Just Thinking


Hello all,

Not sure if this should be part of my profile or part of my Blog because it’s just a passing thought.
Ok, here goes.
For as long as I can remember, sex or anything sexual in nature has been a big part of my life. Sometimes I find that a bit strange because I grew up in a very religious family in a Holiness Church. We were not allowed to go to the movies; parties; listen to music, other than church music, dance; etc; Females were not allowed to wear pants, short skirts above the knee, anything tight or “fitted,” their heads had to be covered in church, and even thinking about sex was a no-no unless it was in connection with procreation. Which meant that if you weren’t married and considering having k**s, sex was TABOO!

On the other hand, if you were married, a wife’s DUTY was to submit to her husband; but, she wasn’t supposed to enjoy it. LOL! Surprised I’m even here!!

Anyway, I think you get the point. I wonder how many of you can relate to or even have shared this early existence experience. And yet, for those of you like myself, the very fact that sex existed was an over powering wonderment.
In my very young life, of course, sex was not something I gave very much thought to. Like most k**s, my time was spent playing, eating, sleeping, and when I was old enough doing chores around the home.

It was probably in 5th or 6th grade that I first began to become aware of this thing called sex. I mean, I’d heard about it in church and stuff and knew that it existed and that people and a****ls did it, but that was that. It wasn’t something that I had to worry about. Besides, it was sinful, right!?

Strange thing is though, I can never remember a point in my life when I did not like girls, maybe not my sisters that much for a while, but not in general. They were always around and just another playmate.

Moving on, when I did find myself taking an interest in girls, especially from an sexual point of view, I guess like most young people that grew up with no real sexual knowledge, I fell for all of the school yard myths and misconceptions that you hear as a teenager. For example, a girl’s pussy had a “glue spot” and if you hit it while having sex, you would be stuck like dogs. Lol. There was also the ever popular, girls that dressed a certain way were sluts and gave it up easily. There were many more and I’m sure most of us have heard at least a few of them.

The point is, I believe most of us were exposed at some point in our lives to a lot of taboos, myths, misinformation and out and out lies about our bodies, sex, sensuality, eroticism, sexual orientation, and life in general.
Unfortunately, this did not come just from the church; remember America was founded by Puritans, but by the social and medical communities as well. How often have you been chastised as a c***d for exploring your body or for touching yourself for anything other than bathing? And Lord forbid, you should touch another c***d, no matter the sex.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, from very early on, I developed an extreme interest in anything sexual; plant, a****l, human, inter-species, inanimate objects, anything! Just as lone as it had some kind of sexual connotation.
In private, I would read everything I could get my hands on that had anything to do with sex. Books, magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries, even National Geographic. Haha ha! And this was before I discovered Playboy and such. Then I found the Adult Novels; what an education those turned out to be. Combining those with human anatomy books to verify body parts and sensitivities and such I managed to educate myself about our species.
But, that was just the technical stuff. I was still years away from putting anything I had gleaned from my readings into actual practice. In fact, it was my senior year in middle school before I had my first serious kiss from a girl and I believe either my junior or senior year in high school before I lost my virginity. Ah, junior year in high school, just remembered, but both of those are memories worth writing about at another time. Maybe I’ll create stories around them; yeah, I think that would be nice.

Guess this will have to go on my Blog; not exactly what you’d expect in my introduction and not a story. Had no idea it would run this long, just something I was thinking about for a hot minute. There may be more of this to come. Hope someone finds it at least interesting. Maybe there’s a kindred soul out there somewhere that can relate. If so, halla back!
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