My first sex toy

So I finally got up the nerve to go to a sex shop and buy myself a toy. Was not sure what to get so I asked the girl who worked there. She was very helpful. I told her I wanted something like a masturbator. Thought I would be embarassed but I wasn't I was kinda turned on. She took me to the the spot where all the masturbation toys were and I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed . I finally decided with some help from her to pick a sleeve to start with. Wow I love it. It has nubs inside and it fells great to jerkoff with it. I'm sure now that I have been there I will definetly return and buy something else. Any sugestions?
เผยแพร่โดย jerkenjoe
5 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
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For a long time I was planning on buying a Fleshlight or Fleshjack. Began reading a lot of reviews and several mentioned cleaning and sanitation issues. Through this research, I discovered the Tenga Flip-Hole.  It's similar but it is hinged on the end so you can open and clean it completely. I bought the black model which I found out after the fact is extremely intense stimulation. My next one will be the white, which allows for longer edging sessions.