always skirt and pantyhose and flat shoes and always nice white panties exposed let's say during her opening small or medium sometimes even quite large of her legs it depended on her movements, in this last trip instaed my sister had, from under a windbreaker, a jeans, and therefore i felt less fortunate :-P compared to those previous train's trips :-P, but still i was always very happy to be close to my sister :-P, i was sitting next to my sister (because we were on the bus :-P) and i was always quite excited also to smell an her good perfume that she had put :-P and my cock was nice hard :-P, then i and my sister we arrived at the hotel in the late afternoon and we reach our hotel-room, so, when we were there, in our hotel-room, we have close the door with the keys of course :-P, the room was well heated with the air conditioning :-P and therefore here inside it was hot :-P (while outside it is quite cold because, as I said before, we were at the end of winter-early spring) so my sister, sitting on her bed more or less in front of my bed and with her cellular in her hands (and i sitting front her on mine bed and i read with the laptop) she tells "It's pretty hot in here!..." and so (while i and my sister we started talking about what we have to do in the evening after dinner and then the next day because we have a night in the hotel :-P and always while we talk a bit) my sister opens her windbreaker that she was still wearing and she gets out of her bed and she puts the anorak on the hangers behind her bed (i instaed i had already taken off my windbreaker :-P) and then my sister sits again on her bed and, still sitting on her bed, she takes off her shoes (low as moccasins :-P) and then she takes off her yellow socks of wool (large i.e. long :-P) and, since there was carpet on the floor, my sister evidently not felt the need to wear slippers for the night :-P and so she was remain barefoot :-P, and then, still sitting on her bed, she takes off her fleece sweater, and under that fleece sweater she had a Shirt also fleece, checked :-P, which came out of her belt of her jeans and that ends up more or less on her hips, (i was always sitting with the laptop on my bed in front of her :-P), then my sister gets out of her bed and, in front of me, she begins to unbutton her jeans :-P and then pulls down her jeans up to mid-thigh :-P so showing me her nice panties gray and quite tight between her beautiful fleshy naked and white thighs and she tells me that she has to change for to be more comfortable and we tell ourselves that there are no problems :-P and so my sister pulls down her jeans by taking off from her, then she takes off also her Shirt with the squared fleece unbuttoning it only at the beginning i.e. on top and then she grabs it with her hands and she takes it off of her, and then, from under that checkered fleece Shirt, she had a white tight-fitting T-shirt that ended on her hips and she grabs her t-shirt pulling it from under to upwards removing it from her and so she was remained, being she also, as I said before, barefoot, with only(!) bra and panties on her(!) :-P (both bra and panties were white-gray and quite clear and spongy but not transparent :-P :-P .-P) and in this way (with bra and panties only(!) and barefoot) she remains for a bit of time(!) thinking about to her replacement :-P, at a certain point she goes also near at the window of the our hotel-room, which anyway was closed and with low shutters, because she had heard strange noises from below :-P, so i can see her from behind for well :-P and i see her nice meaty ass with her pretty meaty buttocks enough uncovered because her panties it wasn't very big :-P, and her beautiful legs and her nice femorals (in this occasion her femorals they seemed a bit fleshy i. e. With a bit of cellulite :-P perahps she was eating a bit of more in that period :-P), and then, frontally, her panties it was quite tight and swollen thanks to her nice thick bush :-P, for the boobs, well, i was already got the way for to see her boobs in a previous episode and at the best way that i was could to hope (told in my previous post "A very nice downblouse and other" :-P :-P :-P) and then my sister, thinking always about the stuff that she want to wear for that evening and also for the next day, she tidies up a bit at place on her bed the stuff that she had taked off from herself (i.e. everything(!) except the bra and the panties :-P :-P :-P), then she also sits on her bed with one leg folded, meanwhile my cock was become gigantic :-P because it was happened to me again of to see my nice sister (like it was already happened in the others happy occasions that i told in the my others posts about i voyeur to my sister :-P in which i had could to see my sister and at all her parts :-P :-P :-P and she had always a bit noticed it :-P), then after a bit :-P my sister starts to re-dressing :-P and so she puts a nice pair of leggings black and with above a white Shirt that ended always on her hips and so the visual of her ass it was complete :-P, then, while she puts the shoes, she moving a bit toward me, and, in that moment in wich she adjust under her ankles and she fastens her shoes, she move herself toward me (i was always sitted on my bed with laptop :-P) and she makes at me, exactly front me, a very nice Doggy-style! in full(!) (i. e. at 90 degrees! :-P:-P:-P) , i'd wanted stretch my hand, i had did only the movement of my hand :-P, well :-P i don't know what it could had happen in that moment :-P if i had touched her nice ass :-P and instead nothing i hadn't courage :-P, then, when my sister had ended her show :-P, she re-putting on her the windbreaker over that nice black leggings and white Shirt and she tell me who she goes downstairs for to ask the secretariat something about the payments made, and so, just she leaved our hotel-room, i go at the bathroom for one masturbation :-P but i not suceed to cum right away :-P perhaps because my cock was already enough wetted :-P i.e. with enough cum already spilled :-P, anyway thanks at my nice sister i had a very nice situation and a very nice view front to my very nice sister i'd say :-P :-P :-P. so after the failed attempt at masturbation i have go did a tour downstairs for to go at the bar and i crossed my sister near the secretariat and she was leaning against the secretarial's counter and with her beautiful shapes showing through her nice black leggings :-P, i says to her if she wants to come with me to the bar for a consumation and she says me that she not want take nothing and she has yet to speak with someone at the secretariat, so i go at the bar only :-P, and i take one consumation, and i lose a bit of the time and I wait who my sister to join me to the bar but she doesn't arrive, so, passed a bit of time, i go to the secretariat but my sister no longer was there and so i think she was returned to our hotel-room and, indeed, when i arrive front the door of our hotel-room the door was closed to keys and i tell my sister who she was inside and, and when my sister open the door, she opens little because, and with something in her hand, she's again undressed(!) ( like before i.e. barefoot and with on her only(!) bra and panties(!) i.e. the second time(!) that i see her with bra and panties only and barefoot :-P :-P :-P) but this time her underwear is different than before because bra and panties was both black :-P, so i enter and with the excuse of take something :-P obviously for to see my sister again while she a bit cover herself above her bust :-P, then i exit and i tell to my sister that i go to do another tour of under for to wait her for the dinner :-P. I wasn’t mad at myself to be was down at the bar for a while that maybe made me miss a her second striptease in front of me as she took off her leggings and shirt, but then, certainly, I couldn’t to see her during her change of bra and panties :-P, if I had been into the room at that moment there, I should have go away... she would have said me "..you go away for a moment..." :-P or maybe she would go to the bathroom and I would try to spy her through the hole of the door... I don’t know... but, anyway, I could feel very satisfied for that her striptease that he had done in front of me at the beginning when ve arrived at hotel-room :-P (and then, as I said before, she had remained also for a some time with only bra and panties and barefoot :-P). i must say that, unlike previous trips of commission in which i had the "faculty" to peek my sister in middle of her legs during the train journeys, in this latter seemed, at the beginning, that the luck had me, for way to say, turned the shoulders to me because in this trip, i.e. the trip of going, my sister had, as i have recounted at the beginning of this post, from under an anorak, a jeans, so i couldn't peek her in way intense :-P also if i was always very happy of to be very close to her :-P, but then the luck had rewarded me i would say also doubly :-P when then i and my sister were arrived im our hotel-room :-P, i say it without too much euphemisms or for to do the buffoon :-P, but when you have the sister hottie and you happen of to be close to her for a substantial time and then they happen these beautiful distractions certainly you can stay very satisfied :-P. After the dinner of course we have did a little evening tour around that city where we were staying and toghter others young people (both guys and female) that i and my sister we had crossed near our table during the dinner in the dining room of our hotel and during this little tour for the city one of these guys he wanted to try with my sister but my sister not shitted he because he was a boy a bit ugly :-P, then at the end of the soirèe there was the return to our hotel-room, my sister is sit on her bed and she takes off the leggings and she puts the pajama's pants, then she get up and she turns a little for takes off her white Shirt and then she put the pajama's jacket, meanwhile i also i musted changed myself :-P and, obviously :-P, i losed a bit of time with some excuse and i was turned a little toward my sister while she musted putted the pajama as i said before :-P, and so i go the bathroom for changed myself :-P, i had a boxer wide (for any eventuality :-P) and enough wet :-P for these very nice moments with my sister in that afternoon-evening :-P, then we sleep in peace namely i sleep in peace :-P. The next morning, when we get up, my sister goes to the bathroom for first, and when she exits from bathroom she's always with the pajama and she tells me "you can go to the bathroom that i have to dress" :-P :-P :-P and I say to her "ok, i also have to take a quick shower" :-P and she tells to me "ok, you go then! i have to put the stockings this morning" :-P :-P :-P (and so i was very glad inside me :-P because i love watching girls in stockings or in pantyhose and in the specific case of my sister then... :-P in fact as soon as she told me that she had to put on the stockings my cock immediately hardened hard :-P :-P :-P) and so i, with the excuse of to do something near my bed, i see my sister that she take off her pajama and i see her (the third time!) with bra and panties only! (and barefoot) (bra and panties were white/gray and spongy but not transparent :-P) and so she starts to put her pantyhose regularly i.e. first to one leg then to another and then if she wrings them on her feet and then she gets out of her bed and letting me see how she pulls up the pantyhose on her waist first frontally (panties and pantyhose) and then from her back (ass and pantyhose) and then she says to me "but not that we’re gonna be late... you wanna go to the bathroom?" and i say "no... we still have time" (because in fact we still had time available before this work meeting) and so i'm gone (finally :-P) in the bathroom and i closed with keys :-P, and so, under the shower, i succeed right away at shoot myself a mega-handjob :-P, i had enough of load :-P (and i screaned in silence obviously :-P) thinking, obviously, at these striptease of my sister front me (two of the evening before and the third with pantyhose that she is putting in that morning :-P, we say also with the addition, i.e. when, after her first striptease, she had putted those nice black leggings and she does right front me that beautiful doggy-style :-P and then when i'm returned at our hotel-room and she was again barefoot and with bra and panties only (i.e. she had a different underwear of that she had before during her striptease front me :-P), and then when, at end of soiree, always in our hotel-room while she puts the pajama :-P i always peeked her a bit :-P, then when i exit from bathroom after my shower and consequent (thank to the thoughts on my sister :-P) masturbation under the shower, for my great pleasure :-P my sister had a beautiful pantyhose black-transparent and with (obviously :-P) a nice skirt of jeans of lenght on her knees (it was sunny out and not was very cold :-P), and for customary for she, when she has the pantyhose :-P, pleasant low shoes :-P, and so i spended a nice day in to see my sister dressed like that :-P, then, for to go to this commission we take a city-bus, i and my sis get on this city-bus and we go to place ourselves towards the seats at the tail of the bus, given there were few people :-P my sis puts her bag on the seat next to where she sits and so i had place myself behind the seats where my sis was placed also because there was no possibility of seating in front of her because the seats was in pairs but in front them not they wasn't others two, then what happens... :-P that i get up to go to the head of the city-bus for the tickets and, after arranging ours tickets, i return toward ours postations and there are always few people on that city-bus in that moment :-P and so when i (i alone:-P) having arrived to cross the "area" :-P where my sis was sitting (for to return to my seat behind of her) i find my sis that has her face turned to the window i.e. she's looking out... :-P and her legs are nice wide open(!) :-P i.e. well spread apart(!) :-P in short her legs were fully open(!) with one foot placed on the rise under the window of the city-bus and the other foot placed normally on the ground :-P and the bottom of her denim skirt withdrew a bit upward, so, in that moment during my passing front of her i, in way pratically automatic :-P, i have throw my eye toward that her very nice opening of leg :-P :-P :-P and i could to see her beautiful panties white-gray (perhaps the same of the previous afternoon during her striptease front me :-P) and with the part of the pantyhose in front of the panties detached from the panties i.e. it was hung at the beginning of her thighs :-P (a malfunction that had happened of to see also in a nice previous commission trip told in one of my previous posts "a very nice trip of commission in train 1" :-P), so then when i sat back of her i, necessarily :-P, i had to think that my sis had done on purpose of to put herself in that position like that in the moment that i passed in front of her :-P :-P :-P. after doing ours commission we did the return trip for house always by bus (bus line), i not was sit front of my sister but sideways but i was the same very glad :-P for the some "shows" of my sister toward to me in this trip (in the hotelroom the stripteases (three :-P) remaining and with bra and panties only(!) (and barefoot) and after when she re-dressed the beautiful doggy-style front me with a beautiful black leggings, and subsequently the "findness" of she with a different underwear than the moment of her striptease, and then on the city-bus with that her fully(!) opening of her legs) and, obviously, i had my cock still nice hard :-P.
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