Club X, Pt. 2 The Forbidden Fruit

God knows how long I was in there, it all just seemed to blur into one sweaty congress through which I sucked and fucked. At the end, I could hardly stand let alone walk, yet somehow I managed to stumble to the bar and through cum gummy lips ordered myself a very large bourbon on the rocks. I felt I deserved it, needed it! On the way to the bar, one of the well oiled muscle mountains, in the tiny glittering posing pouches, wiped me down, smoothing away the more extreme excesses of semen from my body while politely explaining, without judgment, that some of the other patrons at the bar may not want to be accidental recipients of the sperm I was carrying on my skin. I could hardly process what he was saying and instead, I simply relaxed and let him set about me, gently caressing away the cum from my face, my torso, my back, well pretty much everywhere!

Fortunately, one of the fuck booths had become available and I gratefully slouched in and collapsed onto the cool leather sofa to recover. As I sat down, a wad of semen was squeezed from my ravaged and slightly gaping anus, oozing steadily onto the seat and pooling behind my well drained scrotum. I resisted the temptation to clean it up, and just let it dribble from my well fucked ass. My head was spinning but the whisky seemed to revive me a little. I noticed a small dish full of fine white powder sitting invitingly on the table. I dabbed a little into my mouth; cocaine, so I scooped some onto my little finger and snorted back hard, feeling my pulse quicken and my head chill. My erection simply would not go down, and ached exquisitely. I had never felt so completely satisfied in my entire life and, as I sat there, regaining my composure and wondering whatever had happened to Alex, I noticed a hot young boy had drifted up to intrude upon my reverie and recuperation.

“Hi,” he beamed, staring with what looked like awe and admiration, as if star struck. “I saw what you did.”
“Excuse me?”
“In the suite,” he explained, shifting his position a little, to reinforce his observation. “Really cool.”

I took another hit of coke, and replied, “You did, huh?” Trying to figure out how he’d managed to do that, while fearing he might have been a participant; he looked far too young to be here!

I felt the spunk congealing between my legs as I shifted my position to get a better look at him, standing there in his cute boyish underwear. He really did look surprisingly young, considering where we were, a little chubby, perhaps, with a lovely little paunch which didn’t overhang at his waist but rather simply rounded and filled him out. His pale white skin was hairless and unblemished, like marble, and his smile illuminated the gloom and made my heart race. His arms were also rounded and what muscles he had grown were softened and blurred by his delightful chubbiness, particularly across his chest where chestnut brown aureoles stood in stark contrast to his almost luminous flesh and gave definition to clearly erect nipples in the centre of a pair of plump sweet boy boobs. Tight blonde curls cascaded over his ears and lent him an almost cherubic visage and the full sculpted lips gave him a truly classical beauty.
“And what did you see? Wait, how did you see?” The mirrors, of course. “Forget it,” I continued, “It doesn’t matter.”
“I seen you take on the whole room!”
“Oh really?” I gushed, a tiny bit self consciously, almost embarrassed. Almost.
“Yeah,” he smiled, his excitement rising at the retelling. “I never seen anything like it. You were amazing!”
“Yeah, I’m pretty bushed now,” I sighed, casually running my fingers through the cum matted hair, scooping out flakes of spunk from my ears.

I craned my neck, shifting once more to casually take in the full sight of this very forthright boy, while feigning interest in the orgy taking place over his shoulder. His pale blue, underpants looked full, surprisingly so. Very, very full, actually. The colourful pop art print stretched delightfully over his cock, giving sumptuous definition to his fat shaft and its wonderfully domed tip, his bulging genitals noticeably distorting the shape of the letters emblazoned across the front. POW! Clearly, he hadn’t quite grown into the rest of his body, the musculature not quite fully developed, but my goodness, he was packing the penis of a man.

“You know, you can just look,” he sighed impatiently, taking a step closer. I retreated back into my booth. “You don’t need to pretend,” he whispered, reassuringly. “You like what you see?” He added, quickly pulling down his underpants and shaking his hips, before just as speedily tucking himself away once more.
“Well, you are a very fine young man.”
“I’m still at school!” he giggled, almost femininely, openly staring at my aching erection.

I blushed. He was too young, there was no escaping it; clearly sexually mature and horny as hell but barely into his teens. I shifted uneasily in my seat. There was an awkward silence. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and then back again. He looked suddenly guilty of some unknown transgression, unsure of himself, fidgeting with his hands, repeatedly gripping his chunky forearms or his fat-dulled biceps. With no pockets into which to stuff his loose hands, he seemed lost.

“D’you know, in Japan, 13 year olds can have sex?” He suddenly announced, almost desperately as the silence between us became unendurable.
“No, I did not know that.”
“In some countries you have to be so old before, well, you know…” He seemed to blush, in spite of his surroundings.
“I think so,” I smiled, remembering my own teenage lusts.
“It’s not fair!” He declared, almost petulantly, revealing his tender years.
“So, how old are you?”
“I’m f******n.” I squirmed in my seat. “But I’ll be fifteen soon.” He added swiftly, his arousal making him sound distinctly desperate, almost pathetic.
“You don’t look f******n,” I replied, seriously suspicious. “Come back when you’re 16,” I said. “In a few years,” I muttered under my breath, desperately trying to erase the image of the chunky flaccid cock which was burned into my mind.
“I lost my virginity when I was twelve,” he gushed, full of libidinous bravado and defiance.
Again, an awkward pause as I considered my situation. Undoubtedly, he was beautiful, and willing but there could also be no doubt that he should not be in this Gomorrah of a place. Nevertheless, I always love to hear other people’s sex stories and this boy had certainly piqued my curiosity. I mean, at his age, how much of a tale was he likely to have?
“Yeah?” I, replied, cautiously.
“Maybe I could sit with you? Tell you about it, if you like?”
Where’s the harm in just listening to his story? encouraged my mischievous conscience.
And, before I could stop myself I found the words tumbling from my mouth, “Sure, be my guest,” while simultaneously thinking that at least it’s him who’s initiating this situation.
He sidled into the booth, sitting very close to me and for the first time all evening, I became acutely aware of my nakedness. And of my fully engorged penis. I could feel the heat of his body, and smell the unmistakable piquant aroma of semen on his breath. “So, tell me about it.”
“My first time?”
“If you still want to.”
“Well, it was just me and my friend, messing about, you know? Being Scientists, experimenting and all that.” I knew all too well, but I didn’t interrupt. “We’d been playing for weeks now. He was older than me, and I thought that made me cool. Every day, we’d meet and strip down to our pants. It was all part of the experiment. We’d measure our cocks, looking for changes. Sometimes we’d touch them, to get a better measurement, he said. Anyway, he was obviously always going to be bigger than me, and he even had some pubes, which I remember made me feel very jealous. And then one day, he said I had to give it a little kiss. He was very insistent, said we couldn’t be real friends if I didn’t. So I did, real quick like. Then he told me to lick it like a lollypop. I wasn’t sure about that but he told me I had to, for the experiment .”

“And did you?”
“Yeah, I had to, didn’t I? But he seemed different, changed, you know? I knew we were playing a special game when he told I couldn’t tell, not even Mum.”
“And then what?”

“I licked him, of course. He was very demanding. Kept saying my giggling was putting him off. Made me lick his balls, which I thought was weird at the time. He was breathing kind of funny as well, whispering and wanking. He wasn’t laughing anymore, either. His cock smelled different as well and then I saw that the tip was very wet. I thought it was spunk but obviously it wasn’t. And then he told me to open my mouth, just like we’d seen on his phone. He filled my mouth with his cock head. It smelled like salt and vinegar crisps but tasted like ready salted. Tasted really nice, actually. So I wrapped my lips around it. He told me to suck, just like we’d seen. It was so hot and salty, and it felt so big in my mouth. I copied what I’d seen on his phone, sliding my lips up and down and then it just kind of happened. He made a funny noise and spunked up, right into my mouth! No warning, just a sudden mouthful of cum. I screwed up my eyes, swallowed what was already slipping down my throat, and pulled away, letting the rest tumble from my mouth. He wanted me to keep sucking but I was so surprised by what was happening. I didn’t think about the taste at all, but I really liked the smell. And then it just kept coming! It was on my face, in my hair, on my chest. Everywhere!” He smiled at the recollection, and for the second time in the company of this strange boy, my heart skipped a beat. “It was such a mess! I was a bit frightened. Something had definitely changed between us! He looked guilty but happy, then angry, then sad. Then he said something about having to go. Got dressed and left, leaving me covered in cum, with a strange taste in my mouth and a head full of questions.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. There was nothing I could say to that. I waited to see if there was anything more to follow.

“It was the first time I’d ever seen real spunk,” he added, whimsically, rearranging his clearly swollen penis. “Always thought it would be from my own cock.”
“And you were twelve? Really?”
“Maybe a little bit younger? I hadn’t made spunk properly, yet. It was all just a game. Just fun.”
“How old was your friend?”
“He was f******n, I think. Now I come to think on, he’d said a few times that he preferred boys.” I stole a glance at his bulge. “I just thought we were talking boy stuff, you know? Lego and comics and that.” Again, he absentmindedly adjusted the contents of his underpants. “Kind of obvious now, I suppose,” he added, with a sigh.
“What was obvious?”
“That he wanted me, o’course. That he was grooming me, dummy. We watched a lot of internet stuff together. He always said we had to watch in our underpants.”
There was a curious maturity to this enigmatic boy, a substance to him which belied his outward appearance, a way about him which hinted at skills and experience far in advance of his apparently boyish and cherubic good looks. This elusive otherness of his seemed to squirm in the back of my mind, like a recent memory, which was tantalisingly real a moment ago, but which now remained obstinately evasive and distant. I couldn’t quite explain it.
“He was really proud of his pubes, though. And I just liked to have fun.”
I lurched back into the room, dragged from my internal contemplation by the sound of his girlish voice. I eyed him suspiciously and sipped my bourbon, offering the glass to him.
“I’m too young to drink,” he laughed. “I was so surprised by how much there was,” and he chuckled again at the recollection, a delightfully joy filled sound. “After he left, I think I was still in a kind of shock. But I was kind of happy as well, you know? I mean, I had done that! I had made that happen, it was all because of me, right?”
I made a non committal grunt, disguised behind another mouthful of bourbon, and wondered how many blowjobs this lad had given?
“It took ages for the taste to go, it was still there at bed time. I wonder if my mum could smell it on my breath when she kissed me goodnight?” he mused. “Of course, I love the taste now, but I’ve always loved the smell.”
“And was that the only time?”
“Oh, no. He came back, of course. Wanted more. Same games but this time he sucked on my little dick. Showed me how he wanted me to suck his. It felt so nice but made me sad because I couldn’t cum, like he could. He became very interested in my bum, too. Felt so nice but so wrong when he started licking me down there.”
There followed another a brief hiatus while I considered pushing his head down into my lap and having him show me what he could do, but of course I thought better of it. He’s too fucking young, I said to myself. He’s a little bit lost, and a lot out of his depth. How the hell did he get here? I had to know.
“How on Earth did you find this place?” I asked, as nonchalantly as I could, taking another sip of my drink while simultaneously cringing at my pathetic small talk.
“My teacher brought me,” he answered, a curious smile dancing behind his eyes.
“Your school teacher?” I almost choked on my drink.
“Mr Cummington.”
“What!” I blurted, spraying a fine mist of liquor into the air, my laughter finally breaking the ice.
“Yeah, we call him Cumming-tonight. He’s a real pervert, loves having sex with all the boys.” I moved discretely away from him. He didn’t seem to notice but rather continued chuntering enthusiastically about his sexual exploits. Maybe he was trying to impress me? “He likes to watch porn, too,” he added, “with us, o’course.” I stared, incredulously. “You know? To get us horny, ‘n’ that. I much prefer cock now anyway so I don’t know why he bothers,” he added, whimsically. “I reckon he thinks he’s seducing me! Loves to have me suck his cock,” he explained. “Like this.”

And at once this gorgeous young schoolboy in the tight blue briefs was working the tip of my penis with his gorgeous full lips, sucking, licking, kissing and making adult love to my penis with a c***dish mouth that should only know ice cream. Oh my God, I thought, this can’t be happening! But it felt so good, and the boy had some skills, and no mistake. Mine was certainly not the first cock to part those pretty lips. I tried to relax into the moment; tried not to think too much; tried to ignore the casual glances of the curious drifting by; tried to silence my conscience, sipping my drink, and letting him get to work on my flesh. As his head steadily rose and fell over my crotch, I let my hands wander over his young warm body, so soft, so smooth. With my eyes closed he could have been any age.

“You’re very good,” I observed, setting aside my drink, listening with mounting interest to his staged moans and the wet sloppy sounds of mouth sex, as my penis slipped in and out of his throat.
“I’ve had plenty of practise,” he replied, licking cock juice from his lips before filling his mouth once more.
“I can tell.” I lifted his face, level with mine, accidentally smearing semen from the sofa onto his cheek before kissing him, passionately, full on the lips. His mouth tasted of distant sperm and freshly spilled pre cum. I let my hands wander cautiously over his juvenile body, an explorer on an expedition to a new land. He felt so warm, so willing, so pliant in my arms; he returned my kiss like a boy who watches too many movies but what he lacked in finesse he made up for in enthusiasm, pressing his lips to mine and dipping his unpractised tongue in and out of my mouth. I slipped a hand beneath the elastic of his undies and groped his firm bum, inching over his hips towards the heat of his penis. He moaned, like a girl, as I crested his thigh, my fingers inching towards his erection. I could feel the wildness building in me, building in him. Abruptly, I regained my senses, and quickly turned away, breaking our embrace and shattering the spell. “This isn’t right,” I gasped, releasing him, and pushing him back into his seat. “It’s just not right!”

He struggled to regain the embrace, fumbling for my cock while trying to re-ignite the kiss. I held him back, easily, both hands gripping him at the soft rounded shoulders as I waited for his hunger to subside.
“I didn’t do it right?” He sounded dejected, sincerely concerned, worried that he had failed. “I want to-” He stopped, almost too shy to finish his sentence, to give full voice to his desires.
“You want to, what?” I asked, and immediately hated myself for my leading question. My conscience and libido were engaged in open conflict as they struggled to contain or surrender to my lascivious urges. Nevertheless, I must confess, I was intrigued. That small display of skills had revealed a soul born to give head and I had to admit that I was still so horny.
“You know,” he answered, gazing longingly at my erection.

That look! Oh my God, that look. I could feel my resolve wavering as I stared into his ice blue hungry eyes. He was undeniably gorgeous, so pure, so beautiful and he was freely giving himself to me, with enthusiasm and puerile passion! I wanted him, and I knew I shouldn’t. However, I could not deny the truth of my unfashionable lust.
“I do, do I?”

He nodded, enthusiastically in response, a sly smile playing at the corners of his glistening lips. Abruptly, all reason abandoned me, all sense of common decency, all thoughts of consequence and moral righteousness were vanquished and all that remained was a primitive base urge to have complete carnal knowledge of this boy. “You want this, eh?” I worked my foreskin for him.
“It’s so big!” He purred, licentiously, radiating a boisterous kind of excitement.

I felt ashamed and aroused in equal measure as I lusted after this young boy, who despite his delicate years was clearly quite the cock slut. So, who was I to deny this sexual adventurer? I stared, with undisguised desire, appraising him, sizing him up, imagining how his cock would taste, how it would feel to have him in my ass pounding me like only the recently de-flowered and sexually naive can. As he continued to offer himself to me, coyly playing with the elastic at his broad waist, my hunger went from peckish to famished!

But f******n! Damn you, conscience! For God’s sake, man! Japan is one thing but we’re not in Tokyo and they cut your balls off here for this! But he is begging for it. He really wants it. And who would actually know? And in here, who cares? But f******n! Come on! He’s still a schoolboy, you sick fuck. No, he’s far too young, I have to get out of this place! And I shifted in my seat, urgently making to leave.
“You want I should dance for you?” He asked, quite suddenly, as if sensing my decision to run and instinctively knowing that I was going to need a lot more seduction than Mr Cummings if we were to feed from my balls. His question dragged me lurching back into the room and away from my internal monologue, my silent soliloquy.
“Should I dance for you?”
“Wh- what?” I stammered, stupidly. It was all the invitation he needed and immediately, if a little awkwardly, he began to swing his hips in broad suggestive circles, stroking at the growing bulge which was stretching his underpants so invitingly. My heart was racing almost as fast as my mind. Surely, nothing can come from a harmless dance? “Sure, why not?” And why not indeed? It was only a dance, after all. But, God forgive me, I wanted so much more.
“On your lap?”
“No, no!” Christ no, I thought. “Jump up here,” I directed, indicating the table top. “I want to be able to appreciate a full show.” Of course, it was a lie and in my darkening mind I imagined that he was still a virgin, and as unlikely as it was, I nevertheless fantasised about penetrating his rectum and deflowering his sweet ass. In that moment, he appeared to read my mind, and as if acknowledging our undoubted connection, he winked ever so suggestively and while I pathetically deceived myself, he performed an exquisitely choreographed slow motion backwards handstand, up from the sofa and on to the table top. With accomplished balletic grace, he drew himself up to full height, then with the sweetest of coquettish grins which made my cock ache for release, he began to weave his body in and out of the sultry rhythms of the room. I reclined a little, the better to take in the scene. Behind him, the fuck festival was continuing in full swing but I only had eyes for this stunning, nubile boy.
“You’re very flexible,” I encouraged, as giddy as a teenager, as appreciative as a covetous and overly tactile uncle. “So very beautiful.”
“Thanks,” he replied, licking his lips before elegantly folding himself at the waist, like a closing book, bringing his face down to his underwear. I watched, with no small measure of admiration and envy as he began to simulate auto-fellatio.

“Allow me,” I suggested, unable to resist any longer and helpfully easing his surprisingly developed penis from its cruel confines, easing his underpants down to his knees. He giggled coyly but I figured we were way past the time for bashfulness. I sat back down, got myself comfortable and slowly masturbated as I watched the youth, standing on the table less than two meters from me, bend over and self pleasure himself with his mouth. As if the Viagra and E needed any further assistance! My cock was already throbbing, almost painfully now, and after his tiny act of fellatio on my penis, seminal fluid was weeping once more, like tears of regret for my unrestrained and forbidden lust, for what I wanted to do to this hot boy. He was mine, if I wanted him.

Behind him, the epic orgy continued, showing no sign of abating, but I only sat contentedly and watched as he sucked his own cock. After a while, he again adjusted his position, adopting a seated posture, like a horny Buddha. Bent double like this just seemed to further accentuate his tender years, his chubby body doubled up, vertebrae flexing in mute acceptance and accommodation, permitting and enabling this extraordinary feat of contortion and flexibility. He continued to self pleasure like that for quite some time, licking sucking, masturbating. A small group of like minded connoisseurs with a penchant for the inexperienced stopped to watch, openly masturbating, one going so far as to ejaculate in my boy’s direction. He didn’t seem to notice and the load, from a short tubby barrel of a man, fell well short of the table. The remaining crowd whooped as he finally lay down and threw his legs over his shoulders, until his knees were locked at his elbows and his ankles were by his ears. He began to suck with a near professional gusto. It was obvious he was building toward his orgasm. And so was I! I had a front of house seat to the most erotic show I had ever seen. His tight little scrotum looked so full and ready to pop, his pure smooth line of tight boy pussy looked so inviting and seemed to be willing me to mount him, inviting me to penetrate his ass and bum him, right there on the table, right in front of everyone.
“Enough,” I chided, fighting the urge to fuck him. “You promised me a dance, remember?”

The small crowd dispersed and I could see disappointment flit across his face, but as quickly as it had appeared it was gone. He pulled up his underpants and tucked his spit wet penis back inside. And then it was my turn to look disappointed. He moved into a half reclined posture, kneeling with his arms outstretched behind him and began to slowly raise and lower his hips, thrusting in time to the music. I was transfixed, watching as a small damp patch began to darken the front of his c***dish briefs. Then, like a slowing building erection, he fastidiously drew himself up to his full 5 foot something height and standing before me, began to surrender with the care free exuberance of youth to the primal rhythms of the room. He sensuously worked his smooth elegant fingers up and down his hairless chest, over his perky boy breasts and down his rounded flanks, teasing the thin elastic of his puerile cartoon underwear.

I spread my arms across the back of the booth and revelled in his performance. He seductively pirouetted and spread his legs, bending at his chunky hips and grinning at me from between his parted thighs, his pale blonde surfer locks swaying to the beat. My jaw dropped and I couldn’t help but lick my lips. The pale blue cotton of his underpants was stretched tight over his perfectly pert bum and as I watched, he slowly inched the slightly rucked elastic of his pop art pants over the hairless pristine chalk-white orbs of his bottom. With his briefs halfway down his ass, he stood and turned to face me, elegantly drawing himself back to full height. With his hips and torso swaying in snake-like curves, he pinched his deep brown nipples, pursed his full succulent lips and contorted his beautiful visage in an expression of mock pain. He threw his head back and licentiously ran his fingers through his tussled blonde locks revealing the first light gossamer tufts of puberty sprouting in his arm pits. He sucked the index finger of one hand while slipping the other hand under the elastic of his briefs and began caressing his hips. I watched as he slid his fingers all the way down through his underwear, over his outer thigh until they were protruding from the bottom of his pants. The Lycra caught on his swelling penis, accentuating his young manhood and pulling it toward horizontal as he pushed the cloth towards his knees. As the cotton struggled to contain his prodigious stiffening cock, so I was struggled to contain my lust. I wanted him, so badly now. Jail or no jail, Japan or bust, I had to have him. I just had to plough that young ass, to hang out of that sweet young bum, so pure, so white, so inviting.

Retrieving his hand from his dishevelled underwear, he eased the material away from his swollen penis and it immediately sprang upright, like a convict escaping a prison. One inch of perfect boy cock protruded from the top of his underpants. He released the stretched cotton and it twanged back with a satisfying snap! Again, he feigned pain as the florid puce tip of his engorged dick peered curiously from the folds of his foreskin. He noticed my stare and grinned before once more turning his back to me, only this time he dropped to all fours, twerking his juvenile ass, just like he’d been taught to do in countless slutty music videos. It was all I could do to keep my hands off him! As he wriggled and writhed on the table, he began to inexorably remove his sex stained boy pants, down over his rounded hips, across his chubby bum cheeks and down over his hairless chunky thighs and flexed knees. He didn’t stop until they were half way down his calves. Satisfied that he was sufficiently available, he lowered his shoulders, spread his legs and raised his sweet ass, once more exposing that smooth hairless perineum and alluringly inviting, beautifully pink, puckered anus. Did he really want me to fuck him? Was he really offering me his sweet young boy pussy?

As I was wondering how I got to be so lucky, he glanced over his shoulders and suggestively ran his tongue over his lips. For sure, this boy was not short on confidence, no doubt a confidence brought about by many happy hours worshipping at the Church of Cock. Truly, he was a dedicated Dick Disciple, a true Devotee of the Phallus. I liked Mr Cummings more and more with each passing moment in this boy’s company! He had trained him well. I stood up and, responding to my movements, he reciprocated, kicking his underpants into my face. Then, as naked as the day he was born, he turned to face me. Again, and not for the first time in the past few minutes, my heart jumped in my chest.

“Perfect,” I whispered, hungrily eyeing his chubby pork sword. Actually, it was more like a dagger, a short fat dagger. Small as his penis undoubtedly was (at around 5 1/2 inches), it was actually perfectly formed, perfectly proportioned and what it lacked in length it more than compensated for in girth, measuring almost three fingers fat at the base. It looked like a little toy soldier, with a shapely fat helmet, standing proudly to attention, rigid and perfectly upright, in front of his smooth, plump tummy. The puppy fat did give him something of a playful and fun demeanour, which excited me greatly. My eyes drank in every detail of his fine blossoming body in the first heady flushes of sexual awakening. At the base of his shaft was the merest suggestion of the masculinity lying not quite dormant in his soft sweet body. A wisp of straight, blonde hair was thinly clustered around his pubic bone, and his walnut-like tight and sperm heavy scrotum was similarly sparsely populated with light pubic hair. Beneath the thin skin of his magnificently broad shaft was an impressive tangle of veins, pumping the life blood into his beautiful penis and sustaining his powerful erection, but the shaft itself was entirely glabrous.
“Are you sure you’re nearly fifteen?”

He looked bashfully away and said nothing. His body may have been in the first throws of sexual awakening but believe me when I say that this particular boy was wide awake, alert and in heartening need of the kind of slutty blowjob I specialise in. I wanted him right now, more than I had wanted any man in this place. I pulled him into my arms and passionately kissed him, first on the mouth, then over his ears and neck, savouring the taste of his skin. He responded to my hot breathy caresses with the sweetest sighs, almost feminine, shuffling his feet and pressing his body to mine, encouraging me to explore further.

“Ooh, yes,” he moaned as I took a nipple between my teeth, fondling his firm flesh, manhandling his oh so sexy boy boobs, so soft and malleable and surprisingly cool. As I sucked, he gripped my head and pushed my face into the soft curves of his c***dish chest. With passions rising, I swiftly switched to his other nipple and as he held my mouth over his young tit, so I squeezed him tightly in my arms, caressing his back and revelling in the coolness of his chubby body and the intoxicating smell of his boy sweat. With his fingers in my hair, he began to inexorably direct my mouth to where he really needed it. I let myself be led, licking and kissing every inch of his puppy fat, lapping at his smooth white tummy and his chunky waist, closer and closer and yet closer still, kissing the tops of his hips, licking the insides of this thighs, teasing his perfectly erect penis, taking my time and savouring a moment which I knew should never come again. I had deliberately avoided touching his cock for fear he would cum too soon but now I could resist no longer and trembling, I reached out and gently cradled his quite shockingly developed and fully engorged erection in my trembling hand. It felt so very hard, so hot, so potent. I held him for a moment, gazing up into his ice blue eyes. He looked so excited. A little nervous perhaps? There was no doubting the hunger in his face. He clearly knew what he wanted. Slowly, ever so slowly, I levered his erection until it was horizontal, thrilled as his foreskin crept inevitably over his glans, exposing his hidden treasure. I released him and let his cock twang back, exulting as it snapped back into the vertical, slapping against his spit damp tummy. He was so very, very hard, the hardest cock I had seen in a long while. The kind of hard only a young man can attain. Or boy.
“You like that?” I asked in response to the soft throaty chuckle which tumbled irresistibly from his perfectly sculpted lips.
“Do you?” He responded, with a sly wit which, once again, belied his years.

I smiled up into eyes brimming with a famished lust, into a face flushed with passion. Gently I began to stroke his erection, watching with undiminished fascination as his fleshy prepuce mechanically unfolded over his swollen florid glans. No matter how many cocks I play with, I never get tired of this wonder! I revelled in the exquisite mechanics of his body, the beautifully choreographed interplay of foreskin and glans. Relentlessly, I continued to pushed it to and fro, letting my cooling breath fall on his flesh, feeling his heat on my face, the smell of his arousal filling my senses. Beneath my fingers, I could feel the ribbed erectile tissue seeming to ripple as I slowly stroked his penis, a steady pulse beat strongly in a vein, throbbing beneath my finger tips, keeping him hard, while above me, he moaned sweetly filthy encouragements and frustrated imprecations.
I leant forwards and returned my tongue to his tummy sweeping across his hips in great breathy arcs and, this time when I licked his inner thighs, he shuddered expectantly, almost like a little dance or as jig, as he tried to manoeuvre his cock closer to my mouth.
“Kiss it,” he implored.
I shaped as if to bite his cock, watching his nervous reaction before quickly planting a full puckered smacker right on the top of his shaft. He chuckled before saying, “Lick it like a lollipop!”
“For the experiment?” I teased.
“Lick it for me.”

I could bare it no longer and did as I was instructed, drawing my warm wet tongue from balls to tip and back again. Gently, I worked my lips over the rucked and puckered skin of his scrotum. Moaning softly, I soaked his balls with saliva, gradually loosening his tight scrotum and letting his sperm heavy testicles move more freely in my embrace. I took my time, letting my hot breath roll over his wet flesh. Above me, he whimpered a little and froze utterly as I tenderly sucked first one and then the other over my teeth and into my mouth, alternating and moaning sweetly as I cleaned the tangy piss from his nuts.

With his balls licked clean and hanging more loosely in their spit wet nut sack, I moved back up his shaft, kissing, licking, nibbling. The radiant heat from his erection warmed my face, the smell of his boy musk driving me on. Once again, even more slowly than before, I exposed his most sensitive flesh to the world, gently peeling back his foreskin and holding it aside to reveal the hidden secret fruit within. His glans was fat, swollen and wonderfully formed, a strong frenulum carved a deep valley down the front of his penis, through which dribbled a fine flow of crystal clear lubricating juices and a beautifully raised ridge defined the circumference of the nerve packed and purple flushed flesh. I slowly inched his foreskin back over the tip, milking a little more of the transparent juices up his shaft, letting them settle in the soft tender folds of his prepuce. It twinkled and sparkled there like a gem, or an enchanted pool. I smiled up into his eyes, and flicked my tongue over the soft flower like circle of flesh, catching his pre cum and wetting the top of his cock. Taking hold of his shaft in both hands, I began to push my tongue beneath his foreskin, making a pussy of his cock, invading more deeply into his inner sanctum, moving in delicate circles, probing his weeping eye, slowly, slowly, slowly. His penis tasted so very sweet, clearly a lot of sugar in this boy’s diet! Yummy. I wanted to make him cum, so badly… I worked the soft folds of his foreskin with the tip of my tongue, savouring his taste, the smell, the heat of his cock, the steady flow of sugary sweet seminal fluid.

I made a circle of my lips and took his penis deeper into my mouth, revelling in the textures of his erection, from velvety tip to the smooth skin stretched tightly over his throbbing shaft. As my lips crested his glans and began to make their way over his fresh young pole, I cupped his pert round buttocks, one in each hand and pulled him onto me. Despite his obvious arousal his skin was still surprisingly cool to the touch, cushioned but firm like a marshmallow and smooth and cool like a marble. Above me, I heard him squeak, breathless, nervous, excited, boyish encouragements. I kneaded his firm ample butt cheeks, squeezing and spreading, rubbing gently at his firmly shut anus, delicately probing, tentatively exploring.

“Ooooh,” he gasped, his quavering voice rising in pitch on a sharp intake of breath as I pushed one knuckle of my middle finger up into his tight boy cunt while simultaneously sucking his entire cock head into the warm wet embrace of my mouth. As I made a firm seal over his erection with my lips, so he gripped my finger with his asshole. Relentlessly, inexorably, I worked the topmost flesh of his penis ever deeper into my mouth, making a pillow of my tongue for his cock head. He released an odd restrained choked kind of gasp, somewhere between a moan and a squeal as I forced my finger deeper into his ass, probing his hot rectum and slowly finger fucking him. And then, with his glans filling my mouth, pressing down on my tongue, I swiftly yanked aside his foreskin and gave him the last knuckle. He gripped my head to steady himself and cried out, as before but louder. The taste of his sweet boy cock instantly burst into my mouth, like a citrus fruit once the segment has been popped. I moaned my own approval and thanks. I could tell by the heavy flow that it would not take him long to hit his orgasm; we must get comfortable.

I took one smooth chubby leg, then the other and hooked them over my shoulders, taking care not to let his erection slip from my mouth. He weighted next to nothing, not more than 9 stones, around 57 kg (that’s 15.2 Japanese kan, for those still counting!) With him sitting on my shoulders, looking inwards and facing away from the fuck festival mere meters away, I carefully manoeuvred us away from the table and back toward the comfort and discretion of the sofa. Instinctively, he braced himself on my head and wrapped his legs around my neck, locking his crotch into my face and trapping his penis in my mouth. I carried him back to where he had first sucked my cock and perched my spunk spattered bottom on the edge of the seat. I pushed and pulled on his broad chubby hips, encouraging him to fuck my mouth. He didn’t need asking twice, immediately stabbing his fat cock into my head. The passionate thrusting of his tender manhood squeezed our combines juices from my mouth and with each stroke, a little more was smeared along the short length of his steel stiff cock. He rode my face with energetic, almost frantic thrusts. There was a kind of sweet carnal naïveté to his humping, almost as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was being encouraged to do, and he felt he had to fuck me to conclusion before I changed my mind. He fucked my face with the same kind of unrestrained abandon with which a starving man gorges himself at a banquet. It was the kind of selfish fucking one would expect from such a callow youth but dear God, the boy could fuck. He was like a machine, his penis flying in and out of my mouth like a well oiled piston. Naturally, I surrendered to his lust and let him ride my face until I felt he was going to cum at which time I sucked extra hard and withdrew so that his penis slipped from my mouth with a loud wet pop!

I laid him out on the table, like a fine meal, and raised his legs, bending them at the knee and spreading them wide to expose his tight pink puckered boy pussy. He was so flexible, so very malleable. He surrendered so willingly. With his legs pushed back and spread like that his sweet tummy creased into the most wonderfully exciting smile. From his vulnerable supine position, he smiled up at me, trying to hide the flicker of concern which was dancing behind his eyes. He couldn’t maintain eye contact and looked coyly askance, somewhere into the distance.

“Look at me,” I commanded, “It’s better like that.”
“You’ll stop, if it hurts?”
“It won’t,” I assured him, caressing his hips and thighs. “You’re going to love it.”
I started to kiss and lick the backs of his thighs, inching slowly towards his smooth soft bum. I dragged my tongue in ever decreasing circles towards his neat little boy slit, revelling in the breathless responses my advances were drawing from him. I began to lap at his perineum in long slow strokes, using the full width of my tongue, getting him good and wet from anus to scrotum.
“Do my balls again.”
“You like it when I suck your balls?” I asked rhetorically, I just wanted to heighten his anticipation, delay his gratification. And hear him talking dirty, the juxtaposition of the naïveté and beauty of his youth with the maturity and filth of his language was such a grotesque arousal, such a heady turn on.
“Fuck yes, do it now.”
My tongue danced lightly over the back of his tender scrotum, tickling the delicate flesh, gently pushing his balls around in their fleshy cage.
“Please,” he begged.

I needed no further encouragement and as I worked his balls gently between my lips, I reached between his legs to stroke his hard fat erection. His sexy moans and urgent encouragement were so incongruous to his tender years and no doubt learnt while watching one too many pornos. Laid out on the hard cold table I worked his flesh. He gasped as my tongue probed his tight boy slit. I lingered between cock and anus, licking, kissing and waited to see which part of his anatomy he wanted me to extend my tender ministrations to next. Does he want me to go up to his cock? Or down to his bum hole? He hooked his elbows into the backs of his knees and, pulling his legs up to his chest, he obscured his penis and exposed his anus to me. I was thrilled, he wanted me to bum him, even though he knew my cock would stretch him. I lapped lustily at his ass, first up and down and then in little circles, flicking my tongue over the tight seal covering his rectum. He gasped as I slipped a single knuckle into bum.
“Fuck me now,” he breathed, “please, I need you to fuck me.”

I stood up, pulled him across the table and, gazing into his eyes, carefully mounted him, watching him closely for any sign of resistance or refusal. There was just the natural concern which everyone experiences the first time they are sodomised. Holding my cock in one hand, I gripped his hip, and pressed my erection against his anus. He was so tight, he didn’t yield at all. I pressed further, but still no penetration. I knew to continue would result in sudden fiery pain, and I didn’t want to hurt him. I offered him my hand and pulled him to his feet and, as he stood in plain view in the middle of the table, I stooped my face to his crotch and enthusiastically fucked him with my mouth, focussing all my attention on the tip of his penis. He raised his hands into the air, dancing on the balls of his toes, swaying and gyrating in perfect time to the beats. I lifted him onto my shoulders, his cock never leaving my mouth, and sucked. I could tell he was going to cum quickly and he was going to need a more stable perch. So, once again, I retreated back into the booth and had him stand before me, the naughty school boy, having his cock sucked my the Master.

Abruptly, he seemed to whinny, like a mustang colt, and a breathless, almost shrill, tremulous sound burst from his lips, heralding the onset of his tweenage boy-gasm. Beneath my thumb, I could feel sperm laden semen flowing in pulsing loads up his convulsing penis, like an earthquake of the flesh, a penile peristalsis and suddenly, a jet of brilliant white cum leapt powerfully from the tip of his callow cock in a magnificent flawless arc. It seemed to hang there, like a fountain, a continuous jet of vitreous baby gravy flying majestically from his fledgling testicles. As my jaw dropped, he clenched his PC muscles and the flow of cum increased momentarily, both in intensity and volume, spraying over his shoulder in an unbroken and continuous curve. I watched, almost hypnotised, envious of his raw ability, in awe of the sheer power and beauty of his youthful potency. A second passed like a minute; the arc broke and the ephemeral structure collapsed into a shower of beautiful baubles and pearled ropes of spunk. They decorated the space between us, catching the light and glistening deliciously, before raining down onto our skin, spattering wetly onto his heaving chest to coalesce into rivulets of watery semen which cascaded down his glabrous, young torso, over his smooth convulsing tummy and onto my grateful fingers. Magnificent, I thought, watching wide eyed as a second pulse of warm semen squirted into the air, more powerful than the first, gushing from his majestic erection in a relentless torrent, flying into the space between us, like the vapour trail of some unimaginable and invisible fuck rocket, landing in dribs and drabs in his hair, his face, shoulders and chest.

The sight energised me, I was consumed by an insatiable hunger to feed from his mighty meat weapon, to feast on the spilled banquet of his balls. The scent of freshly spilled sperm is so very intoxicating to me, like smoking a joint. Abruptly, a violent wave of bliss broke over him and he collapsed forwards, his high pitched voice echoing musically in the confined space as he braced himself against the wall behind me. His slender hips bucked and thrust wildly, just inches from my face, as warm wet spunk flew liberally from his pulsating cock. I opened my mouth to him. And I was instantly inundated by another prodigious release of sperm, flooding onto my outstretched tongue and splashing warmly over my upturned and enraptured face. Oh my God, his spunk tasted divine, a heavenly adolescent ambrosia, deliciously sweet like honeyed green tea, devilishly salty and buttery like fine caviar; not at all sour or bitter. A delight to receive, a joy to imbibe. I greedily gulped at his quivering pudenda. My body tingled, I felt blessed, baptised in his sacred Fountain of Youth. I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted him to bath me in semen, I wanted to become one with his elevated body, to become one with him in this moment. His orgasm was exhilarating. For me! God knows what joyous Elysium field he was skipping through!

I skilfully crammed his erupting erection back over my semen slick lips, and was immediately overwhelmed with even more watery boy cum. Instantly, my mouth was swamped with luscious, slippery spunk, inundated with smooth juvenile jizz, penetrated and mouth fucked by his boisterously thrusting penis. I gobbled up his gift as fast as I could swallow but his cock just seemed to be pouring sperm relentlessly into me and as quickly as I had swallowed one load, another quickly took its place. I thought I might drown in his cum, choke on his orgasm. I wanted to drown in his spunk! He wasn’t cumming the way an adult man cums, in largely manageable, digestible pulses; no, his cum flowed, like a river in spate, gushing with the vigour of youth from well stocked balls in astonishingly copious profusions of sperm packed semen, repeatedly blasting from his throbbing penis in unremitting jets of jizz. This k** didn’t simply ejaculate, he powerfully pissed cum down my throat in prolonged jets of warm boy milk.

I wrapped him in my strong embrace and hugged his convulsing body, supporting him through the quintessentially dichotomous conundrum of simultaneous power and vulnerability. Another spasm gripped him quickly followed by another powerful paroxysm of pleasure. His orgasm racked his young frame as he wriggled and bucked, lost in rapture. Wave after euphoric wave crashed against him, convulsing the soft curves of his tweenage body in seizures of joyful pleasure as his hips thrust, withdrew and thrust again beneath my arms. Above me, I could hear him laughing and squealing in unrestrained boyish delight, exulting in his release. My head was spinning, I actually felt high as I breathlessly gulped and swallowed, letting him ride his bliss in my mouth. My throat almost went into spasm as I struggled to contain him.

As his orgasm began to subside, I found myself consumed by a wild and hungry passion. I felt as if I were not in control of myself, as if I were some kind of meat puppet. I was consumed by one single and simple imperative: I had to fuck this boy, I needed to be hanging out of his ass, right now. Intoxicated on sperm and consumed by a strange and selfish hunger, I picked him up and carried him to the edge of the booth, to the place he had stood toying with his underpants, all those lifetimes ago. I could not speak, my vocal cords were so thick and coated with his cum, but he was left in no doubt as to what was required of him when I pushed down on his shoulders. He sank willingly to his knees for me. I lowered my cock and fucked his pretty mouth. He didn’t resist. Quite the contrary, he enthusiastically took the full length of my 9 inch cock, lubing it up with spit until it glistened like polished metal. I bent him over the table. And again, he didn’t resist. He was almost irritatingly compliant as he surrendered to my advances. This time, I was not to be denied. I mounted him once more, pushing my erection relentlessly against his mud hole. I gripped his tender hips in my strong hands and yanked him onto my advancing cock. Abruptly, I was in him. And he screamed. It was a loud involuntary release forcing him to bury his face into his forearm. I maintained my grip, digging my fingers in to his cool soft hips. Remorselessly I penetrated his rectum, mercilessly stabbing my cock ever deeper up into his bum. Gradually, inevitably, his spit wet dirt tube stretched to accommodate this unnatural intrusion, enveloping my shaft, swaddling my erection in a hot blanket of flesh. I pitilessly parted the sacred depths of his inner sanctum while his anus gripped my shaft so very, very tightly.

“Oh, yes!” He called out ecstatically as I slowly slipped part way out of his bum. “Fuck me, Paul, fuck my dirty boy pussy…. Oh, fuck, it hurts so good…..”
I slammed into him, hooked his legs over my elbows, and with my hands gripping his hips, I pulled him on to my cock and fucked him at pace.
“Fuck yeah! Do it to me…. Fuck it like that….. Oooh, Sir, you’ve such a big cock….. It feels so big in my ass….. You love my tight boy cunt, don’t you, Sir? Faster, Sir, please fuck me harder”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, he was incorrigible. Nevertheless, I immediately responded and fucked him with renewed vigour, slamming him into the table.
“Oh, yessir, I need it like that…. It’s so fucking big….. I’ve been a naughty boy, Sir, I deserve to be punished…. Punish me with your cock….. So big inside me….. Oooh I love your cock right up my bum…. So deep….. So fucking big….. Hurts so nice….. Fuck me like that…… Fuck my ass…… Fuck me…... Fuck me with your big cock…… Shoot your spunk in my shit box!”

His filthy talk began to irritate me, almost as if he were taunting me, as if he wasn’t taking my 9 inch cock seriously, mocking me. It all just seemed so out of place, so incongruous. The torrent of filth spilling from the mouth of one so young was just so wrong! Just like I knew buggering him was wrong, even when it actually felt as though he were fucking me. “Your cock feels so good in my ass, Sir. Oh, Sir. Ooooh SIR, give it to me. Fuck me, Paul. Fuck me with your big hard cock.”

I turned him over, and stared into his eyes.“Stop,” I growled, reaching down to stretch his anus with my prick, “talking!” And I slammed my cock powerfully back into his tight boy bum hole, once again drawing an involuntary scream from his mouth, part pain, mainly shocked pleasure.

“Open your eyes and look at me,” I commanded, wondering exactly when I had given him my name. I recognised the acknowledgment in his eyes, I was going to take this boy and make him a man. Incredibly, he actually smiled and licked his lips! I pounded his ass. I bummed him brutally. There was no love, not even affection, I almost hated him for making this happen, for his irresistible beauty, for his stupid porn star encouragement. It all felt so fake, like an act or a performance, as if he were a professional rent boy and it was me that was being used, exploited. But his cries were real, and that was what I needed, and as big wet tears rolled down his flushed chubby face, as his belly and boy breasts wobbled beneath me, I buggered him, hard and fast and deep. I would fuck the fakery out of him. His anguished cries were such a turn on, his young ass so very tight, his rectum sucking on my penis better than his mouth. He was completely helpless now, skewered on my thrusting cock. Submissive, the ultimate fuck toy, so malleable, so compliant, so very keen. He was mine, completely. And still he raised his fat ass, twerking under my embrace in rapid circles as he tried to match my thrusts, tried to ride my cock, dancing on the end of my pole. The filth that spewed so eloquently and performatively from his sweet young mouth minutes ago had been reduced to nonsensical monosyllabic noises as I hammered his
ass, nailing him to the table.

I was going to cum. I told him so. He wriggled diligently onto his knees. I painted his face in semen. I fucked his mouth some more. He seemed high on cum, really quite euphoric, a state of mind with which I was all too familiar. I needed more. He seemed hungry for more. I scooped him from the floor. He wrapped his legs round my waist. I entered his ass so easily and bounced him on my cock. Daddy’s little boy, dandling on Daddy’s big hard cock. I fucked him like that until my arms ached, my shoulders ached, my cock ached. I opened my mouth to him, and he to me. He sucked down on my neck, a love bite! I couldn’t quite believe it, as if I were a teenager once more. I fucked harder. I emptied my balls for him, spilling my seed into the dirt of a well ploughed field.

Fully spent, I sank back onto the sofa, slipping greasily from his thoroughly ravaged ass. He bent over the table and as I sat there panting, recovering my breath, he reached behind and pulled apart the butt checks I had moments earlier been riding. His super tight rectum had been well hammered and his stretched anus gaped darkly, a tiny torn black hole, violated and desecrated, in the centre of the cleft between the pert domes of his bum cheeks. As I watched, he clenched and squeezed out pink flecked spunk, the recently spilled seed I had so recently deposited deep into his boy pussy. This boy was a total fuck machine! I had nothing more to give. How was he able to do this? I was utterly spent, totally exhausted. He really needs to stop watching porn, was all I could think.
“Oh please,” he crooned through snot and tears, “it hurts so good.”

He whimpered pathetically as I raised him from his prone position, perhaps fearing another hard buggering? Maybe wanting another hard fucking? However, I lifted his anus to my mouth and, hooking his chunky thighs over my shoulders so that his boy boobed chest rested warmly against my sweat drizzled stomach, I snogged his semen soaked bum hole in a standing 69, lapping at the torn darkness between his legs, pushing my tongue deeply into his rectum probing and licking up and down his boy slit. Filled with cum, his arsehole tasted even more delicious. As I lapped my seed from his ass, he sucked me off, masterfully taking what little cum remained in my balls before we both collapsed, utterly spent, completely satisfied. I wrapped his soft young body in my strong warm embrace and kissing tenderly, tongues swapping spit and spunk, we drifted off to sleep.
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