China Girl

True story from overseas...I was new to group sex when I moved to China in the early 2000s and my girlfriend was too. But her curiosity was aroused when we began talking about an internet sensation at the time, a woman named Muzimei. She'd gone viral with podcasts of her having sex, public and otherwise, and her exploits led to our fantasies. It came to fruition after a few weeks when my gf told me she had found people online who were also interested in group sex. That led to informal meetings at coffee and tea houses and finally to an invitation to a party. It was a mixed affair, some Chinese, some foreigners and some such as my gf and I, mixed. It began rather slowly, couples slowly arriving to a large home where a large screen TV was playing euro-porn with the volume off. There was wine, soft drinks, many condoms and, yes, some nervousness. Highlights included watching a Canadian man and his Chinese wife fuck like rabid badgers on a black leather couch as onlookers cheered them on. Low lights were a guy with a head cold trying to look healthy as his Chinese gf ground a gasping man into the ground as she enthusiastically rode his "pony boat." In between were my gf and I. I went down on her among the crowd when we left the shower for the pre-romp play and almost came myself as she came while I licked her and two guys kissed her and sucked her proud breasts. Shift camera focus: She recovered and was stroking my cock and also a Chinese man's as we all watched another couple join together. I almost came again at at that point. There was nothing more arousing to me than to see my gf also aroused. I asked her who she wanted to be with and she pointed to the man whose cock she was stroking. Fair enough. To this day, I can't forget the arousal of seeing her sitting on his cock with her incredibly mobile hips and proud breasts working her way to her screaming orgasm. Fade to black.
Опубликовано justpmitch
6 лет назад
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