Some strip poker rules

I read a story on strip poker with a mixed group of guys and girls. I had no real idea of strip poker rules. Since I like fun with sex, I liked these rules. While they are lengthy and maybe confusing, the actual game is not that way. Also, the final rules can have some penalty changes. I will post an example of a game next.

1. This is strictly a game of strip poker. There is to be no touching, no
kissing and no type of sex acts, either real or simulated, as part of
the game.
2. The game ends when the first player loses all their clothes and all
their chips, or as specified in rule 14. If more than one player loses
all their clothes and chips or as specified in rule 14, in the same
hand, then they are all losers.
3. The game is standard five-card draw poker. The minimum hand to
open the first round of betting is a pair of jacks.
4. If six or fewer players are in the game, one deck of cards will be
used. If 7 to 12 players are in the game, two decks will be used. If
13-18 players are in the game, then three decks will be used.
5. In all cases the maximum number of cards you can draw is 3. This
was so there will always be enough cards in the deck for everyone
to draw up to 3 cards.
6. Each person is given 5 chips at the beginning of the game.
7. The ante for each hand is one chip.
8. In the round of betting before the draw, the opening bet can only
be one chip, and no raises are allowed. You must have a pair of
jacks to open, but anyone may see the opening bet.
9. The betting round after the draw begins with whoever opened in
the first round, and the raises must be between 1 and 5 chips.
10. If you do not have any chips left, you must take off a piece of
clothes and sell it to the bank for 5 more chips. You must take off
the piece of clothes before you get your five chips.
11. If you win a hand, you may buy clothes back from the bank, but at
a price of 7 chips. You may only put the clothes back on, provided
you have on the piece of clothes that would be taken off after the
piece you bought back. In other words, the clothes must go back on
in the reverse order they came off.
12. At the end of the hand, everyone must show their hand and the
person with the lowest hand must give one piece of clothing to the
person with the highest hand, regardless of who won the pot.
13. The piece of clothing given by the loser to the winner must be one
of the winners pieces of clothes that the loser had previously won
or one of the loser's own pieces of clothes. It can not be a piece of
clothes from any third party, and it can not be a piece of clothes
bought back from the bank at the end of the hand.
14. If the loser does not have any clothes left and does not have any of
the winners clothes, the game ends and they are the loser.
15. If no one opens the first betting round, then everyone must show
their hand and person with the lowest hand give the person with
the highest hand a piece of clothes as outline in rules 12-14. After
this everyone must ante one more chip into the pot and a new hand
is dealt.
16. If you lose all your clothes, you are still in the game, as long as
you have chips left.
17. You are required to wear 6 pieces of clothes. For guys these are
shoes, socks, shirt, pants, undershirt and underpants, in that order
For girls these are shoes, socks or panty hose, shirt or blouse, skirt
or pants, bra, and panties, in that order. Girls may also wear a dress
and a half-slip.
18. When you take off your underwear, you are required to stand up
while you take it off. You may sit down immediately after you get
it off.
19. You are not allowed to cover anything up with your hands or arms.
You may position your legs to cover up areas below your waist.
20. When the game ends, the loser or losers (see rules 2 & 14) are
required to standup, totally nude, with their hands at their side and
let people examine them as closely as they liked for up to ten
minutes. The losers must also perform reasonable requests by the
other players. Reasonable requests include bending over, spreading
legs, sitting or laying down with legs spread, dancing etc. Note rule
1. Winners may never touch the loser or ask the loser to perform or
simulate sex acts.
21. No players may put on any clothes they have lost during the game,
until the ten-minute penalty period is over.
22. All players are required to stay in the game until the game is over.
If you quit before the game is over, you will not get any of the
clothes you have lost back, and you may never play in any future
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