Calling Spirits With "The Green Queen"

The Green Queen calling spirits with the Voodoo man

Calling Spirits With the help of a Voodoo hand

The calling of spirits with the Voodoo God card is very popular with the native people from the American continent. It is a proven fact that almost everyone can contact relatives, friends who passed away if they know how to do it. This is not the case with modern society. When we want to communicate with someone but are not given the opportunity due to communication barriers, or just because our spirits do not want to talk with us in our fleshly form we can watch Jennifer in "The Green Queen Part 1". Modern men has learned how to get around the problem by using the phone although this is not really an option in some cases.

Don Pitu is the right man to call if you need magic to happen.

To begin with, it is important that one gets to know exactly what the different cards are and what they are meant for. For starters, the most important thing that one needs to understand is that there are different cards and they have different purposes. In addition, the real practice of the art of the cards does not stop at using only one specific type of the cards like the ordinary nine of clubs or the pentagram. In fact, one could go on and add more than one to the mix depending on the situation and necessity.

The voodoo Doctor Don Pitu on the phone with Jennifer

"Hello, I call because i found my boyfriend lying on the floor with his mouth wide open. He looks very sick to me, maybe it is covid, but i don't believe in covid19. Calling 911 is risky, he is a gangster. "Calm down Jennifer, what is his name?". I know him as Chris and now he is in the hospital I was just told by his friend. Can you help us please? My friend who gave your number said that you are the best voodoo man. Ok, but let me explain the process step by step for you. You need cards. For starters, the most commonly used card is the nine of clubs which is known as the card of hard knocks. In most cases, this particular card is used when you are trying to get a straight answer but it comes out the other way, i.e. the one that is more vulnerable to manipulation. This card is therefore very important and needs to be handled with care.

The second card is known as the pentagram. This is used when you want to infer the direction of something that is going on in your life. The meaning of this particular card is usually connected to the cycle of life, death and rebirth. You need to be careful when you draw this card because you could easily become confused if you do not know how to interpret the real meaning properly.
Please come Don Pitu I have money, name your price

Ok, I'll be there in approximately 30 minutes. Stay cool. The doorbell rings and the voodoo man Don Pitu arrived. "Lets start the session. What I tried to tell on the phone will happen now in real time". Just pay attention, concentrate and lets together start calling and asking the spirits or help.

The third card called the rabbit's foot is one of those cards that most people would immediately link to voodoo. However, you need to be very careful when you are using it because its position has a lot to do with the result that you will get from using it the right way. When the card is laid in a horizontal position, then you are trying to sense where a balance is being disrupted in your life. This might mean that you are about to undergo some kind of major transformation.

The last card is called the pyramid. This is a tarot card that is usually used when you are trying to come up with an idea or when you are trying to see how creative you can get. What it symbolizes is creativity, which is critical for the whole process of using the Tarot. You should therefore use this card wisely. Together we pray, I have used all my cards, so now we wait.

Believe it or not, SUDDENLY THE MAGIC HAPPENED! watch The Green Queen Part1 here...Calling Spirits With "The Green Queen"
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