Chix biography update 5th October 2017 AC

......................................................................3rd-5th OCTOBER 2017 AC

I'm propositioned online from time to time. It's nice, and it's flattering. Most don't get past first base. Not sure why.. I suppose I'm maybe a bit too picky. Last year I met someone from chix. He was nice, a photographer; normal. We did lots of photos and I made a video. He visited twice. Didn't stay in touch. He disappeared. Maybe fled my emotionally demanding character. The vid is online, It's very popular and I love it. (Oh, I just remembered, I had a lovely client visit too, in June, so that's three times I've entertained chixters here.)
Lately I've been contemplating again an online-led meeting. If I'm to be the girl, I have to feel hot, (Not always on-tap, but an achieveable thing that kinda works for me in cycles), and there's a lovely sentiment on some profiles of (inexperienced, I'd imagine) people who want 'more than just sex'. I mean, I had to write this... What is there that's more than sex? For me, it's moving mountains... worlds colliding. I gather some folks do meet up for a quick nsa shag.... Sometimes I wish I could.... But that's me.. I have some experience, not as much as many, and I treasure my innocence/naivety/experiences/development. It's my art.
Does that make me morally superior/more attractive/depressed/sad/lonely? It's all about the (what I think of as) romance, and (heaven forbid), even the 'L' word for me. Which is the element of my videos that's so popular, that countless people write to tell me how much they enjoy. There. Said, I think more or less what I wanted.
Also, of course, meeting me is an opportunity to make the most awesome of films, which would require massive amounts of time to do well, and nobody can commit to that, right? Experimentation, lighting, camera angles, collaboration, theatre, in and out of character.
I've found, of relationships over the last few years, that one demanding thing, as the formal steps are correctly completed, and trust and passion unfold, is feeling that there's limited time. I have unlimited time to spend. Which probably, I think, makes me pretty much unique. Or so it seems from here.
Having said that, out clubbing (briefly) I had myself recently (May-June) shagged senseless by strangers and loved it (another story) And more; there's an element of commitment, even to theatre, that's key in life. (Discuss this with me and you win extra pixie bonus-points. I can probably actually make your wildest dreams come true.)
Do you think, in this online world of narcissism/exhibitionism/ voyeurism/stalking/suspension of disbelief, where nothing is quite as it seems, that the object of your desire has a network of disapproving friends/fam*ly to protect them from your basest instincts and desires of getting deep-down depraved and dirty? Security? Out of your league? Or are you god's gift to the world? Or do you feel the former in the mornings, and perhaps the latter in the evenings? Then think that the thing you think you're looking for is only a fantasy? Or, more likely, for fear of risking your own security, you hide the desire. Or, I guess do loads of nsa shagging. (I'm not jealous. Really.)
Who knows what will happen? Jesus, romance turns me on. Really it does. And confidence. (and intellect) Am I a girl? No, well, not all the time anyway. But do I have that network of (maybe) dissaproving friends/Security? Maybe. Do people care for me? Maybe. Or is it all, our (non-reproductive) relationships/potential relationships and hypotheses just in the mind? A fantasy of voyeurism and desire. (Or nsa shagging.)
I guess by making sure nothing happens, then nothing bad can happen. But maybe that's the worst thing. I do have my symmetrical and circular little philosophy that if I stop being lazy, get myself fitter and sexier and get out clubbing, I'll have enough action to heighten my awareness to the next level. So all down to me, eh. And the next level; I intend to thoroughly savour and enjoy my journey there... This only happens once, and I want it perfect. THIS IS IN MID-WRITING... I'LL CONTINUE LATER
(A quick PS and a reminder, I'll only fuck on video. So no good for someone who wants to hide).
Happily, this is all becoming a bit academic as the preparations for my European winter trip are starting to fully occupy my time.
I've the flat to organize, a load of stuff to get sold.....
I had a guy contacting me regularly; wanting to book me as an esc*rt; wrote beautifully, sounded lovely, but not quite persuasive, empathetic or understanding enough... At the moment my fitness and confidence are pretty low... I need a lot of understanding to make myself available, which means someone who has looked at my work, and has read and understands my posts. Demanding... Me? Maybe, but what I have to offer is worth it. . (Very much so!) My Romantic dream continues. It's not as if I'm hardcore tranny, commited gay, hetero, whatever... It's very simple... I just love romance, sex, intimacy, gentleness, lust, love, trust.... Sure I'm the same as anyone.

Publicerad av newbabyonhamster
6 år sedan
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You're so sexy. Sorry to read of your low confidence when you wrote this: I hope your fan club has lifted your spirits ... ~soft kiss~
Yessssssssssssssss !!!!!!
romance on heightens the sex part. thanxx for sharing your well written story/background. im sure there is a great guy out there who will be perfect for you and will respect and romance you xo