If You Cannot Beat 'Em, Join 'Em!

My parents split up and were divorced by the time I was ***********. My Father moved to Florida, while my Mother stayed in Colorado. I chose to live with my Mother for the lion's share of my childhood and ********* simply because she allowed me to do whatever I wanted. I have since realized that her form of parenting, (or more aptly, non-parenting), did not turn me into a well rounded, healthy adult. Though, thru various forms of therapy as an adult, I think I have turned the corner along those lines for the most part.

Growing up, she was pretty seriously involved in the drug game in one form or another. There were also many different, boyfriends, a few husbands spanning the gap between her divorce from my Father and the current day. I moved out at a pretty young age and have been on my own since then. All of her poor decisions and shitty lifestyle choices aside, I have always had a close relationship with my Mom and have long since forgiven her for any and all of the negative bullshit that came along with all of that.

Now that I have completely bored you to death with the details of my upbringing, I just felt a little back story was necessary. So let's move on to all of the dirty, naughty things that you were after when you decided to share this little tale with me. I know each and every one of you perverted little freaks are probably ready to log out. Sitting there with your now flaccid cocks lying so sadly in your hands. So let's get this story going. I am just as big of a pervert as any of you and probably more so!

As a young adult, my Mother was with one particular guy for a very long period of time. Even currently, they still have some form of relationship, though II am not privy to any of the details in the here and now. At the start of their time together, I could not stand this guy. I just thought he was a discusting human being and we bumped heads constantly. I used to go out of my way to insult him or throw out any negative item that would come to mind whenever I had to be in the same room with him.

He was one of those people who seemed to be completely immune to insult anyone would present to him. I truly believe that when he stood in front of a mirror, he saw someone totally different than any of the rest of the world saw when they looked upon him. This used to make me so fucking angry, no matter what I would throw at him, it never ever appeared to bother him in the slightest.

One of his many discusting habits was to parade around the house in his underwear. Not boxer shorts, not boxer briefs or even just briefs but these little bikini briefs that barely seemed to hold back all that they covered. He had no shame! He would be in the other room, hear people talking and come marching out to investigate, in nothing but the aforementioned skivies. It could be a group of complete strangers, it mattered not to him, he literally had no shame. There were several people who made a decision to not return due to that one time they were presented with this man in those under garments.

I, of course, would berate the shit out of him every time he presented himself in this way. He at first would just tell me to fuck off and then ignore anything that would come out of my mouth. After years of this, he one day began to get much bolder with his retorts! Eventually leading to him grabbing the front of said shorts, yanking them downward and shaking his big fat hairy cock at me, shutting me up quickly as well as chasing me away. He never did this when my Mom was around, only when it was him and myself present at the time.

Initially, it truly did freak me out and cause me to vacate with a ball of discust in my stomach. I never ratted him out to my Mom though, you would think I would do so immediately in an attempt to get rid of him once and for all. I also never ratted him out for the many times I knew he had stepped out on my Mom. He was a complete fiend when it came to women and sex. My Mom actually was aware of his many indiscretions related to letting his cock lead the way, she simply would put up with it!

If you have read my other posts, then you already know about my weakness and my dirty little habbits when it comes to cock. Especially when it comes to men my senior and even more so when those cocks are bigger than your average cock. I just have a tendency to just go completely crazy, letting the freak inside of me go full fucking throttle when presented with the urge to find and handle a nice big mature cock, or if somehow one has been presented to me.

At first, I really hated this guy so much, the sight of him wiggling that big, hairy dick at me, just pissed me off and made me sick. Though as time went by and the more times I was presented with an up close and personal look at that big fat cock. I am not kidding, his cock was huge. At some point, it just began to appeal to me, I began daring him to keep going. Asking him what comes next, telling him he didnt have enough balls with that cock to take the next step. Eventually, I began grabbing at it and getting a bit playful with him. When I began doing this was when his big flaccid cock began to grow stiff. THen over some time, it just one day ended up hard as it could be, presenting a big purple head that was throbbing so much I swear I could see it with my naked eye.

Once we reached this point, it basically just froze there, apparently neither him nor I knew if we should go any further. It stayed like that for quite some time...until it didn't, or probably more accurately, at least on my part, it couldn't.

It all got oout of controll one time when my Mom was away visiting her Mom and sister out of state for several days. One evening I had to go to my Mom's in order to return something I had borrowed which my Mom was now insisting that I return immediately. Headed to her place, I didn't have a thought in my head about anything sexual and wasn't even thinking about running into this guy at all. I entered this situation in a completely normal frame of mind.

I pulled up in front of her house, exited my car and as I approached the front door, I began hearing music that was obviously playing inside of the house very loudly. The door was locked, nothing new, using my key, I unlocked it and let myself in. As I opened the door I was immediately hit with music so loud I could feel it. The bass shook my entire body. The music was coming from the stereo in the living room but there was no one present. I began down the hallway toward her bedroom. I was just gonna drop off what
I had and leave just as quickly. Passing the first room I turned my head and was stopped dead in my tracks. This room has all kinds of my Mom's clutter, boxes everywhere. There is a desk with a computer and a twin bed. Pressed up on the desk was this young guy who for whatever reason is always hanging out with my Mom's boyfriend. He is early twenties, pretty cute but a bit of an odd ball. He hits on me constantly and has bore witness to several of the flashings I got from Mom's guy.

At this moment he is butt naked and in the act of giving it to a young brunette from behind. She is naked from the waist down and she is definitely enjoying what she is getting from him. They both make eye contact with me for a few seconds then they look at each other and act as if I was not even there. I have to admit, this little scene took me by surprise and it caused some tightness and tingling between my legs! I could immediately begin feeling that my body was beginning to prime itself, I could feel the wetness coming fast, a slight weekness in the knees. The blood was flowing quickly to my pussy!

II kept moving to my Mom's room, the door was open only a few inches so I pushed it open and was stopped dead in my tracks as I moved across the threshhold. There was the star of this little tale, sitting on the edge of the bed. He too was completely naked, but he was alone. His body was glistening with a layer of sweat and he was furiously stroking his rock hard cock, which was covered in quite a bit of lube. He was focused primarily on the big screen television at a crazy orgy scene which was playing there. I could see it was a porn film. He jumped a bit as I came thru the door, then seeing it was me, he grinned slightly and kept working his massive greasy cock without missing a stroke. I chuckled, shook my head and turned and made a bee line for the bathroom in the hallway, shutting the door and locking it after I entered. I moved to the toilet just like I was gonna use it. I sat there gaging all of the sensations that kept coming all over my body and tried to make sense of all I just witnessed. As I sat there, I had to mentally fight what were extremely strong and intense urges, which were currently screaming at me to leave the bathroom and completely give myself over to all of the goings on taking place not 20 feet away, right there on the other side of the flimsy bathroom door that I was currently hiding behind.

You see, I have always had a thing for cocks on older guys. They had to be bigger than average though!

As I sat there processing all I had just bore witness too, the inner dialogue screaming at me. Asking me what is your fucking problem?
You know you want to insert yourself smack dab right in the middle of both of those scenes playing out at this very moment! What's wrong with you? What are you waiting for? Why aren't you completely naked and letting everyone you just were watching understand that you are here and this is how you see yourself fitting in, so here is what you guys are gonna do to make that happen!!! Being sure to let them all know you will reciprocate and no one will be disappointed!!!

The little angel on my other shoulder, was presenting dialogue telling me to calm down, begging me to not abandon the moral, young lady who was raised the right way. Urging me to take that path immediately, before I wasn't able to!

Looking back on this now, I can say honestly, that I already knew I was going to involve myself in some fashion. The debauchery I had just witnessed had stroked my libido too intensely to allow me to just leave with nothing for me! I enjoyed this kind of thing way too much to exclude myself without finding out how I might fit into a situation effecting me as strongly as this one did. I was literally vibrating as I allowed my mind to explore so many sordid possibilities.

Firstly, I hadn't shared this here yet but the young guy, who was doing such an amazing job of letting the young lady feel alll he had
to offer. All he had to offer with the use of that nice big hard cock of his anyway. Well him and myself had been verbally sparring, you know, in a vague sort of way, where the innuendo was veiled slightly! Even though we both knew what the other was saying. We just were not so familiar with the other to be as direct as we really wanted to be. I wanted a ride on that hog and he wanted to give me a ride. We just never came right out and were that direct with each other.

I was now of the opinion that now that I had seen up close and personal, him giving another that same ride I wanted, then we could now cut the double talk and pretty much just get down to business. Even if he hadn't reached the same conclusion, I knew if I just took control, he would offer no objections.

So I had come up with a gameplan as I sat in the can, figuring out how I would like this situation to play out. I was going to fuck the young fellow six ways to Sunday, letting my Mom's guy watch it all. I also had no problem with the young lady being an active player in this fuckfest in whatever way she wanted to participate. Young guy, young lady and myself...anything goes. Mom's guy gets to watch it all and abuse himself in any way he might see fit! II was actually liking the idea of watching him play with that massive cock as a way to keep me all the more turned on and ready to be at my best for the full on cum fest that was going to reach epic proportions!

At this point, my pussy was so wet and swollen, I could have happily been fisted! Which is not something I have ever considered as an activity I would enjoy at all! I would never consciously do anything to hurt my Mom, so there was no way I would ever fuck her boyfriend. He still made me sick anyway. I just was a sucker for a nice big strange cock. While I waited for my target to finish with his current partner, I entered my Mom's room to watch my ne
mesis go to town on his cock. I sat on the edge of the bed not three feet from his hand moving quickly up and down that big unit. I had to admit, that cock was really nice. Probably nine inches, thick with a bulbous mushroom head that was currently an angry shade of purple. I went to the dresser and fetched my Mom's magic Wand. Checked to see if it was charged enough and went back to my spot on the bed. I couldnt take my eyes off of that big greasy cock.

I grabbed his bottle of silicone lube and squirted a nice squeeze to the tip of his head, right on his piss hole. His hand quickly spread it to every bit of surface area his hand was touching. Looking him in the eye, I then reached in and used my hand to stop the upward movement of his hand midway up his shaft. Before he could object I flipped the Wand on and with it in my other hand, I brought it in and pressed it lightly to his frenulum, or the under side of that massive head. He caught on and kept stroking up to where I teased and tantalize his most sensitive zone with the powerful vibrations provided by the Wand. I would press it firmly for a second or two, remove it, then touch it again until his cock would jolt and throb, at which time I would pull away again. I teased and shocked his already over sensitive cock which caused glob after glob of crystal clear pre cum to steadily drain from his cock. My actions were not only affecting his cock but his entire body, I couldn't help giggling as I watched his facial expressions tighten up immensely when I pressed the toy against his unit only to go slack just as quickly as I chose to pull it away. It looked as if he was having a pleasure seizure across his whole naked body. I then moved in with my now free other hand a d began lightly pulling my nails on all five fingers all over his balls which were held in a snug tight package right below that amazing cock. I still was of the opinion that this man, overall filled me with disgust. In the moment though, I was so fucking horny and was in love with his fucking cock! It was big, rock hard and perfect. How could such a nasty man be blessed with a perfect cock? I loved the way it curved upward like a banana and I had tapped into a steady supply of pre cum, so much I thought he might be cumming. I knew though. that his cock would jump and jolt in symphony with thicker, whiter ropes when that nut finally went!! He was close!!! So I stopped with the wand and with the ball work. Letting him know I did not want him to cum...until I gave him permission! Then I went back to working his unit. This time I also would switch from the vibrator and began squeezing it and stroking the length of his greasy dick. :Giving extra care when my hand got to that beautifully swollen head. Fuck it was so swollen and red/purple!!

see it was really working to bring him to a high level of excitement and over stimulation. I have to admit I was fully getting turned on playing and teasing his big throbbing cock. I had full control over him! I was now totally naked with just my boots on. i gripped the big purple head and squeezed it nice and tight and began massaging it slowly! I stood and gave him a good view of my body. I was softly speaking to him being nasty! Asking him if he liked how I was touching his cock, did he like getting a good look at my tight ass, what did he think of my sweet pussy? His face turned beet red and his eyes were glued to my body only occasionally meeting my eyes. I would never admit it to him but I was matching his level of excitement. Unfortunately, this whole dance came to a grinding halt when he bounced forward in attempt to mount me and put that dick deep inside my pussy. It took all I had to keep his big ass off of me! I would not allow that to happen. No fucking way! I ended up running and locking myself in the bathroom. I could hear him cursing and stomping around. I asked thru the door if he could control himself and eventually I walked from the bathroom still completely naked, save for my bgoots. I told him he would be as on his own if he tried something like that again. Being sure he had a real good view of my whole body. Making sure to make everything jiggle as much as I could as I left the hall and went back inh7to his room with him close behind me. So close his cock was bumping against my ass, which caused my pussy to get wetter and pull hard!

I told him when and if he cooled down and was able to control himself, I might suck his dick.. Right now though, I was going to keep edging him toward an epic climax!! I then began intensely sucking his cock!

More to come....
Publicerad av spicygem
9 månader sedan
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Oh my goddess what a hot read. Love the way you shone light on you inner working, how it stirred that urge inside you. Hope to read more soon :heart:
Well, that sounds provocative! Bring it on!
Can't wait to see what this is!