I was probably about fifteen or sixteen, at the time, but I'm pretty sure I was still at school when it happened. I was going out with a girl called Carol who was about the same age as me if not a little older but quite advanced sexually for her age. We used to meet on an evening when she took her family dog for a walk to the local park. We would invariably end up in the bushes that surrounded the park for some heavy petting which always involved her wanking me off and me fingering her pussy. The dog, which was a family pet and a big one, was a cross between an Alsatian and a Labrador, and alw Read more
His First Time Drinking
'His First Time Drinking' from DizzyD It was about 9:30 on a Friday night and Laura Kendall had just gotten home from what could only be described as the worst date ever. It was her third date with a very handsome man, and with her teenage son Will staying at his friend Josh’s house overnight she had hoped the evening would end with great sex, but before dinner he told her he had to go see a sick buddy after they ate, dashing her hopes… and then things got even worse. During cocktails he excused himself to the restroom, leaving his phone on the table. Just as he disappeared it Read more
My Fantasy of Being a Young Blonde Woman
I have this fantasy of being a young blonde sexy woman who is married, but totally into black men. I go to the inner city one beautiful spring night dressed really sexy and seductive and see a group of black teenagers on the corner. I go up to them and flirt and they quickly respond and before I know it their hands are all over me and they are picking up my dress and commenting about my body and see my wedding ring and ask where my husband is. I tell them he is at home masturbating his little white cock and I start to feel their cocks. I ask them if there is somewhere we can go and we go up to Read more
Вроде я нормальный мужчина, но, как и у многих, как-то возникла проблема с простатой. Был у врача, и впервые мне делали урологический массаж. Мне было приятно, и потом время от времени я думал об этом, а также о том, как бы попробовать анальный секс. Хоть сайтов на эту тему и много, но реального актива я никак не мог найти. То хотели получить моё фото, фото интимных частей тела, то другие проблемы возникали. Однажды еду на машине. На дворе глубокая ночь. У трёх вокзалов стоят проститутки. Я почему-то останавливаюсь. Подходит блондинка: - Минет - 1000, секс - 1500. Я согласился. Она за Read more
Initiation d'une jeune mariée - 2
Initiation d'une jeune mariée - 2 A 27 ans, soit l'année qui a suivi notre première expérience candauliste, voici la seconde. Cette année là, Katy a suivi des cours à distance, pour finaliser son cursus et, aussi a pris des cours particuliers. Spécialisation Bourse, le samedi matin, chez un professeur particulier, très expérimenté, à Baden-Baden. En juin, Katy passe son fameux examen, final. Trois semaines plus tard, elle reçoit la nouvelle, par téléphone : admise. Aussitôt, elle s'empresse d'appeler son professeur particulier. Celui-ci est ravi et, nous invite le week-end suivant pour Read more
Mes Débuts (4 et fin)
J’avais honte, j’avais peur… je le suppliais à voix basse de me lâcher… Mais il ne s’occupa pas de moi et répondit à l’intru en arabe m’empêchant toujours de bouger…. Dans quel pétrin j’étais !!!!!! Un individu pénétra dans la chambre. J’ai fermé les yeux, j’étais tétanisé !!!!! j’imagine aujourd’hui que j’ai même dû serrer les fesses ce qui ne devait pas déplaire à Mohamed… L’intrus a fait le tour du lit en échangeant dans sa langue natale avec celui qui avait le sexe toujours aussi dur logé au fond de mes entrailles. Il ne semblait pas du tout gêné par la situation. Il s’adressa à moi : « t Read more
Mes Débuts (3)
Je suis passé à la douche pour me nettoyer les fesses que je sentais sales du sperme écoulé avant de regagner mon poste équipage et me coucher. Je me suis endormi comme une masse, très fatigué de ma journée et surtout de ma soirée…… Le lendemain matin, dès la sonnerie du branlebas, les questions m’ont assaillies. Qu’ai-je fait ? Suis-je pédé ? Es ce que ça se voit ? ??? Toilette, petit-déjeuner, corvées puis prise de service pour 24h m’ont un peu distrait et empêché de trop y penser. Néanmoins, dès que mon esprit avait cinq minutes de repos, je me posais et reposais des questions auxquelles j Read more
Mes Débuts (2)
Il est revenu avec les tasses et une théière ; a servi la boisson et s’est assis à côté de moi à presque me toucher. Nous avons bu et je lui ai dit qu’il me faudrait rentrer sans tarder. - Jean il n’est que 22h, nous sommes à une demie heure du port, nous avons le temps (et en mettant sa main sur ma cuisse) n’ai pas peur … tiens je vais te faire visiter ma modeste maison. Il se lève et me tend la main pour m’aider à me lever. Sans la quitter il m’amène vers une porte qu’il ouvre : - Tu vois notre maison est modeste. Mais elle est confortable. J’ai confiance en toi et je ne te cache rien. Tu Read more
Mes Débuts (1)
Je me suis engagé dans la Marine Nationale à 17 ans. Au printemps 1965, j’ai été détaché en tant que matelot radio sur le porte avion Clémenceau pour des exercices avec des bâtiments des USA. En fin d’exercice nous avons fait escale à Casablanca au Maroc où nous sommes restés 5 ou 6 jours. Nous sommes arrivés le soir et je ne suis pas sorti ce premier jour. Le second jour, en début d’après-midi, n’étant pas de service, je me suis décidé d’aller visiter cette ville que je ne connaissais pas. N’étant pas affecté sur ce bateau, n’y étant que pour un mois, d’un naturel timide et réservé, je me s Read more
Sexwife, би-муж (пассив) и я
Она голая лежит на кровати и ласкает свою киску. Муж смотрит, как мужчина берет его жену за грудь и начинает мять её. — Трахни меня, — шепчет она, — трахни у мужа на глазах! — Проси меня. – говорю я. — Ну, трахни меня, пожалуйста, скорее! Я ложусь на чужую жену и начинаю вводить член в её влагалище. — А! – стонет она. – Да, так глубже, м-м-м! — Эй, — обращаюсь я к ее мужу, — иди, подержи её за руки, она мне мешает. Муж подходит и берет жену за руки, крепко держит их. — Видишь как надо её ебать? – спрашиваю я у мужа. — Да, вижу. — Хорошо видишь? — Да хорошо, кончи в неё. — М-м-м, хорошо, но не Read more
В душе
Летом у нас дома выключили горячую воду и я отправился в платный душ. Но в баню мне не хотелось, я себя ощущал скованно перед развратными взглядами мужиков, хотя конечно чего‑то такого хотелось. Да и дрочил я всегда, а где там спрячешься. Короче я решил идти в душ. Мне было к тому времени п**надцать лет и я был во всех отношениях девственником, хотя уже дрочил до умопомрачения, разглядывая порнуху. Пивко и водочку я тоже уважал, хотя и не злоупотреблял. На этот раз я взял с собой жигулевского, которое при этом охладил в морозилке. Пока ехал до места, мне представлялись развратные картины, как Read more
Barny the great dane
Barny from day one was a character he was a year old and still full of curiosity, just a big lovable hound with a nose that always seemed to be in the wrong place. What can I say he was very friendly, he liked to smell crouch especially female? But he did share sometimes, a walk in the park could be a challenge, and a nude beach a real challenge! His nose would be just ahead of his big tongue in crouch exploring. Luckily for both of us most people found it entertaining or a real worthwhile challenge. It was nothing for him to walk right up to a woman on the walking trail sniff her pussy as I t Read more
Conociendo a ella
La conocí por internet. Yo soy bi, con preferencia por las mujeres. Y aunque soy activo y un tanto dominante me gusta jugar, hacer durar la emoción. Ella era un hombre, con algunos años más que yo. Un tio normal, pero que en la intimidad de su casa se vestía con ropas de mujer. Estuvimos charlando un poco. Yo le comenté que a mi me atraía la idea de hacerlo con un hombre vestido de mujer, o mejor dicho, un hombre con alma de mujer. No sólo debía de estar vestida como tal. Sus gestos, miradas, forma de andar...me gustaba la idea que fueran femeninos. Y si tuviese la voz demasiado grave, Read more
Losing my virginity
It was a few weeks after I gave my first blow job. I was going to the adult cinema every weekend where I enjoyed the attention of mature men and I learned how to pleasure them with my mouth and hands. I really enjoyed myself. I became used to different cocks and swallowing cum. Love the taste of it now. From time to time I had a good snogging session with a man which was wonderful. I never knew a man kissing and caressing me would feel so good. I had been in the city centre during the day and decided against going to the cinema as it closed at 10. However, I had heard of a bar that was popula Read more
My first blow job
This is a true story about what happened when I was 20. I wasn’t gay. I had experimented with crossdressing and I knew I was submissive. I had recently split from my girlfriend. We were sexually active but I was more comfortable going down on her while she needed a man that could give her all the attention she deserved. Shortly afterwards, I moved to Germany for a year. One day I went into town to buy an English newspaper for the football reports. As I walked through the red light area curiosity got the better of me and I decided to visit an adult cinema. I had seen soft core in Soho and I kne Read more
Boy Wife
This is a masterfully written description of a beta boi written by the prolific nordicdomblr! This is exactly the kind of treatment and identity that I propose for sissy beta males. Everyone has a different interpretation of it but the main point is that you are not transitioning because of some personal reason. You’re transitioning because you want to please your Alpha and be his wife. Lock your clit up because you’re the woman in the relationship. And your locked clit is the wedding ring. nordicdomblr: Recently I came across a couple of blogs written by individuals who had decided to give Read more
Benefits of my wife fucking other men
I have been asked more than once what I, the husband, gets out of a situation where my wife fucks other men. Black men ask me this question initially after meeting because they are curious to know what my status is. Am I gay? I'm not at all gay. Am I using my wife as bait so that I can fulfill a fantasy of me sucking black cock? I don't want to suck anyone's cock, so, no, that's not it. And a few of the husbands who I've talked to and who enjoy eating a bull's cum from their wife's pussy wonder what I can possibly benefit from a situation when I have no interest in doing the same. To answer t Read more
Part One - Gloryhole Surprise
It had been a long two weeks. I hated these business trips, but at least this one ended early enough I could catch the Red Eye flight home. I would sleep a few hours at the airport hotel, then drive home and surprise my wife. As I drove home the next morning, I realized I had not cum during the two weeks I had been away from her. As eager as I was to see Rachael, I realized, when we made love, I would not be able to last long --- in this current condition. I decided to stop at the local porn shop and maybe watch a video or two, jerk off, and get rid of this initial load of cum. I told myself, Read more
Sodomie inoubliable
J'avais environ 20 ans. Je n'avais encore eu que quelques brèves aventures homosexuelles. J'avais déjà embrassé des copains, caressé leur bite et pratiqué une petite fellation. J'avais aussi apprécié m'introduire de petits objets dans le cul et bien sûr mes doigts. C'est tout seul que j'allais m'initier à la sodomie mais cette première fois où j'ai joui du cul restera inoubliable. J'étais seul chez des amis. Je voulais en profiter pour prendre une douche. Dans la salle de bain se trouvait un balais. Je l'ai pris avec moi sous la douche. J'ai commencé par bien le savonner l'anus en y plongeant Read more
Mommy made me her sissy
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 22:12:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Melissa Brooks <[email protected]> Subject: My Mommy Made Me a Sissy MOMMY MADE ME HER SISSY by: Missy Satinpanties I was about 5 or 6 when my father left, leaving me with just my mother. A mother that I came to love very, very much. Maybe, I loved her too much. And Mommy definitely loved me too well! A quick family history would be appropriate right now. My parents got married when Mom was only 18, and Dad was an old man of 20. Pregnancy either occurred just after, or just prior to the wedding. As a result, I still had a young, an Read more
My First Experience 2
I stood there as she walked from that grubby shed, looking over her shoulder with a soft smile, and she went back up to the house, my mind a total daze! My young penis was still semi-stiff and aching from what this chubby, mature woman had just done to me! I felt so strange, but, I did as she asked and finished up, sweeping out the shed....my heart pounding, I made my way down the garden and walked into the kitchen via the back door. The downstairs was empty, so I called out, and heard Carol call back, ' up here sweetheart, come up'.....I shakily made my way upstairs, and she said, 'in here... Read more
My First Experience
I had left school the previous year, and was a typically horny teenage lad without a job, so spent a lot of my time up in my room masturbating, as most lads do! My hormones were raging, and I was wanking several times a day, which was easy as I was left at home alone most of the day while my Parents were out at work. Summer arrived, and it was decided I should at least do some kind of part-time work.....My Parents were friendly with our Neighbours, Carol and Dave, and their two k**s went to the same school I had attended, so I kind of knew them. I was told that I would be doing some part-time Read more
Mother Helped Me to Come Out
My mother was a beautiful woman. Tall with shoulder length black hair and an hourglass figure. She had bright blue eyes and full lips that she always kept glossed in red lipstick, a large bust, flat stomach, curvy hips and a full bottom that had many men and women lusting after her. She conveyed an angry-dangerous sexuality. She and my father divorced when I was two. He died in an auto accident a year later so I never really knew him. My mother is also a lesbian now, and is openly gay and has been in several relationships with other women. She is very dominant and is a powerful CEO of a large Read more
My wife stepped up
I had successfully convenienced my wife to fuck other guys you can read about that in hundreds of my posted stories but she was still slightly vanilla when it came to me. I secretly wanted her to take charge of my orgasms but I didn't want to make her mad by just coming out and asking. I began buying chastity cages and wearing them without her knowing , or at least that's what I thought. Every cage I had bought was easily defeated because my penis is short and thin. I was able to pull my penis out and masterbate and put it back all while being locked up. I found a cage that had a piece that Read more
Inzwischen war ich Anfang 30, hatte eine neue Freundin und die war die Geilheit in Person. Wir verstanden uns im Bett perfekt hatten wirklich grossartigen Sex. Prüderie oder Tabus kannte sie nicht. Sie liebte unter anderem auch Pipispiele, wir schafften uns alles mögliche an Zubehör und Spielzeugen an, von Dildos über Schwanz- und Sackringe, Latexhandschuhe und ein Latexlaken bis zu Liebeskugeln, Vibroeiern und vielem mehr. Nur der Popo blieb zu meinem Leidwesen aussen vor, sowohl ihrer als natürlich auch meiner. Bis wir eines Tages im Urlaub wegen heftigen Monsuns einen Tag im Hotelzimmer ver Read more
My Wife Watches me Fucking our Friends Husband
When I'm writing about our sexual adventures, sometimes my sexual arousal bought on by the memory over-runs my writing skills and it reads a bit messy - this is a tidied up version. If you've read it before, no need to re-read, it's the same story of when my wife arranged with her friend for me to fuck her husband to quench his repressed homosexual desires - sort of like releasing the pressure valve. Our friends Simon and Lan dropped by at our house earlier in the afternoon. By the time I arrived home, Lan had already left to attend a dinner with some former friends from school. Thuy and Simo Read more
MY DRUNK SLUT MOM Part 1 I was sitting in the living room, waiting for my mom to come home. This new job of hers meant that she was spending a lot of time hobnobbing with new clients, leaving me to house-sit all evening. It was really boring. You'd think that having the house to myself on a Saturday would be a dream for an eighteen-year-old, but none of my friends lived close enough for them to come over, and I couldn't go anywhere myself either. It almost felt like being grounded, except that my internet privileges hadn't been revoked. Having my Xbox made the wait easier, but I eventually go Read more
A NEW MOM PT. 02-03
Author: Bisexual_4_all_pleasures Chapter 2 I slept very well and awoke feeling rejuvenated, the house seemed quiet I could hear no tv or radio which was a little odd. I got up went to the bathroom had my morning pee, brushed my teeth, washed my sweaty bollocks and cock, slipped on a fresh pair of boxers, and wandered towards the kitchen for a cup of tea. As I walked through the living room there was no sign of my new mom and as I entered the kitchen, I saw my dad standing there buttering some toast. "Morning dad, where is mom this morning?" I asked. My dad turned to me looking a little puzzle Read more
First time cum sharing
I had always loved creampie, well seeing it in porn and sometimes watching my cum drip from my gf's pussy.Something about that juice, the white cream always looked so erotic driping from a freshly fucked pussy. After a few years of the odd trip to swingers clubs, sauna visits I was invited to a swingers private party. Come that Saturday evening I was very excited, a bit nervous but all the same looking forward to the unknown. As I got there, the door opened, the usual crew of middle aged single guys all sat drinking and talking sex. A few couples, some not bad looking females who's partners Read more
Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 2
Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 2 Part 1 The Party At the end of their successful meeting Serge invited Adrian and of course Daniel to a party at the home of his employer for that evening. It was an event with a large number of people invited from the arts and business community artists, buyers and supporters of the arts and some musicians and a few from the theatre community. Adrian and Daniel arrived together and Daniel looked spectacular with his new hair style and wearing one of the new outfits which were purchased that afternoon. He felt wonderful and as he entered the large fo Read more