3 types of Cheating Woman - Why woman cheat

Their are 3 kind of Cheating women

1 Loving u eternally - Very Loyal Wife
2 Love u but has her own self more - Loyal Wife but have Self esteem
3 Enjoying Life type - High Class Outward Personality woman

Loving u eternally:

She would only cheat you when u have ruined their life by your dictatorship, carelessness, cheating. When she feel depressed and cheated then she can cheat. Such woman have Low education and financial background.

Financially independent woman:

She would reciprocate u..if you trespass her space…in any domain, would become more possessive..lose ur manlihood...and they will “cheat u so disastrously…that u would completely get tore.

Enjoying Life type:

These are rich and bad ass woman. They just like beer and boyfriends although they love their husband. But sex is their passtime. Their Pussy is burning like hell. Anytime…she can cheat you immediately..without any reason…and behave like it was her fundamental right to hurt you.
4 år sedan
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