What is Sukatoro?

Please Note this essay was written in Chinese originally, which might be different with the English Version. Anyone who is able to read Chinese, please go to my profile page and click the link.


Be careful! If you have just finished eating, please do not continue to browse.

When I came across this type of content, the webmaster learned a new word called "Sukatoro", which is actually a change from English.
It means to play with feces or to get excited by the sight of excrement.

Most of the sites, especially the very large sites, most of them can not accept this type of style. If you are particularly fond of this kind of heavy taste, then I can only say congratulations, in Hey animation is now on the screen.

There are many kinds of Sukatoro, pure shit, pure urine, and farting.

===== =====
・The plot development ★
・Actress appearance ★
・Actress acting ★★★★★
・Position change ★
・Collection value ★★★★★ (110min)

===== Video link =====
HeyDouga: https://www.heydouga.com/moviepages/4238/014/index.html
Опубликовано yoyostudio
2 года назад
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