Black guys fuck my Japanese wife

Black guys fuck my Japanese wife
My wife Yoko is Japanese and I am white, in the middle of the third time we ever had sex together and her third time to have any type of sex at all, my best friend Steve, a really nice but very large black guy who everyone always called Big T, dropped by unexpectedly to visit my Atlanta apartment. Yoko and I managed to collect ourselves quickly enough but he told me later he knew what was up. She had such a red glow and I had been really giving it to her and she had been so close to cumming when he came in that I often suspect she came sitting there on the sofa between Big T and I that day. Of course he never touched her at that time or anything like that. A year later, we moved to Japan, Yoko was sexually assaulted by a drunk firefighter at a city workers party. I remember I was so shocked and angry when she told me, I just wanted to get my hands on the guy; but, there was nothing I could do as she refused to tell me who it had been. I told her we would go to the police and she became even more determined that she would not tell me. Finally, I agreed that we would not go to the police but if she pointed him out I would want to kill the guy, at this she became even less help in identifying the assailant.

He had not hurt her physically she told me, everything he did he had done under the table and up her short skirt using only his fingers but it was in front of the all the other co-workers whom she didn't think realized what was going on, for her part she had been too shocked and embarrassed to do anything other than pretend nothing was happening. She said his finger never actually got inside of her panty hose and panties but had rubbed her to a sort of weird climax as she later described it. It was some time later still that I unexpectedly found I developed very strong fantasies about my young wife being fucked by other men and I hated myself for this, it was no one in specific just random guys but I felt so guilty and upset about my sick imagination. When I finally mentioned this to Yoko she was at first very angry at me but after a few days told me it excited her as well.

I asked her which of my friends turned her on and I was surprised to learn it was my black friend Steve. Afterwards Steve's name was often mentioned when we had sex and Yoko would have a great climax imagining our black friend pumping his seed inside her. After two years of marriage Yoko was 22 and I was 28 and we went back home to Atlanta to visit family and friends. On our third night back my black friend Steve phoned and he and I decided to go for drinks at a nearby strip club and it was there that he told me for the first time how he had thought he had walked in on Yoko and I that time but had never said anything. After a few more beer he also said that she was really hot. Later still and after the third stripper he mentioned how horny he was and after another beer or two asked me if Japanese girls were good at sex, he said he suspected they were not if the guy was hung. He nudged me because we both knew from years of PE in school together that he was a lot larger down there than I am.

Finally, he dropped me off at Yoko and my hotel and jokingly suggested he should come up and slip into bed next to her and see if she knew it wasn't me. I told him I was actually interested to see if she would notice. At first Steve backed out saying that he was afraid she may wake up and scream and then what would happen? Eventually, we both went up stairs and into the room. He stood in the shadows next to the bed and I stood over Yoko's sleeping body. As it had been hot muggy days in Atlanta Yoko had been sleeping naked since our arrival. Knowing this I slid the sheet off of her to reveal her perfectly smooth peach shaped ass as she rolled a bit he could see her nicely shaped breasts which are large for Japanese. I could see he was nervous so I gestured for him to lay down next to her but he quickly whispered, ?what if she wakes up and screams?? I told him she wouldn't and to prove my point I wedged my chin and jaw between her knees and softly slid my face up to her sweet tight little cunt and tasted her juices.

She moaned and quickly became wet. I knew she was awake now but she hadn't noticed my friend there because of how she was laying on the bed and where he stood. I licked her pussy for at least fifteen to twenty minutes until she had one or two orgasms and her thighs and mound were soaked. Yoko has always been very fast and easy to cum. I looked up at my Steve who was still standing quietly in the shadows and maybe because I was afraid he may chicken out or because I really wanted to see this happen I sat up and said, ?Yoko, guess what honey, I brought Steve, he wants to play with you too. Would that be ok?? Yoko giggled and thinking I was teasing her until I pointed in Steve's direction, Yoko quickly squealed and tried to cover herself with the sheet. I just as quickly pulled it away with one hand and spread her out to let my tongue get back to work. She tried to push my head away at first but very soon was pulling my head deeper into her slit to lick away at her perfect little clit.

I pulled my head up and told Steve to have some fun as well if he liked and with one hand I reached up and pulled one of her breasts to indicate what I meant. I looked up to see my lifelong buddy grab hold of my wife's tit and roughly pull and kneed it inches from my face. When I saw their mouths lock in a kiss I pulled my drenched face back and allowed her to pull his huge cock into her soaking wet little pussy. I was quite shocked to find Steve was not only already naked he had a huge boner. Whenever she was that wet my penis often flips out easily and I have a difficult time keeping it in or even realizing if it is in or not but Big T's cock which was at least twice the size of mine limp, and hard it was unbelievable to me. He worked at her pussy for what seemed like at least five minutes more before he started to be able to fit just the head in. It was easily as large around as her wrist.

As his head finally appeared to force it's way in Yoko began to moan, it was low and almost a growl. I had and still have never heard her make that sound again. Her face wretched like she was in great pain and I stepped up and told Steve that it was over but he just continued. Yoko was now frantically crawling away from his massively swollen organ, which was rippled with veins like some great cedar tree, fist full by fist full she had crawled so far up the bed away from him that her head struck soundly against the head board as he finally and swiftly drove the shaft of that manly b**st as deep as it could possibly go into my agonized wife.

I grabbed him by his shoulder and told him no, ordered him to stop but without even looking at me he simply shrugged my hand off his shoulder and told me to fuck off. ?Trust me this is what she has always wanted bro,? he sneered as he quickly increased the rhythm to a pounding, now holding her waist securely in both hands he drove my tiny wife's girlish body onto that unbelievably dark cock of his, his balls slapping her wet ass with every thrust. Every time she came she screamed and growled and moaned like a she wolf, never in our lives together had I heard or seen her like this. She looked possessed by some sexual demon but I could now see she was loving every millisecond of this. She was, once he slowed his rhythm, kissing him so passionately and deeply I was shocked.

My little penis was actually dripping in my jeans. After nearly and hour of this, without stop or rest, he suddenly began to shake and he quickly pulled his manhood from her now visibly stretched, loose and swollen pussy and ejaculated what must have been a cup of cream all over her belly and breasts. He then stood up and put his pants on. He told us he had to get home to his wife, thanked us and left. I walked over to Yoko who lay exhausted across the bed which was now soaked in sweat and other bodily fluids. The stench of Big T's musk filled the room and for a moment I thought I would puke, but Yoko looked mischievously at me and giggled and within a hearts beat I was stripped naked and glued to her, sealed with his cum. we had sex until I felt like my little pink stub was raw and yet Yoko still wanted more. At 2:30 pm Big-T knocked on out Hotel room door as we were about to go out shopping. He simply handed me some money and told me not to come back for at least five hours or he would beat the shit out of me. As I got in the car I was sickened to see three other big black guys smile at me and climb the stairs to our hotel room.

I went to the tavern and had a few beers and tried to watch the ballgame on the tv but my hands were sweaty, cold and shaking on the dark wood table, my little dinky was throbbing at it's maximum three and a half inch capacity. At five hours I hurried out to my car and drove back across town to the Hotel. As I parked the car I saw Big T leaving with another black guy I had never seen before, then I noticed there were three others standing by Big T's car and another two in a pick up parked next to it. I hurried up the stairs and was stopped by Big T, I cowered away from him expecting a punch but the punch was only play, he grinned and told me that we would be staying two more nights, that he and his ?hommies? had already paid. He told me they would be back later and that he wanted fresh sheets on the bed and he wanted their little hole washed out. I told him I would and hurried on into our room where another black guy with a Atlanta Falcons ball cap was just adjusting his over sized jeans next to the bed.

The smell in that room is indescribable and Yoko and the bed were both covered in slime and filth, she was laying spread eagle panting like she had just run a marathon. The last guy left and I hurried about getting clean sheets and pillow cases from the front desk clerk. I got Yoko up and in the bath, An hour later she came back in and we had sex once more laying on the cum drenched sheets now on the floor. After I came she went off to the shower again. Big T and his friends did not come back until about six pm the next day, Yoko slept much of that time away. We ordered pizza in and just ate in the room, neither of us wanted to miss them when they came back. When they did it was all the same guys, Big T again gave me a wad of cash and told me loose myself, which I did. I came back about nine hours later and found Yoko alone, passed out still covered in fresh ooze and I snuggled up to her and fell asleep, cold and sticky as hell but now loving that smell.

This continued for the duration of our 'visit?, Six Months later now and we are back in Japan, Yoko is very visibly pregnant, we are expecting in two and a half months, her breasts have swollen and she is lactating like crazy. Her nipples have swollen and have darkened so much they are the color of stained wood now rather than the old strawberry pink. The Doctor said it is a boy and Yoko and I have a hunch it maybe a little darker skinned than anyone in either of our families but that is alright with us because Yoko and I are happy and fulfilled now. It is or will be our baby no mater what the genes may say and one day we both talk about seeing if we could let this all happen over again. Next time we are planning a second honey moon to Jamaica and this time it will be a little more planned, this time I want to take video and photos!
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